Old-time musicians

Chapter 49: Mysticism Course:

Looking at Fan Ning sitting across from the desk, who seemed unsure about the term "spiritual awareness", Dupont explained:

"Every newly promoted knowledgeable person, in addition to being given a gift by the light of first acquaintance, will also have the basic advantage of mysticism corresponding to the phase. The basic advantage of the knowledgeable person with the aspect of 'candle' is that he has more advantages than others. Those who know have much greater spiritual awareness.”

"Is it the ability to see the etheric body, emotional body and astral body of other creatures?" Fan Ning suddenly understood something.

"This is just the most basic performance." Dupont nodded.

“Spiritual perception is an important bridge between knowledgeable people and the mysterious realm. The purpose is to transform “transcendental revelation” into people’s “signals from the five senses.”

"In many mystical books, the word "spiritual vision" used for related knowledge is narrow. In other words, "spiritual vision" is just the most common way of "spiritual perception". In addition to vision, there are also hearing, taste, and smell. , touch, dreams and other forms.”

"Theoretically, anyone can use spiritual awareness, including ignorant people. However, their implementation methods are very cumbersome and difficult. They need to build altars, clean and sanctify, fast and abstain from sex, meditate and reconcile, pray for witnesses, and also need some help. Media, such as water waves, shells, mirrors, clouds, waterfalls, communions, crystal balls, etc.”

"Those who know how to study the aspect of 'candle' do not need such tedious steps. They can easily stimulate their own 'spiritual awareness field' to perceive the transcendental elements of nearby things, and be more accurate than others. Unless it is Only those mysterious things that are of too high a level and cause too much interference need to use those steps or media to further strengthen one’s perception.”

When he heard this, Fan Ning's recent questions were all gone!

It turns out that when I closed my eyes and memorized the scene, I imagined the three beams of light intersecting and finally the invisible sphere expanding from my chest was the "spiritual awareness field".

Through the "spiritual awareness field", one's own vision is plated with dark gold, and only then can one see the various colored halos of other people's etheric bodies, emotional bodies and astral bodies.

Joan's secret ritual of retrospection essentially uses tedious steps to activate the spiritual sense, and uses the medium of water waves and mirrors.

She said that she could see other things clearly before, but she couldn't see clearly this time. Maybe there was some kind of interference.

The reason why I finally mobilized my inspiration to see clearly was because I had studied the phase of the "candle", and my spiritual sense was further strengthened by the secret ritual, as well as the medium of water waves and mirrors, eliminating some kind of interference.

Dupont stood up and took out a blue book from the cabinet behind his desk.

The book is in good condition, and the two parts are bound together on the back. The embroidered cover, which was popular in the last century, is somewhat complicated and delicate.

""Investigation of Belesinsky's Deeds", written in ancient Hoffmann language, records the travels of Mrs. Belesinsky, an art critic, explorer, and mystic in the Western and Southern Continent in the 1960s. The author is unknown, and some people suspect that this is an autobiographical travelogue written in the third person. "

"The book is divided into two volumes. In the first volume you can see the theory of stimulating spiritual awareness, while in the second volume it is an interpretation of the colors that represent various types of spiritual awareness."

This is exactly what I need to study. Now I am completely confused about the meaning of various spiritual colors.

"Also" Fan Ning expressed another question in his mind, "I was shot that day when I was fighting with the man in gray. It felt like the bullet was buffered by some light curtain on the etheric body."

"A kind of echo." Dupont pulled out another booklet titled "Reverberation Taxonomy". "The sense of phase dissonance experienced by knowledgeable people during the migration, as well as transcendent emotions or experiences, will remain after waking up. If they linger in the spiritual body and bring some strange invisible power to themselves, they will gradually sink from the astral body, to the emotional body, to the etheric body, and finally dissipate completely after returning to our physical support in the world's appearance."

"Some special mysteries require the performer to retain specific spiritual echoes in order to successfully complete them."

"However, after you advance to the middle level and have the ability to bring the transferred material back to the waking world, you can use some special materials and methods to make the echo into a 'curse seal', which can be stored for a relatively long time and can be used at any time. call."

Fan Ning expressed his gratitude to DuPont for his patient explanation.

Dupont stuffed the books back into the bookcase: "You're welcome, they're in your office. Studying mystical literature is an important job for a knowledgeable person, and you need to invest more time in it."

Fan Ning nodded. After tonight's auction, there are still nearly ten days until next Saturday's music salon. In addition to organizing rehearsals, he really needs to spend more time studying these documents.

"However, when I study mysticism, I should come into contact with a lot of hidden knowledge. How can I avoid risks? What secret rituals do I need to construct every time?"

Fan Ning expressed his doubts.

"This is exactly what today's occult course will discuss." Dupont said seriously.

"The two major factors for a knowledgeable person are hidden knowledge and inspiration. The president should have given a preliminary explanation to them at that time, and warned you not to have rash contact with hidden knowledge for the time being, right?"

"That's right." Fan Ning nodded slightly, "The only thing I came into contact with later was the hidden knowledge instilled by the light of first acquaintance when I was promoted."

"Hidden knowledge has risks, but it is the other half of the knowing person. Our destiny is to go deep into it and search day and night. So you need to understand the scope of hidden knowledge, understand why there is danger, and how to avoid it during contact Danger."

Fan Ning laid out the paper, held the pen, and sat upright, as serious as a high school student.

"How did the president explain hidden knowledge to you before?" Dupont asked.

Fan Ning briefly recalled: "Hidden knowledge, irrational knowledge, and transcendent knowledge, he gave examples, such as the knowledge about the origin and mystery of the Lord of Witness, which is a kind of hidden knowledge."

"That's right." Dupont took out a pencil from the pen holder.

He quickly drew a large circle on the white paper and four small ovals underneath it.

After writing five words respectively, he turned the white paper and faced Fan Ning.

“This is the 1+4 classification framework of implicit knowledge.”

Fan Ning saw Dupont's index finger first touching the big circle, and the word corresponding to it was——

"Secret History"

"Secret history is the core and source of hidden knowledge."

Dupont explained solemnly.

"History is the projection of the past in the memory of the world. The ignorant who live on the surface of the world record the things they can remember. And the truth of the events hidden behind the fog, the secret past that is unknown to everyone, is the secret history ”

"Those who have knowledge study secret history by interpreting these taboo, obscure, vague, ambiguous, and even paradoxical fragments of historical information, revealing the nature and composition of the world beyond the surface, and understanding the true nature of the Lord of Witnesses. The origin, evolution and disputes, knowing their divine names, honorable names, the rules they represent, the phases they govern, and understanding how their will affects the course of the world.”

Then Dupont's fingers moved on the paper, stopping on the last four oval-shaped words: "With "Secret History" as the source, we have the next four secondary categories of hidden knowledge——"

""Yiyong": knowledge about the existence of Yiyong, records about exploration, information about locations, coordinates, Hui Towers, doors and mysterious substances."

""Phase": knowledge about the seven phases, how they are refracted from the aura, how they are distinguished and represented, what principles they represent, and how to study and practice them."

""Mystery": About the methodology of communicating with the Lord of Witness, about the principles behind the Mystery, how to construct altars, sacrifices, secret atmosphere, ritual vessels, music, prayers, how to coordinate phases and ascend energy."

""Those who know": Regarding ourselves, how to practice dream control, how to search in the shifting flow, how to climb in the tower of glory, how to dismantle the hidden inspiration, and how to mobilize the invisible power."

Since then, a "1+4" implicit knowledge system framework with secret history as the core has clearly appeared in Fan Ning's mind.

"The second question is why accepting implicit knowledge is risky."

Dupont found a large book from the bookcase at the back. The cover was old and gorgeous, mainly made of silver, and the leaf veins and patterns were very delicately carved.

"On Prices and Origins" is a collection of fables published in the early part of the Third History. The author claimed to be a linguist and folklorist. He stated that he had 'reluctantly translated' several of the original texts in Tulungarian. The fable of 'Guchanizi' provides a warning comment on the dangers of the transmission of hidden knowledge, and in the second half speculates on several ways to avoid risks."

Having said this, Dupont slowly unfolded the documents; "The main body of this book is in Tulungalia. The author calls the original text 'Guchanizi', with only scattered illustrated manuscripts attached. No one can understand it. Let me read it to you in Tulungarian first. If you want to study mysticism in the future, Tulungarian is a basic language that you must master."

Fan Ning, who was sitting at the opposite table, suddenly focused his eyes at this moment, and his heart suddenly beat wildly!

Those scattered hand-copied illustrations of "Guchaniz language" were upside down to him, but! ——

He stretched out his hand and slowly rotated the document towards himself.

This is Chinese presented in a weird way!

Why do I say it is strange? First, because these glyphs and strokes have been strangely changed, in a way that is even more outrageous than Fan Ning's "Martian Letters" in his previous life.

The second reason is that the partial order of characters is also disrupted.

There is a feeling that "as everyone knows, the order of Chinese characters does not affect reading"!

The combination of these two factors makes Fan Ning, an authentic Chinese foodie, find it extremely difficult to read!

"What's wrong?" Dupont was confused when he saw Fan Ning turning the book over.


(A few people have said that they want to form a group. I’m not sure how many people there are now. If you see this and are willing to leave a message for me???????)

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