On the Seven Towers

Chapter 57 The Angry Crowd

Ji Yijun stood on the elevator platform at the school gate, holding the flatbed. Enrique lay on the flatbed, half-closed his eyes, and moaned intermittently. The platform swayed from side to side and slowly rose. From above came the creaking sound of the friction between the rope and the pulley, and sometimes mixed with the sound of whips and the muffled cry of old cows. Because there was no electricity, the platform was completely driven by animal power. Although it was slow, it was still stable.

"This thing is too slow. Enrique can't hold on any longer, and he has a fever." Garcia touched Enrique's forehead and looked at Ji Yijun with some concern, "Master, the priests should be able to save him, right? The old people in the town said that as long as there is a priest willing to bless, people will not die."

Ji Yijun didn't even look at him, and answered absent-mindedly: "They are not priests, but doctors."

"Doctor? Doctor..." Garcia repeated it several times, and didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word very well.

"Well, anyway, doctor, there is a way. ... There should be a way, right?"

Garcia looked at Enrique's wound again. It was wrapped with white gauze, but blood had been oozing out all the way, and now it was all stained red. "A lot of blood was lost. Grandpa Bourne said that blood is life. This time so many lives were lost, I don't know how long Enrique will live less."


"But that's what the old people said. They usually say that wolves always die faster than dogs, so we should avoid trouble. This time they are right."

"Shut up and talk less." Ji Yijun said angrily, "No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak." He shouted the second half of the sentence in Chinese, as if his poor Spanish vocabulary could not express his resentful attitude.

"Yes, yes, Master." Garcia was obviously scared. He didn't dare to say anything else. He walked to the other side of the car and sat next to the wheel.

Ji Yi fidgeted on the narrow platform for a while, observing Enrique's wound from time to time. Finally, he walked to Garcia, sighed softly, and sat on the ground.

It seemed like a long time had passed. When Ji Yijun felt that his patience was about to run out, the swaying platform finally reached the top. Two guards tied the platform with hooks and placed a wooden board between the platform and the ground.

Ji Yijun and Garcia were about to work together to push the car out of the lift, when a man in a white coat rushed up, put one hand on the shaft of the flatbed truck, and pulled the car out effortlessly.

Ji Yijun looked closely and found that the strongman turned out to be Liu Yisheng, who had lost his memory. Liu Yisheng looked like a decent person in a white coat, but his handsome face always showed a dull look.

At the beginning, Luo Ling asked Feng Yao to take care of him, but Feng Yao didn't have any good way to deal with his amnesia. Seeing that Liu Yisheng was strong, he asked him to help in the hospital. Over time, he really became a male nurse in the hospital. Although his brain was not working well due to amnesia, he was very strong and was a good hand at carrying patients.

Feng Yao came as expected. She didn't have time to greet Ji Yijun and went straight to check Enrique's wounds and signs. She quickly came to the conclusion: "The situation is very dangerous. Send him to the hospital as quickly as possible, but be sure to keep him steady."

After saying this, Feng Yao carefully sat on the flatbed cart.

Liu Yisheng grinned and ran with the cart without saying a word. The speed was no less than that of a galloping horse.

Ji Yijun and Garcia looked at each other in horror and hurriedly chased Liu Yisheng to the hospital.


Li Jia looked at the dark crowd in front of him, clenched the shell necklace on his chest with his hands, tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, and walked out of the store. His eyes swept over the faces of the people around him, and he could clearly see the anger and tension from their frowning eyebrows, wide eyes and pursed mouths.

I'm not afraid of them, Hong Lifeng stood behind me with a gun. I'm not afraid of them, Ji Yijun has sent people to the hospital. I'm not afraid of them, in fact, until an hour ago, they were still townspeople who got along well with me. Li Jia has been comforting himself, looking for the courage to face all this from his heart.

When Li Jia walked to the street, the people surrounding the shop slowly parted a path, allowing him to see Zhang Hong, who was originally blocked behind the crowd.

Li Jia couldn't recognize him anymore. If it weren't for Zhang Hong's striking black hair, and his clothes that were torn into rags, but still had some of their original colors, Li Jia really didn't know what the man kneeling in front of him had in common with Zhang Hong.

His face was swollen like a watermelon that had fallen out of its pulp, blood was flowing from his nose, saliva was dragging from his mouth, his two arms were cut behind his back by two strong men, and one leg seemed to be broken and swollen. This guy who was beaten almost to a human form, saw Li Jia appear, and cried repeatedly, and then suddenly cried heartbreakingly.

"You can't treat my colleague like this. Please hand him over to me." Li Jia said in a deep voice. He knew that anger and scolding would not change anything at this time. Only by staying calm can the conflict be avoided from escalating.

"This is impossible. This guy killed Enrique with evil magic." A middle-aged man standing next to Zhang Hong said, "When we were trying to catch him, he used that magic to hit us. If I hadn't dodged quickly, I would have fallen like Enrique."

He took out Zhang Hong's pistol, which was a somewhat old Type 54 pistol. He pinched the gun head with his hand and shook it hard: "It was this thing, the evil thing, that killed Enrique."

"Yes, when I chased him, he also used this to hit me."

"We saw him cast a spell with our own eyes, and Aunt Mary's pigs were also killed."

"The pigs are about to give birth."

Several young people echoed, and soon more and more people started to make noise.

"Smash this store and make the people inside pay for Enrique's life."

"Let them pay for the pigs and the piglets!"|

"Throw them all into the river. Let the God of Nature wash away their sins."

"Li Jia, what should we do?" Hong Lifeng raised the muzzle of his gun, stared at Zhang Hong and asked: "How about I shoot a few shots to knock down the people guarding Zhang Hong, and then pull him out of the siege?"

"What a joke. Do you want the school and the people around to become enemies?" Li Jia pressed down his muzzle and whispered: "Try to delay time and wait for news from Ji Yijun."

"But they are about to rush in. If we are surrounded by them, we will be finished." Hong Lifeng's gun was shaking, his hands were trembling, and the whole person was like a gunpowder barrel ready to explode at any time.

Li Jia knew that Hong Lifeng's judgment was correct. The attitudes of the people around him were a little out of control. In fact, his courage was not much greater than Hong Lifeng's. His heart was pounding, his head was dizzy, and the noisy sounds around him poured into his head like a tide, making him cover his ears unconsciously with his hands, instinctively wanting to avoid this terrifying scene.

"Calm down, calm down, don't make noise, don't make noise." He murmured in a low voice. In panic, he thought of Xiao Chen and Chen Hansheng. These people must be very decisive, right? He thought of the conflict in the first transaction and the blazing fire in the library. What would be the result of this incident? Would it be so smooth? Finally, he thought of Serinda, that beautiful figure. Yes, they are Serinda's compatriots, and I am Serinda's lover. I must do something to prevent the final harm from happening. I must take some actions to change these people's minds. I must... even make some sacrifices.

Thinking of this, Li Jia opened his ears and shouted with all his might: "Shut up! Do you want to face the wrath of the magician!"

The people around him had already started to push Li Jia, but they were really shocked by Li Jia's roar. For a moment, the crowd quieted down. The terrifying creature of the magician was still very intimidating here. People were a little annoyed and a little scared as they watched Li Jia slowly straighten up and slowly walk towards Zhang Hong.

Li Jia tried his best to control his weak steps and moved in front of the middle-aged man with a pistol. The middle-aged man took a few steps back nervously, pushed Zhang Hong in front of him, took out a hatchet and put it on Zhang Hong's neck, and shouted angrily: "You, what do you want to do?"

They are afraid of me. Li Jia suddenly realized that the fear in these people's hearts seemed to be no less than his. Once he mustered a little courage, their momentum went down. This is what it means that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.

Li Jia was more confident, his expression was much calmer, and his feet were firmer. He said word by word: "Enrique is not dead. Listen carefully, he is still alive."

"But how can he survive with such a serious injury?" The middle-aged man asked with a less violent attitude.

"Don't forget, we have magicians, and their abilities are beyond your imagination. Enrique didn't die on the spot, right? Then he can be saved."

The people around him made some discussions. The abilities of magicians have been passed down in various stories for many years. Although these mountain villagers have never seen magic, they have heard that magic is magical.

"The magicians in our castle will try their best to treat Enrique. No matter what purpose you come here with, at least wait for the final result from there."

The discussion became louder, and Li Jia saw some people nodding their heads. He said while the iron was hot: "We have been here for a few days and have always gotten along well with everyone. Since we came, there are more good things to buy here, and everyone has made more money from selling grain. We can't let Zhang Hong and Enrique's personal conflict cause us to quarrel, right? Besides, we don't know what happened yet."

At this time, a voice rang out from the crowd: "What's there to not know? Anyway, Enrique was carried out of the village horizontally, and everyone knows it."

Li Jia looked in the direction of the voice. It seemed that the person who said this was the owner of a local grocery store. The school's store had a great impact on the local grocery stores these days, and these people really took the opportunity to stir up trouble.

Li Jia snorted coldly and said: "I know some people are not satisfied with us, but our magician does not need everyone to be satisfied. I hope no one will challenge the magician's patience and tolerance. No one can stand it."

He walked to Zhang Hong and uncovered his clothes to check his injuries. Zhang Hong looked at Li Jia with tears in his eyes and trembling, as if he wanted to throw himself into his arms all of a sudden. Li Jia nodded slightly to Zhang Hong, and then said to the middle-aged man: "My companion is seriously injured and must be treated. Otherwise, if his life is delayed, you will be in big trouble. Let him go."

"But Enrique hasn't come back yet. Why should we trust you?"

Li Jia's eyes were firm, and the middle-aged man involuntarily put down the knife and took a step back.

"I will stay and be your hostage. If Enrique gets into trouble, you can take revenge on me, Li Jia."

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