Omni Genius

Chapter 1041: Desperate? Escape easily!

Chapter 1041 is desperate? Escape easily!

Understood the idea of ​​this beautiful woman's heart, Qin Fang was quite helpless when he was surprised. After all, there are still many smart people in the world. It is not so easy to flick.

"you are vicious……"

It is not surprising that Yan Yingxiu has such an idea. Even she seems to believe that Qin Fang can help her to go that step.

As one of Yu Wenzhong's stepdaughter and her family, she is also very familiar with Yan Wenzhong. Naturally, she knows how difficult it is to deal with Yan Wenzhong.

If this is not the case, she will not wait for so long, but she has not been able to find a little flaw, and she has been used and designed by Yan Wenzhong.

In her view, Qin Fang may be very capable and capable. Protecting people and saving people may still have some ability, but to deal with Yan Wenzhong, it is obviously too far.

What's more, if Qin Fang is so powerful, it will not be like her, and she will be thrown into this dark water prison. I don't know when I will die and die here!

"Forget it, there is nothing to do with a woman, let's leave here first..."

Understand the spirit of Ying Yingxiu and the helplessness and despair of the current situation, Qin Fang will not care so much about her girl.

Estimated the time, Qin Fang should be almost the same, and immediately greeted Yu Yingxiu and immediately started to act.

"I see how you escape..."

When I heard the words of Qin Fang, Yan Yingxiu almost subconsciously wanted to rebut.

The watertight has always been a very horrible place, surrounded by water, and very deep and cold. Stay in this water for a long time. The whole body is gradually chilling.

The perimeter of the dungeon is made of very smooth bluestone, perhaps because of the long yin darkness and very humid relationship. A very smooth layer of moss is attached to the surrounding bluestone.

Basically it's a little... There are no objects that can be caught and caught, and there is no possibility of climbing.

Moreover, the whole watertightness is like a deep well piled up with stones, but the area is much larger. There is a hole about one meter square, which is the only import and export of the watertight. It is also the only place where you can see a little bit of light.

Only a steel-made fence was placed on the hole, and the hole was completely sealed.

This hole is the only place where you can get in and out. At the beginning, Qin Fang and Yan Yingxiu were thrown away from here. If you want to leave, you can only leave from this hole.

Do not say anything else, the light is the surface of the water, the direct height of the hole has exceeded two meters, if the foot is a solid ground, this small height is simply unable to hold the Qin side.

It can be said that all the water is under the feet, there is no way to focus. Even Qin Fang can only keep the upper body floating on the water, but it is almost impossible to jump up and climb the two-meter-high exit hole. Not to mention that the hole was also sealed by a steel fence!

It is precisely because of this environment that no one who has been thrown in has successfully escaped. In the end, all of them become a floating body. If it is starved, if it is drowned, if it is frozen, in short, Until it is confirmed that it has died. Only someone will come to salvage the body.

However, it may have been three or five days, or even a week...

"I said that I can't escape, then I can't escape..."

For the distrust of Yan Yingxiu, Qin Fang is also expected. In exchange for who has encountered such a desperate situation, it is basically impossible to escape.

Even the soldiers of his great brother Tang City were thrown into such places. If no one comes to the rescue, it is basically dead.

No way, if you want to escape from here, you must have some very good tools, such as ropes, and at least you should have a dagger and other things.

But before the prisoners were thrown in, all the tools that might help escape were collected, and it was a good face to not clean the clothes.

There is no tool, unless it is a Wukong monk who can go high and go to the river, and perhaps have a chance to escape.

However, such a master is too few, and the ancient big faction of the Tianchi faction has never been passed down by the light, so that the lightness of the whole world can be seen.

It is said that only the millennial ancient factions such as Shaolin Temple and Kunlun have been passed down, even if it is the same powerful Tangmen... It seems that there has never been.

In fact, the Qin side also knows that among the ancient millenniums of Shaolin Temple and Kunlun, there are very few people who are qualified to practice light work. There are almost a handful of them!

Otherwise, there may be more powerful warriors in the world who don’t know how much they can go high, and it’s not going to make the martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom so small.

Qin Fang is also very envious of the light and self-defense method. They used to have the idea of ​​killing Wukong and the skills that are still exploding, but in the end he gave up. It is not Qin’s fear that his strength is not enough, but he still looks at Wukong Monk. Very close to him...

It was the appearance of the **** hand, and the Qin Fang’s heart couldn’t help but play a small calculation. Whoever made this evil full of thugs would actually be light, although it was a defective product, but for the Qin side almost There is no difference between the original and the original...

The only pity, but also the most helpless point, is that Qin Fang is not the opponent of Tu San for the time being. Although the two gunmen ended in a draw, Qin Fang knew that he still lost!

These are all things that are off topic, light work, and there are more opportunities in the Qin Dynasty. But it is not in a hurry, but now the first thing is how to escape from such a Jedi, which is the Qin Dynasty. Concerned.

At the same time, it is also a very important thing for Ying Yingxiu!

Although she is almost 100% unbelievable that Qin Fang can escape, but seeing Qin Fang's confident fullness, her heart is also full of expectations.

After all... people live well, no one wants to die so unclear!

"Looked good..."

Pay attention to the gods of Yingyingxiu. Qin Fang’s face showed some light smiles. Then he saw a hand that was placed under the water suddenly lifted up. The hand that should have been empty, suddenly there was something more... a thing that seemed to be a smashing arrow.

Yes, it is indeed a smashing arrow!

And it still looks like a special kind of arrow, even the kind of army that An Lang does not have! At first glance, you know that it is a standard for mercenaries!

"How did you bring it in?"

Yan Yingxiu was shocked. She really didn't understand how Qin got this thing. She was thrown into the dungeon a little earlier than Qin, and she also saw Qin Fang being thrown in by her brother, You Youlin.

Before Qin Fang was thrown in. There is a forest that makes people search for Qin Fang’s body. It’s impossible to find anything like the big arrow, unless there are more than a dozen people present at the scene!

"Hey, the mountain people have their own ideas..."

In the face of the suspicious huo of the beautiful woman, Qin Fang was a mysterious smile, and said that he did not care. Even if he raised the arrow in his hand, he pointed the hole at the top of the head and pressed the trigger.


Upon hearing such a sound, the arrow was immediately ejected quickly. And the exact hole that passed through the steel fence flew out.

At the same time, Ying Yingxiu also found very clearly that the arrow that Qin Fang shot was bound with a very thin rope, which looks like a very soft fine cable!


And almost after the arrow passed through the hole, the arrow was immediately like the Tango's hidden weapon. It automatically pops open and forms an umbrella-shaped head.

The Qin side pulled it again, and the arrow was immediately pulled back, and then it landed firmly on the steel fence, giving a crisp sound.

After all this, Qin Fang did not act urgently. Instead, I listened carefully to the ear.

It’s just that it’s quiet around. It seems that no one is guarding it. Qin’s face is slightly relieved.

"Get it..."

At this point, Qin Fang was considered to have been a bit relaxed. He waved his arm slightly and thought it was a drink for himself. Unfortunately, Ying Yingxiu, as the only audience, did not seem to have such awareness. Then Qin can only come by himself.

"Beauty, are you going with me, or waiting for me to go out and pull you again... Maybe, you want to stay here?"

In the early preparations, the Qin side was considered to be doing well. At this time, I looked back at the Yingyingxiu, who was completely stunned. It was a lightly ridiculous way.

"I... I will go with you!"

Yan Yingxiu was almost subconsciously trying to refuse, but when she thought of the yin sen, yin dark, damp, and cold in the dungeon, she felt guilty in her heart and immediately said.

Even in order to show his determination, the beautiful woman directly went to the front of Qin Fang, and stretched out his arms to hold the waist of Qin Fang, and completely fit his own exquisite body.

"I wipe, do you want this..."

It’s just that her action is too fierce. Because of the relationship between the water and the water, the clothes that were originally not so much are completely soaked. At this time, in this position, they are together with Qin Fang. There is not much difference in the combination of the two.

Qin Fang is a young man who is just as **** and sturdy. He is so tightly held by such a hot body. He thinks that it is impossible to respond without a normal man.

It’s just that Ying Yingxiu seems to be scared by such a claustrophobic environment at this time, and he doesn’t want to stay any longer.

No way, if Qin Fang is still there, at least one other person can talk to her, she is not so afraid and fearful.

But if Qin Fang is going to leave, she will be left alone. She doesn't think she can hold on for a long time... This is the same as the army's little black house. If the time is long, the whole person will collapse.

"Forget it, I am afraid of you..."

It is only the Qin side who knows that it is obviously impossible to tell the truth with Ying Yingxiu at this time. Anyway, this kind of action has a relatively large impact, but he is not the one who suffers. Even Yan Yingxiu does not feel that he has anything. What is the good thing about a big man?

"Hold me tight……"

Before the action, Qin Fang deliberately whispered to him that he was close to him. Qin Fang suddenly felt that his waist was tightened more tightly, and the two people’s body fit more closely, even On the back of Qin Fang, you can clearly feel the top touch of that small grape.


Letting go of other unnecessary thoughts, Qin Fang’s hand, the rope immediately began to shrink automatically, and even with the body of Qin Fang and Yan Yingxiu quickly vacated, went straight to the two meters high The exit went away.

This kind of arrow is specially made by the mercenary. It has the function of automatic retraction and is quite advanced. This is one of the spoils seized by Qin Fang from the hands of the devil.

As the world's largest arms dealer, the mercenary alliance itself has many advanced weapons that are rarely seen on the market. As one of the cores, the devil's hand naturally has many such weapons.

One of the ordinary arrows of Qin Fang’s arrow is only the ordinary goods. Qin Fang still looked at the role of this little thing and deliberately collected it, but did not expect it to come in handy so quickly.

The speed at which the rope contracts is not particularly fast, but it is not very slow. Even if it is responsible for the weight of two people of two hundred kilograms, it seems to have no effect at all.

Seeing that two people are about to hit the steel fence, Yan Yingxiu is almost ready to exclaim, but Qin Fang is like a very awesome ape, easy to reach out through a gap in the fence, and then steady I grabbed the fence and hanged him and Yu Yingxiu with one hand.


This steel fence is nothing more than a decoration, because it is impossible to escape from the prisoners in the dungeon, so the fence is simply placed there, just like the manhole cover.

The Qin side suddenly burst into a punch and directly flew the steel fence with a weight of at least thirty or forty pounds. It immediately volleyed and suddenly returned to the Qin side and they were free.

This fence is gone, and the only obstacle is naturally gone.

At this time, Qin Fang would have missed such an opportunity. His arms stretched out and pulled an arm of Yan Yingxiu. Then he suddenly slammed the Yingyingxiu to the whole person.

And he himself was also a body flip, easily drilled out from the exit, and even had time to grab the fence that was about to fall in his hand, did not let it land loudly and caused unnecessary trouble... ! .

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