Omni Genius

Chapter 670: King of the Killer's Tooth (2)

Chapter 670 The King of the Killer's Tooth (2)

The second, depressed, my wife did not know how to fool, actually turned the home network to abandon, ran very far to the Internet cafe upload, insufficient tomorrow to fill up ~~


Five meters...

Three meters...

one meter……

These three mercenaries are almost at the foot of the Qin side at the moment. The Qin side only needs to let go of the hand, and the whole person can quickly land, and then easily kill the enemy closest to him.

But... he didn't move!

These three people are worthy of being mercenaries on the edge of life and death. When they are close to the tree where Qin is located, the distance they have kept has suddenly opened up. It seems that they are pre-feeling the existence of Qin.

Although this is only the Qin Fang's guess, but he did not take risks, because this sudden opening may allow Qin Fang to have time to kill the enemy, but unable to evade the other's bullets.

Of course, Qin Fang has a gun in his hand, and he can easily kill the three mercenaries with three shots. After all, such a close distance, with his shooting method, these three people can never escape.

But he won't do it, he doesn't want to be so scared...

"嘶嘶~~c group is all normal, no target found!"

At this moment, one of the three mercenaries suddenly had a very slight sound, which seemed to be the kind of walkie-talkie.

The mercenary heard the sound and immediately whispered such a sentence... and then hung up the walkie-talkie!

"It is this time..."

At this time, Qin Fang’s heart suddenly moved, and he knew his chance came.

The arm was slightly loose, and the body of the tree immediately fell down from the tree at the speed of free fall...

The height of about three meters, to be honest, is almost equal to the head of the three people, because one of the three mercenaries is estimated to have two meters in height, and the distance from the Qin side can be almost It’s within easy reach.

Such a close distance, such a height, when the three people appeared so moments of slack, Qin Fang finally shot...

In the darkness, a faint fluorescent flash passed by, and it was hard to find it with a slight eye.


At the moment when Qin Fang’s feet landed, the kind of silver needle stuck into the flesh was so slight that it could not be heard by the human ear, but it brought a great confidence to Qin.

There are two mercenaries under the tree in the Qin Dynasty. They are slightly between the two meters. It is said that Qin Fang should not be able to kill both of them at the same time, but he did it...

The two silver needles rushed into the outer neck between the two unlucky ones, which is what the Qin side can see.

No way, Qin Fang didn't want to take risks. He didn't know if these people wore bullet-proof vests. Although his silver needles were powerful, they couldn't pierce the vests made of Kevlar and they wore them. The bulletproof helmet...only the neck is exposed, Qin is convenient to choose here.

The neck is also one of the key points of the human body. Those foreigners may not pay much attention to the protection here. They don’t understand the ancient meridian points of the dragon country. They don’t know that the impact of this acupoint is sometimes more serious than being hit by bullets. terrible……

It’s like the two shots that Qin Fang’s sudden shots are all on a very deadly dead hole between the two unlucky necks. At the same time, the powerful internal moment breaks out... The two unlucky ones are almost instantaneous The blood is retrograde, straight into the deepest part of the brain... Instantly violent!

The acupoints of the human body are the basis of acupuncture. The human body has 720 acupoints, of which 108 are critical points, of which 72 are acupuncture points that are generally not fatal. The remaining 36 acupoints are deadly, which is commonly known as “a common point”. Dead hole."

The dead points are divided into soft hemp, dizziness, light and heavy four points, each with nine acupuncture points, which together are called 36 deadly points. In the life and death fight, it can be used as a "killer".

This is theoretically from the acupoints, but in fact it is not very comprehensive, because the military is divided into two types: inner and outer. The masters know the effects of these points and use their own strength to fight. The effect of killing and defeating the opponent...

If the inner masters attack these dead holes, as long as the internal strength reaches a certain level, each of the thirty-six deadly holes is a dead hole!

If it is a master of the house, and at the same time it is a master of medicine that knows a lot about the acupoints, then not only the thirty-six deadly holes, but also the remaining seventy-two key points will have at least ten acupuncture points. The dead hole that can cause death...

Unfortunately, Qin Fang’s cultivation has internal interest, and his strength is even more invincible under the master level. He is also considered to be an expert in the interior. At the same time, although he is not a medical expert, he knows the acupoints with his acupuncture skills. Not weaker than those who are medical experts...

This is a combination of all aspects, then the lethality of this aspect has become quite horrible in an instant. The experience since these days has already been seen, and the two unlucky ghosts in front of us are even harder, because Qin Fang used it. Acupuncture has a lot of people, but it is still the first time to kill people with acupuncture, and the two of them become the first pair of unlucky!


A very low voice came, it seemed to be the sound of the foot on the grass on the ground, which is actually the sound of Qin Fang landing from the tree.

The two unlucky ones were instantly killed by the Qin side, and even a little bit of sound did not come out, so they died silently.

When a person dies, then naturally there is no way to continue standing, and he immediately falls down to the ground... Although Qin Fang has stabilized one of the bodies in time, there is no way to stop another one than one meter away. The man fell.


The three people have gone to the second, and there is only one left. It is the one that just talked on the walkie-talkie. It all came too fast, and his mind just showed a moment of slack, and the vigilance relaxed. Did not feel the presence of the Qin side in the first time.

It was not until the Qin side was slightly lower that after killing his two companions, he felt vaguely a little bit wrong... The eyes were also transferred.

"What are you doing?"

It’s just that he turned back, and suddenly his face was a little discolored, and he screamed.

A very authentic English, at least more fluent than the Qin party said, obviously this is not a dragon country, "in the execution of the task, not allowed to be lazy ... Howth, back to your position! If the head is known Yes, we don’t think about it all three..."

Obviously these three people are very tacit teammates, and the relationship with each other is also very good. The only remaining one should be the head of the three people, with leadership, so there will be such a reaction.

The reason why he screamed in this way was mainly because his two teammates actually stood together and hooked their shoulders, as if they did not regard this action as one thing at all.

Although the mercenary group is not an army, the rules are even stricter than the military. It can even be described as cruel and cruel, especially the head of the mercenary group. It is even supreme and has absolute control over the people under it. Right, if it is a disobedient person, he will definitely not hesitate to kill...

In the execution of the task, no low-level mistakes are allowed, and this scene in front of us is no longer a low-level mistake. It is completely disregarding the organization's plans, arrangements, orders...


Responding to him is not the two intimate teammates quickly separated, each returned to their own fighting position, and then continue to carefully carry out the task, but the opposite teammate "Hors" suddenly raised his hand, a touch The silver light is now...

Almost from a dangerous instinct that can be condensed between life and death, this mercenary is almost subconsciously trying to shoot a gun...

However, although his movements have been fast enough, there is still no silver light that comes out faster!


A sharp military dagger pierced his eyebrows and went straight through the brain... died on the spot!

It’s another blow!

He slammed, and the mp5 submachine gun he held in his hand had not had time to align with Qin Fang. He himself had already seen the king of Jurassic in advance, and the bullet that had been smashed on the bullet could only fall to the ground. A soft whistle sounded.

This mercenary did not understand until the moment of death, why the comrades who are close to him will suddenly kill themselves...

Moreover, he never knew that "Hors" actually played such a powerful flying knife stunt!

This shot is naturally Qin Fang!

"The paralyzed, but the reaction is fast enough..."

After killing this opponent, Qin Fang himself was a bit lucky, and almost this kid shot.

It’s not that Qin is afraid of the other’s gun. He can shoot him one by one before the opponent shoots, but once the gunshot sounds, the mercenary will immediately kill him. Come over, instead of being scattered around the mountains like him.

There is only one person in the Qin Dynasty. The heart is moving like a wind, and he is free to use it. He must use this point and use the essence of the guerrilla warfare summed up by the predecessors to counter the mercenary.

The strength of the other side is very strong. Just a small team, Qin Fang is not afraid. With his ability, he can easily smash such a three-person team, but once they get together, he can only escape.

If the powerful firepower network organized by mp5 really wants to be successful, it can instantly sift the Qin Fang's sieve. It has already been proved enough under the mountain. If it is not in a critical moment, he suddenly realizes his enlightenment, so that he is like the whole person. The **** is attached to the body, he has been screened...

Even so, Qin Fang still smashed two bullets, one of which was once the life of Qin Fang!

Hoss had already hanged up. Even when his body was about to fall to the ground, Qin conveniently took his body into the props box and then quickly returned to another Cohen’s side, just to hold it. His body did not let him fall down too...

At this time, it is late at night, and the forest is quite dark. Don't look at a few people who keep two or three meters away. Actually, you can't see the other's face. You can only see a rough shadow.

Qin Fang's figure and height are very similar to that of Howth. Plus, with Cohen, the figure has some overlap, but it is not very clear. This makes people feel that they have changed people.

Then Qin Fang took advantage of the other party's slack, killing the last unlucky one in one fell swoop... Complete a good start to kill three!

Qin Fang didn't have time to delay the time. He knew that the team kept communication with each other. He must stabilize the situation. He rushed to the side of the small head and put his body into the prop box. Once again, I shook it out, and suddenly the kid was smashed up and down...

This is a special function of Qin Fang's newly discovered prop box - automatic item classification.

The equipment and the body of the human body are two completely different classifications, so the Qin side can easily clean and separate the communication devices from these dresses, and then quickly replace the equipment, even ... He directly turned his face into the look of this little head.

"Cough and cough... The c group is all normal, no target is found!"

Qin Fang tried to change his voice, and repeated the sentence of the boy who responded to the team just now. Although it is not exactly the same, it can be similar to seven or eight points. It should be enough to get away with it.

Three mp5s, this naturally did not hesitate to collect all of them. Although Qin Fang has a gun, but it is still a bit stretched to deal with so many mercenary mercenaries, has been sneak attack, assassination may still make up for it, but As the number of opponents is getting smaller and smaller, Qin Fang will have to face a situation of confrontation, and these weapons will come in handy at that time.

Even the Qin side wondered if it was necessary to set up a bureau to bring all of these people into a trap, and then he relied on heavy fire to get rid of them.

However, this is definitely quite troublesome.

Not to mention that the mercenary itself is a very strong team, it will not be so easy to be deceived, and the Qin side does not know enough about the terrain of this hill, and the conditions are not enough.

The military dagger, the night vision goggles, the three Beretta pistols, and some simple individual combat equipment, Qin Fang all succumbed to it.

Not only was this little leader alone, but even Hoss and Cohen, who had been killed by him, he did not let it go, and he also took a glimpse of the light, except for the underwear that had no use, and nothing else. Let go, just like the devils sweeping, the sly is called a clean.

After all this was done, three bodies of bare buttocks were left behind, and Qin Fang calmly swayed toward the mountains... He is now the small leader who was killed by him, and he is also dressed with mercenaries. exactly the same.

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