On the Seven Towers

Chapter 48 Whip of the Spirit

"Hey, this other world is fucked up enough. I run into car thieves as soon as I go out." Chen Hansheng took out a pistol from behind him. It was issued by the school security department. It was a Type 54. Although it was an old gun, it was powerful and sturdy. Chen Hansheng had used it before and it was very easy to use.

Chen Hansheng pointed the gun at the knight, then covered the gun with his sleeve. He loaded seven bullets into the magazine. At this distance, he was confident that he could kill at least four or five people on the opposite side in one round of shooting.

"Are you sure?" Luo Ling's voice sounded softly beside his ear.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Li Tianrui and the others. They looked good, but they had never seen blood. Their facial expressions betrayed their nervousness. "No problem, but it's hard to say what the loss was."

"Don't be impulsive."

"I know my limits." Chen Hansheng nodded slightly, then asked, "What is that guy saying with his head held high?"

"This guy is a knight from a nearby castle. He wants to rob our goods... and there are others." Luo Ling gently supported her chin with her hand, squinted her eyes and said, "I don't know who will be unlucky today."

"These medieval lords are not good people. I specially read European history books. The armies in those castles will become bandits and robbers when they reach other people's territory. We ran into them today." A boy from the business group said not far behind Chen Hansheng.

"What will happen if they succeed?" another boy asked.

"It's worse than the worst you can imagine." The boy from before answered, "Throwing the body in the wilderness to be eaten by wild dogs, having the head chopped off to claim credit for the victory in suppressing bandits, being captured and sold as slaves... these are all in the books." He saw the robe on Luo Ling and pursed his lips and said, "This is a magical world, who knows what more terrifying things there are."

"Don't say anything, you two brothers don't have guns. If a fight breaks out later, just be responsible for protecting Teacher Luo. Leave the rest to me and Xiao Li." Chen Hansheng reminded.

"That's right! Don't be afraid of a ball, we have guns. If it doesn't work, we will strike first. Goblins also bully us, bandits also bully us. If we don't make a name for ourselves and teach them a lesson, it will never end!" Li Tianrui said. Some of the cavalrymen were trotting on the periphery, and some had already stopped, pointing at them and laughing disdainfully from time to time.

An old soldier in ragged leather armor saw Li Tianrui's eyes, grinned and showed a mouthful of broken yellow teeth, yelled a few words to his accomplice next to him, and made a gesture with his middle finger to Li Tianrui, which was universal in both worlds. Li Tianrui was so angry that he spit a lot of saliva on the ground, wishing he could shoot them all down right now.

"Don't underestimate these guys." Luo Ling said. Morey and Xi Luo both said that magicians are notorious, and most people would rather take a detour and try not to get involved with magicians. However, these soldiers who looked like a mob did not show much tension on their faces. Either they came prepared or they were fearless.

Chen Hansheng nodded in agreement: "These guys are veterans, they have been on the battlefield and seen blood. They are not elite, but they can be dealt with!"

Xiao Chen's attention was focused on the front, and he turned a deaf ear to the words of his companions behind him. His eyes were like ice blades, piercing the knight tightly. After a long stalemate, he saw that the other party would never give up easily. So, he slowly took out a scroll from his arms. This was one of the results he and Luo Ling found in the magician's mansion for the second time, a mental blast scroll.

Morey told him that the normal effect of this scroll was to make the people around him dizzy to a certain extent, and then the user could take the opportunity to knock them down. But he was not sure what effect would result from Xiao Chen using it.

The ideal plan was to make the people in front temporarily dizzy, and then his companions would take action behind him. However, just like he almost drowned himself when he put out a fire, and indirectly killed Professor Lin when he set a fire. Xiao Chen really didn't know what kind of mutation his violent mental power would cause to magic. Would it explode the heads of the people around him at once? Or even explode his own head first? So Xiao Chen didn't want to try it casually unless it was absolutely necessary.

Luo Ling frowned when she saw Xiao Chen's actions. This knight didn't know what kind of monster he had provoked. When Xiao Chen opened the scroll, it was too late to regret it.

This can't be the case! Her eyes swept across the ring on her middle finger.

Xiao Chen held the scroll in front of his chest, put on a "confident" face and said to the knight: "Friendship is always relative. Knight, you are annoying a magician, you will regret it."

"Are you a fool who can only be in a daze? Your hands have been shaking since just now." The knight laughed contemptuously, "The cattle and sheep cry loudly only because the time for slaughter has come. The magician's eyes are in the sky, how can he talk nonsense to me like you. Little apprentice, you'd better surrender obediently, it's a waste to give you the scroll."

The knight smiled sarcastically, waved his hand and threw the small fireball in his hand to Xiao Chen.

The erratic small fireball was smaller than a fist. Xiao Chen could feel that it didn't contain much energy at all. It was estimated that it would only feel like being burned when it hit his body. But how should he deal with it? Block it hard? Avoid it? A real magician may have a hundred decent ways to deal with this small fireball, and it must be as simple as flicking a finger. However, Xiao Chen couldn't do it.

The sneer from the knight opposite was very hateful, as if he could see through him. Xiao Chen vaguely felt that today's incident was not as simple as intercepting and collecting taxes, and there might be other hidden reasons. But no matter what was hidden behind this matter, he had to get through this hurdle first.

Just when Xiao Chen was about to strike first and block the fireball with his sword, he risked activating the scroll at the same time. A slender hand passed over him and blocked the fireball. The moment it came close to his finger, the fireball disappeared for no apparent reason as if it had fallen into water.

Immediately afterwards, the hand pointed forward again, and a stream of arrows passed through the air and hit the knight's hand. He let out a muffled groan and dropped the sword to the ground. He looked at Luo Ling who came forward in surprise and reached out to touch the sword hanging on the side of the saddle.

Luo Ling was already standing in front of Xiao Chen. With her fingers spread out, four or five white snake-like light whips flew away and started beating around the knight. The white light was invisible and qualityless, and neither the knight's sword nor the armor could block it. The knight blocked it in vain for a few times, and then was slapped so hard that he grinned and screamed in pain. He trembled and twisted, and finally fell off the horse and curled up on the ground with his head in his arms. Several members of the cavalry team instinctively wanted to rush forward to protect the Lord, but after being glared at by Luo Lingsen's cold eyes, they stood aside and did not dare to step forward. In the face of powerful magic, they couldn't muster the courage to fight.

Luo Ling whipped for about a full minute before the light whip slowly disappeared. There were no wounds on the knight's body, but he was lying on the ground, trembling non-stop and unable to get up.

She actually knows magic? Such thoughts have crossed many people's minds. Although the causes are different, the manifestations are similar. Almost everyone, whether it was the middle-aged knight's subordinates or people on Xiao Chen's side, were stunned at this time.

"This is a lesson for you, don't mistake the magician's kindness for weakness." Luo Ling didn't even look at the knight on the ground. She turned around and returned to the car. When she walked past Xiao Chen, she covered her mouth and coughed. He said several times: "Xiao Chen, no one can offend a magician like this. If it were me, I would hang them all on the tree. Remember! The dignity of a magician cannot be provoked!"

Xiao Chen did not look directly at Luo Ling, but looked blankly at the place where the white light flashed. Luo Ling blinked at him several times, but Xiao Chen turned a blind eye. It took a long time for him to come back to his senses. At this time, he looked around and saw that the cavalry around him were all in panic. Some jumped off their horses fearfully, some simply fell to the ground, and some even took advantage of their position on the periphery and hit their horses hard, heading up the mountain. Flee in despair.

"Keep them!" Xiao Chen pointed at the person who was riding away.

Li Tianrui was still hesitating, but Chen Hansheng grabbed the gun and fired twice. The two fleeing horses fell to the ground, and the two cavalrymen on the horses were thrown several meters. Far away, he fell to the ground and cried.

Seeing that everyone had submitted, Xiao Chen said, "I know that you are just some country people, brought by a blind fool to fight against the magician. So I have no interest in hanging you all up. But The messenger must be punished accordingly." He raised the flaming sword and pointed at the two people who ran out to help the knight and said, "You gag the knight, tie him up and hang him up in a tree."

It is estimated that the knight's usual prestige was still there. The two men looked around, hesitant, not knowing whether to take action or not.

Xiao Chen made a false strike with his fire sword, and a wave of heat made the two of them retreat. Xiao Chen said: "If you don't do it, then prepare to be whipped like him and hang on a tree. Others here There is always someone willing to do it for you.”

The threat took effect, and the knight was quickly tied into a rice dumpling and hung on a tree. Xiao Chen said to the remaining people, "Remember, don't provoke the people from Floro Town. Now, throw your weapons on the ground. Go away!"


The unlucky knight was not put down until the convoy was far away. Regardless of his disgrace, he mounted his horse and returned to the castle. When he dismounted, he saw his master, Viscount Ruiz, who was in his forties, blond, and somewhat thin, waiting for him outside the bridge of the castle...

"There is no doubt that they are real magicians. The information sent by the earl was inaccurate, and I almost lost my life." The knight said angrily.

"No, no, Alfonso, the news sent by the count is that they may be powerful magicians. I lied to you." Viscount Ruiz's face remained normal when he mentioned the lie, as if he didn't see Alfonso. A face like pig liver.

"However, if this were not the case, you must have been afraid before you even went. How could you test out their secrets? My loyal knight, you will be rewarded. Go to the steward to receive the reward, and let me do a good job for the earl. Think about these strange people." Viscount Ruiz said this with a playful smile on his face.

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