Omni Genius

Chapter 528: Six-phase loop bomb

Chapter 528 Six-Phase Loop Bomb



The average villa is even more prominent in the identity of the four owners. It can be found that one or two guns are very powerful. After all, in this country, weapons are strictly controlled.

Even if it is specialized in selling and smuggling arms, there are very few in this country. Even if there is... then it is basically super detonator.

Six-phase microelectronic induction loop liquid bomb!

This is the full name of the bomb that Qin Fang discovered!

Just listen to the name and know that this thing is definitely not a general thing, the production industry needless to say, the six-phase loop bomb can be made is basically a master of high hands.

If you continue to make further progress on the basis of the six-phase loop bomb, and even more improved bombs, it is really fierce.

Obviously, Cao Chun is such a fierce person!

In order to deal with Cao Chun this guy, Qin Fang specially looked for Tangcheng to understand, even if the Ninghai District specializes in blasting masters, there are only two people who can play the six-phase loop bomb, but obviously the level of these two people is only Only then, if you want to make improvements on the basis of the six-phase loop bomb, these two people will not have this ability.

Because this is already a fairly mature technology, although it is unlikely to reach the level of mass production, it is very troublesome to make some changes. If you accidentally, you will directly blast all the fried eggs. .

In the Lianjun District, there is no master who can make such a high-level bomb. I am afraid that the whole Ninghai can't find it. As far as Qin Fang knows, the only one is Cao Chun that he has to deal with.

This is just an ordinary villa, but it is such a super fierce bomb. It is a normal person who will not play like this. It is equivalent to putting his neck under the steel knife. No one will be so stupid.

The only explanation is that Qin Fang has found the right place. Song Gang and Cao Chun will definitely live here.


In the villa.

"Why should I take it? This little thing can be done easily by yourself..."

A middle-aged man with a slightly messy hair, a slightly pale face and a thin face was gently sipping a red wine, and he was puzzled.

His fingers are quite slender, very white and very slippery. If he had a man's face, this hand would definitely think he was a woman.

But it is undeniable that such a pair of hands is very flexible. He has a wine glass in his right hand and a small thing in his left hand. He sees that the thing seems to be alive in his hand, and it is rotating fast... ...

"save trouble!"

Another person sitting opposite him, looks a little more powerful, a pair of eyes stunned, from time to time to shoot a line of fine light, at first glance is a very refined generation.

At this time, he is practicing weightlifting. The arms are quite thick. The weight of the barbell in his hand seems to have no weight at all. Such a force is quite scary.

"Only to save trouble? You really don't want money for my bomb..."

The slightly thinner middle-aged man was very dissatisfied and said, "You only have a few bullets, not enough for a part on my bomb..."

These two people are naturally Song Gang and Cao Chun who Qin Fang has to deal with.

Qin Fang guessed it well. The two brothers lived here. They are all used to enjoying it. No matter where they go, it is a good wine, a good house, a woman’s wait...

Of course, in general, the place where they live is only two of them. Women are just a kind of adjustment in their lives. If they come, they will go and go... Don’t obey, kill directly!

They were specially invited by Li Rui, and they were arranged here. Usually they rarely go out. The main reason is that Interpol has sent the wanted order to Ninghai. Li Rui has an official background. This news still can’t help him, in order to reduce Unnecessary trouble, he let them stay here for a while, and sent people here to help stare at the movement.

Of course, it’s not a solid brother. These two people are dangerous people, and they are quite ferocious. If they are a little unsatisfactory, they may kill people. Even those who help here are cautious. Generally, they are not necessary. Absolutely not close to both of them.

It was like the figure found by Qin Fang on the second floor of the villa. The one who did not have any maliciousness against him was Li Rui who was responsible for monitoring the surrounding children.

In addition, there are several younger brothers of Li Rui around the villa to help stare. If Qin Fang did not pretend to be the security guard, he was already found to be abnormal.

Several security guards in the villa area, these younger brothers have seen, even if the security guards need to change people, and so on, they will say hello to this.

In this way, other people pretend to be security guards, which will certainly be recognized, as if Qin Fang was on his own, the probability of being discovered is quite high.

On the contrary, it is now like this. Even if it was discovered by the other party, no one doubts him. Who made his current face exactly the same as the little security guard who was stunned by him.

Of course, how these younger brothers think it is not important, mainly depends on the two people in the villa, Song Gang and Cao Chun.

At this time, they did not speak their heads, but in fact, they were discussing the next action on the Qin side.

Chen Da’s plan is to launch an attack tomorrow night, and Qin Fang mainly came to step on the spot and investigate some situations tonight, and it is not necessary to fight against each other.

Qin may not have thought that Song Gang and Cao Chun expected the action time to be tomorrow morning, that is, when Qin Fang went to Fangfei Snow in the morning.

Qin Fang has been going to Fang Feixue recently, and the time of his appearance has basically been touched by people. The two men are also planning to act.

What they are discussing now is who should come out of this hand.

"My bullets are cheaper, and I don't want to waste them..."

Song Gang is a very proud person. In an old saying, he is "not killing a nameless ghost under the gun." Qin Fang’s drunken cat nightclub showed a certain combat power and a special team, but also a special team. There is no such thing as a reputation.

Such a person, really does not fight the attraction of Song Gang, so that night, he could have directly killed the Qin Fang.

It’s just that Li Rui didn’t officially order it. He wouldn’t waste bullets for someone who didn’t report his worth. Second, it’s for this reason.

He is "the gun does not kill the nameless ghost". After all, a bullet has a life, and Cao Chun is different. The bomb is a high-risk item. Once it explodes, even Cao Chun can't control himself. If he is lucky, then he will be lucky. It is possible to kill hundreds of people at a time. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to die.

This is also the case. He said that Cao Chun did not have any worries in this regard. He installed a bomb directly at the door of Fangfei Snow. When the Qin side appeared, the direct detonation would be completed.

When the bomb detonated, the Qin side was directly killed. With the power of Cao Chun’s six-phase bomb, it is estimated that half of Fangfeixue will be blown up.

Of course, as Cao Chun said, the value of a bullet and a bomb is too big.

The bullet is not expensive, and a few dollars is expensive. The bullets used by Song Gang are his own special ones. The price is slightly higher, which is not a few hundred pieces.

And Cao Chun’s bomb?

Although the cost of manual bombs is much cheaper, all kinds of electronic components are in need of money. For a small amount of money, hundreds of thousands of expensive ones are combined. One bomb is at least tens of thousands. cost.

Of course, if such a bomb is sold in the arms market, a minimum of $100,000, or even more...

In this way, the gap between the bullet and the bomb is even bigger.

"Hey, it’s a bit tired here. We should change places. You bombed the target with a bomb. The identity of this person is not simple. I think the police must put a lot of police force on this side to attract big people. Part of the attention, and you and I can complete the other task as soon as possible, get the money out of here early... To be honest, I really don't want to go back to this country!"

Song Gang and Cao Chun have always been inseparable from Meng and Meng. The two people are at the turn of life and death. They can entrust their lives to the other brothers. Don’t look at the two people fighting for it. In fact, this does not affect them. The relationship between.

"It’s also true, I don’t like this country very much..."

Cao Chun also nodded, and he agreed with it. "It’s been a month since I came back. It’s really a bit tired... well, then let me do it!"


But at this moment, Song Gang’s face changed slightly, and he shouted violently. At the same time, he quickly dropped the barbell in his hand and turned his arm. He immediately took out a desert eagle from the side.

Cao Chun's movements are not slow. The wine glass in his hand does not know when he has been firmly placed on the table next to him. His hand has something like a remote control.

This is naturally not something like a TV remote control, but a bomb detonator. This villa doesn't look much different from the previous one, but in fact many powerful locations have installed powerful liquid bombs. As long as Cao Chun secretly presses the button on the remote control, the corresponding bomb will bang and immediately explode...

Of course, Li Rui arranged the two here, but it was very dangerous to explain his younger brother. They also told the younger brother that these two men had guns on their hands. As for the bombs... it must not be mentioned.

Don't look at these younger brothers who live here, but never know that they actually live on a giant bomb.

Once Cao Chun detonates all the bombs here, the whole villa will be razed to the ground in just a few seconds, and everyone will be bombed with no bones.

"Yes... it's me... don't... don't shoot!"

Almost in the direction of Song Gang’s gun pointing to the source of the sound, he saw a person with pale face, no blood, and a trembling body. His legs were straight and his pants were almost urinating.

This person is a younger brother of Li Rui. He discovered some abnormalities. This came to report...

"what's up?"

Song Gang’s gun did not shift, just asked with a blank face.

They and Li Rui have long been in the first place. These younger brothers can come, but they can't influence them. Therefore, he is very dissatisfied with the rash of this younger brother. If this younger brother still has something to say, he has already been a The gun killed the kid.

Of course, at this time, he would not be ignorant of the bad luck of his guns.

If this younger brother can't say why, he will still shoot, because he has doubts about this younger brother, suspecting that he may be a spies.

In the eyes of both of them, except for two people themselves, others may be spies, even if they face Li Rui, they will still be skeptical. If they are unhappy, they will not care who you are. kill.

"A little abnormality was found outside the door. When a security guard came over to patrol, it seemed to have stolen something... it seems to be the one Mr. Mike installed on the gate..."

This younger brother immediately explained it honestly. This is what he saw.

Song Gang and Cao Chun will certainly not return to China with their real name. In that case, it is estimated that the airport was surrounded by the police. Their current status is American Chinese, and the passports are all complete.

Cao Chun’s name was changed to Mike Cao, so this younger brother said Cao Chun.

"Stealing things? I am on the door..."

Cao Chun’s slight glimpse immediately recalled what he had installed, but he suddenly changed his face. “Not good...”

Not only is Cao Chun’s face changed, but Song Gang’s face is also quite ugly.

Cao Chun is a bomb madman. Although he will have a lot of things, there are not many things that will actually be installed. Basically, they are all the same things - bombs.

The only thing that Cao Chun installed on the gate was the same, that is, he used to guard against six-phase loop liquid bombs that were forcibly broken into.

This bomb is an automatic bomb of microelectronic induction. It will explode automatically as soon as it is touched a little. Except for Cao Chun himself, whoever touches the bad luck and directly blows up the sky.

But now...

The bomb seems to have been stolen, but... it has not exploded at all!

Like Song Gang, Cao Chun is also a very conceited person. His accomplishments on the bomb have reached a peak, and the world can compete with him no more than ten people.

His six-phase loop bomb is not the most sophisticated bomb he can make, but it takes a long time to crack the bomb.

Even if it is a top-level bomb disposal expert, it will take at least 20 minutes or more, and Li Rui’s younger brother is staring at it. It is impossible to report it in 20 minutes.

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