“Just kidding!”
“And, if you’re talking about it, you probably don’t lack the bathrobes I made, okay?”
“Even if I really want to give you some birthday present then, I will give you something else.”
“Otherwise, if you know what your birthday present is now, wouldn’t there be no suspense or fun at all?”
Seeing that Kotobuki still looked swollen in clothes, and looked at herself quite dissatisfied, Beichuan Qingxia waved her hands.
Hearing what Beichuan Qingxia said, neither Kotobuki nor anyone else mentioned the yukata.
Since their minister, Haruka Kitagawa, can even make yukatas, this gave them a great surprise.
On their birthdays, the gifts they received from Beichuan Qingxia must have been quite a surprise.

It’s another weekend!
At noon, Beichuan Qingxia changed into her casual clothes and prepared to go out.
Today, although it is not a special day, nor does it have any special activities or arrangements, but it is also a day of relatively important matters.
That is, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s signing event.
Today, it has been about a month since Kitagawa Haruka directed Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s writing.
As early as a week or two ago, the fourth volume of Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s novel, “Love Metronome” was completed.
And, after being reviewed by Beichuan Qingxia, she gave a pretty good evaluation.
After so many days of publicity, typesetting, and printing, the official release date finally ushered in.
If it were someone else, Beichuan Qingxia might not have traveled far for a small signing.
But since Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s “Love Metronome” has her own participation, she also has her own 90% of the royalties.
Then, he naturally wanted to come to the scene to observe the wave in person, and to support it by the way.
If he sees a sea of ​​people queuing up to buy something, no matter what, it will give him a great sense of accomplishment.
It may be that the resource allocation of the Immortal River Library has not been re-divided, or that Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s sales performance is not particularly top-notch on weekdays.
The place where Kasumi Hill Shiyu’s signing event will be held is a bit remote.
As for the specific location, it is neither in the center of Tokyo nor in the surrounding area.
It’s a bookstore that cooperates with Undead River Bunko a little bit within the boundary between Tokyo and other areas.
If it was any further away, they might not be in Tokyo anymore.
Because of this, the distance is quite far.
Even if you take the subway directly, it will take about an hour or two, which is quite time-consuming.
Originally, Beichuan Qingxia wanted to go there by subway.
But when I thought that it might be faster to ride the motorcycle directly, it would only take about an hour or so.
In addition, today’s sunny day is also suitable for cycling and so on.
In the end, he rode directly on his motorcycle and headed to the bookstore where Shiyu Kasumigaoka held the book signing.
When I went out, it was around eleven o’clock at noon.
It was already around twelve o’clock when we came near the bookstore.
After arriving near the bookstore, Beichuan Qingxia found a parking place and parked her motorcycle.
Then, he took a cloth bag that he didn’t know what it contained, and walked towards the bookstore.
The time for Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s signing event to start is actually not twelve o’clock.
If you really want to say it, it started around ten o’clock.
Beichuan Qingxia was not the first to arrive at the scene, appearing in front of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and impressing her for a while.
Therefore, they set off after an hour of the autograph signing in a leisurely manner.
Counting the travel time on the road, that’s two hours.
As long as the number of people who come to participate in the signing event should not be too small, the time required to complete the entire signing event will take at least one or two hours, or even more than three or four hours.
And this is also the reason why Beichuan Qingxia is not in a hurry and is not afraid of missing out.
It may be that more than two hours have passed, and a large number of book friends and book fans have returned with full loads of novels signed by Kasumigaoka Shiyu.
There are not many people outside the bookstore and inside the bookstore.
There were only five or six people left in the bookstore, still queuing up, waiting for autographs.
Holding the cloth bag in her hand, Beichuan Qingxia walked into it and entered the bookstore.
enter the bookstoreAfterwards, Kitagawa Haruka was not behind the queue waiting for the autograph.
He came to the bookshelf beside him, picked up the fourth volume of “Love Metronome”, and only after paying the bill did he stand behind the queue.
Since the signing event itself contains the word “sale”, it is natural to buy the works of the author who held the signing event at this bookstore.
Only by holding the work purchased in the bookstore can you get the author’s autograph.
In this way, book friends and book fans have obtained the signature of the author that they yearn for.
The owner of the bookstore can also reap a considerable amount of income and make a fortune, which can be described as the best of both worlds.
Especially the latter, otherwise, the bookstore owner would not be willing to spare most of the space in his bookstore, waste so much time, and use his bookstore as the venue for the signing event.
There is a relationship of mutual benefit between the two.
Because of this, some bookstores, especially bookstores whose business is not particularly good, will take the initiative to apply for their own bookstore as the venue for the signing event.
Like the bookstore where Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu held the signing event today, it is probably in this list.
The location of this bookstore is really too remote.
Soon, the four or five people in front of Beichuan Qingxia had signed their names one by one.
After expressing their thanks, they left the bookstore holding the “Love Metronome” in their hands as if they were holding sacred objects.
“There’s only one person left!”
“Thank you, Xiaoshi!”
“After signing this last person, today’s signing will come to an end!”
Before Beichuan Qingxia stepped forward, said hello to Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was rubbing her right wrist, and handed out the “Love Metronome” in her hand.
Machida Sonoko, who was beside Kasumigaoka Shiwa, smiled and said with a distressed smile.
Hearing what Machida Sonoko said, Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded somewhat relieved.
The signing event is a great blessing for the author.
At the same time, it is also a major “disaster”.
When there are many people, hundreds of thousands of people, continuous signatures, can “sign off” the author’s hand.
This is also the reason why some authors are always afraid of holding a signing event to achieve more sales, and are unwilling to hold a signing event.
For example, Haruka Kitagawa!
If he holds a signing event, with his reputation, it is no exaggeration to say that he will sign at least three to five thousand times.
It is not impossible to sign in from daytime to late night.
At that time, I was afraid that I would be exhausted by signing and signing directly, and I would be hospitalized after signing and signing.
Moreover, the right hand needs to be cultivated for three to five days before it can be restored to its original state.
“Speaking of which, Teacher Beiqing seems to have said that she will come to Xiaoshi’s autograph session for you.”
“If Teacher Beiqing hasn’t arrived, Xiaoshi, do you want to wait forever?”
Machida Sonoko said.
“Of course we have to wait!”
“If that guy dares to release my pigeons, I will definitely show him!”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu hummed.
To be honest, when the signing event started, the first thing she wanted to see was Beichuan Qingxia.
It’s just that, let alone the person who ranked first, even the second, third, fourth and beyond, there is no figure of Beichuan Qingxia.
Even now that the signing event is about to end, there is no sign of Beichuan Qingxia.
This made her quite gnash her teeth, quite annoyed, and quite disappointed.
Doesn’t this mean that in Beichuan Qingxia’s heart, some of her autograph sessions are not very important?
“I really want to see what you will give me!”
After hearing what Kasumigaoka Shiwa said, Kitagawa Haruka laughed a little.
Saying this in front of me, and being heard by me, Kasumigaoka Shiyu would be very embarrassed!
In other words, he was wearing a motorcycle helmet on his head, so Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Machida Sonoko didn’t recognize him immediately.
Otherwise, I’m afraid Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wouldn’t say that after seeing him.
After finishing speaking, Beichuan Qingxia slowly took off the heavy helmet on her head, and took a deep breath.
“Teacher Beiqing?”
“Mr. Beichuan!”
After hearing this familiar voice, and seeing Beichuan Qingxia who took off his helmet.
Whether it was Kasumigaoka Shiwa or Machida Sonoko, they all looked surprised.
Afterwards, I saw Machida Sonoko showing a dumbfounding expression.
They just mentioned Beichuan Qingxia, and then Beichuan Qingxia just appeared, this is too coincidental!
That’s why Beichuan Qingxia wore that helmet on her head, otherwise, they would have seen Beichuan Qingxia’s arrival just now.
“You’re here!”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said slightly unnaturally.
The words are full of complex meanings of joy and embarrassment.
Delighted, of course, because Beichuan Qingxia finally came as promised.
The embarrassment was because Beichuan Qingxia happened to hear her “ruthless words”, and she was caught by her little tail!
“So, if I don’t come, what do you want to show me?”
Regarding the topic just now, Beichuan Qingxia asked again, teasing Kasumigaoka Shiwa.
“Of course it is. Your salary will be deducted!”
“When the time comes, the remuneration or something will be sent to my account first, and then sent to youof. ”
“If you don’t come today, I’ll delay sending it to you for a few days, or reduce the amount without anyone noticing.”
“Anyway, you don’t know how much I will be paid for the manuscript!”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu hummed.
That’s what she said, but judging from her tone, it was meant as a joke, and she couldn’t take it seriously.
“you sure?”
“Even if I really don’t know how much your manuscript is paid, I can just ask the editor Machida around you.”
“Also, if you really dare not give it, I can even inform the people on the Immortal Chuan Library.”
“Maybe, then you won’t even get a dime!”
With a smile on her face, Kitagawa Haruka said words that made Kasumigaoka Shiwa shudder.
With this appearance, at this moment, he seems to be the master who has mastered the fate of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.
“Mr. Beichuan, are you bullying the weak with your big ones, bullying me, a weak woman?”
Hearing what Kitagawa Haruka said, Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn’t mean to tremble or gnash her teeth at all.
On the contrary, I saw her showing a pitiful look, and I looked at Beichuan Qingxia with a pitiful look.
If it were someone else, someone who was not strong-minded, or someone who was old-fashioned and critical, facing Kasumigaoka Shiwa in this posture.
Maybe, he will be vacillating, or even be breached.
But who is Kitagawa Haruka, naturally she won’t be “confuse” by Kasumigaoka Shiwa.
Not to mention, these days, through online chats, he has also gained a certain understanding of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s character and temperament.
Being funny, having a black belly, and having a poisonous tongue can be said to be what Kasumi Hill Shiyu is best at.
If Xiazhiqiu Shiyu really showed something that I still feel pitiful and pitiful, she would definitely not be what she is now.
“First of all, you are not a weak woman!”
“Secondly, I am younger than you, and you are older than me, let alone bullying the younger.”
Beichuan Qingxia came one by one.
“Stop, stop!”
Every time Beichuan Qingxia said a word, a large black line would appear on Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s head.
In the end, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s entire face was even darker.
Not to mention weak girls, I’m only one year older than Beichuan Qingxia, okay?
In Beichuan Qingxia’s mouth, she was said to be very old.
She finally understood that in terms of bickering, she was no match for Beichuan Qingxia.
“Still signed or not!”
Kasumigaoka Shiwa looked at the novel in Kitagawa Haruka’s hands, and said angrily.
Hearing what Kasumigaoka Shiwa said, Kitagawa Haruka smiled, but didn’t continue to say anything.
After tearing off the plastic film of the fourth volume of “Love Metronome” in his hand, he handed the book to Kasumigaoka Shiwa for his signature.
After a soft snort, Kasumigaoka Shiwa glared at Beichuan Qingxia, then pulled the novel from Beichuan Qingxia’s hand, put it in front of her, and signed her pen name.
It’s just that the signature this time is a little different from the hundreds of signatures before.
After signing her pen name, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu continued to write a small line of words below.
“To Mr. Beichuan who can only bully weak women and bully the little with the big!”
From this sentence, it can be seen that Kasumigaoka Shiwa is quite dissatisfied with what happened just now, and she used this to vent her anger on Beichuan Haruka.
Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s “petty” behavior naturally did not escape Kitagawa Haruka’s eyes.
However, he just doesn’t care.
Originally, he didn’t really need Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s autograph. He just wanted to patronize and meet up.
[Author’s Note: I started writing at 3 o’clock yesterday, started at 5 o’clock in the morning, and recently started to return to work. I am exhausted today and have no state. I didn’t wake up until after ten o’clock, and hurried to a big chapter].

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