On the Seven Towers

Chapter 14: First Arrival in a Small Town

Xiao Chen used a dagger to cut off a section of the tail of Luo Ling's black robe. This dagger was not an ordinary item when it was without flames. It cut the robe without any obstruction, just like a utility knife cutting paper. I just don't know what the silver lines on the robe are made of. When cutting, there are occasional small sparks.

If the owner of the robe was here, he might be mad at Xiao Chen. An expensive magic robe was cut into several magic circles. But Xiao Chen couldn't care less. First, he didn't know the goods, and second, he had to find suitable clothes to go out and meet people. The owner of the house obviously had a special liking for robes. In addition to robes and underwear, there were no other styles of clothes. In order to adapt to the local customs, what else could he do?

Xiao Chen circled around Luo Ling and finally cut the hem to a position slightly higher than Luo Ling's shoe surface, completely covering the original suit pants.

"Okay, very neat." He said with some pride.

"The only thing missing is a pointed hat." He took out a black wizard hat embroidered with light silver patterns from the closet and gave it to Luo Ling.

"I don't want it. This hat is too ugly." Luo Ling looked at the hat and gave it back to Xiao Chen without even trying it on.

"But you have a bandage on your head. The hat can just cover it up. It won't arouse suspicion when you go out. Besides, we don't know if there is a rule that magicians must wear hats here." Xiao Chen put the hat on her head with a smile, walked behind her, and pushed her in front of a mirror. "Okay, here is a cute little witch. A broom would be perfect."

Luo Ling saw a very different self in the mirror. She never liked loose clothes and always felt that she was not lean enough. But this male magic robe that Xiao Chen had cut with rough means did not look ill-fitting on her, but rather looked very free and easy. The silver thread had an attractive sense of mystery. And the silver ribbon around the waist just outlined her figure. She combed her hair, wiped the dust off her face, and pressed her hat down to cover the bloody bandage on her forehead. Then she turned around and looked at her appearance.

When she turned around, she heard a "click". It was Xiao Chen who took a photo of her with his mobile phone.

"Don't you know how to save some power? You still have the mind to take a sneak shot at this time." Luo Ling scolded, "Don't take a photo of me when I'm dirty, delete it quickly."

"Oh, I'm following your instructions and have turned off the phone to save power." Xiao Chen lifted up his magic robe and stuffed his mobile phone into his trouser pocket, "I think you look much cuter now than in work clothes."

Luo Ling was quite surprised that Xiao Chen had been beating his chest and stamping his feet because he came to another world before, but after walking around in each room looking for clothes, he seemed to be fine.

She had a lot of things in her heart that she didn't dare to release. Now they were far from safe, and they could only endure their emotions again and again. She didn't dare to be weak at all, because weakness was like a flood, which would break the dam of reason. Once you are weak, it is difficult to be strong again and face this dangerous new world. Weakness is an infectious disease, and she cannot be the weak link of this team. But now it seems that one of the other two people in this small team seems to have good psychological adjustment ability? As for the other one, the word heartless cannot describe his thick nerves, right?

But is it really cute? She glanced at the mirror again, not knowing what she looked like in the photo, "Show me the photo quickly."

"Hey, hey, let's talk about it later. I have to dress up Liu Yisheng too. We all have to look decent before we can go out!"


The haunted house in Floro Town has always been a concern for nearby residents. This gloomy house has stood in the center of the town for who knows how many years. The yard is full of weeds and is a paradise for nearby wild cats and dogs. The roof of the house itself has collapsed by half, and the walls have been weathered beyond recognition. Even if this house is called a relic, there is probably nothing wrong with it.

People have long forgotten how many years this house has stood there. All they know is that it once belonged to a great magician, but since the magician disappeared mysteriously, it has never opened its door again.

Over the years, there have been brave people who have tried to climb over the wall to see what is going on, but they all ended up wandering out of the main door in a daze. Everyone said that they walked through the courtyard and into the gate of the house, and appeared directly outside the courtyard gate. If most people who walked out would not fall seriously ill, perhaps this place could become a place for Floro to attract tourists and make money.

So when the children in the town are disobedient, some parents will always say: "If you don't listen, I will throw you into the haunted house."

And now, Xi Luo is also at home, whispering to his son in a similar tone: "Don't get involved in tax resistance in the future, otherwise I will throw you into the haunted house."

But Garcia is a teenager after all, and he asked back unconvincedly: "I saw the count run away in a hurry. It seems that they are really nothing. What are you afraid of?"

His wife went out for a walk and became a lot braver. She supported her son a few words.

"Oh, what do you know? If that strange thing hadn't suddenly appeared in the sky today, we might have been caught by the count and sold as slaves."

"I saw the count was smashed badly with blood all over his face. If he wants to find someone, he has to find the owner of the house that fell. Does he have time to take care of us?" Garcia argued again.

"The worse the count is this time, the less likely he will give up! The first thing he will do when he wakes up is send someone to check out the details of the house that fell. The second thing he will do is come back to take revenge on us! I don't know how long it will take to find out the details. To deal with us, he only needs to send a knight and his troops. At that time, what else can that idiot Scarface Paz do to challenge the earl? Now I want to send you to grandpa's house. Put aside the relationship with that group of mobs." Silla said several more words before she could suppress her son's words.

However, Cilla knew in his heart that even if his wife and children were sent away, the family's house and land would not be able to escape. If the count really wanted to take revenge, I'm afraid the family would suffer great losses. He walked around the room worriedly, hoping to think of something. Come up with a better way.

At this time, there was a commotion outside. Silla thought something big had happened again, so she quickly went to the door and listened carefully. But there are people outside saying that something weird happened at the haunted house in Floro Town today. The house suddenly glowed, and the dilapidated house that looked like it might collapse at any time suddenly became completely new. The weeds and garbage in the yard disappeared completely, turning into a lush garden. Some people also said they saw figures flashing and voices in the house.

Silla, who had seen a lot of the world, heard the news and immediately thought of magic. He also thought of the people who left during the tax protest, and the news that came from the Earl's ancestral home. It was said that there were people on the island that fell from the sky. Those people wore strange clothes and made terrifying inhuman sounds. Is there any connection between these two things? If these people are the same group of people, and they are magicians, and they have a grudge against the count for destroying houses and hurting people, will there be any chance?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly put on his coat, warned his wife and son again not to go out, and went out.


Xiao Chen and the other three wore magician's robes and walked out of the gate into the yard. From a distance, they heard people outside the iron gate of the courtyard exclaiming in surprise, and then they all started to commotion.

However, they still had to bite the bullet and go out. No matter what, they had to take the first step to contact the locals. Luo Ling's breathing became obviously heavier. Xiao Chen comforted him: "Don't worry, we just treat it as traveling abroad. You see, these foreign friends are quite enthusiastic and welcome us along the way."

A smile appeared on Luo Ling's tense face, and she asked softly: "Then why are you holding the dagger at your waist tightly with your right hand? I see that your hand is so tense that it's almost cramping."

Xiao Chen looked embarrassed and muttered: "I'm just trying to comfort you if I say I'm not afraid. Could you please stop being so sharp? I'm always exposing people's shortcomings, so be careful no one wants you."

Luo Ling snorted, quickened her pace, and followed Liu Yisheng, who was strutting in front.

The people at the door were obviously curious and frightened. By the time Xiao Chen and the others arrived at the door, these people had already dispersed, but they had not gone far. They were all watching the three of them from the surrounding street corner walls. Xiao Chen noticed that some people even ran to the roofs and bell towers. What was even more exaggerated was that several people climbed up on a tree across the street. This kind of strong crowd made him feel uncomfortable from head to toe.

He noticed that most of the adults looked nervous. When he looked around, at least two people were so scared that they bumped into the wall, three people fell, and one person fell from the tree. On the other hand, the children who were joining in the fun were not very afraid of him and kept laughing and pointing at him, but soon the master among them was taken back by their parents. For a time, the entire street was lifeless except for the sporadic sounds of play.

"I thought magicians were all celebrities." Xiao Chen secretly muttered to Luo Ling.

"Hmph, being a star requires money, for example..." Luo Ling glanced at Liu Yisheng, who was stretching and showing off his toned body, which made Xiao Chen roll his eyes. She smiled and said, "Good eloquence is also a capital. Just use your fluent Spanish to get close to them."

"Hi! Hello everyone! The weather is nice today." Xiao Chen said while waving to everyone.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his hand, there was a roar of coaxing around him, and many people looked for cover to hide. There is no way. In such a remote town, no one has seen a magician. This haunted house has a terrible reputation, and the legendary magician does not have much of a good image. He is doing all kinds of things, including human lives, curses and experiments, and massacres. There are too many stories of villages massacring cities. Who knows what kind of evil spell this person is trying to perform.

Xiao Chen raised his hand and waved in which direction, and everyone on that side shrank into the "bunker" and disappeared, shouting. Wherever you move your hands, the people on that side will turn around and run away without their lives. This has further aggravated the tension of the townspeople. Everyone thinks that this mage is very powerful. Not only can he scare people with his gaze, but he can also grab objects from a distance!

The reaction of the townspeople made Xiao Chen dumbfounded. He was about to say something about peace and friendship, nothing like clothes and water, or something like bribing children with small change. When he turned around, he found that Liu Yisheng was gone. When he looked again, he found that the guy had wandered away talking to himself. There was a bakery in the distance. Xiao Chen was horrified, fearing that someone's behavior that was close to an idiot would trigger a vicious group incident, so he quickly picked up Luo Ling and followed him.

Liu Yisheng walked in that direction, and everyone watching the excitement around the bakery fled back. The proprietress of the bakery was so frightened that she screamed and got under the bunk. The owner of the bakery rushed out of the shop, holding a pot lid in one hand and an ax for chopping wood in the other. He used the counter as a barrier and faced Liu Yisheng tremblingly.

Several neighbors were also loyal enough to take out kitchen knives, brooms and other things, and together they stopped Liu Yisheng at the door.

"I'd like to eat this instead." Liu Yisheng took out a gold coin and stretched out his hand. It's a pity that he spoke in Chinese. Instead of answering, those people took several steps back together. He looked at the people in front of him with some confusion. He had no idea that a man who came out of a haunted house, wearing a magic robe and a small ax hanging on his waist, as strong as an ox, would appear to the uninformed townspeople. fear.

Fortunately, there was finally someone willing to do business. At this time, a hand carefully took the gold coin from his hand and handed him a basket of bread.

When Xiao Chen ran over, he saw Liu Yisheng eating bread that looked as black as coal cake. Next to him was a balding middle-aged man with a smile on his face. When he saw Xiao Chen coming, he bowed down to salute him very neatly, handed him a handful of silver coins, and then said respectfully and with a heavy accent. in Spanish: "Dear magician, do you need a guide? Ciro Romero is willing to serve you."

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