On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1063: The City of God Awakens

Inside the hall, Salmeiron's body had turned a strange cyan color under the green light. His body was fading little by little and had begun to turn into a translucent existence. Tiny crystal particles flew up from his body and flew towards the green gem in the divine city.

There was no sound at the scene, but Queen Laura felt that she could hear a scream from the soul. Salmeron's last eyes met hers, and those eyes were full of pain. Laura knew that her teacher What a strong man he is. She never expected to see such a look in his eyes. A canvas called torture was filled with despair, resentment and fear, which made Laura feel a chill. Rushing up her spine to her head.

Tears welled up in her eyes and finally fell down.

A pair of hands hugged her shoulders, it was her husband Shylock: "There is no need to be sad, dear Laura, soon, Salmeron's body will become a part of the bodies of many saints. Not only did he not disappear , but takes a step closer to eternity.”

Laura's chest heaved violently due to the accumulated resentment. She tried to hold back her words at first, but Sherlock's increasingly frivolous tone made her unable to restrain her urge to speak: "If this is Such a glorious mission, then why don’t you do it yourself!”

Sherlock squeezed her shoulder: "Because I can't live without you. What's more, the God of Nature has set rules for all things in the world, just like tigers will eat rabbits, rabbits will eat grass, and grass will eat Absorb nutrients from the soil. I am obviously a tiger, why should I be a rabbit to be eaten?”

"But have you ever considered that rabbits don't want to be eaten?" Queen Laura argued.

"Laura, you forgot a very important point. The rabbit has no right to decide whether he will be eaten." Sherlock said with a chuckle, "Just like Salmeron here can't decide whether he will become The nourishment of God City is the same. Because he is weak, he has no choice. Because he is weak, you also have no way to decide your own destiny."

Princess Laura is obviously a strong warrior, but at this moment, she looks like a helpless little girl in front of Sherlock.

In the short time that the two of them were talking, Salmeron's body had turned into nothingness, but the green gem was much more radiant than before.

"Ancestors of the City of God, the bridge to reality has been built, and the bricks and tiles to build your body are also ready. Please come to this world. The glory of the God of Nature needs you to defend it." Fah Si stood in front of the orb in the city of God and said these words in a tone that was almost like a prayer.

He said it three times in a row, and finally a response came from the divine city.

"Having heard your prayers, the way to come has been opened. Get ready to welcome us."

The green gem suddenly brightened, and the countless souls walking below suddenly became more vivid. One of the souls broke through the green gem's defense, passed through the ball, and came to the real world.

A vague figure appeared in front of several people: "I feel the world again. This feeling is really good."

"You are the Golden Bough Priest of this era. You have done a good job. You have contributed a powerful master and made a good start for our first step. Now we can finally hear the shouts outside. But I Our companions are all looking forward to the follow-up nourishment you prepared so that we can break away from the emerald and have a real body in this world. "

"My lord, what should I call you?" Fahs asked.

"My name is Dominic," the voice answered.

"It turns out that the Commander-in-Chief of the Divine City has arrived. Legend has it that you were given the responsibility of commanding the Divine City after Eldron disappeared."

"Well, that's me. I didn't expect that after thousands of years, my name would still be praised in the world." Dominic's voice was very arrogant. However, he does have the capital of arrogance. It can be said that he is the saint who leads the saints and is also the current ruler of the divine city. According to records, if the God of Nature had not fallen into a deep sleep due to the battle soon after Eldron disappeared, Dominic would have been given the glory of divinity. In that case, his power would have undergone earth-shaking changes and he would have become a A demigod, of course, in terms of his strength, should also be at the forefront of the holy ranks.

"Lord Dominic, how many saints will come to the world this time? I have prepared two thousand slaves. Is it enough?"

"Two thousand?" Dominic was silent.

Fahs was a little surprised. He asked: "Sir, is there any problem? If it is not enough, I will ask the secular kingdom to prepare more sacrifices."

Dominic's voice became deeper and he asked: "Don't you know how many saints are left in the city of God after the last God-killing battle?"

Fahs said: "We know that there were about a hundred saints who returned to the city after the war. But to be on the safe side, we prepared some more slaves."

"There are only forty-eight left," Dominic said.

"How is that possible!" Fahs said in surprise.

Dominic said: "At that time, the reason why they said there were more than 100 people was to stabilize the morale of the army. After all, God fell asleep again at that time. Once the power of God weakened, it would be difficult to keep the God City open. It was you people from the Temple of Nature who were fighting against the Seven Towers in the world. We must give you some confidence... In fact, many saints were severely injured by the heretics of the Seven Towers. Even if they returned to the God City, they could not return to the eternal state. At that time, there were more than 80 saints left."

"What about now..." Fahs said puzzled.

"Later, some changes happened in the God City. That's not your concern. You just need to know that there are only these saints left."

"Yes. Lord Dominic. Can we start now? Although we have prepared a lot more sacrifices. But this should provide more materials for you to form your bodies, right?"

"Well. It doesn't matter. We can extract the most essential parts of the sacrifices. No one will be wasted." Dominic said nonchalantly, "Don't leave the ten-meter range around the God City for a while. This range is the safest. We control the God City to bypass you. If you go further, I can't control it."

Fahs said: "Wait a minute, sir. The range of 100 meters has exceeded the walls of this fortress. We still have a large number of priests and warriors on those walls."

Dominic said: "They are sacrifices. Do you think some young and strong slaves can be the source of our power?"

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