On the Seven Towers

Chapter 38 Outside the Camp

There is indeed a moon in this world, and there is more than one. One of the two moons appears in the northern night sky, and the other is located in the south. The moon in the north emits a faint blue light, echoing the yellow and orange color of the moon in the south. The shining of two bright moons made the mountain forest at night not so eerie, but it was not easy to see clearly the traces left by the goblins.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Chen. His eyes with night vision can see the footprints on the ground as clearly as during the day, which has become the most important support for this group of people.

When he reached a fork in the road, Xiao Chen stopped and pointed under the shadow of a tree. Zhang Sicheng turned on his flashlight and looked carefully for a while, then used a branch to stir up the soil here, pointed to the road on the right and said, " Xiao Xiao is really amazing, come this way.”

Several people climbed over a hillside and stopped to look down. In the valley ahead, there was a fire, which made the surrounding mountains and forests glow red.

"Everyone, please be alert and concealed. There may be a goblin camp over there. I don't know if there will be any hidden sentries and traps in the forest, so everyone must observe the surroundings and follow the path I took." Xiao Chen whispered, Lead everyone closer to the camp. On the way down the mountain, they walked much slower than before. Everyone held their breath and looked around nervously, and their steps were much lighter.

Click, the broken branch of Shi Hao stepped on a dead branch that was supported by a stone. The sound was loud and crisp, which seemed unusually abrupt in the woods in the middle of the night. He was startled and stumbled on a stone to move forward. He rushed forward and bumped into the back of Ye Zi in front of him. Ye Zi, who was so frightened that his nerves were tense, screamed "Ah". Fortunately, Xiao Chen in front had quick eyes and quick hands. He reached out and covered Ye Zi's mouth, suffocating the scream. But just like that, the three of them fell to the ground like a gourd.

Ye Zi was embarrassed and annoyed. First, she gave Shi Hao, whose hand was still on her shoulder, an elbow, making him clutch his stomach and turn into a cooked shrimp. Then he knocked away Xiao Chen's hand that was pressing on her nose. . She got up angrily and was about to get angry when she heard Zhang Sicheng lower his voice and shout: "Hurry and hide, we are about to be discovered!"

For a moment, several people were a little panicked. They hurriedly made a lot of noise, and then they hid behind the roots of the trees in the grass. Everyone waited for a while, and finally found out that it was all a false alarm.

"It's all your fault for scaring me from behind!"

"You can't scream too much!"

"And you blocked my mouth with your hands that had touched the mud!"

"Teacher Zhang also sent out warning messages randomly."

"You guys really don't know what's important. You're so careless."

Shi Hao and Ye Zi glared at each other, murmuring in the woods and complaining to each other. Zhang Si originally wanted to give a few words of advice, but he didn't expect that it turned into a melee.

"Everyone, please stop it!" Xiao Chen said angrily about something. He really couldn't listen anymore. He pointed at a few people and said: "You are a soldier in the army, you are a martial arts master, you are the team leader and teacher, everyone wants to save people. , is it like this? Are you going to compete with the goblins to see who is more like a mob?"

The three of them were a little startled by Xiao Chen's deep but firm voice, and they all fell silent for a while. Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, but it was very powerful, seeming to put a kind of pressure directly into their minds.

Inspiring and enlightening.

Ye Zi stared at Xiao Chen. He didn't expect that Xiao Chen, who usually looked smiling, could be so powerful when he suddenly became serious. When Ye Zi was a child, he was often scolded by his grandfather, who was a master of internal affairs. His lectures used some inner strength techniques, which were often able to capture people's attention. But these few words of Xiao Chen are still too much.

"Keep going!" Xiao Chen waved his hand and walked at the front again. In fact, Xiao Chen was also surprised at this time. Because he was angry just now, he unconsciously used his mental power to stop them. It seemed to have caused some kind of disturbance, and then shocked the consciousness of several other people. As if, they all fell into a brief trance. It is very similar to the Buddhist martial arts "Lion's Roar" in martial arts novels.

Is this a kind of magic?

Xiao Chen and the others continued to move forward, and finally stopped at a high hillside about two hundred meters away from the goblin camp. From here, they could see the camp clearly. Xiao Chen lay down behind a stone and carefully observed the goblin camp.

If I had to use one word to describe this camp, it would be "dirty." The camp is large, but the ground has not been carefully cleared, and many grass and tree stumps are trapped in the middle of the camp. The wall was built crookedly from wooden strips of varying thicknesses. The tops of the wooden strips were cut into sharp corners of different heights, and many large and small gaps were exposed in the middle. There is a gate to the south of the wall. Several skulls of unknown beasts are placed on the top of the gate. There are also some torches stuck randomly on both sides of the gate. The gate has no door panels and some debris is piled at the door. Even if Close the camp door.

Looking at the houses in the camp, they are also made of branches, with some dirty leaves and thatch spread on them. The house was so short that no one could enter, and even the goblin, who was only half a man tall, could only bend down to get in and out. The ground between the barracks is full of ponds and muddy areas. The front and back of the house are filled with animal carcasses, minced meat, excrement and various garbage. Whenever the wind blows through the camp and up the mountain, a distinct stench will hit us.

But the most attractive thing at this time is the five pillars erected in the largest open space at the entrance of the camp. The five pillars are equidistantly arranged into a pentagon, and there is a stone platform in the middle of the pillars. Both the stone platform and the pillars are It was empty, and there were a few goblins in more ornate clothes using sticks as pens to draw something between the pillars and the platform.

"That's disgusting." Ye Zi covered his nose and squatted next to Xiao Chen, "These goblins must have evolved from pigs."

"Although their camp is a mess, if we want to set up camp in the forest, we might not be as good as them. This is an intelligent race, and we must seriously treat them as enemies." Xiao Chen didn't hold his nose, he was dizzy. While his brain was bloated, he was also thinking about the IQs of the goblins.

Shi Hao took out a telescope and scanned the camp back and forth. After a while, he frowned and said, "There are too many broken houses and we can't see our people! But those goblin warriors patrolling back and forth are very similar to those who attacked us. I think this is it." The tribe did it.”

"What should we do? If someone is hidden by them, there is no way we can keep watching here." Ye Zi looked at Xiao Chen and Zhang Sicheng, hoping that they would have any good ideas.

"I think they are preparing for some big move. If you look at these pillars and stone platforms, they are obviously the venues and props needed for some kind of ceremony. Shi Hao also said that our people were all captured alive, and then think of the primitive peoples Some of the sacrificial customs..."

"You mean a living sacrifice?" Zhang Sicheng asked anxiously.

Xiao Chen nodded: "It's very possible."

"You mean, Professor Lin and the others will be killed on the pillar? Then we can't just wait like this. Otherwise, what if they make a move and we don't have time to take action?" Ye Zi grabbed him I picked up the spear and wanted to run down there.

Xiao Chen grabbed her and said, "Can you let me finish? We first need to see the situation clearly and confirm that the person is here. If you don't see the person, just go and make a fool of yourself. We will take the risk in vain. Professor Lin If they are harmed or taken away, we will be in big trouble. What we have to think about now is how we can rescue them if they are taken out and tied to a pillar."

"Yes, the situation is unclear and there are too many enemies. We can't be so reckless." Zhang Sicheng agreed.

Xiao Chen looked at Zhang Sicheng and said, "Teacher Zhang, you are the captain. The situation is very complicated now. We need you to take the lead in making decisions and come up with a rescue plan. What do you think we should do?"

Zhang Sicheng thought for a while with a grimace and said: "Xiao Xiao, I am not this material. If you want me to shoot and fight, I will never take a step back, but this kind of combat arrangement is really not my strength. I just want to , rush in, our strength is too small, set fire to create chaos, we have no materials, long-range sniping, we can't kill a few people. Sneak in, we are too different from the goblins, just tell us what you think. ”

"Okay." Xiao Chen knew that now was not the time to be modest. He glanced at the gun in Shi Hao's hand and asked him: "Are you sure you can accurately hit the goblin in the square below here?"

Shi Hao estimated the distance and estimated: "But there are only six bullets, and then we have to put on the bayonet and fight hard."

Xiao Chen nodded and asked Zhang Sicheng, "Can your bow shoot from outside the camp gate to the house behind the camp?"

Zhang Sicheng thought for a while and said: "I estimate that the straight-line distance from the door to the camp is less than two hundred meters. The projectile can be reached, but the accuracy and power will definitely be lost. If I want to hit a certain house, I must reach a hundred meters. Only when the position is about 100 meters can we be sure.”

Xiao Chen nodded again, and then looked at Ye Zi very seriously. His eyes were deep and direct, which made Ye Zi feel a little embarrassed. Then he said: "You are the only girl, I shouldn't ask Questions like yours shouldn't put pressure on you. But our situation is very critical, and you are the strongest person in melee combat. Therefore, I must ask you: Did you cause chaos in the camp? When the time comes, you are determined to rush in through the front door and save people directly?”

Ye Zi noticed that Xiao Chen asked about determination, not certainty. She knew that this was because rushing into such a camp alone was a matter of narrow escape. No matter how skilled the person was, there was no chance of victory. If you have it in hand, you can get in and out safely. However, she was ignited by Xiao Chen's words. An impulse burst out from within, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly, not from fear, but from the excitement of fighting, and one sentence came straight out of his mouth: "Yes!"

Xiao Chen smiled, and this smile made people feel reassured. He said calmly: "Okay! Teacher Zhang and I will go in with you. Now, I think we have a plan."

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