Omni Genius

Chapter 1582: Xuanmu Ling!

A big living person disappeared in this way... Almost everyone present was a little dumbfounded, including Lin Biao and Everett.

As for Wulongzhai, Yang Rui and others are also looking at the Qin side with their eyes wide open. Obviously, they did not think of it. One face was green.


Yang Rui’s handsome face was even more ugly at the moment, pointing his finger at Qin Fang, and it seemed that he had to spurt out the fire.

"Thousand access control, the user will die!"

Qin Fang did not care about Yang Rui's anger at all, just shouted in his cold tone, and suddenly felt a chilly cool air hit.


Yang Rui is a glimpse, looking at Qin Fang with a look of surprise, his eyes are full of incredible, "You are a thousand disciples?"

It’s not a thousand disciples. It’s impossible to know the secrets of a thousand doors, let alone the secret door rules that very few people have mentioned.

The confusing mantra is a rare technique that is rarely seen in thousands of gates. It is also a banned ban that is strictly prohibited... It is forbidden to use it when it is absolutely necessary.

This is a door rule that has been strictly enforced for thousands of years... Almost every thousand disciples know it, and few people dare to touch this minefield.

However, the true core of Qianmen has always been the family of the five ancestors, and these rules are strict for the other branches of Qianmen, but for these five families, they are equivalent to the virtual ones.

The average thousand disciples are not even exposed to the thousand-door ban, but the five families can easily get it. And also arranged a lot of people to practice.

The ban on the thousand gates was established together with the ancestors of the five great families, strictly restricting the various behaviors of thousands of disciples.

However, the most ruined by these five bans are the people of the five major families... For example, Yang Ji, who was killed by the Qin side, used the confession curse of Qian Gang under the direction of Yang Rui.

What is even more abhorrent is that the object of the Confused Mantra is still the Lin Biao of the Lin Family of the five major families... Even Lin Biao’s current behavior is equivalent to the rebel, but before the officially ordered, she is still the five major families. people. Yang Jiu’s behavior is quite taboo!

Yang Jiu is a man of Yang family, but he is only a sideline or servant. The difference between status and Lin Biao is not one and a half...

just now. He violated the ban on thousands of doors, and committed the following crimes. It is too polite to judge him to be a decisive decision.

However, the Qin Fang’s way of "decisive decision" is too violent, which will bring a very shocking effect!


In the face of Yang Rui's doubts, Qin Fang just sneered a little, answering and not answering, in fact, the results have been clear.

Yang Rui’s face was gloomy, and the identity of Qin’s thousand disciples also made him appear somewhat unexpected. As a result, Yang Ji’s death became a matter of course.

However, soon Yang Rui's face recovered. At the corner of the mouth, there is also a smile that shows some evil spirits... It is absolutely impossible for a person who is so proud of himself to be unlucky.

Although Yang Jiu’s death is a pity, after all, a thousand masters who have mastered this level are also costly and resource-intensive. Just killed, the loss is quite heavy.

However, such a loss, Yang Rui still bears the burden, this is the basis of his five family names that are rumored to be rumored.

"Since you are a thousand disciples... you can recognize this!"

Looking at the opposite side of the Qin Fang, Yang Rui's eyes flashed a sinister poison. Then I took out a token-like thing from the body and yelled at Qin.

Qin Fang only looked at this token strangely. It seems to be made of some kind of wood. However, it seems that the time of existence is very long, and it looks like a gold-and-iron material.

"Xuan Muling..."

I didn't wait for Qin to use the detection skills on this token. On the contrary, Lin Biao couldn't help but exclaim. She is also the family of the five major families. It is natural to know this token.

"Yang Rui... What do you want to do?"

Not only that, Lin Biao also asked for a pale face, it seems to be very worried.

"Xuan Muling?"

Qin Fang naturally heard this at this time, some strangely stunned in the mouth, then the mind is also a quick thinking, recalling a little information about the thousand doors.

"Is that the..."

Not to mention, Qin Fang really remembered some information about this blackwood order, but it also made Qin Fang's face slightly changed.

Thousands of doors are an ancient sect that has been inherited for thousands of years, but it is also the most loose martial art. There are more and more branches for thousands of years.

However, the real family of Qianmen is only the family of the martial arts family... Zhou, Wang, Yang, Li, Lin.

Of course, in the distant ancient times, these five families were not called this, but the descendants gradually changed and evolved.

However, these five families have been passed down, and their status in the thousand gates is supreme... control the true core of the thousand.

And there are only five thousand tokens representing the most supreme authority of thousands of gates. Obviously, these five tokens are all in the hands of the five major families.

Thousands of tokens are also the treasures of the five major families. They have never been born. They have been seen by the homeowners of the five major families for thousands of years, and only those who have guarded the tokens have seen them. No, in fact, there is not much difference.

Unless you are in a moment with a genocidal crisis, you can take out the thousand tokens and use them to call all the thousands of disciples.

However, there is only one chance... After the use, the thousand tokens will be returned to the thousand, and the family is completely removed from the five major families!

Fortunately, for thousands of years, thousands of doors have been very strong, and the five major families have never been seen in the world. No such thing happened. Thousands of tokens are still being collected by major families.

Thousands of tokens are supreme, and it is impossible to come up anyway, so there are some token tokens that represent thousands of authorities.

One of the most famous ones is Yang Xuan’s hand.

This is made from a piece of wood called the mysterious wood of the ancient times. Nowadays, the mysterious wood has been extinct for many years, and it is impossible to copy it.

Xuan Muling is the thousand-door token that is second only to the thousand tokens. The whole thousand gates are only 20 pieces. They are controlled by the five major families. Each family has only four pieces on average. It is also very precious. In addition to some of the most prominent figures, the average thousand disciples are not qualified to master.

Even so, after thousands of years of inheritance, the thousand branches have become larger and more fragmented, and Xuanmu has made such a token inevitable.

Some things have mastered the thousands of important figures of Xuanmu Ling, and others have died in danger. In short, various reasons have led to the number of people who have lost their lives today. .

In this way, the importance of Xuan Muling is getting bigger and bigger, and the power it represents is becoming more and more powerful, but it is precisely because of this that it appears less and less, almost all It is treasured by the major families and is rarely used.

However, Yang Rui’s hand actually holds a piece of blackwood, how can he not let Lin Biao and Qin Fang be surprised?

Qin Fang may be better. Although he is a thousand disciples, he is a half-way monk. He does not have any sense of identity for Qianmen, and naturally he does not respect how much these thousands of tokens are.

Lin Biao is different. She is from the Lin family of the Qianmen family. The thoughts she received from childhood have been related to the honour and disgrace of Qianmen. For the various rules of the thousand gates, they are more strict and dare not overtake.

Even though it has been decided to follow the Qin side to defect, but her thoughts for many years are still deeply rooted, and seeing Yang Rui using the Xuanmu order, it is also instinctive to feel fear and fear.

Xuanmu ordered that all the thousands of disciples present in the scene should obey the command... Violators will be chased after thousands of miles, not endless!

This is why Yang Rui, after knowing that Qin Fang is also a thousand disciples, not only did not have a little fear and fear, but instead calmed down a lot of reasons.

Any one of the thousands of disciples can't resist the command of the blackwood order, otherwise they will suffer the most tragic pursuit, and almost escape to the ends of the earth and don't want to hide.

There is no doubt about this. The means of Qianmen is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Some secret techniques are even more of a godly means.

"do not know……"

Under the gaze of Yang Rui's proud eyes, Qin Fang shook his head very simply.


Yang Rui's smug smile, suddenly stiffened above his face, and also issued such a hidden dry cough in his throat.

He really didn't think that Qin Fang would actually say such a thing...

From the beginning of Qin’s ignorance of the Qianmen ban, Yang Rui had already thought about the way to deal with Qin Fang, but did not expect that he had only made a half move now. Instead of attacking the opponent, the other party directly slaps him and slaps it. And went... the taste is absolutely very uncomfortable!


However, Yang Rui quickly reacted, and the anger on his face became more and more intense. Of course, he knew that Qin Fang was playing with him, and this breath really made him unable to swallow.

"Since you are a thousand disciples, seeing Xuanmu Ling still not obeying the orders, it is equivalent to bullying the ancestors... even more sin!"

Yang Rui immediately asked the impetuous drink, this time he was quite confident.

"Xuan Muling? You said yes? I also said that it is fake..."

However, before Yang Rui reacted, his voice came to the ear of Qin, and then he felt that his hand was light, and Xuanmu ordered it to be taken away!

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