Omni Genius

Chapter 1036: Let you be a real hungry ghost!

Chapter 1036 lets you be a real hungry ghost!

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Although the city of Luocheng is very large, the house of the family is also very large, and it occupies the most central location of the city, and it is not far from the banquet.

From the clubhouse over there, Qin Fang went straight to the house of the family and went.

Although he is not very clear about the detailed plan of Yan Youlin, but I also think that I definitely want to use Li Yingxiu to draw Li Yaonan...

If this is not the case, Yan Wenzhong will not deliberately come up with such a grand banquet to clean up the dust for Li Yaonan.

Yan Yingxiu’s own perception of Li Yaonan is not very good. This can be seen even by Qin Fang. If you want to achieve your goal, you can only use some abnormal means.

I’m afraid that I’m just yelling that Ying Yingxiu’s call, just for this abnormal means... After all, under this broad public, he can’t do too much.

For the beauty of Ying Yingxiu, there is not much thought in Qin Fang itself. The two people counted but they met each other. There is not much friendship.

But how to say it is a acquaintance, seeing that she is going to be destroyed by the hungry ghosts like Li Yaonan, Qin Fang is also a little unwilling to go.

Anyway, he is also planning to kill Li Yaonan, so by the way, save this delicate and unbearable flower...

The guards of the House of the House are relatively strict, but An Lang is An Lang in the end. The conditions are still slightly worse. Some ordinary people can be blocked, but they are unable to stop the Qin Fang.

When the hidden skills were launched, and with the aid of their own deformation techniques, Qin Fang did not know how to sneak into the family, and went straight to the small yard where Ying Yingxiu lived.

"Sure enough here"

When he was close to the small yard, the small map immediately showed a few people coming. He was a heroine, a singer, a lieutenant, and a few subordinates, as well as Li Yaonan’s bodyguard.

"Mr. Li will be handed over to you here. If there is something left, let's leave."

When Qin Fang arrived, Yan Youlin seemed to have completed his own affairs. He was leaving with Li Yaonan and left the small courtyard of Ying Yingxiu.

The door of the small courtyard was closed again. There were only Yu Yingxiu and Li Yaonan left in the yard. Even the Bab also guarded the gate at the gate of the courtyard.

Qin Fang’s investigative skills have their own marking function. When Qi Yingxiu and Li Yaonan left, Qin Fang specially marked them.

As soon as they get closer, Qin Fang can directly check the situation of several of them.

Li Yaonan has nothing unusual, but Yan Yingxiu is not very good. Seeing her state is very strange, it seems that she was taken medicine, but it seems to be not very similar. In short, it is very strange.

However, one thing is certain, that is, Ying Yingxiu is definitely not awake now.

Then it can only show that Yan Youlin has already succeeded...

"This head-down technique doesn't seem to be very good..."

Qin Fang did not feel any surprise about this, but estimated that Ying Yingxiu's good head-down technique was actually taken out of medicine, and he couldn't help but spit it out.

It’s no wonder that she met her with Ying Yingxiu for such a time. She always seems to be like an ordinary woman. She can’t see that she is actually a very good head.

Qin Fang is also coming to her head-down technique. This is good. The head-down technique has not been seen. Instead, the head-down technique has been administered by a person. It is a great irony.

It’s just that Qin’s time is limited, but I don’t want to waste it. I immediately turned over to the wall and directly entered the small courtyard.


Ba Ba was at the door, worried that someone would come in.

When the Qin side suddenly fell from the sky, he almost screamed in a subconscious, and the whole body was immediately alert, his body was completely tight, and he seemed to be ready for a boxing moment.


The location where the person came to fall is very particular, almost jumping directly from the top of his head.

Before the reaction of the Bab, the Bab felt that his body was slightly numb, and suddenly he could not move. The strength of the whole body was completely imprisoned, and the state was exceptionally strange.

It’s just that the person who came here didn’t have to be polite with him. He directly slammed the hand knife on the back neck of the Bab. Although the body of the Bab was like the iron, but when his power was imprisoned, it was stronger than the average person. A little bit, but it is not able to hold this hand knife, directly to the front of a black, completely fainted.

"I didn't kill you before, I really took myself as a dish..."

Qin Fang’s eye was fast, and he took the body of the Bab, and immediately threw it into the corner of the wall. He tried not to make too much noise, but he could not help but despise it.

The advantage of the small map function is here. Although he is outside the wall, he seems to be standing in front of the Bab, and he has already spotted his position. He will not give him any chance when he shoots.

The poor Bayu is also a master of Thai boxing masters. Even if it is positive, it can compete with the Qin side. As a result, even a drift is not able to fight, and it is directly stunned.

The speed of Qin Fang’s shot was very fast, and it was quite quiet, so that he was hiding in the room. It seems that he was about to have a close contact with Li Yingnan, who was in close contact with the beautiful girl Yingxiu, but he did not realize it when he died.

Without a little delay, Qin was quick to come to the room of Ying Yingxiu. The door was closed, but the window was open. Qin Fang jumped easily and immediately plunged into the room.

Although Qin Fang has tried to be very careful, just from the outside to the room, when landing, it is inevitable that there is still a little noise.


Upon hearing this movement, Li Yaonan couldn't help but frown. It was very uncomfortable to scream, and it was too ethical to disturb him at this critical moment.

It’s uncomfortable to go back, this is coming in, and he has to look at what’s going on, and he turned to look at the past.

"It's you... come... oh"

When Li Yaonan noticed the face of Qin Fang, he suddenly jumped a lot, almost subconsciously wanting to call for help.

Just didn't wait for him to scream, he felt a flower in front of him, and a figure appeared in front of him, and then his neck seemed to be sore, and no sound could be heard anymore.

Not only that, but only seeing Qin Fang is raising his hand, and he did not know what he did. Li Yaonan only felt that his body could not move. He himself lost control of his body.


In the face of such a strange change, the first reaction in Li Yaonan’s mind is these two words.

The witchcraft in Southeast Asia is not only a kind of head-down technique, but also a variety of other witchcrafts. It is not as famous as the head-down technique, but it may not be very bad.

Li Yaonan has been exposed to several very different witchcraft. If it is not too infiltrating and disgusting, he intends to use it on a large scale.

However, such changes in the eyes are obviously not a good message for Li Yaonan, or even a big bad news...

"Oh, it seems that I am coming in time..."

Looking at the face of Li Yaonan with a terrified color on his face, Qin Fang couldn't help but laugh.

"You can talk?"

Suddenly I heard the Qin Fang opening, Li Yaonan suddenly surprised, almost immediately opened his mouth and wanted to scream like this, but unfortunately he could not speak at all, it became a burst of embarrassment.

Anyway, Li Yaonan is destined to die a dead person. I don’t know if Qin is pretending to be dumb. This is no longer important. Qin is not very concerned.

Li Yaonan, who ignored the bitterness of the anomaly, Qin Fang turned his face to see Yingyingxiu lying in bed at the moment.

Yan Yingxiu is completely in a state of confusion at this time. It looks very strange. It is like being taken medicine. But she is not like the emotional woman. It is the body. a layer of pink color...

Anlang is located in the tropics and has a long sunshine time. Therefore, the average skin of the Anlang people is darker. Although the Yingying show is much better than the average Anlang person, it still shows a layer of wheat-colored skin. A layer of pink, it looks very attractive.

At this time, she is a half-tie of the Luo shirt. The evening dress that was originally used to attend the banquet is not a lot of material, and it is quite thin. At this moment, it has been smashed and almost impossible. Cover your body.

In the face of such a beautiful woman who is half-solved, there are really few normal men who can withstand it, let alone Li Yaonan, who is hungry in color.


He obviously has no such opportunity.

Of course, although Qin Fang has the opportunity to start, but it is not dangerous to take people, he is a killer, but not a flower thief...

"Little girl, are you back?"

When Qin Fang pondered how to dispose of Li Yaonan, he heard such a rough and very distinctive voice coming out of the door.

My second sister is coming...

Such a feature is the first time that Qin Fang has encountered it for so long, even if he wants to hear it, he will not do it.

"You are coming right..."

At such a critical moment, the second sister suddenly ran over and spoiled the situation. Qin Fang not only did not have a little depression, but suddenly it was a bright light, and her face was even more brilliant.

If it is before, Qin Fang must be able to hide far away from the far distance, and almost all intend to be a Falun, once a enchanting.

But now, it’s a different matter. It’s too timely for the second sister to come... If it’s not that the person’s appearance is too disgusting, Qin Fang would like to hold her a slap in the face. .

My second sister never knew how to write the two words. The family didn't have the door that she couldn't get in. The same small courtyard of Yingyingxiu was the same, and the door was directly pushed in.

The door of the yard was originally closed, but someone was moving fast, and at the first time, he rushed to the door and opened the door of the yard.

When the second sister pushed in and did not wait for her to see who was in front of her, she felt that her eyes were in front of her eyes and the whole person was like a chicken.

"Call~~ Fortunately useful"

This shot is naturally Qin Fang, and he did not wait for the second sister to respond, he immediately hypnotized it with thousands of techniques.

Hypnotism is also one of the thousands of techniques, from the simplest hypnotism to the high-end blindness, and even more powerful secrets...

Qin’s current skills in the thousand-machine system should be advanced, and hypnotism should be used for an ordinary person. It is too simple.

Of course, it is easier for ordinary people with simple mind to start. If the willpower is strong or the character is tough, Qin will need to spend some hands and feet to achieve the effect.

For example, Bayu, Li Yaonan, and Qin Fang all banned them by acupuncture and moxibustion, but they did not dare to use hypnotism for them, because these two people are not hypnotized at all, at least Qin’s current practice. The level is not enough to reach that level.

Hypnotized the second sister, Qin Fang immediately brought her in, and then closed the door again, this time locked, and then directly brought her to the bedroom of Yan Yingxiu.

"Li Yaonan, you said that you are a hungry ghost... Then this time I will fulfill you, let you be a real hungry ghost... This must be very suitable for your appetite."

The second sister who was hypnotized was brought to the front of Li Yaonan. Qin Fang’s face showed a very narrow smile, and said to Li Yaonan.

Li Yaonan’s face suddenly became green, and the respect of Miss Yan’s second master, who he had seen before, almost didn’t let him spit out the overnight meal.

He is a good hungry ghost in the color, but basically playing with very beautiful women, why have you tasted such a heavy taste of the world?

"You still kill me..."

When I thought of my closest contact with such a enchanting, I had always prayed that I could escape the catastrophe of Li Yaonan. Suddenly I felt that I had died earlier, so as not to suffer such a ** ......


His wish is definitely not realized.

I saw that Qin Fang didn’t know what to say in the ear of the second sister who was hypnotized. The two eyes, who were so confused, were suddenly green, and they immediately rushed to the front of Li Yaonan. The tears of Li Yaonan’s original clothes were completely torn into pieces, and they flew up like the hungry tigers.

"Hey, this body is really... very good, the old lady likes this muscle man..."

At the same time, she was still lingering in her mouth, so that Qin Fang standing on the side could not help but be ashamed.

Although Li Yaonan is a bit muscley, it is only relatively strong. It is definitely not a muscular man. Unfortunately, at the moment of the second sister's heart, even in the eyes, Li Yaonan, who is a small body, has become a muscular man of Qin Fang. Incarnation...

Watching the enchanting human enchanting second sister squatting on Li Yaonan’s small body board, the violent squad was released. Qin Fang took out a silver needle and pierced it into Li Yaonan’s meridians in a very secretive way. Among them...

If there is no accident, about ten minutes later, this silver needle will pierce the heart of Li Yaonan, and the poison on the silver needle will instantly poison Li Yaonan...

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