On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1106: People Crossing the West

Yolanda stared at Xiao Chen for a long time, and Xiao Chen looked at her calmly. She said, "Okay. I promised you before that if you can defeat me, I will tell you something related to the Tower of Dreams." That secret. In fact, the answers to all your questions can start from here.”

"What you have obtained is indeed the Dream Tower inheritance? Have you been secretly using magic for thousands of years?"

"No. It all started more than two hundred years ago," Yolanda said. "It happened to be the time shortly after the saint's reincarnation. She was still a teenage girl. At that time, the first holy judge Lu Fino was a powerful demon-breaker. He had strong control over the Republic at that time and was very loyal to the Saint. If those two people had not come from the Eastern Continent, it would have been a very peaceful era. ”

"Two people from the Eastern Continent?"

"Well. They came to explore the Western Continent, but their ship failed to cross the violent sea. Instead, it was destroyed by the storm when it was almost here. But these two people are saints with very high realms. One of them is The mad swordsman, the other a magician. They cooperated with each other, relied on their strong strength, equipped sacred weapons, and good luck to finally swim out of the violent sea and finally landed on this continent. "

When Xiao Chen heard the mad swordsman and master, he immediately thought of something and asked: "What are their names?"

"The mad swordsman's name is Mero, and the magician's name is Matthew." Yolanda said.

"It is indeed the two of them!" Luo Ling, who had been listening quietly, said, "After they disappeared, their whereabouts became a mystery. It turned out that they came to the Western Continent."

"I have long thought that based on their ability to sweep across the continent, they must be important figures in the Eastern Continent. Sure enough, you have all heard of them." Yolanda said.

"More than two hundred years ago, they were indeed the most powerful and influential people in the Eastern Continent. What do you mean by sweeping across the continent?" Luo Ling asked.

"The berserker named Mero was a lunatic who was obsessed with martial arts. After he came ashore, he recovered from the injuries he sustained in the violent sea, and then began to challenge the well-known masters on the mainland. The average civilian masters were no match for him, so he came Challenging the executor of the referee organization, he attacked several referee organization bases in order to get the Holy Referee to take action.

The referee organization sent two holy referees to arrest the two of them. However, he underestimated his strength. In the end, one of the two Holy Referees was killed and the other was injured. The injured one also had his arms cut off and became a cripple.

Of course, the refereeing agency would never allow such provocation, and then sent a large number of executioners to chase him. But after he cooperated with the magician Matthew, it was very difficult to deal with them. Just relying on numbers could not defeat them.

After several failures, Rufino had to mobilize all the masters from the judging agency and also invited all the saints outside the judging agency. They arranged a trap to lure them out with a duel, but ended up turning the duel into a siege, ambushing both of them. At that time, all eight saints from the entire continent took action, but the result of this battle was very tragic. Although they finally killed Mello and Matthew, only two of the eight saints were left to cooperate with them in fighting. The thirty master-level experts were completely wiped out. "

"They are actually so strong?" This result was beyond Xiao Chen's expectation.

Yolanda gave an analogy: "Because they not only cooperate tacitly, but also have many magic props on them. If you use magic props containing magic circles here, you will be regarded as people who are infiltrated by the power of the devil. It is like a group of If a person with bare hands fights around two people with sharp weapons, even if he wins, he will pay a heavy price."

"That's true." Xiao Chen secretly thought that with the Soul Thorn in his hand and the Traveler's Heart, he could at least deal with two or three of himself with bare hands, "What happened next?"

"Although Rufino solved the crisis, he was very worried because he saw Matthew's diary, which recorded the reason why they came here.

The mad swordsman named Mero didn't know where he saw it from the classics. Thousands of years ago, a group of strong men came to the Western Continent with very important treasures. Survivors of the war. Melo has been unable to break through the realm above the Saint in his cultivation. He did not find a good method in the Eastern Continent, so he turned his brain to the Western Continent. The mage named Matthew was his friend, and he secretly secretly Before setting off, he rushed over to help him. "

"Maybe he is looking for the people from the Tower of Origin?" Luo Ling said.

Xiao Chen said: "It's very possible. At that time, the kingdoms ruled by Melo and the others would definitely have access to many classics that He Xiaoxi might not be able to discover. With his character as a martial arts idiot, it is very possible to follow the clues to find them. matter."

"So what you are looking for is the same as them, right? It seems that Lord Rufino's worries are reasonable," Yolanda said.

Xiao Chen said: "I don't know, even if we are looking for the same thing, our purposes are different. You can continue to talk about Rufino's worries first."

Yolanda said: "Master Rufino is worried that since this man named Mero will come over, will other masters from the Eastern Continent have the same idea after seeing those classics? Although he has crossed the violent sea , it sounds impossible, but after all, someone has done it. This time, it cost seven saints to die and one saint to be disabled. What about next time?

If three people of equal strength had come at that time, even he would have been defeated. The fate of the continent would have been unpredictable.

Therefore, he had to study the things left by the two East Continent people. The mad swordsman named Melo did not leave anything behind, only a big sword and an axe. Although they were all magic weapons, they were not of much help to Lord Rufino. It is said that the power in him was not Dou Qi, but was more powerful and weird than Dou Qi, but after he died, he could no longer study it.

However, the wizard named Matthew carried a set of classics on him, which said that it was about the magic inheritance of the Dream Tower. The magic of the Dream Tower is mostly about spiritual magic, which is not only powerful, but also has two advantages. The first is that it is very compatible with the spiritual power cultivated by the demon breaker, and the second is that it is quite concealed when casting. It is difficult for ordinary people, even warriors with Dou Qi, to see the difference between spiritual magic and spiritual power. "

"So did this Rufino start practicing the Dream Tower magic left by Matthew?" Xiao Chen asked.

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