Omni Genius

Chapter 511: Dago and 悍匪

Chapter 511 Dago and 悍匪

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The picture was fixed at this moment. Qin Fang saw the face of this person. Others naturally saw this person's face, but they did not know him. They all looked at Qin Fang with a very confused look.

"Qin Shao, is your enemy?"

Wei Shuo hesitated a moment, still asked with courage, compared to Chen Da's dedication, he is the most unreliable series, and the courage is also relatively large.

"No! Actually, I didn't know him at all..."

Qin Fang shook his head. He did not know the person on the screen, and he did not even meet him. But he recognized his identity. It was because Qin had seen the photo of this person.

Where is it?

In Ning Yumo!

Before Qin Fang left Ninghai to attend the Wulin Conference, Qin Fang and Ning Yumo met each other. At that time, Qin’s dry sister Ningmei was hurting two people.

The names of the two men are called Song Gang and Cao Chun respectively. The two men were secretly sneaked into the Ninghai international wanted criminals. They had committed crimes in the country and fled the country in the early years. Later, they were committing crimes abroad and died in them. The people on the hand are more likely to let the Qin side feel terrible. These two people are absolutely extremely violent mobs.

Therefore, when they entered the country, Interpol sent the news to Ninghai, and Ning Yumo began to worry about the case.

I just didn't expect it to be a month away. The two murderers are still at large, and now they seem to be eyeing the Qin side.

"Then he is..."

The words of Qin Fang suddenly made Chen Da and Wei Shuu wonder, obviously do not know, how do you still have to say "is him"?

"I don't know him, but I know this person... He is Song Gang. He had committed crimes in China in his early years. Later he fled abroad and made a lot of big cases with another colleague..."

Seeing the expressions of Chen Da and Wei Suo, Qin Fang said faintly, the appearance of Song Gang is not a good news. This person is a master of guns as a god, absolutely an extremely difficult to deal with.

But this is not the most horrible place. What really makes the Qin side jealous is that the bomb madman Cao Chun, who has never been out of focus with him, is a madman who has already played the bomb out of art.

"Song Gang? Cao Chun? It’s two of them..."

Wei Lock didn't think there was anything, but Chen Da's face changed. "Qin Shao, these two people have never been separated from each other. This time it is estimated that they are eyeing us, or we must be careful. Personal... is simply a madman!"

"Dago, do you know them?"

Qin Fang is very surprised. He knows these two people because he saw the photos and simple information of the fax sent by Interpol from Ning Yumo, but he did not expect Chen. Da actually knows these two people.

"I don't know that my two comrades are killed by both of them! They are the guns for me!"

Chen Da gnashed his teeth and said that he hated them so much. The man of the shovel actually left tears of remorse.

"The two children are left by your two comrades?"

When Qin Fang suddenly thought of the previous things, he couldn't help but ask.

After retiring from the army, Chen Da received a not-so-rich demobilization fee, but did not bring the money back to his hometown. Instead, he went to a remote county town where he worked while raising two A child who is going to school, poor Chen Da’s hand has a disability, and he has no skills. He can only work part-time and earn some meager salary. All his money is spent on these two children.

After Qin Liang’s introduction, Qin Fang found Chen Da and wanted to hire him at a high salary. Chen Da did not mind how much the salary of Qin Fang did. His only requirement was that Qin Fang could fund these two children until they went to them. Finishing the university...

At that time, Qin Fang did not think too much, and directly engaged in two proprietary accounts, which contained enough money to support the graduation of two children from college, and even far from the surplus, because Qin knew very well. The pain of not having money to go to school.

Now Qin Fang understands that there is such a story inside, and it is no wonder that such an iron man like Chen Da will cry.

Song Gang and Cao Chun, one is a sharpshooter and the other is a bomb madman. There is no doubt that his two comrades have blocked bullets and even bombs for him, and he has survived, but they have all passed away.

After the demobilization, Chen Da did not hesitate to take responsibility for taking care of the two comrades and children. Even if he has a disability, he still silently pays and insists...

At the beginning, Qin Fang admired Chen Da, but now he is sincerely appreciative of his personality.

"Dago, don't you think..."

However, Qin Fang suddenly changed his mind, this thing is a bit wrong, Chen Da and Song Gang, Cao Chun have a deep hatred, and now Song Gang has clearly targeted the Qin Fang, Chen Da this is to take the opportunity to find These two people take revenge!

Even... Chen Da has already had a death slogan. This is really a plan to fight for life and to fight Song Gang and Cao Chun!

"Qin Shao, I am sorry, I have to do this! This is my commitment as a man to make a life! I hope you can understand!"

Sure enough, Chen Da did think so.

At that time, although he had seen Song Gang and Cao Chun, but many years have passed, the appearance of these two people has changed a lot. Even if he looked at the picture like this, he could not recognize it.

Qin Fang helped him and told him the identity of Song Gang. Now it is natural to rekindle the anger of revenge, and everything else can be temporarily abandoned.

His relatives had been taken care of and did not need him to worry. The only two children he worried about, Qin Fang had already made proper arrangements. Now he has nothing to worry about, even if he is now with Song Gang and Cao Chun, he is There will be no complaints.

"Dago, don't be too excited. You don't have to go that step! In fact, we can design a trap, waiting for the two men to cast their own nets, and then kill them both without any effort. Don't forget, you are not alone, and so many of our brothers are supporting you!"

Qin Fang naturally does not want Chen Da to take risks. Song Gang and Cao Chun are two mobs, killing people without blinking roles, and Chen Da, although he was a special army instructor before retiring, but abolished one hand. He is also a sick tiger. In the face of two powerful and crazy lions, he has no chance of winning at all. Just rushing over like this is tantamount to death.

"Qin Shao, you have not touched these two madmen. You don't know how terrible they are. Song Gang is a sharpshooter. He is a genius gunner with no one in the middle. The level of shooting is the first in the military region at that time. It’s almost impossible to compare..."

"Cao Chun is even more terrible. Although he is a wilderness, his level of making bombs is also of international standard. Before he defected, he once produced a six-phase loop bomb, so that many bomb disposal experts at that time were helpless... ...and now he is obviously more terrible..."

Chen Da is the enemy of Song Gang and Cao Chun. Obviously, he knows a lot of information, at least some more than the information that Qin Fang has seen.

The more so, the more Qin Fang can't let Chen Da take the risk, it is simply a fate.

Although Qin Fang is not a saint, he can't be killed or killed. What's more, Song Gang and Cao Chun are obviously coming to themselves this time. There are really not many people available around them. If you reach it, it will be even worse for him.

"Dago, you listen to me, you are my employee now, then you must listen to me, otherwise it is a violation of the employment agreement between us, I have the right to take back what I have paid... if you still want those two A child can go to school with peace of mind, instead of going to the mineral water bottle to sell money after school every day, just to get money to buy you a new belt, you can go out here..."

When Qin Fang sees softness, it can only be hard. He directly threatens him with Chen Da’s most concerned person. Even some hidden secrets that Chen Da did not know are said, and this is Qin Fang. seen it myself.


Chen Da’s face suddenly changed, his fingers pointed slightly at Qin Fang in front of him, his face was full of anger, but what he finally spit out was not a loud resentment against the Qin side, but – “Is it true?”

"I saw it with my own eyes..."

Qin Fang was deeply touched at the time, so he would make arrangements as soon as possible, otherwise Chen Da could not be so safe with him.

"Dago, these two people obviously have to deal with me. If I have not estimated the mistake, the two people should be behind Li Rui. Obviously, my two days of action have deeply angered Li Rui, he will simply It’s a murder, a hundred... If you just want to watch me and I’m killed by these two people, then I really have nothing to say!”

Qin Fang is very sincere and said that he is very sincerely requesting Chen Da.


Chen Da was silent. For a long time, for a long time, Qin Fang and Wei Suo were waiting quietly beside them. Qin was brothers like a shadow. He just listened to his neck and did not express any opinions. Even Qin The party did not know if he could understand what he and Chen Da had said...


In the end, Chen Da still issued a sigh, helpless compromise, he is not for himself, but for the two children, for the Qin side of the boss.

"Qin Shao, I have a request!"

However, Chen Da did not ask for it, he added immediately.

"Please speak!"

Qin Fang immediately replied.

"I hope that this plan will be appointed and directed by me personally, even if you have to listen to my arrangement..."

Chen Da said very solemnly that he can see how much he attaches importance to this revenge plan!

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