Omni Genius

Chapter 2558: Kill the Gods Guard!

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In the sacred mountain series, only the elders of the real powers, such as Demis Grandmaster, who cooperated with him and expressed friendship with him, contributed to this cooperation between the two sides...

However, the development of things is beyond the expectations of all of them...

Cooperation is cooperation, but the result has unexpected changes, so that the Holy Mountain and the gods have suffered huge losses!

Even with this, Demis Grand Elders and others will be implicated this time, and their status is not stable!

Since this is the case, then for the Son of Peter, the value of the use of these people is greatly weakened ... more involved in the sacred guns, angel wings such as the treasure of the gods, the Son of Peter will not give up.

Therefore, when Demi's elders asked the son of Peter to express his feelings, he immediately sent four of the Holy Spirit knights around him... It was said that they were fighting together, in fact, they were planning to smash the knife behind them, black and black. !

Of course, these inner feelings of the Son of Peter are impossible to show, just to explain the few Holy Spirit Knights to do this!

As for the strength of the Tenjin Guard, the number of people is enough, the four Holy Spirit Knights may not be their opponents... This Saint Peter has already arranged, but it is still relatively hidden.

What's more, the Son of Peter and the Qin side have handed over. Qin is a powerful young master. Peter is very clear... The Tianshen Guard wants to win the Qin side, at least half of the casualties, so How much can it be down? It is also imaginable.

"We go directly to Tomis..."

The Knights of the Holy Spirit, called Mills, said with confidence.

"According to the retreat of the Son, the Oriental is very likely to enter the hinterland of the Middle East from long as we intercept it in advance! Once the person enters the site of the Jihad, we will be very tricky!"

Noticing the strange eyes of the other three people, Mills added this.

"Then we will hurry to start..."

The most taboo of chasing people is chasing one after another without any purpose. This is a waste of time and a waste of physical strength. The most important thing is that there is still a great possibility that people will be chased.

The Tenjin Guard has a special means to locate the whereabouts of Qin Fang. The possibility of chasing is not great, but it is absolutely inevitable to waste time and physical strength.

The Knights of the Holy Spirit are different here, and they have a more precise goal. So naturally it is much easier to catch up. You can even go ahead to Qin Fang’s front to intercept...


Although Qin seems to be running around, he is indeed prepared... The place he wants to go to is the small town of Tomis, where the Son of Peter has already predicted in advance. From here to the east is the site of the Jihad.

Jihad. A powerful force on earth...

Say it is very powerful. In fact, it is really very weak! The entire Jihad can't find a few supreme powerhouses... even the number of big divisions and half-step supreme powers is extremely rare.

but. It has been entrenched in this vast land for countless years, but no force has ever been able to intervene.

Just because this is a force composed of a group of madmen...

A madman who does not take his life seriously! It is also a big force that has long been characterized as a terrorist organization...

The overall power is not strong, but even the big forces are not willing to provoke them!

The reason is very simple... I am angry with this group of madmen. They will send out unknown bombs to bomb your site, such as the Holy City, St. Peter's Basilica, Parthenon and so on.

Who would dare to provoke easily?

When Qin Fang escaped from the Holy City and wanted to leave the sphere of influence of the Holy Mountain, the best way was to enter the territory of the Jihad... This small town called Tomis is the dividing point between the two forces.


"Must sure someone should have guessed my purpose... just don't know if it will be the Gods Guard or the Holy Spirit Knight?"

Qin Fang also muttered to himself.

This is actually not difficult to guess... On the site of the sacred mountain, Qin Fang is everywhere, and naturally chooses a good breakthrough point to rush out of the encirclement. Tomis is the best place.

However, Qin Fang also predicted that the Tianshen Guard and the Holy Spirit Knight would not be so peaceful and cooperative... It will inevitably be a killing of him, and one will go to the front to intercept him. As for the specific division of labor, Qin Fang will not be able to confirmed.

However, they may not have thought of Qin’s plan!

"First solve one more..."

Entering the desert, the Qin side went deeper, but stopped, and did not rush to the small town of Tomis, but the group of people waiting to kill him arrived here.

Yes, Qin Fang is planning to solve a group of people in the desert first...

Then go to the small town of Tomis to solve another group of people!

The two groups have been cleaned up, then the Qin side is directly into the site of the Jihad, and then go to a certain city to return to the dragon country ... or, from the small town of Tomis, to cross the Mediterranean, go directly to Europe It is entirely feasible to return to the Dragon Kingdom from the bottom of the Holy See.

"Catch me? Then try the taste of being ambushed..."

Qin Fang sneered a sneak, and immediately began to act.

In the prop box, a lot of materials have already been prepared. At this moment, it was taken out by Qin Fang. Some simple, yet extremely practical arrangements were made in the desert.

Array method!

This is one of Qin Fang’s snuggles!

As one of the few masters of the martial arts, Qin Fang’s accomplishments in the formation are absolutely one of the best... plus he has plenty of time to prepare the materials, and there is plenty of time, a hidden array. The law stood up in the desert.

"Fantasy, lost, trapped, killing..."

Without a moment of effort, the Qin side has arranged a dozen or so arrays of large and small.

Although due to time, these arrays are not particularly strong. There is no such thing as a super-large array that can easily kill 100 people, and there is no such thing as the unpredictable odd-door array of the eight-figure map. But these small arrays are of great use to the Qin side. .

"Hey, is anyone coming?"

The Qin side was just ready to finish, and immediately felt that a team of people was tracking.

"God Guard!"

Opening the small map, Qin Fang immediately knew the identity of these people, and the smile on his face was also very splendid. "I didn't expect that the first thing that would be unlucky would be you... just what I want!"


However, when he noticed that there was another small red dot on the small map. He was also slightly surprised. "What exactly does this woman want to do? Is it really going to depend on me?"

This is naturally not someone else, it is a goddess of wisdom Athena!

She also appeared on the small map of the Qin side, even closer to the Qin side... It seems that she has mastered some special means of hiding the atmosphere, when the Sanctuary passed by her side that day. I am not able to discover her existence.

Of course. It may also be because the Tianshen Guard is mainly to follow the Qin side. Just treating Athena as a passerby, naturally won't care...

No matter what, Qin Fang added a little more vigilance to this woman.

Walking the rivers and lakes. The most important thing to watch out for is a woman... especially a beautiful woman! As one of the three beautiful beauty of the underground world, Athena is quite dangerous.

However, the Tianshen Guard was soon close to the location of Qin Fang, and Qin Fang did not have time to consider Athena's mind, and immediately got into a battle and began to prepare for war.


When I was about to enter the Qinfang's intensive area, the captain of the Tenjin Guard was immediately out of the air... The compass-like thing in his hand was sliding wildly, very weird.



Did not wait for the soldiers of the Tenjin Guards to stop, the ground is a series of collapses... It seems that there is an invisible big hand that pulls the legs of these Heavenly Guard soldiers and puts them in the sand below. Pull!

"The goal is nearby, hands-on!"

The captain is also quite a simple order.


Almost a moment, the soldiers of the six Tianshen Guards immediately released a violent suffocation...


The sand that pulled the thighs of these warriors also shattered immediately... The sand surface was also continually emitting such a dull burst of sound, and there were small bunkers one after another on the ground.


The captain was really not simple. He grabbed the cross-shaped pendant on his chest with one hand and injected a force into it... I saw that the cross-shaped pendant suddenly became a big sword.

When the wrist was shocked, the big sword flew out of his hand, and the fiercely infighting one side of the ground!

When ~~

Didn't wait for the big sword to fall, I saw a figure drilled out of the sand, and the single sword flicked the big sword with a single wave... As for the person who jumped out, it was the target they were going to kill. !

"Qin Fang!"

Seeing this person clearly, all members of the Tenjin Guard are also shocked.

"The Gods Guard? It’s just err..."

Qin Fang was sneer, and dismissed a disdainful sentence.

Then, as he walked, he walked quickly toward the front and quickly disappeared from the place...

"Want to go? Where to escape?"

However, these Tianshen Guards soldiers obviously did not intend to give him this opportunity, one by one to come up with their own weapons ... fiercely in the direction of the Qin Fang disappeared and chased over.

They have already learned from the elders of Demis, and Qin Fang is well versed in the technique of bandits. Naturally, it is not unexpected for the disappearance of the Qin side!

However, as the most powerful and elite force of the sacred mountain, they are full of confidence and savage... The violent swordsmanship has almost broken through the void, and it is terrible to join forces. Even this piece of void has been torn apart. (To be continued.)

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