On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1049: Light of Reincarnation

"It seems that the Temple of Nature has not let go of the Soul Forging Tower. In the past few thousand years, they have been looking for their traces and have found this place." Kona said.

"However, the defense left by Gregorio seems to have really protected this island. In the past few thousand years, I don't know how many people have died silently on this sea. As long as we are a little careless, maybe we will be one of them." Luo Ling said.

Flying over the sea and stepping on the snow on the island, Xiao Chen and his friends carefully came to the door of the Soul Forging Tower. They all prepared various defensive magics on their bodies to deal with the dangers that may appear behind the door.

When they felt that everything was ready, Xiao Chen reached out to the door.

But before he knocked on the door, it opened. The person behind the door was far from what he imagined.

A skeleton with bones as black as obsidian held a crystal plate in his hand, poking it with his finger bones and making a mumbling sound.

The skeleton was wearing a robe whose original color could not be seen, but perhaps because of its age, it had turned into rags, exposing his bones.

Two balls of green flames were dancing in his two dark eye sockets, and when facing Xiao Chen, they put great pressure on Xiao Chen.

The skeleton smacked his lips and made a sound from somewhere: "In the 225th experiment, there were eight survivors, and some soul bodies. The latest improvement seems to have made the attack effect worse. Damn it! There must be something wrong with the new charging circuit."

The skeleton was clearly in front of them, but it seemed as if it didn't see them, and was analyzing the situation of the magic just now.

But Xiao Chen and others found that the original shields on their bodies were dissipating at a very fast speed.

Xiao Chen immediately felt bad and shouted: "Retreat quickly!"

But they suddenly found that the surrounding space seemed to have been locked unconsciously, and no teleportation magic could be activated, and no matter how they ran, they could not run out of the few meters around the entrance of the Soul Forging Tower.

At this time, the skeleton's attention finally shifted from the board to the heads of the few of them.

He raised his head and said, "Although it is possible that my latest design made you escape the light of reincarnation, since you are survivors, it is worth studying carefully."

The flame in his eyes seemed to turn to Kona, Mollett and others, "But your souls attached to the living are of no value."

The flame in his eyes jumped, and the bodies of Kona and others were completely dispelled. They didn't even have time to say a word before they were forced back to Xiao Chen and Luo Ling's meditation world by an invisible force.

"The power of this skeleton is much stronger than Mei Tiantian. I even feel that they are not in the same realm!" Luo Ling said, "Could it be..."

"Super Saint?"

Xiao Chen raised his hand and revealed the Traveler's Heart Ring on it: "This is the Dream Tower Ring passed down by Saint Gomez and Saint Gregorio. You must know the two of them in the Soul Forging Tower? There must be some connection between us. Can you please let us go and let us have a good talk!"

"Gomez? Gregorio? I don't know what you are talking about." The skeleton tilted its head and looked at Xiao Chen, "My mission is to make the light of reincarnation stronger and stronger, so strong... so strong ..., I have forgotten how strong I have to be, but nothing else matters except making it stronger! I have forgotten all those things. "

Xiao Chen found that he could not escape, so he had to try to communicate with the skeleton: "Who are you? What is the light of reincarnation?"

"Me? I am the creator and improver of the light of reincarnation. Other than that, I don't need a name, which is meaningless..., As for the light of reincarnation, haven't you all felt it? Under its light, people will be confined to a small memory, experiencing these things over and over again..., becoming a prisoner in their own memories, unable to escape the cage that the 'past' has become . Realm means nothing in front of this magic. As long as you have memory, it will become a weakness. This is the light of reincarnation, a magic that even gods can hardly resist! "

"Is it hard for gods to resist?" Xiao Chen said: "I see, are you a magician who studies ways to fight against the god of nature? Or are you Gregorio himself?"

"Gregorio? Why do you always mention him? This name..." The skeleton seemed to recall something, the green flames in his eyes suddenly turned a little pale, and the bones in his body made a creaking sound, "I seem to have heard this name, many times. But in my memory, this name gives me a bad feeling, no, Not only is it bad, but it is full of hatred. Why? Why do I hate this person? Tell me, human, who is this person? What did he do to me? "

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that your memory is a little confused. You can remove the suppression on us. With my spiritual magic, I can help you recall some important things. "

"No, you humans are all liars. Several humans have deceived me hundreds of years ago. They stole a lot of things from me and even affected my experiments! Although I have forgotten a lot of things, I will not be fooled a second time. I won't give you a chance! "

Luo Ling said: "Are those people you are talking about Melo, Matthew and Allen? "

"Sure enough! Sure enough, you are in the same group with these despicable rats. Otherwise, how would you know their names?" The flames in the skeleton's eyes burned more and more, and trembled more violently, "It seems that I should take you to do a few more experiments!"

The skeleton stretched out his hand and grabbed forward, and Xiao Chen and Luo Ling felt that they were caught in a strange space. The scene around them spun around, and when they woke up, they found that they had come to the interior of the Soul Forging Tower, standing in the middle of a vaulted hall full of magic arrays. The magic array was not only engraved on the ground of this hall, but also on the surrounding pillars and walls. There were magic symbols painted on the pillars and walls.

This room was full of binding power. Not only was it difficult for people to move, but the surrounding magic power was also locked. The magician in this room could hardly release even the simplest magic.

But the magic array seemed to promote mental power. Xiao Chen felt that his mental power became stronger and more concentrated here.

Luo Ling also found something strange. She said, "This magic circle..., are they going to use us to simulate some kind of enemy with extremely strong mental power?"

Thanks to the book friend Sishui Liunian for the reward

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