On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1126 Starting from the beginning

At this point, Xiao Chen finally understood why this continent has developed into the current situation. Everything stems from the arrangements made by the ancestors of the Tower of Source thousands of years ago. Xiao Chen did not agree with his extreme approach, but he felt the tragedy and helplessness in these arrangements. However, the current development speed of the mainland seemed to be far slower than Asiros expected.

The saint has guidance from He Jin, but the current level of development here is equivalent to the development of the late Middle Ages on earth to the level before and after World War I. It is equivalent to traveling hundreds of years on earth in thousands of years. road.

Something unexpected must have happened in the meantime.

When the picture dispersed, these golden light spots did not form a new picture, but gradually turned into a human shape.

This is the appearance of a young woman, with long hair draped over her shoulders, looking very quiet.

Xiao Chen knew that this was Louisa, the tower spirit of the Tower of Source.

"Your Excellency Xiao Chen, I finally have the opportunity to communicate with you." Louisa said.

"You know my name?"

Louisa said: "Although the Saint has not truly awakened, my consciousness is actually awake. I have heard all the previous conversations between you and the Saint, but I have no way to communicate with you.

The saints of this generation have a very bad temper, are very resistant to my existence, and often threaten me with death. That's why I haven't been able to wake up for a long time. "

"Then you already know my purpose?" Xiao Chen asked. He was secretly on guard. If the other party made any changes, he would be ready to use his mental power to fight back.

"Yes, the images you just saw were intentionally shown to you. This way you will know what happened on this continent in the past and what was the cause of it all.

Now I want to know, how do you feel after knowing all this? asked Louisa.

Xiao Chen said: "It is difficult for me to evaluate whether Mr. Asiros is right or wrong. What is in front of me is the result of thousands of years of evolution. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Instead of evaluating the actions of the ancients, it is better to use your brain. How to get things done later.

One thing I can tell you for sure is our determination to confront the God of Nature. In addition, the development path that combines technology and magic is exactly what we are doing in the Eastern Continent now. From the current point of view, it seems that we are doing better than here. "

"Eastern Continent?"

"Yes. We come from He Jin's hometown and accidentally came to this world for similar reasons. In the Eastern Continent, we spent a lot of effort to transform it into what you see." Xiao Chen said in his mind, Many images were conveyed to Luisa. In this way of communication between souls, information is transmitted much faster than dialogue. In a matter of moments, Louisa had a pretty good idea of ​​the China Tower territory.

"This...is the result of your five years?"

"Yes. So I believe we can help the Western Continent and help you achieve your mission."

"Five years...I have worked hard for similar goals for thousands of years." Louisa, who barely showed any emotion, was obviously depressed in her voice.

"What happened in the past few thousand years to make things progress so slowly?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The civil war that lasted for nearly five years consumed all the mages and almost destroyed the entire country. When the mages fought desperately, it caused terrible collateral damage and reduced the population by one-third. , a large amount of farmland has turned into desert, and many cities and towns have turned into ruins. Technology has regressed for hundreds of years.

The famine and plague that followed the war killed nearly half of the remaining people. "

"Why do so many people still die after the war? Famine and plague, didn't Asiros solve these problems?"

"Because he took advantage of the end of the war to begin the operation of destroying all magic items. He called this the 'Magic Sweeping Operation'. No magic circle or any magic item would be left behind. Asiros used an almost His crazy attitude destroyed everything related to magic. Only the most valuable books and magic props were sealed inside the White Tower.

However, ordinary people at that time had almost no idea how to live, because in the city under the rule of the Magic Tower, everything was related to magic, and every aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation involved magic. There is a lighting array at night and a heating array in winter. Many tools used for labor also have simple enchantments, which can greatly improve efficiency. Farmers will use magical fertilizers to grow food, and miners will use explosive props to mine. After losing these, the life of most villages and towns was completely changed. Some villages and towns managed to survive, while others became unsustainable and quickly disappeared.

After Aceros transformed my soul and put me into a baby's body for the first time, he died six months later. When I regained my memory again, it was already fourteen years later when I fully awakened. Compared with the Magic Tower Territory in other eras, what I ruled at that time was like an indigenous tribe.

At that time, four generations had passed since the Tower of Origin came here. When I woke up, I talked to the people living in the capital as a saint. They had become very ignorant and had no idea how to live better. They just worshipped me as a god. They no longer knew how to read, did not know what the world looked like, did not know what the Seven Towers were, did not know that there was a god of nature, and did not know that there was a great power called magic in the world, which was once in the hands of their ancestors. The knowledge they knew was all so-called legends and secrets. Magic became an evil thing, the power of the devil to manipulate the world. Later, it was Marcelino who told me that in the more than ten years I grew up, their judicial organs talked about magic with these residents over and over again, and even their own executors believed it. "

"Then how did you guide them to start restoring civilization later?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I followed the notes left by Asilos and started to lead them from the beginning. Let them start to master the text again, and then explore the most basic mathematics and physics. But all this is too slow and too difficult. After all, this world is different from your world, and there are still extraordinary powers. "

"You mean fighting spirit?"

"Yes, for the Western Continent at that time, where wild beasts were rampant and natives often invaded, the only heritage that had not been lost was probably fighting spirit. Possessing fighting spirit could quickly make one a hero and protector of a village or a town. No one was willing to really study writing and mathematics."

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