Omni Genius

Chapter 438: The first shot, not in the middle!

Chapter 438, the first shot, not in the middle!

Second, ask for the first subscription~~



Chu Yu saw the determination and unquestionableness of Qin Fang’s eyes.

She was very surprised and at the same time somewhat puzzled. She didn't quite understand why Qin had to entangle on it, even playing a deadly game.

The gun in the hands of Qin Fang is definitely no problem. In this way, the gun is directly inserted into the mouth of the other party. As soon as the gun is ringing, the bullet will inevitably hit the other’s head, and the impact of the explosion will stop. If you don't live, you will definitely die.

"Six magazines, three bullets, half and half dead, I wish you good luck!"

Qin Fang did not pay attention to Chu's request again, but said something to the tattooist, and the hand on the trigger was finally triggered.

Everyone's breathing was stagnant. At this moment, as if time had become very slow, many people couldn't help but open their faces and reached out and grabbed their ears.

Chu Yu’s face is not very good-looking. His eyes are full of struggles and murders... This is not a small matter, but a big event.

Although the Qinfang saved the life of General Li, the Li family owed a great grace to the Qin side. However, such a human condition is not enough to erase the fact that the Qinfang murders. If it is troubled, the Qin party will really put it to the bottom. Sitting and wearing, and in his current bad plot, direct shooting is very reasonable.

However, she wanted to stop and could not stop it. Qin Fang just patted her shoulder gently, and she immediately suffered some pain, then she sat down again, and until this moment, he was surprised to find Qin. The strength of the seemingly young boy is so strong that she is definitely more powerful than she thought.

The tattooed male face is unmanned, the face is gray, the eyes are full of despair, the body is also slightly trembling, and the legs are also trembled. When Qin Fang pulls the trigger, he can't stand this desperate. Torment, close your eyes, tightly and tightly...waiting for the moment.

The dartsman feels the same, but he also silently closes his eyes, dare not look at it, and waits for the gunshots to sound...

Long Ge’s reaction was similar. There was a bit of pain and intolerance in his eyes. It was a brother of a few years, but he did not expect that he had reached such a point now, but in the end he could not bear to be replaced by his firm belief.

Such a person is destined to be ignorant, and to say a set, but if it is such a moment, it is absolutely to throw the best brother without hesitation...

No matter what their thoughts, no one can stop the Qin side from pulling the trigger. Qin’s finger has already buckled the trigger point at this time. The gun is excited at this moment. Everyone’s body is a slight one. Tight, because the gunshots will come soon...


However, the expected gunshots did not come, but the sound was heard.

Empty position!

Undoubtedly, the luck of the tattooed man is really very good. He has a chance to survive. He actually runs into an empty position and has no bullets... He survived!


The result is that everyone can't imagine, even though they all know that there is half the chance of survival, but compared to the huge danger, the survival rate of this half is too low, that is, half of the death rate. Too high, almost no one feels that the tattoo male can survive.

However, Chu Wei gave a slight breath, Qin Fang

"Congratulations! Don't die..."

The Qin side was very big. When the gun did not work, the barrel was pulled out and it did not continue.

Long Ge can abandon his brother for the sake of his life, but Qin Fang has already said something first, a shot will be alive and dead, and if it survives, then everything will be written off...

As for death, it is already dead. It is impossible to pursue it. People are already dead, and there is nothing to be pursued. You can’t give yourself a trip. Go to the temple to collect debts.

"Don't die..."

The tattoo male is also a bit embarrassed. He is already ready to die. Even if he wants to escape halfway, but the two legs can't make up his strength, he can only die like the one just closed.

Now that he finally came over, he didn't have to die. He couldn't really accept it for a while. The picture was still there, and his mouth whispered, "Don't die," "Don't die," it looks like it is Mentally ill patients are like.

Long Ge saw the tattooed man come over, his face also showed a look of relief, but this emotion only stayed for less than three seconds, he changed his face again, and his heart was tattooed. Men are extremely resentful.


These six magazines, three bullets, half the chance of survival, no less than one bullet, the greater the chance of survival, then the chance that he can survive.

But now it's good, people have lost one, but there is no bullet, but there is no change in the chance of survival. Even he vaguely feels that this chance is still decreasing...

The so-called good spirit is not good.

Long Ge just thought this way, he saw Qin Fang directly carrying the gun to the front of the darts man, grabbed his neck and lifted the person, and then he did not hesitate to hold the darts man because of poor breathing and slightly With his mouth open, he directly inserted the barrel into the dart man's mouth.

This shouldn’t be surprising at first. At least the onlookers didn’t think much about it in the first thought, but everyone felt that something was wrong, and then looked back and thought about it. Found the problem...

That is, Qin Fang did not turn the roulette, but directly shot the gun.

Regular Russian roulette is the direct life. It is also the rotation of the magazine before each shot. This is to ensure the fairness of the game and to survive in the same way. The odds above, so that you can decide each other's life and death...

However, Qin Fang did not follow the rules of such a way, but it was directly the same as the old one. The gun was about to start, and the problem came.

The dartsman also wanted to understand quickly, but he did not have any strength at all. He wanted to resist and could only bear it silently.

There is no doubt that the chance of death has risen again.

Originally six bullets in six magazines, half of the chances of death, but now five bullets in five magazines, the chance of death has increased from the previous half to 60%, the danger is really quite large. ......

However, there is still a person who is greener than the dart man. That is the dragon brother.

Qin Fang was so uneasy to play cards, obviously posing to deal with the move he did not hesitate to sell his brother. He was the last one to shoot. The original six middle three became the current five, three, and it is his turn. There are only four choices left.

If the dartsman is unfortunate and directly killed by the Qinfang, the magazine will be excluded, and the bullet will consume one. When he is here, he will become four magazines, two bullets, four in two, which is half the chance, the most There was no change at the beginning, and the dim sum that Long Ge played with was not used at all.

In a word, he is equal to being tricked by the Qin side, wasting his brother's friendship, but in exchange for a buffer time of fundamental value.

Of course, this is the case when the dartsman is unfortunately strong. If the dartsman’s luck is as good as the tattooed man, then when it is his turn, it becomes four magazines and three bullets. The chance of death is directly from now. 60% of the rise to 75%, only a quarter chance to survive...

Such a figure is almost equal to sending Long Ge to the guillotine.

"No, I still have a chance, I still have a chance..."

It’s just that Long Ge is constantly persuading himself in his heart, and he is about to be hypnotized by himself.

He also has his own ideas.

The bullets were left by Qin Fang himself, or they only saw Qin Fang taking three bullets from the gun. There are still three bullets left in it. But how can these three bullets be arranged? Did not notice this, only Qin Fang himself is the most clear.

It may be spaced apart, so that it is shot, not shot, shot, not shot, shot, not shot... So six bullets may be such an arrangement.

Of course, there may be two or even three bullets gathered together. This kind of danger is very normal. After all, there are a total of several positions in the magazine. As long as they are not spaced apart, then they are connected together. A reasonable explanation.

This is the second shot!

The goal is this dart man.

To be honest, Qin Fang’s impression of this person is very bad. He belongs to the kind of guy behind the yin, and does not like the positive confrontation, that is, playing tricks in the younger generation.

Undoubtedly, this person is very smart, and he knows how to use his own means. When dealing with this Qinfang, he is almost a bit of a move by Qin Fang. Fortunately, there is no danger in the end, it can be considered as hiding. It’s gone.

Only he also angered Qin Fang, so his injury is also the worst of the three people, the bones of the chest do not know how many roots have been broken.

Qin Fang did not like him very much. This is obvious. It is obvious that the injury on his body is obvious.

However, this is still far from enough, so Qin Fang put the barrel into the mouth of the dart man, and then in the eyes of the people who are extremely hopeful but extremely worried, the eyes of the Qin side slowly pulled. Trigger, everyone is fascinated, waiting for the eternal arrival of that moment...

The dartsman also closed his eyes, just like the brothers and tattoos of his former brothers. His heart almost never had any hope for his own life, and it was almost a must.

In his view, when he used the dagger to try to kill the Qin side and even kill it, Qin Fang had already murdered him, and now he will not let such a good opportunity.

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