Omni Genius

Chapter 805: Tribal emergency!

Chapter 805 Tribal Incidents!

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"Brother, is the outside world really so fun to say?"

Li Yao, who is about sixteen years old, shakes Qin Fang’s arm, and her eyes are full of eager enquiries.

"Of course it's fun! It's more fun than I said..."

Looking at the young girl who is beautiful in front of her, Qin Fang’s eyes are also a little helpless.

Qin Fang stayed in the Lausanne tribe and spent a night at the friend's house in Song Ayi, and Li Yao was the child of this master. It is already fifteen years old this year. It is exactly sixteen years old in a few days.

The girls in the mountains are not the same as the outside, and they are very different.

Outside the mountain, the 16-year-old girl is still in school, still a high school student, or a child -

But in this mountain, girls can marry and have children when they are sixteen years old.

Li Yao is such a young age. When she just listened to her parents when she was eating, she mentioned that she would be ready to find her husband's family in a few days.

This is also the reason why Song Ayi did not let Wen Yan enter the mountain. Wen Wei is already twenty years old. This age has long been married in the mountains for a long time, and the children may be a whole lot.

When Song Auntie was sixteen years old, he didn't want to marry so early, he sneaked out of the mountain and worked hard for years, before he met Wen Uncle.

The girls in the mountains are very simple. They have few thoughts in their hearts. They grow up slowly, then marry and have children... and then slowly spend this life.

Li Yao originally planned to go this way. She never touched people outside the mountain. She didn’t even know one word, that is, Qin Fang came over and borrowed. She saw that the dress was completely different from them. I heard that Some of the things outside the world of flowers and flowers, I immediately came to the interest, took the Qin Fang and asked this question...

"Yao Yao, very late, the guests have to rest..."

Only when Li Yao wanted to inquire about more things from the outside world, her father came over and shouted her seriously.

The men were very enthusiastic and very polite to the Qin side. They even took out the three-year-old Woto wine, and asked them to drink a meal.

Only when he discovered that his daughter Li Yao always took Qin Fang and asked about things outside the mountain, he was obviously unhappy in his heart...

The people in the mountains are used to living in the mountains. The world of flowers and flowers may be tempting for them, but it is also a kind of nightmare. After those who have gone out, it is even more terrible to describe the outside of the mountain. They dare not step out of the mountains.

They don't go out, and naturally they don't want their children to be tempted.

Although the girl has no status in the family, it is completely incomparable with the boy, but it is a very important source of income in the family. Because the girl can receive a cow, a few sheep, etc. when she marries...

Therefore, the best living conditions in the tribe are not necessarily the patriarch, nor the big family with many sons. It is precisely the family with more daughters. Every marriage is a small fortune.

For this reason, the man does not want his daughter Li Yao to be attracted by the flower world outside the mountain. If he sneak out of the mountain, he loses a daughter and is small. Losing such a fortune is a big deal!

In the eyes of these mountains, the daughter can't compare with the cows and the sheep. Otherwise, there will be no ridiculous things like stealing relatives.

Therefore, most of the girls in the mountains are not recognized by the big characters. Even if they come in for free teaching outside the mountains, they are basically boys in the class. The girls are only a few.

Qin Fang can see the worry in the man's eyes, and he can only shake his head helplessly. He is not the kind of saint who has to manage a tube.

Since the mountain people have lived in this way for so many years, then naturally they have their rules. He is arbitrarily nosy, perhaps not helping people, but hurting people...

Listening to Song Auntie said that some tribes are very strict about sneaking out of the mountains. They are going to have legs, but they are directly killed by sticks.

"Xiao Qin, the mountains are deserted, rest early..."

The conditions in the mountains are simple, just like the one they used to live in. They are simply four houses. Only two of them are stone-based. The rest are made of wooden boards, which are quite simple.

There was a couple in the host family, a few children squeezed into one, and their parents were around. It’s natural that they couldn’t live with Qin Fang—(They didn’t live together), she was with her mother Song Auntie. Living in one room, the remaining three men, Qin Fang, Wen Shushu, Song Qingshan, were squeezed into a room.

As Uncle Wen said, the conditions in the mountains are simple, and there is no electricity at night. It is quite deserted, and there is no other activity except sleeping.

"Uncle Wen, you sleep first..."

Qin Fang smiled, Wen Shushu walked the road of the day, although the latter half was carried by people, but in the end the body can not be compared with their young people, this time is also very tired, not long after lying down to sleep It’s gone.

Qin Fang and Song Qingshan are sitting cross-legged, silently meditating and meditating...

The infuriating spirits are all bitterly practiced. Even if the Qin side has shortcuts, it needs to be slowly honed. The air in this mountain is very fresh, much stronger than the dirty air in the city. The effect is much better, which is why the big sects are built in the mountains, not the bustling metropolis.

The night was quiet, very quiet, and even Qin Fang could faintly hear the conversation between Song Ayi and Wen Wei in the next room.

Outside the house is a quiet mountain, you can faintly hear the sound of insects, very slight.

The night is getting deeper.

The conversation next door has disappeared. It seems that I am already asleep and quieter.


However, Qin Fang and Song Qingshan, who were working silently, were suddenly awakened by such a roaring roar, and woke up from cultivation.


Not only they, but even the host family was awakened, and the neighbors in the neighborhood were noisy, and Qin Fang even heard the sharpening of the knife.

"What happened?"

Qin Fang and Song Qingshan are also very strange. They are the first time to enter this deep mountain. When they walk out of the room and see it, they see that the whole tribe is like a blasting pot. Everyone ran out, men are even more I took a knife and a bow and seemed to be fighting like...

At this time, Zhuo Da also led people to come, Qin can not help but ask.

"I don't know where to drill a bear, just killed someone..."

Although Zhuoda is not happy with the Qin side, in view of the relationship between Qin Fang and Song Qingshan, he still said some of the situations he knew.

It turned out that the tribe suddenly broke into a bear scorpion and killed people. It is no wonder that the entire tribe was moved.

Generally speaking, the people in the mountains are grouped in the form of tribes, just to guard against the attack of the beasts. The slightly clever beasts are not close to the place where humans live, but there are some exceptions, especially the stupid bears with their heads. The most so, from time to time will attack the human settlement.

The Lausanne tribe is just a small tribe. It is much smaller than the Gelan tribe where Zhuo Da is located. There are only a few hundred people in total. The males in the old age are only a hundred people. The loss of one is a very serious matter.

"Not good, not just a bear, but there seems to be a leopard. I just took Baal from the Batu family..."

It’s just that Zhuo Da’s words have not been finished yet. I heard that the people of the Lausanne tribe are talking. It seems that things are more troublesome than they think. They actually drilled a leopard and took the children away...

"The messenger, we have to help the people of the Lausanne tribe to save the children, you stay in the tribe to rest!"

Originally it was only Xiongzizi. So many people from the Lausanne tribe gathered together. It must be able to deal with it. But now the child has been taken away by the leopard, and the people of the Lausanne tribe are going to save it. This is obviously not enough.

Zhuo Da, they are also short-lived people, naturally can not stand by, the dozens of people around are also the Warriors of the Glan tribe, immediately organized to prepare to save the children.

Children are the future of the mountain people, especially the boys, but they are very precious. They can’t watch the children die like this.

At this time, I will catch up and hope to save it...

"We are going with you..."

Qin Fang’s brow wrinkled and looked at this dark and incomparable mountain forest. The people in front of him added up to more than a hundred people. They must guard against the bear cubs to hurt people, and they must go into the mountains to save the children. Very nervous.

Since they are guests of the Lausanne tribe, they must not stand by and talk to Song Qingshan's eyes. They immediately said to Zhuoda.

Although these people are tribal warriors, but dozens of them can not match him and Song Qingshan any one person, if they join, the success rate will definitely be higher.

"can you?"

Zhuo Da has a slight glimpse. In fact, he also hopes that Song Qingshan, the messenger of the gods, will help. For the strength of Song Qingshan, there is no doubt about it, but for Qin Fang, he has no foundation at all.

It’s important to save people now, he doesn’t want to bring a burden...

"Uncle Wen, you should take care of the tribe here, we will come back soon..."

The tribe here naturally needs people to take care of it. As a policeman, the uncle who is armed with a gun is naturally the most suitable candidate.


As for Zhuoda, Qin Fang was too lazy to look at him and greet Song Qingshan. The two men each chose a direction, and the whole person disappeared like a gust of wind.


Zhuo Dawei looked at the back of Qin Fang’s far away. He already knew that Wen’s man was not the powerful Ming Dynasty messenger Song Qingshan in his eyes, but the Qin Fang he looked down on, but now he suddenly felt I am stupid, and the speed at which Qin Fang left is definitely faster than the most sensitive hunters in the mountains.

"The warriors, set off..."

Of course, the speed is not representative of what it is. This time it is to save people. Without rich experience, it is a problem to distinguish the direction in the mountains, let alone pursue the leopard.

The tribes have already been organized, and Zhuoda cannot hesitate here. It is also the leader who immediately led his men to go to the mountains to save people.

The mountains are very quiet and peaceful, and they are very peaceful and peaceful.

If it happened, the mountain was like a paradise, but the sudden appearance of the bear cub and the leopard who took the child, but it destroyed such tranquility.

Qin Fang and Song Qingshan are divided into two ways. Both of them are powerful fighters. They are all masters who can independently compete against bears and leopards.

Song Qingshan couldn't get into the gun, and the beast couldn't hurt him. Plus the powerful eagle claws were quite powerful, and there was no problem in saving people.

Not to mention the Qin party, all kinds of skills are in the body, the physical strength is also quite horrible, and guns can be used at any time, and his guns will not accidentally hurt anyone.

"This is... bear's fur!"

The Qin side soon found some clues, some of the remaining blood, but using the investigative skills to find that some of the fur in the blood is bear hair, the natural bear cub is left from here.

"For the time being, let me put you a horse..."

However, the most important thing at the moment is not to deal with this bear cub who killed the man. Instead, he rescued the child who was taken away by the leopard. The Qin side had to give up the bear cub and temporarily go on another route.

He has detective skills in his body. As long as he finds a little clue, he can follow it all the way. Even the experienced old hunters in the mountains may not be stronger than him.

And the speed of his actions is very blocky, as long as he finds the clue of the leopard, he can catch up with the fastest speed...

"Hey, if you can learn how to cross the river, you can do it..."

At the time of the fast running, Qin couldn't help but think of the Wukong monk's cross-legged body. The light and elegant posture, high and high, if you learn, it will be much easier.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. He is not a monk of Shaolin Temple. Naturally, there is no possibility of cultivation.

Although there are thousands of thoughts in my mind, Qin Fang does not dare to ignore any clues. The forest is very dark, but the moon in the sky is still a little bit, and Qin Fang’s skill is behind, barely reaching night vision. The extent of this, you can see the scenery in the mountains.

"this is……"

After a long time, Qin Fang finally found some clues. It was not a blood stain, but a small piece of rag, which was scraped off by the branches of an old tree. There was still some fur left.

"found it……"

The detection skills were launched, and the results were quickly returned. Qin was a happy one. This time he did not chase the mistakes. These furs belonged to a leopard, and the cuts were still very new rags. The child was taken along this road.

"I hope that the child is fine..."

Qin Fang did not find blood, but could not confirm that the child was still alive. He could only expect it silently, and then the whole person immediately pursued in this direction at the fastest speed.

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