On the Seven Towers

Chapter 845: Dream of a Peaceful Sleep

The four people who escaped from the sea flew in different directions. Gabriel and Ye Zi stopped Duke Weber, Mei met Marcus and his daughter, and Xiao Chen followed Duke Stuart quietly.

Although Gabriel's task to him was just to contain, if Xiao Chen could follow such instructions and not have other ideas, he would not be Xiao Chen.

The scary thing about magicians is that if they find an opportunity, warriors of the same realm may not even be able to counterattack and will fall into a desperate situation. This is even more true for the magicians of the Dream Tower, who always have unimaginable means to use on the enemy.

Duke Stuart had just escaped from the sea when he saw a slender white figure rushing up like lightning and wrapping around him. As a fighting spirit warrior, he can only change his position in the air by spraying fighting spirit. However, he had just escaped from the range of the ice sea. He had consumed a lot of fighting spirit in defending against the ice cones in the sea water. He had tried his best when escaping. His strength was naturally weaker at this time, and his reaction was also slower. He was unable to dodge and was entangled by the white thing.

It was a white creature like a giant snake, but it had horns on its head, claws on its body, and whiskers around its mouth. Its body was as thick as a bowl, and it was wrapped around Stuart like a rope.

Stuart hurriedly burst out with strength, trying to break free from the binding of this thing, but he found that his fighting spirit was constantly dissipating. The white creature had a strange ability that could absorb and dissolve the fighting spirit in Stuart. For every ten points of fighting spirit he used, three or four points would be absorbed. Although his remaining strength made the creature creak, cracks appeared between the skin, and a lot of blood flowed out, he still couldn't break it completely in one go.

If he had encountered such a situation before being swept into the sea, Stuart believed that he could solve this monster with just one blow, but now, with injuries on his body and a lot of energy consumed, he was actually caught in a tug-of-war with such a thing.

The white creature was naturally the dragon Xiaobai projected by Xiao Chen. Before, Xiaobai had evolved after absorbing a lot of energy from the city defense array during the attack on Suero, and his body had grown a lot. It told Xiao Chen that it had now evolved the skills to bind people. Xiao Chen thought of using its energy-absorbing characteristics to restrict the actions of Duke Stuart. However, he did not expect that Stuart had such a strong power even after being injured. After struggling for a few times, Xiaobai was injured.

Xiaobai's skin and flesh were now broken in many places, and even some bones were broken by the opponent. Although this is just a magic body, the feeling of pain is real. This strong and painful stimulation will also damage Xiaobai's spiritual body, causing it to fall asleep after returning to the meditation space.

Although Xiao Chen felt distressed, he did not let Xiao Bai retreat, because the battle between masters could not tolerate any mistakes, and the victory or defeat was a matter of millimeters. Facing a veteran master like Stuart, he had just taken the initiative by surprise in the meditation space, so he had to grasp it firmly.

If he fought alone with strength, Xiao Chen would not be sure to defeat the opponent. So he saw Xiao Bai's pain, but let it continue to persist. Xiao Chen needed this opportunity to release a magic.

He held the Thorn of the Heart in his hand and prepared a holy-level magic learned from the Memory Pearl: Dream of Sleep. Xiao Chen's realm was naturally not enough to release this holy-level magic normally. If he released it in the original way, both the magic strength and the time he released it would be greatly affected, and it might not even have enough effect on the masters of the same realm.

However, Xiao Chen tried to dismantle this magic in the way of the Source Tower during his daily practice. It turned out that a considerable part of the structure of this magic was used to break through the opponent's magic defense. Xiao Chen removed this part of the structure because the way the Source Tower called magic power could naturally cross the defense shields against magic words.

There was also a part of the structure in the original magic that was used to track and lock the enemy. Since Duke Stuart was trapped by Xiao Bai and Xiao Chen was very close to him, he gave up these structures and used mental guidance to aim at the target.

Finally, for the part of the magic that produced the sleep effect, he removed some complex structures and left the main part, which reduced the power of the magic but reduced the difficulty of casting the magic.

Xiao Chen's ultimate goal is to transform the magic of the Tower of China into the mode of the Source Tower, so that he can maintain his own combat effectiveness in the future battle with the Temple of Nature.

This reorganized holy magic is actually lower than the level of ordinary holy magic, but it is just right for Xiao Chen at this stage.

With the addition of the Soul Thorn of the holy magic wand in his hand, the simple version of the Sleeping Dream can be raised to a very threatening level again.

The surging spiritual magic began to gather around Xiao Chen and finally condensed to the tip of the magic wand.

The Duke Stuart, who was entangled by Xiao Bai, felt this pressure and began to struggle desperately. He turned his fighting spirit into a strong impact, which burst out in rounds, cutting Xiao Bai's flesh and blood. A large number of scales flew out with blood bullets. Xiao Bai wailed, and some parts of his body even began to show bones.

But Xiao Bai sent a trace of thought to Xiao Chen, it can still hold on! Hold on until the moment when Xiao Chen casts magic.

Xiao Chen exhaled a breath of turbid air and pointed the thorn of the mind at Duke Stuart.

A dim ball of light flew towards Duke Stuart's head. In desperation, the Duke burst out with unprecedented strength and struggled hard, breaking Xiaobai's body into two sections from the middle.

Xiaobai immediately lost the ability to control the Duke. Duke Stuart's hands and feet were freed from its entanglement. However, just as he wanted to dodge, Xiaobai's front half of the body sprayed with blood swam over, opened its dragon mouth, and bit Stuart's arm at once. Stuart uttered a muffled groan, and his body, which had just started to move, was pulled again.

He swung the sword in his hand and stabbed it hard at Xiaobai's head. If this long sword infused with fighting spirit stabbed Xiaobai's head, it would definitely severely damage its soul.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen's dream of sleeping came at this time. The ball of light sank into Stuart's head. He fell to the ground without any struggle.

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