On the Seven Towers

Chapter 830 The Other Side of the Wall

The other side of Heimuguan City can only be described as devastated. The ground in a large area behind the door was lifted up by gunfire, leaving a large number of potholes. The surrounding houses also collapsed into rubble. There were many corpses of Imperial soldiers scattered on the ground, and there was a miserable scene under the ruins.

Emperor Alfred and his ministers also had to withdraw from the area covered by artillery fire. They were on the roof of a flat-roofed building, looking in the direction of the city gate from a distance.

The emperor's cheeks were already covered with emerald green scales, which was a natural sign of his anger reaching a certain level. The ministers around him were silent at this time, no one wanted to offend the emperor when he was angry.

A staggering mage ran up to Alfred. He reported back in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, the team led by Armijo did not come out. I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid they all died at the hands of the Chinese?"

"Yes, yes. I and we released magic at the door to cover Amijo and the others as they rushed in, but soon a lot of bullets were shot inside. The shields of the several mages with me were not strong enough, and they were hiding If you couldn't resist the bullets before firing, they were all killed. There should be hundreds of guns firing at the same time."

"Have you seen what the enemy is?"

"I... saw red eyes inside. They were definitely not human beings. It looked like... a demon." The mage's voice became softer involuntarily.

"Golem?" Emperor Alfred's voice rose a bit. For the Purple Eagle Empire, the Golem has always been one of the worst memories in their history. In the past wars with the Black Dragon Empire, many battles failed in the confrontation with the Golem Legion. The war between the Purple Eagle Empire and the Black Dragon Empire was largely a battle between bloodline warriors and golems. However, the Kingdom of Iberia has never restored its golem technology to the level of the Black Dragon Empire. There is no organized golem army. But now the Chinese have actually come up with an army of golems?

"Your Majesty, if there are really a large number of golems, our trap may have very limited effect. The golems must have been responsible for destroying the magic circle just now." Duke Weber said.

"Another failure!" Emperor Alfred said angrily, "It's you who said traps can weaken the enemy. It's you who said the sky can suppress you. It's you who said you can hide troops and form formations behind doors! What now? What's next? We are about to face their invading army. What's your 'good plan'?"

"Your Majesty, I have already said that this idea of ​​hiding will not work at all! We still have to fight them head-on!" Duke Marcus had just seen the artillery fire from the sky, and he was less arrogant than before, but he was still Very dissatisfied with the previous plan, "Once they are about to rush in, those shellings will definitely stop. That is when we use our strength to engulf them. I am willing to lead the elite of the family to be the first to rush over."

This time Gandas and the others are still fighting in the sky. The plan that Weber and Stuart just agreed to has no effect, so no one will jump out to compete with Marcus. Marcus looked at Weber and Stuart, and saw that one of them had his head lowered, and the other was distracted looking at the city gate in the distance, not knowing what his true thoughts were.

"Very good! Marcus, the empire needs loyal and brave men like you. You go and prepare your own personal guard army. I will hand over the command of the two beast-breeding regiments to you. You must take the enemy's vanguard. Destroy it at the city gate," Emperor Alfred said.

"Of course, Your Majesty! Our golden dragon bloodline will always follow the emerald dragon bloodline and become your teeth and claws." After Marcus saluted, he left the platform and went to assemble the preparation team.

After Marcus left, Emperor Alfred put away his encouraging expression and looked at Duke Weber gloomily, "I know you have something to say."

"Your Majesty, although this battle has just begun, what the Tower of China showed in front of me was already far beyond our expectations. Just like we didn't expect them to use plague to fight us at the beginning, and then we didn't expect it. Just as the elves would participate in the war, we didn't expect that they would organize an army composed of golems, and we really don't know what will be waiting for us in the future," Duke Weber said.

Emperor Alfred said: "Webber, I'm really annoyed that you always hesitate to speak. Your bloodline is a lion of light. Can you show the spirit of a lion and speak clearly?"

Weber said: "Although I believe that your Majesty's warriors will fight the enemy vigorously, what if the situation later turns to the Tower of China?"

"You mean we will be defeated?" Emperor Alfred's voice was horribly low. The eyes between him and Weber looked like light was about to burst out and pierce into each other's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I am saying that we should be on guard. After all, Heimuguan is the place where we came from this accident. Even if we miss it, we will just return to the way it was for hundreds of years. But if you encounter any danger, then No one in the empire can bear such losses. And we must find a way to ensure that our troops can retreat safely. After all, those soldiers are not at their peak strength due to the plague. If they die in an unfair battle. The loss is too great," Duke Weber said without changing his face.

"Haha, is it true?" Emperor Alfred asked, "What do you want to do?"

Weber said: "Please allow me to prepare the teleportation array to the imperial capital. Your Majesty, you can leave here from the teleportation array at that time. In addition, I will arrange the rear guard and support troops, so that even if the battlefield fails, the remaining troops can be safely withdrawn.

The people of the Tower of China have a biggest weakness, which is limited manpower. They have not been here for too long. No matter how strong their ability to manage the territory is, they can't conjure up a lot of people out of thin air. No matter how strong the army is, if the number is insufficient, it can't occupy more land. In a short time, they should have no chance to attack the heartland of the empire.

As long as we have time to breathe, we will definitely be able to research weapons like pneumatic cannons and air guns. Imagine that when our powerful beast warriors are equipped with their weapons, will those weak ordinary people still be our opponents? At that time, not only will the Tower of China not be our opponent, I am afraid that both the orcs in the north and the kingdoms in the south will tremble in front of our army, right?"

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