Omni Genius

Chapter 2038: Supreme Spirit Beast!

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Qin Fang and Pang Sihai did not dare to scream, and their eyes were concentrated on that small lake...

The water on the lake is getting bigger and bigger, and Qin also feels that an inexplicable horror has oppressed... The feeling that they bring to them seems to be the one that chased them before. The terrible beasts are still strong.

"This Nima... what kind of monster will come out?"

Qin Fang’s heart couldn’t help but smash it up, and also used a small map to detect it.

I don't know if this small lake has anything special to isolate his investigation, or the monster that is about to pop out is terrible enough to go beyond the scope of his detection skills.

However, Qin Fang’s current investigative skills have been promoted to the rank of the Grand Master. Even if it is beyond the powerful existence of the Supreme Realm, it can be detected. There is no reason to detect the level of monsters in the small lake.

Then maybe it is the former...

This small lake may not be as simple as they seem on the surface, and it has isolated the detection of the Qin side, which made the Qin side have nothing.


The water on the lake is getting bigger and bigger, it is violently tumbling, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger. It is almost completely covered by the entire lake... It is obvious that this monster is about to appear, and the body shape is extremely large.

The Qin Fang sighed and breathed, and the breath of the whole body was completely suppressed...

If it is not afraid of the attack of the beasts, the Qin party even wants to cover up the breath of Liuyang Lingdan. More than a different atmosphere, the danger of being found more than one point... In the face of a fierce beast with unfathomable strength, a bit of a loophole may be a disaster.

From the reaction of these beasts, we can see that this beast is terrible...


Finally, there is movement on the lake...

A huge head slowly rushed out of the water, and then extended upwards, extended, and extended. After a while, it had already reached the surface of the water a dozen meters high, but Qin Fang’s eyes were huge. Outside the head and slender neck, it seems that the real body below is not seen.

"This really big!"

Qin Fang has also seen a lot of big guys, but he is still scared by this guy.

The huge head can be seen as a snake like...

But from its head to the neck that extends out. The skin is not the kind of smooth snake skin. It is a kind of leather similar to the scales. The back has a sharp bulge that looks like a barb, giving a very strong and terrible fierceness.


At this moment. The huge head is high. Looking up at the moon in the top of the head... a huge mouth. A screaming but tremorous scream was made, almost giving Qin Fang and Pang Sihai a feeling that the eardrum would be shattered.

Not only that, Qin Fang clearly felt that his body armor was easily shattered in such sound waves... His powerful body was eroded by a terrible force.

Qin Fang is still like this. Pang Sihai is even more unbearable...

The body suffocation was broken a lot, and even the body trembled fiercely. The blood, the eyes, the nose and the mouth all ooze blood, and it looked quite fierce.

"This is... the Supreme Spirit?"

I saw this fierce beast in front of me, just a sigh of relief, so that the two of them were injured in the master class, Pang Sihai immediately could not help but exclaimed.

"Don't die, don't say anything..."

Qin Fang’s eyes suddenly slammed, whispered softly, and then he tried to hold his breath as much as possible. He did not dare to move. At the same time, he also secretly took out the piece of customs clearance card, and he could only use it when necessary.

This way, Qin Fang has tried not to consider using this piece of customs clearance card. Even when it is fighting with the crocodile, he just considers to escape...

However, in the face of such a powerful beast that is terrible to the extreme, he has to make such a plan.

In fact, Pang Sihai is right. The big monster in front of you is terrible. It is indeed the legendary supreme beast...

The supreme spirit beast here is not the sacred scorpion, the supreme human beast king of the same strength, but the supreme sacred beast that has transcended the level of the beastmaster king... Compared with the human martial arts, it is beyond the human supreme Strong.

That is, Qin Fang got the level that the golden shin bone of the person Yuan Jindan reached.

Perhaps the strength of this powerful supreme beast may be even more...

"Is it a snake?"

Looking at the giant behemoth in front of him, the vagueness in appearance is somewhat similar to that of a powerful creature in the legend... It is a savage beast that has existed since ancient times, and the horrible to the extreme.

However, soon Qin Fang denied this possibility.

If it is really an ancient animal, then its strength is definitely not just at this level... at least it is a hundred times more powerful than this.

Qin Fang carefully used the investigative skills on it, and wanted to check its situation...

"Teng 蛟..."

Soon after the results were returned, Qin Fang also knew its name and brief information. After a brief review, Qin Fang also looked like a pair of appearances. "Sure enough... has an ancient animal The blood of the snake, and the blood is quite pure, this can achieve such terrible strength..."


But at this time, Qin Fang suddenly stopped, because the pair of huge eyes of Tengjiao, I do not know that the right has been transferred to him... Although they are hidden, they can clearly avoid the eyes .


Feeling the look of Tengjiao, Qin Fang suddenly felt that his body was completely hard, and a terrible atmosphere of the most locked him, so that he could not hold it and start the customs clearance.

Fortunately, that one of Tengjiao did not look at him a few times. Perhaps the strength of Qin Fang and Pang Sihai is too weak. It is impossible to threaten it in the eyes of Tengjiao. This will be ignored.


At this time, Qin Fang was finally able to breathe, at least temporarily safe.

Qin Fang is very clear, he knows that he is adventurous to use the investigative skills to alarm the Tengjiao... Otherwise, it is only used as the Qinfang, they are the existence of those beasts, and they will not pay attention to it, but the detection skills are far superior to these strengths. The powerful presence of Qin Fang has extremely sensitive reactions, and it is impossible to cover up.

Fortunately, this little sensitivity did not bring terrible danger to Qin Fang and Pang Sihai. It was only a little scared. Now it can be relaxed.


Tengyi did not pay attention to Qin Fang and Pang Sihai, but once again issued a scream, once again tossed the ears and body of Qin Fang and Pang Sihai, and then saw a golden bead spit out from its mouth.

This bead is quite large, and Qin Fang personally estimates that at least there are so many people...

However, it flew out of the mouth of Tengjiao, suspended in midair...

Then Qin Fang felt the anomaly around him... The endless moonlight force released from the moon on the top of the head was gathering at the speed of the naked eye toward the golden bead.

To be precise, such a huge force of the moon is being quickly absorbed by this golden bead...

In the face of such a situation, Qin Fang immediately stopped running the four-image qi training, and did not dare to absorb the power of those dynasties... with such a powerful and terrible supreme spirit beast to seize the power of the moon, That is no different from sending death.

"That is the inner Nei Teng?"

Looking at that golden bead, Qin Fang could not help but stunned.

"No, the strength of Tengjiao has already broken through the supreme position, reaching another level of deeper level... that can't be called Nedan, it should be called Jindan!"

Qin Fang judged it in his heart.

There is a person in his hand, Jin Dan, which is left by a human warrior who surpasses the supreme position.

From the appearance point of view, this Jindan of Tengjiao is very similar to the person Yuan Jindan in the hands of Qin Fang. At most, the other party’s Jindan is bigger... But Renyuan Jindan brings a word of “person” Obviously, it is related to human beings, and naturally cannot be compared with these powerful and terrible aliens.

“It used to be said that every time the moon is full, those monsters will be drilled out of the caves, absorbing the power of this moon... I thought it was a matter of ridicule. I didn’t expect this to be true!”

But at the same time, Qin Fang could not help but sigh.

This kind of legend is also heard by many people. Some people even describe it as a model... But in general, no one believes, at least Qin Fang did not believe it until he came here.

However, this scene in front of us broke the previous insistence of Qin Fang...

This situation is indeed true. There is a powerful beast in front of him who is doing this.

"If you can **** this golden dragon from Tengjiao, it is definitely a super-crown thing..."

Seeing that the body was separated from the sputum, and quietly suspended in the middle of the Jin Dan, there was such a thought in the heart of Qin Fang... Like the inner beast of the beast, the beastmaster, this one Jin Dan is also the most precious treasure for Tengjiao, and it contains more than half of its essence.

If you can get it, and then add some precious elixir to mix alchemy, you can definitely make a terrible 'Xiandan', which will directly break through the supreme position, and reach a higher level is absolutely no problem. .


This is just a thought, and Qin Fang is absolutely afraid to do it!

Just in front of this one, even if you don't use the power of Jindan, you can easily kill the two of them in the Qin Fang several hundred times... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

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