On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1088 Leader's Identity

Xiao Chen did not cast magic, but projected the sea in his meditation world. Since this projected sea can be used as his shield, it can also be used to restrain his opponents. The projected world is an extension of his mental power, so he can manipulate it in the most subtle ways. Just now when he restrained so many executioners at the same time, he was fighting against their mental power and fighting spirit at the same time, and seemed to have gained some insights into the control of the meditation world. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the realm of saints.

It only took less than ten minutes, and the room was not even messed up. All the executioners except the leader had been subdued. The Marines sealed their power with a magic sealing array and tied them up with special ropes.

Now Roger and Ye Zi were besieging the executioner leader together, while Evelin was on the side to plunder the formation for them. Xiao Chen's meditation projection no longer needed to deal with other people, so its full force fell on his head, which was equivalent to a super powerful weak magic. The other mages have also prepared various magics and can hit that person at any time.

However, this man is worthy of being the leader of the executors. Not only is his martial arts level slightly better than Roger's, but his powerful mental power can often be used to influence the situation of the battle. He may just push and pull the enemy, but he can avoid it when there is not enough time. The opponent's attack.

But it was ultimately in vain. In the end, he was hit in the knee by an ice pick sent by Ye Zi during the fight. When Roger's Thunder Mark Sword passed in front of him, it hit his mask, and the electric current from the sword went straight to his head. The leader let out a scream and took two steps back. Ye Zi saw his flaw and punched him in the back of the heart. Fighting energy penetrated into his body from his back, knocking away his protective fighting spirit. Roger Taking advantage of the situation, he stepped forward and placed the Thunder Mark Sword on his neck.

The leader's mask cracked from the middle and fell to the ground in pieces, revealing the face of a middle-aged man. This face may look very pale because it has not seen the sun for a long time. There are some burn marks on his face, which are the burns caused by the lightning just now.

However, he looked a little confused at this time, and he had not yet recovered from the successive blows. Ye Zi stretched out his hand to seal a magic sealing array on the back of his neck. Two marines rushed forward and grabbed his hands, restraining him firmly.

Crow, who was just hiding in the corner watching the battle, saw the leader's face and exclaimed: "Brother Sardar, why is it you? Weren't you already captured and killed by the executioners of the refereeing agencies?"

The leader calmed down and glanced at Crow with a complicated expression: "Maslow, I didn't expect to see you again in this place."

Xiao Chen asked: "Why, you two have known each other for a long time?"

Crow, who was called Maslow by the leader of the executioners, said: "Sadar is my cousin. He is five years older than me. More than ten years ago, he awakened on his own and gained the power of witchcraft. In my family There were only two of us in the world who had gained such power. Saddam had awakened eight years earlier than me. He secretly taught me many of my techniques, and it was only five years since he brought me into the circle of wizards. Before, I accidentally exposed my identity as a wizard, and the judicial authorities in our hometown began to hunt me down. Sardar took me to escape. During an escape, Sardar took the initiative to distract my pursuers, and I finally escaped. , but I saw him being caught by them. I fled my hometown for more than a year, and then secretly went back to inquire. I heard that he was arrested by the referee, but I didn't expect that he would be hanged. Seeing him again here, he turned out to be the leader of an arresting team in the referee's agency! Sardar, what is going on! "

Sardar listened quietly to Maros's words. Faced with his questioning, he finally said: "You have no idea how terrible the refereeing agency is, and you don't know what kind of threats our continent is under. We got separated. I warned you that day, asking you to find a place to live in seclusion and never walk around with a witchcraft identity again, let alone get involved in any matters related to the judicial organs. But now you not only want to go. Prison robbery, and got together with these guys from the Eastern Continent! "

"You, how did you know that I was going to rob the prison?" Malos asked in surprise.

Sardar said angrily: "Do you think your plan full of loopholes can be hidden from the judge? We have already grasped the clues that you are planning to rob the prison. The stork is just a bait. What we really want to arrest are you guys. If these people from the Eastern Continent hadn’t come to disrupt the situation, you would all have been arrested tonight.”

Malos suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Could it be that you were the one who secretly left a message last night, telling me to run away?"

"Of course! But you are still so stupid."

"I don't understand. The power of witchcraft should be used properly to change this continent. The wizards should unite to fight against the Saint. This is what you told me." Malos said loudly, with a hoarse voice. .

"I was too naive at that time. What's the use of relying on stragglers? That's just the delusion of young people who have never seen the world."

When Xiao Chen heard this, he interrupted their conversation and said, "If my guess is correct, many wizards who were sentenced to death did not actually die. Instead, they were trained by the saint to be executioners against wizards, right?"

Sardar was silent.

"Even if you don't say it, I know it, because people like you who are gifted with spiritual power and can sense magic and become mages are actually very valuable. If the saint just captures you one by one, and then hangs or burns you, it would be a waste. I found that you all have some secret techniques to break magic, and the way this secret technique works is actually exactly the same as using witchcraft. The purpose of the saint arresting you everywhere is actually to select the truly talented people from you and train them into her army, right?"

Sardar replied after a long time: "You are wrong. There were five people who were captured with me. The other four people really died, and only I was left. Talent is not that important. What really matters is... whether you have established new beliefs and whether you believe in the judicial authority. They refused to believe, so they died. But I believe, and I force myself to believe even if I don't believe. Fortunately, I am good at spiritual witchcraft. I used some tricks to make myself look like I really believe, so I passed their inspection."

"So after all these years, do you really believe it?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Of course I believed it. I later saw a lot of evidence and accepted the teachings of the Holy Inquisitor. Of course I know I was wrong before, just like Malos is now."

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