Omni Genius

Chapter 341: showdown

Chapter 341 Showdown

With so much harvested, Qin Fang is still very worthy of this adventure.

Although they were almost killed a few times, the goddess of fortune finally had a leg with Qin, and he was always on his side. This was the only way to get out of it and make such a big harvest.

Only Qin Fang couldn't help but have a headache. The reason is naturally these three women.

"Oh, die, die..."

Qin Fang is also helpless. In the face of such a situation, although he already thought that there would be such a day, he did not expect to come so fast.

Here he just met with the prospective father-in-law Tang, and Tang Feifei found that Qin Fang was not honest.

The coming is always coming, but now that it is coming, then I can't hide it, and Qin Fang can only bite the scalp. As for the result, it can only be resigned.

The pace of Qin’s acceleration has finally caught up with the large forces of Tang Feifei, and they have also met Tangcheng. This is completely safe.

"what happened?"

When Tang Cheng saw Qin Fang, he immediately frowned, and asked without a word.

"Don't mention it, I almost lost my life!"

Qin Fang smiled a bit, but simply explained that he was lurking in the bottom to save people, and then found a way to escape in the cave. After that, the wolf smoke attracted a group of villains and met the giant snake. The whole process was like making a movie. Bizarre, several times to escape, can come back to life is a big life.

"You kid..."

Tang Cheng listened to Qin Fang’s saying that although it was only a very simple process, but looking at the look of Qin Fang’s wolverine, I knew that the whole process was definitely more exciting than what he said.

Qin Fang can be said that he trained himself. Although he can't completely compare with his special forces, his strength is quite powerful. Especially the shooting method makes him feel a little shame.

Even so, in the end, I had to use such an adventurous way to get into the Shekou and shoot, and then I was lucky enough to explode the head of the snake.

As for the incident of taking poisonous blood later, Qin Fang did not elaborate on it. Originally, this matter was already enough trouble. Tang Feifei did not know how to explain it. If Tangcheng’s big brother came in, it is estimated that Can live a few layers of leather in the Qin side.

Don't look at Tang City's usual dissatisfaction with Tang Feifei, but in fact he can't add to this sister's love.

At this point, the Qin party listened to the tiger. It was the time when Qin Fang and Tang Feifei went to high school. There was a kid who didn’t have long eyes. He dared to play Tang Feifei and cried her. As a result, Tang Cheng took it directly. In the past, the boy’s hands and feet were all discounted, and he almost didn’t throw it into the Yangtze River to feed the fish.

This is Tangcheng, who loves her sister, but never shows it. It is very subtle and restrained, but it is definitely not soft.

Finally escaped from the claws of Tangcheng, Qin is convenient to go to Tang Feifei immediately, and the latter things are still handed over to Tangcheng for more appropriate treatment.

Tangcheng has also said that the people in Qinfang are already safe. He also immediately took people back to Ninghai. They did not bother Qinfang’s travel and leisure, but the key points were that no rafting is allowed. Dangerous activity.

These things can only be promised by the Qin side, but it is such a trouble. It is estimated that no one has the intention to continue to stay and continue to play. As far as Qin Fang himself estimates, most of them are going back.

Weng has been sent to the best hospital in the county more than ten kilometers away. The toxicity has been completely contacted, but the body is weak, and some glucose is added. It can be recovered after a little rest, but in Qinfang. Under their strong request, they finally lived in the hospital.

Both Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue were accompanied by the whole process. When they woke up with their eyes open, this was all that people were relieved, including Qin Fang.

A few people did not return to the hotel to live, it is really no return to go back, plus Wen Yan has not fully recovered, simply fell in the hospital.

Only when all this calmed down, Tang Feifei’s eyes became a bit weird, especially when looking at Qin Fang, Qin Fang hesitated.

"I am going to arrange a place for you to live..."

Here is the hospital, Weng live here, but Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue have no place to live, Qin is easy to fight.

"No, you sit down first..."

Xiao Muxue just thought about helping the room, but her mouth has not been opened yet, and it has already been stopped by Tang Feifei, but she has no choice but to bow her head.

The Qin side had no problems, so he had to sit down honestly and listen to the instructions of the Queen of Tang.

"Qin Fang, should you tell me something?"

Tang Feifei did not have a sullen face, and even a bright smile on her face, but this was said, but Qin Fang felt cold and cold on the back.

Qin Fang did not say anything. At this time, he really didn't know what to say.

Admit it, isn't it like pushing Xiao Muxue into the fire pit; don't admit it, he is not the kind of person who likes to lie to his own woman, especially at such a time.

Therefore, Qin Fang finally considered it, or chose to silence.

He really didn't know what to say. In this ward, three women, he was a man, but his relationship with these three women was a little bit.

Tang Feifei is his true girlfriend, and this point has been approved by the father-in-law Tang.

Xiao Muxue and Qin Fang had already slept on a bed, and it was already his woman.

Even this seemingly innocent smell, at this time is also looking at the Qin side with a pair of affectionate eyes, just to see that the eyes know that this woman is afraid that it has long been the idea of ​​moving with the body, Not to mention the two people staying together for a whole night.

"What? You are a silent protest to me?"

Tang Feifei was still the same as the old one. She said with a smile, she couldn’t see any dissatisfaction with her, but the more she did, the more Qin Fang felt that Tang Feifei seemed to be very different from the pure girl in the past. It’s like a person.

"What do you want to know? I will fully explain it today..."

After a long silence, the atmosphere in the ward became more and more wrong. Tang Feifei was still the same as the old one. But Xiao Muxue looked very nervous. Weng wrinkled and seemed to want to say something, but he finally opened his mouth but did not Can say it.

Qin Fang’s attitude is very calm, but he has always lost his mind to Tang Feifei’s body. He has never succeeded, and Qin’s side is very strange.

Instead, I accidentally lost it to Xiao Muxue's body, and suddenly let Qin Fang's face change greatly. It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang finally spoke.

What Qin Fang did not think was that Xiao Muxue had already left his mind, and he still planned to leave silently after returning to Ninghai this time, and would never meet Qin again.

This is something that Qin Fang can't tolerate. Fan Ning's forced departure is forced by the general trend. Qin Fang has to do this. He has already made Qin Fang very dissatisfied. Now Xiao Muxue has something to do, which has exceeded the tolerance of Qin Fang. The limit is over.

Of course, the limit of tolerance is not Tang Feifei, but himself!

"Oh, then I really have to listen to it! Let me talk about Mu Xue..."

Tang Feifei was only slightly surprised, and then calmly said that she was listening to the story, not the woman who said her boyfriend...

Qin Fang looked at Xiao Muxue, only to see her pale face, her eyes filled with tears, shaking her head toward Qin.

"Yes, Muxue is my woman..."

However, Qin Fang frankly this time, so continue to squat, sorry Tang Feifei, but also sorry Xiao Muxue, the words, the responsibility of the decision he also decided not to escape.

Later, he explained his relationship with Xiao Muxue from acquaintance, love, and relationship, but the point is to describe himself as a jerk, rather than Xiao Muxue taking the initiative to send a hug.


After listening to this story, Xiao Muxue's face was horrified, and a beautiful face had already burst into tears. Wen Wei was also amazed at the same time. At the same time, she was very moved, and her eyes were full of tears.

It was only Tang Feifei who was still expressionless, but actually took a hand, but Qin Fang also found her eyes red, and the eyes were also a little moist, apparently trying to suppress this emotion.

"What about the school sister? What happened in the day and night?"

However, Tang Feifei took a deep breath and turned his head to the smell of the still lying on the hospital bed.

Wen Yan’s face suddenly became pale and white. She was still moved by the story between Qin Fang and Xiao Muxue, but she did not expect it to fall on her head so quickly.

Of course, soon her face gradually became rosy, Xiafei cheeks, at least that day and night things happen is very bizarre, but it is also a manifestation of the truth in a difficult situation.

Especially the part of Qin Fang who used her blood to **** blood, although her person has been in a coma, but she actually knows what happened, she knows.

At that time, she could hear the words of Qin Fang and be able to see what Qin Fang did, but she could not speak or move. She could only let Qin Fang risk her life to help her, save her, and even almost put him. Also tired together.

That is to say, at that moment, Wen Xin, who had a dedication to Qin in his heart, has completely gone down. She decided to be a woman of Qin Fang, even if she is an underground lover without a name. He has no complaints about milk.

Because she knows that Qin Fang has a true girlfriend, Tang Feifei, and also knows that there is an unclear relationship between Qin Fang and Xiao Muxue.

It’s just that she doesn’t care. As long as she can be with Qin, she can care nothing.

The woman is like this. Once a man is identified, they will fight like a moth, even if they are in a very tragic end.

When he heard Tang Feifei's words, Qin Fang looked at him and looked at the deep cravings and expectations in her eyes. He knew that he could not refuse.

At such a moment, Wen Yan was still very poisonous but still trying to help him. He rushed to this point and he could not let go!

Forget it, since it has already reached this point, then let it go!

So Qin Fang explained the story of yesterday’s disappearance from the waterhole, underground underground river rescue, cave fascination, and Shekou escape. It is different from the one that Tangcheng said, and this time he has nothing to keep. Confessed.

Wen Wei’s face was already red at this time. She did not expect Qin Fang to actually say what happened last night in front of Tang Feifei’s face. Even Qin Fang almost poked her with his brother. Taoyuan has not concealed this matter...

"Is it hard to hear that Sister Xue is quite brave?"

Tang Feifei listened quietly, then looked at Wen Wei and smiled and said something like this.

Wen Yan’s original red face was also white, but compared to Xiao Muxue, she really had to be brave. She actually stood up very quickly and didn’t seem to want to yield.

"anything else?"

It was only that Tang Feifei simply ignored her, but turned and asked Qin Fang. "How can you not say that Qin Dashao is a woman who is alone in Bihaige?"


Although the Qin side has already squandered out, and both the things of Xiao Muxue and Wen Yu have been recruited, but they did not expect Tang Feifei to even know this matter.

Who told her?

This is the first question that Qin Fang’s heart has raised.

Both Tang Cheng and Ning Weiqiang knew this thing, but they were all less likely to tell Tang Feifei, then it was only something that had been done by the Qin Dynasty.

Bihaige had a lot of insiders, but most of them were circulated in the upper level. Although Tang Feifei was born, the Tang family tried to prevent her from contacting them, so she was very simple and never involved these things. This is Qin. When he heard this, he thought that someone had betrayed him.

It’s just that it’s not important. Tang Feifei already knows it. It’s even clear that Qin Fang naturally doesn’t have to hide it. The entanglement between himself and Fan Ning is explained.

"Fifi, I am sorry for you! But if you have to let me say something, I can only say that I don't regret all this! If you encounter anybody who encounters this situation, I will not hesitate to rush." Go up! Even if you lose this life!"

Qin Fang finished the incident with a low voice, and finally summed it up to such a sentence, and then waited for the final trial.

"You... you bastard!"

Having said that, Tang Feifei couldn’t help it anymore. The filigree jade pointed to the nose of Qin Fang, and the martyrdom of the martyrdom, but in the end, thousands of words only merged into one sentence, "I am your woman." friend!"

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