Chapter 100: Urban Weird Tales [4].

At this moment, for those who live in the third dimension, Otasaka Yuyu just wants to say to them, show me all!

The opportunity to face ghosts is really not something that people have, not to mention that they still take the initiative to become the pig’s feet of horror movies for others.

In the face of the sudden ringing of the phone, Miyano’s body, which was under the control of Yuu Otosaka, visibly shook, looking like he was frightened.

After calming down a little, Otosaka Yuyu picked up the phone.

Sure enough, the number shown above is Miyano’s own number, and the note is also unsurprisingly “I”. Seeing that the script of this horror movie was similar to what he thought, Otosaka Yuyu was not so scared, connected the phone, and Otosaka Yuyu put the mobile phone to his ear.


“Hello, I’m Gokun. I’m behind you now, please name your questions. ”

If ordinary people hear this sentence, they will be scared to turn around to confirm whether there is anyone behind them, but Miyano’s body under the control of Otosaka Yuyu is quite calm, because Otosaka Yuyu is currently in a state of single-mindedness, although Miyano’s body that is being used cannot be seen, but Otosaka Yuyu sitting next to him on the desk chair can see it clearly.

I don’t know when, there was an extra person behind Miyano who was lying on his side, maybe 180 can’t be said to be a person, because although that thing has the silhouette of a person, the face can’t bear to look at it directly, it’s just like the scene of a car accident.

Although he sighed in his heart that the legendary ghost originally looked like this, Otosaka Yuu did not forget his purpose, but before exorcising the ghost, he wanted to try how amazing the omniscient Gokun in urban legends really was.

“I want to ask, how did the ghosts come about?”

To ask, you have to ask valuable questions, and Yuyu Otosaka is not a fool, and certainly does not waste this opportunity to ask some wisdom-reducing questions such as “You love me I love you”.

Goku-kun, on the other hand, was stunned by Yuyu Otosaka’s question, he had met many people who had called him, and although almost everyone was dragged to hell by him, there were still some people who followed the rules and did not look back at him, so he also answered those human questions.

But this was the first time he had heard people ask about this kind of thing, after all, the humans who called it almost always asked how to become successful people and how to catch up with their favorite people.

However, Go-kun deserves to be an almost omniscient existence in urban weird talk, and after only a brief period of stunned, he begins to answer Yuyu Otosaka’s question.

“Ghosts are born naturally and man-made.”

Natural causes are related to feng shui and the time of existence, and the older the place, the more likely it is to produce ghosts. And the human reason is because human beings’ awe of ghosts and gods breeds artificial ghosts, artificial ghosts are not like natural ghosts, their existence needs to spread legends about themselves in humans, through the power of human faith to survive,

“So artificial ghosts will appear in front of humans from time to time in order to survive, just to collect human beliefs.”

Otosaka Yuu frowned after listening to Goku-kun’s explanation, he had just followed the old six rules and wanted to take advantage of his unpreparedness to plunder his abilities, but he did not expect that the plunder failed for the first time.

“Why do ghosts kill people? It stands to reason that ghosts rely on humans to survive, so why would they kill their own existence? ”

“Because artificial ghosts must act according to the legends spread among humans, many ghosts originally did not want to kill people, but some humans changed the legends without authorization and spread them among the crowd, resulting in ghosts having to change their actions.”

Gee, it seems that this is a typical case of rumors harming people.

After many attempts to plunder were still useless, Otosaka Yuu immediately changed his mind.

“How is the artificial ghost going to make him disappear? In addition to the method of getting humans to stop spreading its legends. ”

“Ghosts can be killed with a strong external force, but if the legend about the killed ghosts does not stop spreading, those killed ghosts will be resurrected quickly, of course, the personality may be slightly different after resurrection.”

“.. So, have you ever killed someone? ”


Otosaka Yuu’s eyes became serious.

“Last question, how do you feel about killing? Please answer honestly. ”

The ghost Gokun has no doubt about him, after all, in its eyes, “Miyano” is just an ordinary person with no chicken power, and there is no need to lie.

“I think it’s fun to kill people.”

In the sight of Otosaka Yuu, the strange face of Go-kun behind Miyano appeared with a distorted smile, which looked very oozing

“Human, if you turn around, you can also experience death.”


The crisp voice sounded, and the petite “Miyano” slowly turned around under the stunned gaze of Go-kun, who was a little confused, but more excited.

However, this mood did not last long before it was interrupted, and he saw that in his field of vision, he only saw a flash of white light, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.

Goku-kun looked at the petite loli in front of him in disbelief, and after seeing that Miyano’s eyes were green, he suddenly realized

“Are you in control of this woman’s body?”

Hearing Go-kun’s inquiry, a happy smile appeared at the corner of Miyano’s mouth: “What about it?” ”

During the question and answer with Goku-kun just now, Otosaka Yuu had already controlled Miyano’s body and used his creative ability to create a dagger, and he also used the magic [enchantment] plundered from the magician Kurisu Takaya to add a buff to the dagger.

After hearing that the ghost Gokun had no regrets and no repentance for killing humans, Otosaka Yuu acted unceremoniously.

The power of the dagger was very impressive, and the black qi in Gojun’s inserted chest was constantly gushing out and quickly dissipating in the air.

“You guy… Don’t be too smug! ”

It seemed that because he felt the great damage that this dagger could do to him, Goku’s already ugly face was even more distorted together at this moment.

I saw that a spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared behind Wujun, and then a pitch-black wormhole-like thing emerged,

“You guy is lost in this dark country forever!”

Gokun shouted furiously, which made Otosaka Yuu can’t help but be glad that he had the foresight to cast a soundproof enchantment in this room.

And “Miyano” on the bed also reacted extremely quickly, and was not frightened by the sudden reversal, but immediately used a space jump to come to the side of Otosaka Yuyu, who was in a stealth state.

Seeing that although the black hole did not suck Miyano in, but at least forced the girl back, Gokun immediately broke through the window and fled from this room that was a great horror for him.

“How could it make you run away?”

With a wave of his hand to repair the broken window, Otosaka Yuu controls Miyano to lie back on the bed, then gets up and prepares to chase Go-kun. Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

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