On the Seven Towers

Chapter 85 Mobilization Meeting

A pre-war mobilization meeting is being held in the school auditorium. All the young men in the school were organized into a guard team, which was expanded to 300 people with the original guard team as the skeleton. Now, except for some people who take turns to stand guard, most people are sitting here.

There is no electricity in the auditorium. Even if all the curtains are drawn, it still seems a bit dark. The podium is a bit blurry when viewed from a slightly back position. However, this did not seem to affect the current speaker Chang Lin, and the atmosphere at the venue was very warm.

Ji Yijun and Ye Zi sat near the front and could clearly see the sweat on the tip of Chang Lin's nose. When he spoke, his body language was very rich, sometimes waving his arms vigorously, sometimes leaning forward, looking very tense. The audience often burst into bursts of laughter in response to his actions.

"...So, you don't have to feel any burden. Yesterday I was chatting with a veteran in the town. When he was a soldier for the lord, he fought several horse thieves.

I asked, have you ever killed a horse thief?

He said a little embarrassedly, not really.

I asked, are the horse thieves highly skilled in martial arts?

He said, "No way, it's not as good as my teenage boy."

I asked again, are the horse thieves well equipped?

He said that many horse thieves joined the gang because they were poor and had no other options. Except for the horse given by the leader, all he had was a knife and a suit of clothes. As for knives, they are fighting knives on the stage and kitchen knives on the table. As for clothes, I wear battle clothes on the field and pajamas when I go to bed.

Then I'm surprised. The horse thieves are so bad, so why can't you kill the horse thieves?

He sighed and said, I don’t have a horse, so I can’t run as fast as them.

Hearing what he said, I was even more surprised, and asked him again, aren't horse thieves very fierce? Have you ever had a real fight with them?

He looked at me with disdain and said, horse thieves are also looking for a living, who would be so desperate? If you can win, fight, if you can't, leave. If he could fight a horse thief, why would he ride a horse every day? That horse is for escaping!

Only then did I realize that horse thieves are so useless.

The veteran told me a story. We used to guard a small town. Wherever we stood with open swords and guns, the horse thieves would disappear. Later, the townspeople told us, how about you sell us your spears and armor, and you can go back to where you came from. We were all surprised and asked them if they were going to go on their own? They said, "It's useless. If you put a scarecrow on the wall, put on armor, and tie a spear, isn't it just a soldier?" It's very foggy here, so how can the horse thief see clearly? The Scarecrow does the same thing as you and saves money on meals. We discussed it all night and decided to sell the equipment at a good price. But the next day, they didn't want it. We went up to the city wall and saw that the city wall was covered with spears made of bamboo poles, shields made of pot lids, armor made of mats, and scarecrows standing guard..."

"Teacher Chang is really interesting. Listening to his stories is really exciting, much more interesting than other leaders." Ji Yijun said to Ye Zi cheerfully. He was almost healed from his injury, but he still had a band-aid on his face and did not dare to laugh. Whenever Chang Lin said something funny, he could only use his hand to cover his upturned mouth. Recently, all overseas missions have withdrawn due to the tense situation. The shop in Floro Town had closed down, and he returned to the Guards.

Ye Zi nodded and said: "Everyone thinks that Teacher Chang is very approachable and responsible. I heard that he is in the agricultural group, doing a lot of work in the fields and picking up manure. I didn't expect that he is so good at speaking."

"No. Principal Guo doesn't know what he is busy with at ordinary times. He rarely shows his face."

"Why is Principal Guo not here for such an important meeting today?"

"I heard from my dad that it seems that representatives from Floro Town are here. Some residents want to move in or something. Principal Guo and some other committee members are having a meeting." Ji Yijun said, "Hey, it's good that Teacher Chang is here, at least He can tell jokes better than Principal Guo. "

"The townspeople want to move in? Why?" Ye Zi asked.

"So many horse thieves gather together to eat and drink. So several small villages around are suffering, you know?" Ji Yijun said with his hand on his forehead, "Fololuo Town only has such a low wall. Many people feel unsafe and want to move into the school."

Ye Zi thought for a while and then asked: "Can Principal Guo agree? The school has many secrets."

"Who knows! But speaking of which, there are many strong men in this town. If you can join our team, there will definitely be no problem in improving your combat effectiveness!"

"You only think of strong men, but behind every strong man there must be a family. The school's logistical pressure will be much greater, but it is also dangerous to leave them outside."

Ji Yijun shrugged, as if it was none of his business, and continued to listen to Chang Lin's speech, giggling.

A little further away on one side of the podium, Wang Jiyuan and Ji Xun were also listening to Chang Lin's talk.

The more Wang Jiyuan listened, the deeper his frown deepened. When he heard Chang Lin saying that the strength of the horse thief was worthless like a joke, he cursed in a low voice: "Nonsense!"

Ji Xun said softly: "Team Leader Chang, this is also to boost morale. You have also seen that the fear of war in the team has increased recently. *** has said that we must strategically despise the enemy."

"He was obviously disrespected in terms of tactics." Wang Jiyuan glanced at the smiling people in the audience, "Don't look at these guys who are relaxed now. When the time comes, they will fight with real swords and guns, and a few people will die, and they will only collapse more. quick."

"After all, our main strength is still the students, and we can't be too tight. These days, I meet several guys every day who come to me to ask for help in finding ways to mobilize the defense team. Others also come to me again and again to ask if I will win. , Will the loss be huge? Only my brat is eager to fight with the horse thieves every day.”

Wang Jiyuan said: "It is human nature to be afraid of death. The army is not a group of people who are not afraid of death, but a group of people who know what they want to do. Our army is to train weaklings into qualified soldiers. Even if they are not qualified now , we should also ask them with the requirements of soldiers, instead of just talking about coaxing children. "

Ji Xun sighed and said: "Actually, it would be great if the committee could pass a resolution to recruit young people from Floro Village. These local farmers are simple and strong, and they are a good source of soldiers."

"They may not be better than students. It is difficult for these illiterate villagers to distinguish between left and right. It will only take more time to train them well. It is even more difficult to get them to work in the same team as our people." Wang Jiyuan said, "Have you heard about the agricultural team destroying a large piece of wheat field? Isn't it because the local old farmers discovered that our fertilization was good, and thought that the more the better, so they said to themselves that they watered several times the amount, and finally all the wheat seedlings were lost. I burned the root."

"Then you don't support recruiting them?"

"No, I support it." Wang Jiyuan glanced at Ji Xun meaningfully, "If people must die, it is always better to kill less of our students."

There was warm applause from the audience. Chang Lin wiped his forehead with a handkerchief and walked off the stage. He came to Wang Jiyuan and said, "Team leader Wang, deputy leader Ji, the response from the students is pretty good. I hope they can help improve everyone." The morale helps.”

Wang Jiyuan raised the corners of his mouth and said nothing. Ji Xun realized that the show was about to end, so he quickly said: "Team leader Chang, thank you for your hard work. My classmates have not had it easy recently, and we need to encourage ourselves."

Chang Lin smiled and said, "While everyone is in high spirits, Team Leader Wang should also say a few words to the students."

Wang Jiyuan nodded when he heard this and walked to the stage. He has a tall and straight figure, bold steps, and a vigorous spirit in his movements, which is in obvious contrast to the round-headed, gentle Chang Lin before. The students in the audience naturally became quiet when they saw Wang Jiyuan walking onto the stage.

He looked around at the people in the audience with a serious and pitiful expression, and then said: "I have bad news here. In the past two days, five surrounding villages and towns were attacked by horse thieves. Nearly half of the two villages were attacked by horse thieves. Burned to the ground, two villages were completely massacred, and another one suffered heavy losses. It is said that more than 300 people were killed, and several times more people were injured. In the past, the scattered horse thieves only robbed the caravan, but when they gathered. Together, when they number in the thousands, they will become a chaotic army, and everyone must be mentally prepared.”

The atmosphere off the field became more and more solemn. Although this was just a number from Wang Jiyuan's mouth, they were so close to the place where such a tragedy occurred, and everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Maybe these numbers are not intuitive enough. After all, they are local people who have not had much contact with us. Now I can disclose another issue that I have been investigating before. Zhang Hong from the foreign affairs team and Hong Lifeng from the military team have been missing for nearly two weeks. . We can now draw a preliminary conclusion that they were captured by horse thieves, and their lives and deaths are unknown, but the odds are against them. "

There was a "boom", and the people in the audience were like a pot exploding. The only people who knew that Zhang Hong and Hong Lifeng were missing were only the few members of the escort team who participated in the investigation and search. This was the first time for others to hear that two people around them could actually be missing. Already dead in the hands of horse thieves.

Wang Jiyuan waited for the atmosphere below to ferment, until the venue turned into a noisy vegetable market, he emphasized in a higher voice: "So, I just want to make one fact clear today, that is, the horse thieves are very cruel, and their What they have done is unimaginable in your previous life. What they could do to those villagers and our missing people before, don’t take any chances in what they can do to you tomorrow.”

"Team Leader Wang, are you telling us that what Teacher Chang said earlier about those horse thieves is all false?" someone asked below.

Wang Jiyuan paused slightly, and the entire venue seemed to hold its breath. He glanced at Chang Lin, who looked normal and smiled at him.

"No!" he said loudly, "What Teacher Chang said just proves a problem, that is, only by fighting bravely and becoming a real soldier can we make the horse thieves retreat and protect our homeland. I hope that everyone will do the following training Keep this in mind when fighting. Right here, among us, someone may fall at any time, but if it is to create a living space for yourself and everyone else, this risk is worth taking and must be taken. ”

Just when Wang Jiyuan finished speaking, a man dressed as a guard suddenly rushed in from outside the door and shouted: "Report to Team Leader Wang! The northeastern reconnaissance team discovered the horse thief's scout team, Principal Guo Order, all defense team members will be put on the highest alert immediately, and Team Leader Wang will report back to the committee!"

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