On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1084 Devil's Power

Crow was pulled up by Roger and pressed on the chair again.

"Crow? What's the name of the witch who is about to be hanged and you are going to rescue?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Stork." Crow said, he looked up and stared at Xiao Chen suspiciously for a while and said: "Who are you? Why did the power I just released disappear in front of you? Are you a great wizard?"

"Is the great wizard what you call a master?" Xiao Chen asked.

"You don't know the great wizard?" Crow said strangely, "I clearly feel that you and the person who just attacked me have powers very similar to ours."

"Are you talking about this?" Xiao Chen released his mental power, and the magic elements in the room danced according to his will. They combined into countless elemental light balls visible to the naked eye, fire, ice, electricity, acid, light, one by one, the light balls intertwined, combined, and dispersed, forming many indescribable but all-encompassing scenes, they rotated around Crow's body and included him in it.

Crow felt that the person in front of him disappeared. He seemed to have become a shining being like the sun, which made him feel his insignificance. No, not just the sun, he was as deep as the starry sky, as vast as the sea, and as colorful as everything in the world. He suddenly realized that the person in front of him presented him with a world, and he was a person who had just entered this world and was at a loss.

After an unknown period of time, the scene in front of him suddenly disappeared. Crow found himself back in the position just now, and nothing seemed to have moved around him. But he was sure that it was definitely not an illusion, it was the real great power of witchcraft. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves, and he didn't know when he had shed tears. Just like a person who longs to see the sea, but has never been to the seaside, all he sees all day is the small pond beside his hometown. He can only imagine what the sea looks like. Finally one day he saw the blue waves that occupied the entire field of vision, and he was moved.

"Does the great wizard you mentioned have such power?" Xiao Chen asked.

Crow shook his head desperately and shouted: "No, no! The great wizards I have seen are much weaker than you. If you are an ocean, they are at most a lake. However, that is also the most powerful force I have ever seen. I don't know if I can be considered a small pond.

We never knew that the power of witchcraft could reach such a level, but with people like you, we don't have to be afraid of the saint and her lackeys anymore!

Are you... coming to save us?"

Xiao Chen knew from the moment he saw his move that the man in front of him could only be considered a low-level peak wizard at best. If he used his analogy, the so-called great wizard could only be considered a mid-to-high level at best. Xiao Chen said: "I'm from the East Continent, and I just set foot on this land today. In our place, this kind of power is called magic. I want to know what level our colleagues here have reached, so I found you."

"So you are from the Devil Continent... Oh, no, you are from the God-given Continent! You, are you all from there? We have waited for so many years and finally waited! Finally waited!" Crow suddenly became very excited, and tears could not stop flowing down, "Do you know how long we have been looking forward to you? On this continent, the power of the saints is too strong, relying on me We can't win by ourselves, we can only rely on your help. "

Xiao Chen asked: "Are you organized? The purpose of your existence is to overthrow the rule of the Saint?"

"Well, our organization is called the Wizard Association. Although it has a short history and is very loose, with it, the survival of us wizards has become better."

"How many people are in this organization?"

"Not too many. The Saint's lies have deceived too many people. There are many people who have the potential to become wizards, but are unwilling to use their abilities. Some people have become wizards, but are unwilling to rebel against the Saint, and choose to quietly Hiding quietly.

But we have long seen through the saint's lies. The other side of the Devil's Sea is not a cursed land at all, but a free land where we can fully use our abilities!

She deceived us by saying how evil God is, how evil the power of witchcraft, no, how evil the magic is, it is the power of the devil. But we can use it to do so many things, it can cure diseases, it can be used for labor, and it can help us survive better. How can it be evil?

We thought about it and there is only one possibility. The saint does not let us use this power in order to better rule us! Otherwise, we who have it will be destroyed. If talented people have mastered such power, it will not be their turn to rule! "

Xiao Chen touched his nose, feeling a little amused, and said: "Tell me what kind of organization the Wizard Association is."

Crow said: "In the Western Continent, it is already very difficult for wizards to survive. It is even more difficult to obtain inheritance. In the Wizard Association, you can at least exchange the spells you know for other people's spells, and you can also trade some resources for learning and experiments. If there is danger, wizards in the society will also provide shelter to each other. Some wizards with better relationships will also try to help each other if they encounter danger.

This time, Stork caused an explosion while preparing potions, killing several people. She was also seriously injured and was captured by the people of El City, so we planned to rescue her. There are seven or eight of us who belong to a very close group. Stork once saved my life and gave Brown Bear a lot of money when he was about to die. She also used magic potions to treat Squirrel's injuries, so several of us wanted to save her. "

"Did you create a fire a few days ago for this matter, killing many people?" Xiao Chen asked.

"That was also an accident. We originally wanted to prepare some explosives to fight against the army and the executors of the judicial agency, but we didn't expect the materials to be too poor, and the experiment got out of control again. Firefox, who was responsible for preparing the medicine, was killed on the spot. It also collapsed several houses around, causing a fire and killing some unrelated people. "Crow said helplessly, "So today I went to steal weapons from the warehouse, and then was found by your subordinates and brought here. "

Xiao Chen said: "Why don't you find a remote place to make explosives? I saw that there are many civilians living in the explosion area. Although many people are not dead, their homes have been burned down and they are now homeless. "

Crow said: "Sir, we have no choice. If we don't blend into the civilian area, we will soon be discovered by the judicial authorities. "

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