Omni Genius

Chapter 2583: Strong mercenary alliance division!

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"Do not……"

Feel the abnormality of his body, and the endless silver dragons rushed... even if it is as strong as the vampire prince Ilya, it is also a pale roar.

He doesn't want to die...

However, he smells the death at this moment, and is getting more and more intense!

Death is almost in sight!


A violent dark force rushed wildly... This is the vampire prince Ilya burst out in the burning of her vitality, that is, I want to fight at the last moment.

The most unsatisfactory, he will also lead to the murderer who led to his death... Qin Fang, also pulled together to go nowhere!



Qin Fang did not care about the movement of the vampire prince Ilya, but it was very cold and screamed... It seems that Ilia would have done such a struggle, but he was already ready.

In fact... Qin Fang is really ready for it.


Just as Ilya’s dark forces were ready to break out, the Qin side gently tapped a finger.


Then there was a very scary suction coming from the body of the vampire prince Ilya... and the dark power that Ilya broke out was like a piece of iron that touched a magnet, and instantly broke away from Ilya. Control, hurriedly retraced toward his body!

To be precise...

A fat silkworm was drilled directly from the body of the vampire prince Ilya, and flew away quickly... and all the dark forces of Ilya were summoned by the seri, and they left with them. .


This is almost the same as the military martial arts. The kind of severe pain is really not something that most people can bear... At least, the vampire prince Ilya, who is physically weak at the moment, can't help but scream.

His body was also quickly rushed down... The horrible momentum was suddenly turned sharply, and the instant effort was dissipated, and the vampire prince Ilya became weak.

"Angang ang~~"

Unlike the vampire prince Ilya's weakness, the silver dragons have issued violent dragons. Then in the most violent way into the body of the vampire Prince Ilya.


A weak body. How can a vampire prince with a great reduction in strength survive this horrible offense?

I only heard a series of popping sounds...

These silver dragons were destroyed in the body of the vampire prince Ilya, dantian, meridians, organs, etc., and almost all the places that can be destroyed have suffered the most devastating damage.

Ilya even screams can't be made, and the whole person has become a **** person... The whole body is rushing out of the blood, and the kind that can't stop. And his life is gradually weakening!


With a hit, Qin Fang’s face finally showed a little relaxed look...especially when the results of his investigation skills feedback confirmed that the vampire prince Ilya had no sound.


He said it very surely.


His whole person is also suddenly stunned, his face is pale and abnormal, sweat is also dripping down the big drops, it seems very hard and exhausted!

"It's really not easy..."

Hard work is hard, exhaustion is exhausted. But the result is that Qin Fang often breathes a sigh of relief... The death of the vampire prince Ilya is equivalent to lifting the biggest crisis at the moment.

Even the half of the Gods Guards, the pressure and crisis brought to Qin Fang, is far less than the ruling of Ilya.

However, Qin Fang has tried his best to kill the ruling of the Holy See!

"The fourth secret map..."

A little breath, Qin Fang recovered some. I immediately thought of this matter... The vampire prince Ilya died, no one can open the treasure house, safety is safe, but Qin Fang does not want to have a long night dream.

"It’s hot to fight the iron... There’s still no reaction from the Holy See and the Mercenary League. Let’s start with a strong one!”

As a result, Qin Fang took the remedy regardless of his physical condition and resumed some repairs. He quickly left from here... As for his next destination, it was the Tomis Division of the Mercenary Alliance, guarded by the vampire Prince Ilya!

"Clean the battlefield, quick fix!"

However, before leaving, Qin Fang immediately gave this order to the splitting beast and the cracking wolf king...

The battle here was a bombardment of this area into ruins, but the bodies of those dead Supreme Powers could not be wasted. In addition to some of the props that popped out, you can also add meals to these two beasts and have a good meal!

The beast eats people and puts them at other times. Qin Fang is definitely not willing, even he will kill the beast... But in front of this situation, Qin Fang is somewhat conniving to these two guys.

In the previous battle, they also played a great role... Otherwise, it is really difficult for Qin Fang to be completely trapped here by the vampire prince Ilya.

The silkworm is also the biggest hero, but this guy will directly embezzle the dark power that the vampire prince Ilya finally erupted, and the benefits obtained are also the biggest, and it is not counted...

I simply cleaned up the battlefield and cleaned up the props and treasures that were created by these supreme powerhouses... except for the vampire prince Ilya who broke out a "field bomb" skill book, the others are very common items. At least nothing can make Qin Fang shine.

Qin got some accidents, but the surprises were reduced a lot. After all, he has already learned to steal this skill... This skill book is still cultivated immediately. of.

not to mention……

"Hey? Actually, you can still do this..."

When Qin Fang quickly used this skill to brush up to the master level, he immediately realized some more special means and secrets that he had not thought of before, and even made him happy.

"The field bomb... has added a big weapon!"

Now that the vampire prince Ilya is dead, he is the only one who has realized this stunt.

"Departure, mercenary alliance branch..."

However, Qin Fang is not complacent. Immediately and quickly left here, quickly rushed toward the mercenary alliance in the chaotic capital of the branch of Tomis.

The mercenary alliance is a giant in the underground world...

Although it was formed by many forces, it is still the super powers of the Holy See that really control the maximum authority... And the location of the Tomis division is quite important, so the Holy See firmly grasps it. In the hands of.

The vampire prince Ilya, one of the seven rulings of the Holy See, is guarding this place. It is also a tyrannical and arrogant alliance of mercenary alliances in the small town of Tomis... even its branches stand at the center of the small town of Tomis. .

In general, forces like the Mercenary League are in places like chaos. It is also a very important branch. How to guard the door should also be arranged.


Qin Fang swayed into the division of the mercenary alliance, but he did not even have a person who blocked him... The original Qin Fang also planned to push forward all the way, and then robbed the secret map and left.

Can be so tossed, but it is a little depressed for Qin Fang.

"Who? Who are you looking for..."

It was only after Qin Fang entered the core area of ​​the mercenary alliance branch that someone came out. A strange look at Qin Fang asked.

"Excuse me, where is the treasure house of the ruling lord Ilya?"

Qin Fang revealed a bright smile, and asked curiously.


The person who asked this question was also asked by Qin Fang’s question. It’s very strange to look at the Qin side. I don’t know what to say next... I’m even a little confused. It’s estimated that he has been in contact with Qin in his life. The party is so arrogant.

"Since you don't know. Then I will ask others..."

Qin Fang did not take care of this person's reaction, but said with a smile.


Then, without waiting for this person to respond, he has already shot a palm on the person's chest... The violent palm vomits, the unlucky child directly vomits a blood, and the whole person is also flying backwards behind him. Past.


The man flew too fast, and hitting something in succession, immediately caused a lot of turmoil.

"Alerts, alerts, alerts..."

And those who did not have the mercenary alliance in the eyes of Qin Fang. It was also an immediate change, and the alarm was turned on directly... Qin Fang estimated that for the past many years, the first murderer who dared to blatantly kill the door.

"Oh, the more chaotic the better..."

The alarm was sent out, and the division of the entire mercenary coalition was immediately tangled up, so that the Qin party disappeared in front of the people, and these people did not pay much attention to it.

Those mercenary masters stationed in the mercenary coalition. It also rushed over at the fastest speed, and carried out a carpet search on the entire branch, wanting to seize the Qin side...

However, they are obviously disappointed...

When they are looking for people in a mess. The Qin side has quietly left the core area of ​​the mercenary alliance branch and came to the "forbidden zone" of the mercenary alliance branch.

As the patron saint of the Tomis Division of the Mercenary League and one of the seven rulings of the Holy See, the vampire prince Ilya has his own territory and is listed as the “forbidden place” of this branch, except for him. It is the disciples under his door who are not allowed to enter here without his permission.

And Ilya’s treasure trove is obviously here too...

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