Omni Genius

Chapter 1426: Miyamoto Musashi!

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Miyamoto Musashi lives in a position close to the top of the mountain. In addition to the particularly important things happening, even the important figures of the Musashi River are not allowed to enter and exit at will.

Those who basically live here are also very close to Miyamoto Musashi, such as the disciples under Miyamoto Musashi...

Don't look at how much the old goods of Miyamoto Musashi are overbearing. The women who play with them all play on the head of Kawada Musashi, but the old guy is alone, and there are no children under the knee.

Perhaps this is also the reason that Kawada Musashi has been forbearing for so many years but has never been able to find a suitable opportunity. After all, this Miyamoto Musashi can hardly find any obvious flaws besides himself.

And Miyamoto Musashi himself is the biggest scourge. If Kawada Musashi can kill him, then he will not wait for more than ten years...

However, the appearance of Qin Fang and others has indeed made Kawada Musashi see a little hope... Accurately, it is not the Qin Fang who is hoped by Kawada Musashi, but the possible behemoth behind Qin.

Whether it is the Liusheng family or the Ando family, this is not a big family that Kawada Musashi can fight against, and it is enough to counter Miyamoto Musashi.

Even if this time Qin Fang can't succeed, these people must be trapped in Musashi. If so many masters are not lost in any family, they will only attract more masters...

Once, I can't do it twice or three times. Kawada Musashi doesn't believe that I have killed Miyamoto Musashi, even if I only seriously injured Miyamoto Musashi. His Kawada Musashi can also kill Miyamoto Musashi!

Kawada Musashi is still very simple, and immediately found an excuse to hook up the other two masters.

At the same time, he also made a proper arrangement for his disciples who were loyal to him. The doormen who were loyal to Miyamoto Musashi were sent to the knife of Qin Fang and others.

Since it is already planned to kill people with a knife, then of course, you have to start with a little bit of it. The entire Musashi has not only a few masters. The strength of other people can no longer resist the slaughter of these people in the Qin Dynasty, and simply kill the disciples of Miyamoto Musashi. Excluding most of his wings, this is definitely a good thing for Kawada Musashi...

Of course, in order to prevent this action from failing, Kawada Musashi did not make this thing too obvious. At least the other two master-level disciples still left a lot of disciples!

With this incense, after killing Miyamoto Musashi, Kawada Musashi will be more convenient. The resistance encountered will be much smaller.

After Kawada Musashi attracted two masters, Qin Fang and other people directly joined together and marched toward the height of the mountain. Their goal was of course Miyamoto Musashi!

"Qin Shao, do we really want to work on Miyamoto Musashi?"

When the service department Sanzang heard the news, his face became quite weird, but also implies deep surprise and jealousy.

As a master of the Fuso martial arts, Miyamoto Musashi has been in the martial arts for decades. There are really many people who want to kill him. There are definitely one hundred and eight.

However, Miyamoto Musashi has been living well for so many years. On the contrary, few of his enemies are alive, and even the old guy has killed at least two ninja genres...

As for the life of the dead in this old ghost. That is even more difficult to count, countless!

Although it is now rumored that Miyamoto Musashi practiced evil and stunned, it is hard to say whether this is true or not. Especially after they entered the Musashi Stream, the service department Sanzang felt that they were fooled.

At this time, Qin Fang said that he would directly start with Miyamoto Musashi... Even if there were two other masters in Kawada Musashi, the strength of their pedestrians was not enough to fight against Miyamoto Musashi!

The strongman of the master class is really too strong. Even his warrior who is a master class is still not an opponent of Miyamoto Musashi, let alone a broken wrist, and the strength must be certain. Discounts are even more difficult to counter!

If Miyamoto Musashi is really awkward, they may still have a lot of opportunities, but if they are not embarrassed, then they are only afraid of a dead end!

"Nothing, I have my own way..."

Qin Fang smiled and said nothing at all, it seems that he is not very worried.

Seeing the reaction of Qin Fang, the original Ji Xiang and others are also a little worried, but now it is obviously a lot easier.

They have been mixed with the Qin side, and although the relationship between them is not the same, they can at least be able to live and die.

I know that Qin is not the kind of person who likes to take risks. Since I made such a decision, it must be somewhat grasped...

This is like the fact that they used to force the Fusang Ronin's nest. If Qin Fang only found out that there is only one master in the Fusang Ronin, he would never rush in.

In the event that there are two masters, they must be accounted for in the club...

It is the same now, Miyamoto Musashi is really terrible to the extreme, and the five of them may not be the opponents of Miyamoto Musashi.

However, Qin Fang still chose to do it, and there is definitely a way or means to close the gap between the two sides.

This time the action is definitely a very big risk, but the same, the harvest will be extremely huge ... not only for Qin Fang alone, each of them will have a considerable gain!

For example, Ji Xiang and Wukong Monk, these two guys are a little excited, they are wondering whether they can upgrade to the master level with this life and death war...

Not quite the same as the Qin party, they have been stuck in the masters for a long time, especially the Wukong monk, who was already a half-step master, only the last step!

This is the same as the imperial blood of the Qin Dynasty, which caused the Qin Fang to forcibly break through. The current Miyamoto Musashi is the same, and perhaps this crisis will become a boost...

Miyamoto Musashi lived in the most luxurious building of Musashi, although the area is not the largest, but the conditions are undoubtedly the best.

It is placed above the mountains, surrounded by clouds and fog, looks like the fairyland, the scenery is really beautiful, making people feel like they are lingering.

It has not yet reached the foothills, but it is only a difference of 20 to 30 meters. It is quite close.

That is to say, the gap of twenty or thirty meters, but it has created a considerable beauty, that a silver practising from the air, it looks even more beautiful.

And this waterfall falls into the sky, and falls into the blue water pool below... This water pool has a rather domineering name - Fulongtan!

It is said that there is a dragon lying under this water pool. Although no one has ever seen it, the Musashi Stream has always been such a legend.

Even the totem of Musashiliu worship is a dragon... Yes, it is a dragon, a black dragon, which is said to be the one lying under the pool!

For this rumor, Qin Fang will certainly not believe it, and even these people around him will never believe it.

Of course, Qin Fang does not believe in the existence of the dragon, but does not believe that one dragon will be willing to lie in such a small pond.

However, Qin Fang’s reliance on Miyamoto Musashi has fallen into a very inconspicuous waterhole...


In this luxurious building, there is a room very close to Fulongtan. When you open the window, you can see the waterfall falling from the sky. The moist water vapor can also be easily introduced into the room.

At the moment, on the quaint bed in the room, there was a quiet person lying on it, covered with a layer of quilt, but the look was quite good.

At the window, there is a man in his thirties standing sideways, bowing slightly, listening quietly to the words of the person on the bed.

"What can be the difference between the two of Kawada's family?"

However, this man lying in bed is an open question.

The whole Musashi River has only one family named Kawada. The two of his mouths are very clear. I am afraid that the father and son of Kawada Musashi will definitely be shocked when they hear this.

"There is no change at the moment. It is estimated that I am worried about whether the injury of the master is true..."

The younger man replied calmly, but then he thought of another thing and couldn't help but mention it.

"However, just now, the old ghost of Kawada Musashi invited the two elders, Domoto and Akagi, and did not know what it was for..."

Obviously, the things on the Musashi River are in control. The strength of this control is really quite strong. It is no wonder that Kawada Musashi can only hold grandchildren.

"Jumping the clown, not enough..."

The one lying on the bed frowned, it seemed to be a bit strange, but it quickly relaxed, not very concerned.

"You pay attention to me. Recently, Liu Sheng and Ando may come over..."

Ignore the mid-master of Kawada Musashi, but there is also the existence of his need to beware and vigilant, and these two names coincide with the two mentioned by Kawada Musashi.

This man lying in bed is naturally not someone else. It is the goal of Qin Fang’s trip and the ruler of Musashiliu Miyamoto.

Miyamoto Musashi has been over 60 years old, and is slightly smaller than Kawada Musashi, but it still looks like it is more than forty years old. From the outside, it may be similar to Kawada Masami.

But this is an old guy who looks like a young man. It is indeed a famous master of Miyamoto Musashi in Fuso Wulin. One hand has a lot of people who don’t know how many people are blood... (To be continued)

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