Omni Genius

Chapter 3027: Active release!

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"Since it is not here, then I will kill the Shiva Zongshan Gate... Blood Wash Shiva Zong!"

Qin Fang’s chest is also a suffocating spill. £∝

His loved ones are his anti-scales and taboos... Shiva Zong has committed his taboos and said that he has repeatedly challenged Qin Fang again and again, which is to make Qin Fang's anger more and more intense.

At this moment, he can't take care of that much.

"One does not stay!"

Looking back at this base of Shiva Zong, Qin Fang just waved his hand gently, and then he could see a shadow quickly rushing into the base... It’s an abyss slaughter who has been lurking around the body of the Qin side. Purple.

And what he did in this base is also very obvious.

"Song chain!"

As for Qin Fang himself, it is a cold face.


The Song chain is also a ghost that jumps out from the side, and the tone is blunt. He has already dealt with the knives. He has already tracked the Qin party, but he has not appeared, and he is afraid of hindering the actions of the Qin side. .

Today, Qin Fang alone kills him and summons him. He naturally does not need to hide.

"Go! Kill Shiva Zong..."

This base was solved by the abyss slaughter Zi Yan, but the Shiva Zong was the blood of the Qin Fang...

Although Shiva and other Zongmen’s most powerful fighting forces have been dealt with by Qin Fang, there are still many strong masters in Shiva’s interior. Although Qin Fang is not afraid, he still has to save people, so many Song Chains. Such a half step Wudi strong. Definitely a big boost!


The Song chain will not refuse, and immediately followed the Qin side, and quickly entered the direction of Shiva Zong.

Compared to the Nongtuo Temple, it is easy to find. The mountain gate of the Shiva Zong is more concealed... Even the vast majority of people do not know that there is such a huge force in the mountains and mountains for thousands of years.

Even in the underground world, few people know the exact location of Shiva.

The original Qin party is not too clear. But who knows Shi Qingfeng who knows him? This also disguised the Qin Fang knows the location of the Shiva Zong's mountain gate... Then what good is he?

Shiva Zong is not particularly far away from the Nongtuo Temple. The two of them do not even drive the car, but they use the light body exercises to move at an extremely fast speed. Less than an hour before and after they have arrived. The mountain where Shiva Zongshan Gate is located is below.


The Qin side did not go up the mountain... To be precise, when the mountain was down, there were some people.

"Mr. Qin, we met again!"

Su Yutong. Wrong, it should be called Vishnu, is sitting on a boulder under the mountain, looking at the Qin side, very politely said... She did not show any hostility, even took a clap, and saw the boulder After that, Qin Tiannan and others continued to come out.

"Dad! Mom! Fifi..."

I saw that my loved ones came safely and safely. Qin Fang also stunned, but still rushed over... for this Vishnu. He doesn't trust, naturally he has to check whether his loved ones have any calculations or what they have suffered.

"We are all very good, nothing..."

Qin Tiannan and other people also showed a smile on their faces, and they came to a hug with Qin Fang, and they were very happy to express. "Although we were caught, but they did not dare to treat us..."

"It's okay, nothing is fine..."

Qin Fang also used the investigative skills for everyone, confirming that they had no damage or ban, and his face finally smiled. At the end of the day, there is no whiteness.

As for Vishnu...

Although Qin Fang did not deliberately guard against her, but the Song Dynasty, this half-step Wudi stood in a key position, as long as Vishnu had any change, he would kill him in the first time.

Even if Vishnu does not hide the strength, it is only the cultivation of the early stage of the Supreme Court. The gap with the Song chain is too big... It is absolutely easy for the Song chain to kill it, especially the distance so close. .

However, looking at Vishnu’s appearance, she knew that she did not intend to have any wrongdoing!

The Qin party hugged them with their relatives in turn, and confirmed that after everyone was fine, they also walked back to Vishnu, and the woman who looked at the figure and looked at it did not know what to say.

On the identity, Vishnu is one of the three gods of Shiva, the real core of the high-level, prominent position ... and the relationship between Qin and Shiva Zong is very good, but also killed so many Shiva Zong's high-rise There is no reason to let go of Vishnu in front of me.

On the words of hatred, Vishnu once used the black flower in the sachet to calculate the Qin side... If the Qin party is immune to all kinds of poison, plus the half-step Wudi’s tyrannical strength, the Qin party may have been Vishnu. If the pit is dead, then Qin Fang has no reason to let go of this vulcan.

However, Vishnu brought the relatives of Qin Fang out, and they all released them directly... Let Qin Fangshun successfully return to his loved ones, and he is also sincere enough to Qin.

In this way, if Qin Fang would kill Vishnu again, it would seem a bit too much.

This made, let Qin party some wax, and do not know how to deal with this woman is appropriate...

"Mr. Qin, I am also a dragon country..."

Vishnu may have understood the entanglement of the Qin side and took the initiative to go to the Qin side. He said with sincerity, "Although I was born in the sky, I lived in the position of Vishnu, but I never forgot that I was a dragon. My name is Su Yutong!"


Qin Fang also felt very weird. This is a word, but I don’t know what to say.

"Forget it, this is the end of the story..."

After a moment of silence, Qin Fang did not want to start with Vishnu, and simply put his hand in his hand. Don't worry about those troublesome things, "Dad, Mom, let's go home now..."

The crisis that Shiva Zong brought to the Qin side has been completely solved.

Shiva Zong's supreme master is basically hanging seven or eighty percent. Even the lord Shiva has been given birth by Qin Fang. Now it is still thrown in the prop box... Brahma has already been slaughtered by Qin Fang. The key treasure of the Brahma is also in the hands of Qin Fang. This Vishnu is very interesting to the Qin side. Qin Fang is too lazy to poison her, and it is no matter what.


Vishnu not only did not obstruct, but even took the initiative to open the way for the Qin side. It was also a lot of unnecessary trouble for the Qin side. Shiva Zong was prominent in the status of Tianzhu, and Vishnu was under one person. Above the people, she has to be on the sidelines, and all the troubles are easy to get.

It was not until the Qin side boarded the plane that flew to the country. There was no accident. Even Qin Fang felt very surprised. However, it is not important to be surprised and surprised. His purpose has been completed. Naturally, there is nothing to remember.

Looking at the Qin Fang family to leave by plane, Vishnu (Su Yutong)'s expression is very calm, but also quite strange.

She waited until the plane disappeared into the clouds, and she took the phone out of her body. I dialed a call... Of course, instead of arranging hijacking, bombing, and the like, I was talking to someone.

"You said it is good. He is really strong... and has already entered the half-step Wudi level. Maybe it will take a long time to become a strong man of the Wudi level! He is the one we are looking for..."

In front of the phone, Vishnu said calmly.

However, from her slightly blinking eyes, it is not difficult to see that her mood is not as calm as it is expressed, and even can be said to be so excited!

Who is opposite the phone? Except for Vishnu himself, no second person knows.

However, from her sentence, it also revealed some intelligence... Vishnu seems to be not just one of the three gods of Shiva, so she has another identity. A more mysterious identity.

However, these are not what Qin Fang can know...

After all, the Qin side is also a human being, not a mysterious god, so it is possible to monitor what Vishnu said after being so far away?

However, it is not difficult to know from the words of Vishnu that the connection between her and Qin Fang will not be cut off... Perhaps it will take a long time for them to meet again and even have more intimate cooperation.

No matter what, Qin Fang is still relatively relaxed, and can take a break.

"Qin Fang, what are you thinking about?"

On the plane, Tang Feifei and several other women sat beside Qin Fang and saw his frowning brows.

In fact, some of them felt very uncomfortable. They felt that they were a burden and became a drag on the Qin side. So when they noticed the expression of Qin Fang, they were all worried.

"Oh, nothing, just some things don't really understand!"

Qin Fang also returned to God, smiled and responded with less care.

"Is there anything I can't understand? Maybe you can say it, let's all help you think about it... The so-called three stinkers, after the game, can you let me figure it out?"

Tang Feifei is also a kind of persuasion.

They are all Qinfang women, and they all love Qinfang. They naturally don't want to see the frowning brow of Qin Fang. They want to be the help of Qin Fang, not a useless drag.

"In fact, there is nothing, just a little strange Vishnu's reaction... I always feel that something has been missed by me!"

When Qin Fang thought about it, there is no need to hide it. It is also a simple explanation.

This suspicion, as early as when he saw Vishnu, he had already produced...only, the situation was that he had just met with his loved ones, and Qin was not good in public. He released his family under Vishnu. The poisonous hand, this will temporarily suppress this doubt in the heart. (The novel "Almighty Wizards" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign in the top right, "Add a friend", search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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