Omni Genius

Chapter 271: arrangement

Chapter 271 Arrangement

What happened to the nursery in the end, then only her own heart is the clearest, but she is willing to reconcile so simple, or let the Qin side slightly surprised.

But this is still quite good, as long as the nursery nodded, this matter is almost the same.

Of course, the slap of Miao Wei Zhang Yuliang is also very refreshing.

It is estimated that Zhang Dashao has slapped the slap in addition to the Qin Fang’s fist.

Zhang Dashao was beaten a bit and still not angry at all, which is very difficult to get.

Xiao Muxue is much more relaxed here. She is a kind of incidental one. It is also a real mistake. If this is not the case, Qin Fang will not be alone to save people.

"I am really...sufficient..."

When Zhang Yuliang knew the reason for Qin’s rescue, he almost said subconsciously, but then he smiled awkwardly and looked at the nursery a little embarrassed.

"I said that you are almost OK! If you have heard of your broken thing, do you think you can sit here and drink?"

Zhang Yuliang's broken mouth is very disobedient. This sentence came out. Several people's faces were greatly changed. Although he responded quickly enough, Qin Fang couldn't help but swear.

"My broken thing?"

Zhang Yuliang smelled a little, and he didn't quite understand what this sentence meant.

"Do you really want me to say? For men, that's not a good thing, or I won't smoke you..."

Qin Fang smiled and asked.

"Qin Laodi, don't be angry, it's my fault, it's my fault! I punished three cups..."

Zhang Yuliang is still very much in the face of Qin Fang. With the words of Qin Fang, he wonders how Qin knows his secrets. He also likes the straight-forward character of Qin Fang.

"What the **** is it?"

It’s just that Qiao Zhenfei couldn’t help but look over the head. It’s a gossip question.

"Don't ask me, exposing people's privacy is not a good habit..."

Qin Fang just smiled. Zhang Yuliang knew that Qin Fang knew it. Similarly, Qiao Zhenfei’s broken thing also knew a little bit, but he couldn’t say it.

"Don't talk, let's listen!"

Qiao Zhenfei is ignored. His relationship with Zhang Yulin is very good. He probably knows a little about the general things. However, listening to Qin Fang’s meaning seems to be an emotional problem, which is rarely heard of.

Qin Fang is shaking his head vigorously, that is, he refuses to let go, and he still laughs and asks, "In fact, I know the broken thing. If you want to know him, then I will tell him about you by the way." of……"


Qiao Zhenfei suddenly speechless.

Qin Fang’s hand was really embarrassing, and he directly kidnapped him.

"Crap it, you know what happened to me, I really don't believe it!"

It’s just that Qiao Zhenfei is unbelievable. He is always in Beijing. He rarely goes to Beijing. He has only a few faces with the Qin side. Even if he is not familiar with it, how can he know his secret?

"Then I said one by one... One night last winter, the car in the woods was shocked... The man is naturally you, as for the woman..."

Qin Fang said slowly, and did not say how specific.

"Oh, you, count you! This brother has planted it..."

Even so, Qiao Zhenfei is also a pair of eyes, an incredible look.

He is as cautious as he is, and he said that this time the car shocked, he also strolled a lot of genius to choose the address, Qin Fang said that although general, but it is not difficult to see that this is definitely not casual, absolutely know something.

"Car shock?"

However, Zhang Yuliang asked very unscrupulously, "As far as you are, this old-fashioned guy can still complete such a trendy technology. It’s really a small look at you! Right, who is the heroine?"

Qiao Zhenfei rolled his eyes. "There is a kind of exposure that you exposed your point. I will tell you who is the heroine..."

"This... still forget!"

Zhang Yuliang smiled bitterly, and finally shook his head. This transaction is obviously not cost-effective.

Looking at Zhang Yuliang and Qiao Zhenfei, they are so ugly, Qin Fang is laughing at the side, only he knows the secrets of Zhang Yuliang and Qiao Zhenfei.

"How did your kid know this?"

Of course, because of this, the two hearts are more and more strange.

"I said that I will read the mind, do you believe?"

Qin Fang smiled and asked, the smile on his face was really unscrupulous. With the content of his questioning, ten people would choose not to believe in nine and a half.

"I believe!"

"I believe!"

However, what surprised Qin Fang was that the two actually left the 0.5 people.

"Even I don't believe it, you actually believe it? It's the head that is clipped by the door..."

Qin Fang rolled his eyes and said it was very rude.

For a time, the atmosphere here has become more and more harmonious, and the laughter has increased. Even Xiao Muxue and Miao Wei have said one or two sentences from time to time to adjust the atmosphere.

After satiating, everyone sat there chatting about the sky.

"We can't say this, I don't know each other. I know a little about the two temperament. It's very interesting, enough buddies, just rush to this point. You two of my friends are sure... Of course, if the two feel that I am If a person is born with a rough life and is not worthy of being with two such bureaucrats, then I will not say more..."

In fact, this idea suddenly emerged last night. Zhang Yuliang and Qiao Zhenfei are not as unbearable as they seem to be. It is only because there is something in the heart, or if they are hit, the temperament will change.

The people are not too bad, but they are very interesting. Coupled with their identity, Qin Fang is not the fool who didn't understand anything at the beginning. He already knows the opportunity.

Zhang Yuliang and Qiao Zhenfei also heard a slight glimpse, apparently very unexpected, but then immediately nodded gently, the so-called family is not suitable for the knot.

They can sit down and reconcile. In addition to not wanting to deepen and intensify the contradictions, they actually have no intention of making friends.

It’s just that this is not appropriate for Zhang Yuliang and Qiao Zhenfei. Instead, it is most appropriate for Qin Fang to say it.

"Brothers are not brothers, we are not so polite, but they seem to be born!"

"Brothers are in love, love is deep, and naturally it will be clear later..."

There aren't so many flowers and intestines, perhaps with some purpose at the beginning, but if the feelings are deep, they may not all be so utilitarian.

"Our brothers are just the capital, the south of the Yangtze River, the south of Guangdong, and there is not much to say about nonsense. On who's on the site, it's the turn to take care of it. It's not enough to be embarrassed!"

"I don't have any opinions. As long as the two brothers don't deny me the temple there, I don't mind at all." On the price, Qin Fang is the lowest of the three, not to mention the power, but Both Qiao Zhenfei and Zhang Yuliang did not dare to look down on this youngest brother. It is definitely a strange person with one skill.

"You should not be modest. The things you have done in Jiangnan have already been known throughout the country, but no one knows what you did for the time being... How? Can you stand up? Need help? ..."

Qiao Zhenfei can tell such a thing, showing how much he values ​​the Qin side.

I want to know that although he is the grandson of Joe, it is not the people in the system. The thing that Qin Fang did, involving the police chief of Ninghai City, Ye Heng, is not a joke.

"Fei Ge, I can handle this thing myself! Actually, I really want to ask you one thing..."

Qin Fang is not the kind of person who is willing to give up good opportunities. He immediately said that he is a snake stick. "You also know that nursery is now my woman, but I am usually in Ninghai, and I need to be around as an actor. Run, but also worry about being hidden...."

Listening to Qin Fang’s saying that both Qiao Zhenfei and Zhang Yuliang understand, especially Zhang Yuliang’s taste is quite similar.

"Since it is your woman, it is a younger brother! If the younger brother is being bullied, then my brother is not too incompetent?"

Qiao Zhenfei thought that Qin Fang had dragged him to do something important. After all, Qin Fang could even handle such a tricky thing, but he did not expect it to break.

"When I return to Beijing, I will send my brother and sister's contract to Zhongying. I will say hello to the other side. Basically, it will be fine..." Qiao Zhenfei simply said the arrangement. Although Qin Fang did not know the effect, Qiao Zhenfei Since this is said, there should be no problem compared to this.

Miao Wei listened to Qin Fang’s saying that Bai’s face was slightly red. She was not quite sure about Zhang Yuliang’s and Qiao Zhenfei’s specific identity. She only vaguely knew that they were very powerful officials, but they did not expect it. Strong to this extent.

And Qin Fang said that he is his woman in front of them, which is equivalent to the brand of Qin Fang on the nursery.

The nursery is hesitant. If that is the case, she will be the lover of Qin Fang. There is Joe Zhenfei taking care of it. She will definitely not encounter the same thing yesterday.

Whoever does it, whoever is equal to playing Joe's face!

"Thank you!"

The nursery is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful. Originally, she really just didn't want to let her innocent and casually throw it on a bad old man with a brain full of fat, and Qin Fang saved her, which made him sprout. Such an impulse.

I thought this was just a dream, but I didn't expect this spring dream to wake up but it was another good dream. It could directly make her dream of flying...

And all of this comes from a man - Qin Fang.

The two people in the district are far from enough to express the mood of the nursery at this time, but she really does not know what to say, but she is silently grateful to him, even she has some approval to give him a local lover. Up...

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