On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1005: Relic World

Evelin and Roger walked at the front, entering the ruins of God first, and after checking the surroundings, they thought there was no threat, and then sent a signal to Xiao Chen that it was temporarily safe, so Xiao Chen entered the world for the third time.

The world is a little cold.

When Xiao Chen entered here from the warm underground capital, it felt like entering winter from summer. The air here is not fresh, perhaps because the world is limited in size and the oxygen content is not very high, so it doesn't feel good.

There is a sky above this world, but there is no sun. The sky is gray and covered with low and thick clouds, but something is shining behind the clouds, giving this world some light. The surrounding tones are like those of the earthly world. early morning.

"What a terrible world." Luo Ling followed Xiao Chen into the world of ruins and said, "The false god has lived in this place for thousands of years. I feel a little pity for him."

"That guy is the last thing in this world that needs pity. Get ready to set off as a team. Let's find this guy and then flood him with artillery fire." Xiao Chen took out the crystal of the Tower of Spirits, and the crystal floated into the air, suspended in the air. beside his face.

Some time ago, he released the Spirit Tower on the island to do various research, which consumed a lot of the remaining energy of the Spirit Tower. The tower spirit He Jin chose to take the initiative to put the Spirit Tower into hibernation. Save magic crystal consumption. Now that he finally had the chance to replenish his energy, He Jin woke up. If you look carefully, you will find a small figure standing on the black and white crystal of the Spirit Tower, which is the projection of the tower spirit.

"Forging Tower, yes, I feel its aura." He Jin said.

"Me too." Glade flew down from Luo Ling's ear and formed a body on the ground. He pointed in a direction, "It's in that direction."

Xiao Chen looked over there and saw that it was a mountain wall. There was a door on the mountain wall with a huge forging hammer painted on it. Beside the door, there is a small shrine about the same height as a person, which also enshrines a stone forging hammer.

"The shrine of the God of Forging? Does it also have the soul imprint of the false god?" Luo Ling asked.

"Let's go take a look later." Xiao Chen said.

When everyone else entered the world, the portal behind Xiao Chen suddenly disappeared, and then a one-meter circular array was formed on the ground. When they return here, they can return to the basement of the royal capital by opening this reverse magic circle.

When Xiao Chen and his group walked to the gate and shrine, a voice suddenly sounded from above the gate.

"Descendants who have inherited the blood of forging, welcome to the blacksmith's trial place. This ruins of God is where we dwarves obtained the secrets of forging. Here the God of Forging granted us the knowledge and skills of forging, It has given us the power to truly gain a foothold in this world. Today you will work together to finally obtain the qualifications to inherit. If you are able to come here, one of you must be a great blacksmith, but for the great gods, this is not enough. It's just the beginning. Your past glory is nothing before the power and knowledge of the gods. Now, pray to the God of Forging with humility."

This is obviously a recording from a long time ago, and it should come from the saints who built this trial place. Xiao Chen took a look at the shrine. It seemed that this was the first step to enter the trial.

He waited for a while and found that there was no other movement from the door or the voice. On the contrary, a faint halo of light emitted around the shrine.

Xiao Chen walked a few steps and came to the shrine. The shrine is like a square pillar. The middle of the pillar is hollow, with a bracket inside and a stone hammer placed on it.

Xiao Chen used his mental power to probe towards the stone hammer, and a force emerged from the stone hammer to resist his prying eyes.

However, in this resistance, Xiao Chen discovered a familiar aura, which was the power of the false god.

However, this power is not controlled by anyone, it is just a protective measure that was previously placed here.

If a dwarf master came here before, he would have initiated a visit to this shrine. When encountering the obstruction of this kind of power, I am afraid that they will think that it is the protection left by the ancient saints, and they will stop.

But Xiao Chen didn't have any respect for the God of Forging. He began to mobilize his mental power to forcefully break through this defense.

But at this time, the Spirit Tower crystal floated over and said, "Wait a minute, is this the power of the false god? Let me feel it, and I will be more confident after a while."

After getting Xiao Chen's permission, a misty white light emitted from the crystal, shining on the stone hammer of the shrine.

Then Xiao Chen clearly felt that the protective power was disintegrating little by little.

As a weapon against the gods, although it is incomplete, after the Spirit Tower is filled with energy, its power is still above the holy level. This is one of the reasons why Xiao Chen dares to trouble the false god now.

"The power of chaos, the power of faith is indeed a powerful but chaotic thing. In our time, some people also proposed creating false gods to compete with the God of Nature, but they were all rejected in the end."

"Is it because this power is too uncontrollable?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No, it's because at that time, no one had such blind faith. Belief is belief. If you don't believe it, you can't pretend to believe it. We who have been educated by the Seven Towers can't do this." Crystal withdrew the white light, "Okay , I already understand the nature of this power, you can come and check out the stone hammer."

Xiao Chen's spirit wrapped around the stone hammer, and he found the soul mark of the false god in it. It left the power of faith here, and it was to protect the soul mark left in the middle of the hammer from being discovered.

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that the king's guess is right. The false god used to absorb the power of faith of those trial masters from here.

But we still need to use this thing to open the door, and we can't destroy it."

The king had said long ago that the way to open the door was that the dwarves needed to pray in front of the shrine to trigger the mechanism set by the saints.

Farrell led other dwarf forgers to sing the forging hymn in front of the shrine, and the light on the shrine flashed with the rhythm of the song. After three songs, the light on the shrine shone brightly. The door on the mountain wall opened to both sides with a dull sound, and soon a tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone still maintained the formation of the previous portal, carefully passed through the tunnel, and found that the tunnel opened through the entire mountain wall, and the other end was connected to the world behind the mountain wall.

There was a long and narrow canyon there, with cliffs on both sides plunging directly into the clouds in the sky. Its top could not be seen. A little further forward in the canyon was blocked by a stone wall that was equally tall and towering. There was a door on the stone wall with a big "one" on it.

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