On the Seven Towers

Chapter 806: Lonely Crossing

"How could there be such a dark page? We never knew that this book had such a secret." Baron Paragus said on the side.

"This should be the book that was 'destroyed' by one of your ancestors. The so-called destruction is just a saying. In fact, the book was hidden. If you are not at the peak of the high-level magician, you may not be able to discover this secret." Xiao Chen has now mastered the seal. He used his mental power to activate the last seal array of the page, and the diary disappeared. He reversed the seal again, and the book appeared again.

Xiao Chen opened the diary and found that there were not many things recorded on it, and the chapters were a bit messy, and the time interval was very long. It seemed that the owner of the diary gathered several more important chapters of his life together and put them in the book.

However, the first time I read it, it caught Xiao Chen's attention.

"The Beginning of Everything"

I thought that life was a continuous road. No matter what twists and turns or changes there were, the road was always there. But in fact, the road God arranged for me was not a continuous road. Before I knew it, I fell off the road I had walked for twenty-two years and fell on a completely new road.

The relatives and partners on that road disappeared just like that, and all the people I loved and loved me could never see each other again. If it was really fate that made me become like this, I really wanted to find the goddess of fate and cut her into pieces!

Damn time travel!! Before time travel, I worked hard to get into Huaxia University, found a good internship unit, and graduated in a year. I had parents who loved me and a gentle and lovely girlfriend. But after I traveled, I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to them.

The things I read in the story actually happened to me. But unlike in the story, there is no such thing as being able to get ahead in the other world with a golden finger. And the pain and loneliness encountered along the way can only be known by those who have experienced it personally.

"Huaxia University? Could it be that Feng Wen is also our classmate? But how come there is a difference of more than 400 years?" Xiao Chen was secretly shocked. He felt that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, so he looked down in a hurry.

I don't know how I came to this world. My last memory in the Earth world was running. That day, I ran around the outer wall of the school as usual. When I ran to the intersection of Gongde Road, it suddenly became dark. The strong wind made me unable to open my eyes, and the earthquake made it impossible for me to stand firmly. I felt like I was thrown out by some force, and when I woke up, I was already on a meadow, surrounded by broken cement blocks. I was lucky. The place where I crossed was not deep in the mountains and old forests. I walked along a river for an hour and saw a human village...

The first diary was about how Feng Wen settled down in a small village in the local area after crossing, and then began to learn the local language and understand the basic appearance of this world. However, these are not what Xiao Chen cares about most. His focus is on Feng Wen's identity. From his description, the crossing happened near Huaxia University, and the process was very similar to the scene they encountered at that time. He probably traveled through time with them.

Because if he traveled through time before them, it would be impossible for no one in the school to hear such a big noise. If it was after Xiao Chen traveled through time, there would be no school, so where would the wall be for him to run?

Xiao Chen's consciousness entered his meditation space and came to the study of his house. On the large bookshelf in the study were many books made from the outside into the meditation world. Tasia was already waiting for him in the room. She held a black book with an open door in her hand and handed it to him.

This is the personnel information and list compiled by the school from electronic devices and written archives in the past two years. It includes all the travelers and most of the teachers and students in the school who did not travel through time. It is sorted and arranged by age.

Xiao Chen quickly flipped through the records and soon found what he wanted: Feng Wen, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management. According to his enrollment year, he was promoted to senior year in the semester when Xiao Chen and his friends traveled through time.

"Sure enough! This person is our classmate. This is very strange. Why did he disappear at the same time as us, but did not appear at the same time, but more than 400 years earlier?" Xiao Chen pondered.

"Maybe... it has something to do with the location? The location he traveled through may be far away from the others." Tashia said.

Xiao Chen recalled the structure of the school when he traveled through, and found that it was just as he wrote in his diary. The campus near Gongde Road did not appear, and that was only a part of the campus that did not travel through. There was another small half of the campus that did not come through. "Maybe you are right. The school was not traveled through as a whole, but was broken into several pieces during the process of traveling through. And Feng Wen also mentioned that he was thrown up, which means that he was separated from the school. Maybe only a small part of the rubble around him traveled with him, and the rest came to an earlier or later era."

"I can understand the travel across the domain space, which is equivalent to a more powerful teleportation spell. This is a problem of space. But at the same time, it involves time, which I find difficult to understand." Tashia said.

"Well, Feng Wen's story has refreshed our understanding of time travel. I even suspect that there are many scattered time travelers who appeared in different time periods on this continent. It's just that their time travel is not as obvious as ours, and many people may have lived in obscurity. Even... they didn't survive. It's not easy to survive in such a world with magic and fighting spirit." Xiao Chen said.

"Well. If I were to imagine, there are too many dangers that can kill them before they grow up. Even if a low-level mage is thrown into the grassland of the orc tribe, it is still a question whether he can come back alive. What's more, your compatriots are just ordinary people. Although they are very smart, there will always be times when their brains don't work here." Tasia agreed.

Xiao Chen stroked his chin and said, "This incident also gives us another possibility. Do you think that someone has traveled back to the Seven Towers era? Or even earlier? Could our compatriots be among the founders of the Seven Towers? Or if we push the time back to the era of the gods... Don't you think He Xiaoxi dresses exactly like us? I originally thought that she was influenced by Liu Yisheng's aesthetics. But what if she is a time traveler and naturally likes that kind of clothes? What if those gods are also time travelers?"

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