On the Seven Towers

Chapter 69: Busy Farming Season

"Eight votes agreed, three voted against, and one abstained. Except for the absence of the foreign affairs team leader Luo Ling, all other members were present. Then the "Plan on Expanding the Guards and Implementing National Military Training" proposed by the military team was officially passed. The plan Wang Jiyuan will be in charge, with Ji Xun assisting. All departments must give full support to Team Leader Wang in terms of personnel scheduling and resource allocation." Guo Qian announced the results, encouraged Wang Jiyuan a few words, and then dismissed the meeting.

Chang Lin closed the loose-leaf notebook with a worn cover, inserted a black Montblanc gold pen into the pocket of his white shirt, smoothed the few remaining hair on his forehead with his hand, nodded to Guo Qian with a smile, and spoke to Guo Qian again. Several committee members around him said hello and then walked out of the conference room unhurriedly. After walking a few steps in the corridor, a neatly groomed young man wearing a white shirt and trousers ran out of the conference room and caught up. This young man is tall and strong. He is keen on sports and exercise. His face is also very handsome, with black eyebrows and a straight nose, which is very angular. His appearance and pace were consistent with Chang Lin's. He also held a notebook under his arm and a pen on his chest. He looked a bit old-fashioned. At first glance, he looked like an activist among students who couldn't wait to enter the adult world. The young man's name is Liu Pengfei. He used to be the vice chairman of the Student Union of the Faculty of Arts of Huaxia University, and is now the secretary of the committee.

Liu Pengfei followed Chang Lin. Neither of them spoke. They walked out of the office building all the way. It wasn't until they reached the campus that Liu Pengfei couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Chang, you voted in favor of the strategy change today. Are there any follow-up plans? I think the other committee members seem a little dissatisfied with your sudden approval of this proposal."

Chang Lin looked at Liu Pengfei, his young face seemed to be full of doubts, he smiled casually and said: "Do you think I should always be consistent with them?"

"I thought... everyone was a little dissatisfied with the militaristic plan before. If we advance and retreat together, they should gradually be able to help you fight against Guo Qian." Liu Pengfei said after thinking about it.

"Confrontation? Why should I confront Guo Qian now?" Chang Lin shook his head, pointed at Liu Pengfei with his finger and said, "You are young, what are you thinking in your head?"

Liu Pengfei gritted his teeth and said: "Before you came here, you were the dean of the School of Liberal Arts. In terms of qualifications and reputation, you are not below him at all. Why is he now the leader of our group, but you are assigned to take care of you?" A group of old farmers. This is really too much."

"Never oppose for the sake of opposition. People like that will never have a big future except as a gunman." Chang Lin could see that Liu Pengfei was really unworthy of him, so he analyzed Liu Pengfei carefully: "I I was opposed to that plan at first, not because I had any personal dissatisfaction with Guo Qian, but because I didn't see enough danger at the time to require us to invest so much power in the military. But now, two people are missing. , and Morey also allowed us to see the strange power of this world. These two things together make me feel that Guo Qian and Wang Jiyuan are right.”


"In addition, I took the initiative to join the agriculture group. You are also a literature major. You know that the pen is really useless in this place. We have to find our own place. Agriculture is the foundation of our survival. , only if you have food can you survive. The simplest truth is that if you have mastered the agricultural team of food production, can you still be bad? Since others dislike it and are unwilling to go, then I will go. I did a lot of work in my hometown when I was a child. Regarding farm work, my father also said that it would be a pity if I didn’t do the farming.”

"Are you willing to choose seeds every day and watch the greenhouse?" Liu Pengfei said reluctantly.

"Let's go to the fields with me. You're young, you have to work hard." Chang Lin grabbed Liu Pengfei's hand. The hand was rough and strong, and Liu Pengfei, who was a self-proclaimed slam dunk master, couldn't break free for a while.

Chang Lin smiled at the reluctant Liu Pengfei and said: "Qian Fei, your parents didn't come with us, so I can be considered your elder. There are some things that can't be rushed. Just follow me more from now on." ”

The school's fields were opened in the open space at the back of the mountain and the river not far away. It was originally part of the hunting ground attached to the Earl's residence, with grass and shrubs. More than half a month ago, the agricultural team delineated nearly 20 hectares of land. The land was used as a grain field, but only half of it has been cleared so far.

Liu Pengfei followed Chang Lin through a newly cleared field and found many burnt marks on the ground. The branches and leaves of some shrubs were chopped up and turned over with soil. It looked slightly messy, but the ravines were clear. The land gives people a sense of vitality.

"We have few manpower and tight time, so we can only do slash-and-burn farming first, and then use the cut grass and trees as green manure. Now, as soon as the school launches the 'all citizens are soldiers' plan, manpower is even tighter." Chang Lin picked it up. He walked through the ground with a branch, poking the ground with the branch as he walked, "Look, the soil here is very good, so black that you can squeeze out oil, and it is very fertile. Whatever you plant will grow. We are hurrying and slow now." I am rushing to plant a batch of winter wheat before winter. I have already asked the locals to buy the seeds. It is really strange that the seeds planted by the farmers here are no worse than those we cultivated through thousands of selections. Each one is full. It’s like beans, I really can’t figure it out.”

"Then why didn't you mention it to Guo Qian at the meeting?" Liu Pengfei followed Chang Lin with one foot deep and one foot shallow. It looked like he had never been off the ground before.

"Some things are better discussed in private." Chang Lin smiled slightly, "I plan to hire a group of local farmers to help us work. It would be even better if we can buy slaves. Didn't Guo Qian dig a lot of treasures from the ground? Just ask him for the money."

"No wonder you showed your favor to him at the meeting." Liu Pengfei clapped his hands and said, "Besides, you didn't cause trouble for him at the meeting, so that all departments would not scramble for money. He would give you face no matter what."

"Don't be so conspiratorial. Not everything needs to be complicated. Many times, things will come naturally. You see, like this kind of land, good land, good seeds and good skills, it is hard not to have a good harvest. Food is the lifeblood. To produce food, you need to invest. Guo Qian knows this." As he said, Chang Lin waved to a distance. In the distance, seven or eight young men were carrying loads of manure towards a large compost pit beside the field. When they saw Chang Lin, they waved over and some even shouted, "Hello, Teacher Chang~"

"Aren't these Zhao Jie, Cheng Ming and the others? I didn't expect them to be so energetic while carrying manure."

"The young men in our School of Literature are all great. Everyone, take care to rest." Chang Lin praised loudly.

"Teacher Chang, don't worry. We are as strong as cows now! Girls like us." The first person answered loudly, and this answer attracted laughter.

Chang Lin greeted them and continued to walk forward. At the beginning, he trained a group of literary youths who couldn't lift or carry anything to work in the fields with their noses pinched. It took a lot of effort, and the bitterness of it was not something that outsiders could tell. He said to Liu Pengfei, "Take a good look at them. This is where you need to improve."

The two walked a little further and saw that several students, under the command of a local old farmer, were setting up several huge iron pots to cook something. Luo Ling's team member Du Mei was translating for the old farmer, while several boys were taking notes. When they saw Chang Lin coming over, they all greeted him.

"What are they boiling?" Liu Pengfei smelled the smell of herbs in the air.

"This is a plant called blue gum grass. The locals use this grass to boil pulp, and then pour it into the field to form a film, which is similar to the mulch we use for farming. We can't produce plastic now, so this is a very good substitute." After that, Chang Lin and the old farmer chatted briefly. Chang Lin didn't speak Spanish very well, but the old farmer seemed to appreciate him very much. Before leaving, he kept patting Chang Lin on the shoulder.

Chang Lin took Liu Pengfei for half a day and finally walked through the entire agricultural group's territory. Liu Pengfei felt that his feet were sore, but Chang Lin was still in good spirits.

After they finished walking through the plowed fields, they saw several men and women gathered by the river outside the fields, and two of them seemed to be running. Chang Lin was very strange in his heart. There was no physical education class at this time, so why would anyone exercise here? When he got closer, he saw that they were all familiar faces.

Chang Lin finally recognized the running woman as the female doctor Feng Yao. She was wearing a sports suit and running at lightning speed on the track simply marked with lime powder. The local Enrique who was shot last time was running at the same pace beside her. What shocked him was that the two people were running at a frightening speed, and seemed to run faster than the famous sprinters on TV. On both sides of the track, the alchemist Morey was wearing a white coat and holding a stopwatch in his hand, standing at the finish line to time the two people. Ji Yijun, Ye Zi, Wu Jingrong and Garcia were standing by and watching intently.

The two crossed the finish line, and Morey said: "Record, the third 100-meter result, Feng Yao 7.13 seconds, Enrique 7.02 seconds"

Wu Jingrong wrote down the results in a notebook and said: "Their blood is indeed stimulated little by little, and today's results are about half a second higher than the day before yesterday. If they go to the Olympics, winning a medal will be like a piece of cake."

"I have seen the introduction of that boring competition in a book. To be honest, the human physique in your world is too weak." Morey shrugged, which was a new posture he learned from Ji Yijun.

"The meaning of sports competition lies in the spirit, not in the data itself. If you only look at the data, human creations have long surpassed humans. However, the spirit of hard work is only possessed by humans." Chang Lin said, walked over and shook hands with Morey.

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