Omni Genius

Chapter 737: You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder!

Chapter 737 You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder!

First, ask for a subscription~~~


As a former Samsung killer, Sinan has been away from the killer for many years, but this sensitivity to danger has not declined.

Arms dealers are sometimes more dangerous than killers...

At least the killer hides the target in the dark, but the arms dealer must trade in the clear, so Sinan has always attached great importance to its own security.

Just like today's transaction, if this millennium corpse is really important, Sinan will not be present in person, but he knows that the killer alliance must have sent people to kill him, so he has always been hidden in the dark.

That villa is like this, so is the transaction on board...

It’s just that he didn’t think that the killer actually touched the ship without knowing it. If it was the door opened by Raymond, I was afraid that he was just dead.

Sinan also pulled out the guns that were stored close to him, hidden in the corner of the cab, and a pair of hazy eyes stared at the door.

As a killer, a butcher who killed countless people, Sinan did not dare to take it lightly.

This time the assassination was predicted by him, and he also knows some basic information about the three killers who came to kill him. The Samsung killer ghost bear has already died in the hands of the bear bear, and the rest Two are one star and two star killers...

This level of killer, in the killer alliance, is only the bottom of the killer, the money has not yet earned much, it is best to cope.

"Young people, you want to kill me is nothing more than money. Someone in our company is not that kind of stingy person. How much is the killer alliance, I give you double, no, ten times... How?"

Thinking of this, Sinan spoke to the outside of the hatch.

He tried to use money to seduce the killer who came to chase him... Money, how much he can afford, the most important thing is to save his life.

What he needs most now is to delay the time. As long as the transaction ahead is completed, his people will withdraw from the ship, and he will be saved.

The reason is not to shoot with the killer, to attract attention from the outside with gunshots, mainly because the killer was forced to use some abnormal means.

For example... grenade.

Although this killing technique is rarely used by killers, it does not exclude its possibility.

"Money? I am afraid you can't give it..."

The voice of Qin Fang came from the secluded outside the door...

In fact, he is also very depressed now, Raymond this black ghost killed too early, if he waited for him to leave, Qin Fang can completely become his way to defraud Sinan trust, and close to kill him.

It was only Qin Fang who had just arrived at the hatch door and found that the hatch was open. He was almost a subconscious shot and killed Raymond directly.

This in turn made Sinan aware, hiding in the corner, and now it is not so easy to kill him...


He wants to throw one in.

As far as the cockpit is so far, a grenade is enough to blow Sinan up, but the problem is that he doesn't have that stuff. He has a lot of weapons to collect, but the grenade is really unprepared.

"Mom, I have to do a few things at a time..."

Qin Fang’s heart was silently planning this.

"Nothing can't be given, only you can count, I can give you..."

When Sinan heard the words of Qin Fang, although the tone was very firm, it did not seem to be completely unconstrained, and immediately sipped in it.

At the same time, he also secretly contacted the outside men, let them come back to save him as soon as possible.

"Beauty, I have found Sinan, but it is a little troublesome and needs your support..."

This time for a while, the Qin side also knows that time can't continue to drag on. The only way is to cause some riots, and he can get rid of Sinan.

And if he had only one person, it was very difficult to act. Fortunately, there was Su Xiaoxiao staring at the bank of the river, and he immediately got in touch with Su Xiaoxiao and whispered.


Su Xiao’s voice came, and then Qin Fang heard her playing with the sound of firearms.


A slight shot.


And almost a few seconds before and after, there was a very obvious gunshot outside the cabin...

"Mom, which **** adds chaos to Laozi..."

Qin Fang snorted, and then there was no sound, as if he had left.

Another boat.

"The paralyzed, actually want to eat black..."

The two gangs had already handed over the fire, and the slab that was placed between the two ships did not know that when it fell into the river, the people in Sinan were directly trapped in another boat.

Su Xiaoxiao was also embarrassed, and directly killed the substitute of Sinan, and then Sinan’s men immediately pulled the gun and counterattacked. One face killed the other party’s tomb thief.

It’s just that this group of tomb thieves are not ordinary people. Once they hang so many people, there are more than a dozen gunmen in the cabin. The powerful firepower directly suppresses the people in Sinan.

In fact, this was originally a plan of Sinan, who used the killer alliance to kill his substitute. Then he blackened and killed these tomb thieves, he could successfully win this thousand-year-old corpse, and at the same time he could not know. Ghosts disappeared...

Going back only needs the whole capacity. If you change your identity, he can be revived again... It only takes a certain amount of time to create a group of masters, so he has the capital against the killer alliance.

Of course, if there is no accidental sneak attack by Qin Fang, it might be more perfect...

It was just that he did not expect that these tomb thieves actually had such a powerful firepower, and the accidental fall of that piece of seesaw was also beyond his expectations.

Outside the cabin, the gunshots were quite dense, and the two men played quite fiercely. The bullets flew in the air, and no one dared to make it easy.

The thieves were also powerful enough to immediately provoke the anchor. When they started the ship, they wanted to flee... As long as the people in Sinan were not supported, they naturally had the means to kill the rest of them.

Black eats black, everyone will.

Sinan is jealous of them, and they are naturally rude.

The millennium corpses are in their hands, and that is the odd goods to live in. Naturally, some people buy them at a high price...if they know that this thing is a bomb, I am afraid I will stay in my hand.

Of course, they also know some secrets that Sinan does not know...

These are the Qin Fang said that when the ship of the tomb thief drove away, the ship of Sinan was docked in the center of the river, and there was only Sinan in the cab.


But there are a lot of people on the deck. These are the ambushes prepared by Sinan. They just didn't have time to go. They all gathered on the deck and fought against each other.

The Qin side was hidden in the dark, and the gun in his hand immediately became a life harvester. Almost one shot fell.

These gunmen are all elites of Sinan, all of whom are subordinates to Sinan. Once they find that Sinan is trapped by him, it will be the biggest obstacle for Qin to kill Sinan.

"There are killers on board..."

Only after he killed five people in a row, the ship of the tomb thief was already a little far away. The bullet could not be beaten. Someone immediately understood that someone on the ship was secretly killing them.

Awkwardly, all the gunmen quickly searched for the bunker to hide, and at the same time, the position of the shooting was carpeted...

There are still seven or eight of these people, and the firepower is quite powerful. They cover each other, and the Qin side does not dare to go out...

"No, the boss is still on!"

Only they quickly thought that the outside had been labeled like this. The bosses Sinan and Raymond had never appeared, and the killer was working on them in the cabin. It immediately became very anxious, and the firepower was even stronger.


The purpose of Qin Fang has been reached, and it has been quietly hidden.


Just as the gunmen quickly rushed toward the cabin, at the stern position, a human figure jumped into the rolling river, and made a loud noise, splashing a large splash.


These gunmen immediately rushed to the stern, and the position of the splash was a dense sweep, but there was no movement below.

"Protect the boss..."

Killing is not an end. The safety of Sinan is what they care most about. So a group of gunmen stayed in their place to look for the enemy's whereabouts, while another four or five people quickly passed toward the cockpit.

Raymond’s body lay quietly there, and it made them extremely nervous, and quickly rushed toward the cabin...


Four or five people came in and quickly occupied their powerful terrain, while looking for the whereabouts of Sinan.

"I am here……"

Sinan noticed that these people were their own subordinates. This was a little relieved, but they were not in a hurry. "What is the situation outside?"

Although he also heard the gunshots outside, but what happened, he was not very clear, he could only ask these men.

"The killer appeared, shooting the boss's substitute, but the other side is very strong, flying the seesaw, our people are trapped in the other's boat..."

A gunman who looks like a small head is also frowning and reporting.

Things happened so suddenly, they didn't have the chance to react. It seemed that the other party had already guessed that it would be like this.

"What about killers?"

Sinan’s brow was also wrinkled tightly, and he vaguely felt that he had been designed by someone, but he could not think of who it would be.

Once again, he thought of the Qin Fang who had sneaked into the ship. His brow was even frowning.

"The jetty left..."

The gunman’s leader replied that many of them had witnessed it, even though they felt that things should not be that simple.

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