On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1135 Final Harvest

"There are actually so many improvements?" Luo Ling couldn't hide her surprise. "If you take into account the characteristics of original spellcasting itself, which is difficult to defend and interfere with. With this staff, using original spellcasting is really much better than ordinary spellcasting. It’s no exaggeration to say it’s a super holy weapon!”

Xiao Chen said: "I guess this staff is Aceros's last effort to fight against the God of Nature. He should know that after he eliminated the magicians on the continent, the magic civilization will decline significantly, so after his death Before that, he took out all the best materials to make this wand. This should be used in conjunction with the original magic spell book left here. Maybe he was not sure from the beginning to the end whether technological civilization could deal with the God of Nature. "

"It's just that he didn't expect that this continent would later inherit Matthew's Dream Tower magic instead of the original spellcasting." Luo Ling said.

Strani was still adapting to the strange scene in this room. He had rarely seen magic. He curiously looked at the lighting array in this room and the various objects floating on the stands. Hearing the conversation between Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, he asked strangely: "What magic inheritance are you talking about? Are you talking about those wizards? How does that have anything to do with the Archon?"

Xiao Chen said with a smile: "There is a big secret that you have forgotten for a long time. Your first consul was a magician. The source of the entire Western Continent civilization is a magic tower in the Eastern Continent. For some reasons this A piece of history has been covered up, and the power of magic has been hidden. Today is the day to uncover the truth.”

The news Xiao Chen told was so shocking that Strani didn't know what to say in reply.

At this time Cleveland said: "Sir Strani, maybe you should come over and read this book."

He had already taken down a large leather booklet from the square table in front of him. Strani walked over and took a look. It read "Buried History" in universal script. Author: Asiros, Kerry Frandao: "You will understand after reading this..."

While Straney and Cleveland were reading history together, Luo Ling walked to a square platform with a square box floating on it. She opened the box and let out a small yelp of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Chen ran over quickly.

"Look inside the box."

Xiao Chen came to her side and looked into the box. This box actually contained a small library. In the rows of miniature bookshelves, I looked at books that were only half the size of a fingernail.

There is a message on the inside of the box lid that you can use your mental power to take out the book inside. Luo Ling was already trying, and saw a book flying out of the bookshelf. As soon as it flew out of the box, it suddenly grew in size, and then fell into her hand.

"Original Spellcasting Experiment Log-No.: 1217214"

Xiao Chen also used his mental power to explore the box, and found that once his mental power reached there, the catalog of books on the bookshelf would be imprinted in his mind: "Research on Auxiliary Materials for Original Spellcasting", "The Origin of Magic in the Tower of Dreams" "Transformation Compilation", "Star Tower Magic Source Transformation Compilation"...

"Not only is there research on the original spellcasting, but there is also a large amount of adapted Seven Towers magic." Xiao Chen took a "Compilation of the Original Transformation of Dream Tower Magic" and flipped through a few pages and said: "The research progress far exceeds ours. But I have a feeling that my efforts were in vain.”

"How can this effort be in vain? Without those previous studies, can you see through the progress of Aceros at a glance?" Luo Ling put the "Original Spellcasting Experiment Log" back on the bookshelf, "And I found that our research and their ideas They are not exactly the same. We use many more mathematical methods and are more systematic than these ancients. These are two paths that are somewhat overlapping but have their own paths. However, their research has provided us with sufficient material. You can expect a big explosion in our research in a year or two.”

"I hope we still have one or two years to go." Xiao Chen said.

They continued to look at the items on each square platform. Many of the square platforms placed large-capacity storage rings, which contained a large number of rare magic materials. Although some were damaged after many years, the remaining ones were still Amazing resources: "It seems that when the Saint rebuilt this country, she basically didn't use many magic materials. She really started from scratch following the instructions of Asiros."

"There is an account book in this ring." Luo Ling said. She took out the account book and looked through it. There was still some expenditure on magic resources. But most of it was used to maintain the White Tower, and another was used to build the Virgin's Bridge. But there was another item that surprised Luo Ling: ship maintenance - the Seven Towers of Light.

"What kind of ship is the Seven Towers of Light?" she naturally said to herself.

"Come and see!" Xiao Chen shouted from Fangtai aside. There was originally something covered with a cloth, but when Xiao Chen took off the cloth, a crystal ball was revealed underneath. The crystal ball was only as big as a person's head, but one-third of the ball inside was motionless water. On the water, a ship that Xiao Chen saw in his consciousness was moored quietly. The ship has a huge hull and four high platforms. It was the big ship that Asiros and his companions used to cross the Wild Sea westward.

"Is this a big ship? Is it the Seven Towers of Light?" Luo Ling has never seen this ship. "This crystal ball is just a small world."

"This is the Seven Towers of Light. The ship used by the Tower of Source to cross the violent sea. Look at these cabins. There should be no problem in carrying thousands of people. As for the crystal ball..." Xiao Chen used his mental power slightly. When I probed into the crystal ball, I not only received information on how to control the crystal ball, but also a lot of information about the Seven Towers of Light. "You guessed it right, this is a prop that connects small worlds. We only need to control it by the sea." Use this crystal ball to connect the inside world with the outside world, and this ship will enter this world. I guess Aceros has thought about using this ship to support the Eastern Continent.”

Xiao Chen circled around, and under the witness of Strani and Cleveland, he only took away the "Heart of Origin", the scepter representing the Archon, the crystal of the Tower of Origin, and the one containing research materials. The box, as well as the Seven Towers of Light in the crystal ball, he also asked Strani to take the history book, and then temporarily left all the resources in the secret vault.

When they walked out of the secret vault, no one left outside, they were all waiting quietly in their original positions.

Xiao Chen raised the Heart of Origin in his hand, and everyone present focused their eyes on him. His eyes came into contact with an individual, and then he said: "Everyone, I have inherited the scepter of the Archon. From now on, I will be the Archon of the Western Continent. Our ancestors left many magic resources in this secret vault. However, the more important thing they left behind is the past history of the Western Continent and his expectations for us. I don’t want to promise anything now. Everything needs to be discussed and developed together. However, I sincerely hope that you can face with me all the things we will encounter in the future. There will be enemies, setbacks, and failures. However, I believe that with the union of the two continents, there will be success. There will be hope and ultimate victory!”

The penultimate volume ends and the final volume is about to begin!

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