The two of them were very surprised.

"Ah? No, nothing." Xiaolan hesitated, her eyes evaded, and she was obviously guilty.

It's so strange, Xiaolan is hiding something from me.

This is Conan's only thought now.

"Ah?! I really give up!"

A depressed voice suddenly came from behind.

Conan turned around and saw Xiaosong's family.

"Huh? Why are you here?" ×2

The two said in unison, and then they both covered their faces and turned away.

I must never come to Izu again next time.

I almost forgot that Izu is also a high-incidence area for incidents.

Xiaosong sighed and sorted out his mood.

Damn, why did this guy come to Izu when he didn't go to school? I really can't figure out what's wrong with this kid.

Conan covered his face and was speechless, and finally had to accept the reality.

"Please stay away from me." Xiaosong fanned the wind in a gloomy way, and pointed at Xiaolan, motioning Conan to find Xiaolan.

"Hehe, do you think I want to? I really don't understand why you are everywhere." Conan lay aside and enjoyed the sunbath leisurely again.

Xiaosong inserted the parasol, opened the beach mat, and said: "Don't you know that wherever you appear, it will cause a murder case?"

"Here it comes again, this sentence again, can you change a more creative excuse." Conan waved his hand indifferently, and then continued:

"Besides, when I appeared alone at the crime scene in the past, most of the murder cases were committed by one murderer. Since I met you, you appeared there, and the case immediately became more difficult, and there were at least two murderers."

"Shouldn't you find out the reason for yourself?"


Komatsu tilted his head slightly, and his eyes trembled.

What's going on? I feel that what this guy said makes sense.


Could it be that I also have the constitution of a god of death?

That shouldn't be the case. No one died when I went out alone.

Haha, this guy is making up stories, he is slandering me!

Komatsu calmed down and said, "Haha, there will be no murders anywhere I appear."

Conan didn't care about this little thing, and pointed at the weirdo on the beach and said, "Shouldn't you go see your mother?"

At this moment, on the beach, Yuki Ogawa was wrapped up tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed, which attracted many people's attention.

According to Darling, she should not make Darling jealous.

When Ogawa Jing came out of the locker room, he recognized Yuki Ogawa next to him at a glance, and immediately froze in place, and then ran out quickly.

This will cause heatstroke!

After being enlightened by Kei Ogawa, Yuki Ogawa changed into a conservative swimsuit.

Even so, when Yuki Ogawa appeared on the beach, many people were stunned.

Kei Ogawa, who was covered with lumps of flesh, directly broke the crooked thoughts of most people.

This is the meaning of Kei Ogawa's fitness.

"Dear, let's go for a sea scooter." Yuki Ogawa pulled Kei Ogawa to the beach and slowly disappeared.

Xiaolan appeared next to her and sighed, "It's great, Xiaosong, your parents have a good relationship."

Look at other people's parents, and then look at her own two.

She tried her best to bring the two back together, but it didn't work.

Today she specially asked Eri Kisaki to come to Izu, and also brought Maori, so that the two could talk and then reconcile.

But she didn't expect that she couldn't find her mother after searching for a long time.

For this family, Xiaolan was worried.

It's just that there is no discord between Maori Kogoro and Kisaki Eri. On the contrary, the two guys have a deep relationship.

It's just that they are both stubborn, so this led to separation.

As the saying goes: If you are not from the same family, you will not enter the same door.

It can only be said that there is a law in the dark.

Xiaosong smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay."

We can't chat here anymore. We have to stay away from Conan.

"Come on, sister, let's go ride the sea scooter too." Xiaosong pulled Xiaoai to the beach.

The sea scooter here has a rubber boat behind it, which can seat three adults. The driver will take them for a ride on the sea.

Haha, that guy must have some tricks again.

This is Conan's first thought.

Now Conan understands what Xiaolan was looking for just now. It should be the big lawyer.

When Conan thought of Kisaki Eri, he just felt so terrified.

That auntie didn't

Don't get angry.

It's also Conan's fault that he was naughty when he was young and would kidnap Xiaolan at any time. If it were the parents of that family, they wouldn't be in a hurry.

Giving this kid a lesson is already a mercy by Eri Kisaki.

Otherwise, Eri Kisaki would send the person who hit the hammer and Conan to jail together.

"Really, forget about them, Conan, let's go ride a sea scooter together." Xiaolan also gave up looking for Eri Kisaki.

Because Maori Kogoro was also missing.

"Ah? Sister Xiaolan!" Conan didn't want to go.

What's so fun about a sea scooter.

I really don't understand why there is such a sport, and it's so popular.

I guess only guys like Komatsu would be keen on this kind of project.

After all, the rubber boat towed behind the sea scooter is usually not large, and can accommodate at most three people. Usually couples ride it to increase their feelings.

"So, you come to ruin my good thing?" Komatsu glanced at Conan next to the rubber boat and was very angry.

Originally, there were two people riding the sea scooter, but now there are four people.

Why don't you take Xiaolan out to play? Why come to me?

I knew that meeting a guy like you would definitely not be a good thing!

"Xiaosong, it's too dangerous for the two of you to ride the sea scooter. You must have someone to accompany you." Xiaolan reminded.

"Sister Xiaolan is really thoughtful." Xiaosong said immediately.

Double-skinned people.

Conan quickly complained in his heart.

"Since Xiaolan is with you, I'll leave." Xiaoai said, turned around and prepared to leave.

She was not interested in such a project, not to mention that there was a guy with ulterior motives next to her.

"Well, since we are here, let's have fun." Xiaolan held Xiaoai.

The rubber boat is more than enough for the four of them, just take it as an experience, it won't take much time.

Xiaoai had no choice but to follow everyone on the rubber boat.

Xiaolan, Conan, Xiaosong, Xiaoai sat in order.

"Everyone, are you ready?" The girl driving the sea scooter was a dashing girl wearing sunglasses and had short hair.

"Ready." Xiaosong responded loudly, and moved closer to Xiaoai and said:

"I might be scared, you have to take care of me a little later."

You must be scared, you kid...

Conan continued to complain in his heart without any expression.

He had seen through Xiaosong's tricks. This guy always had such weird ideas in his head.

"You'd better fall down directly." Xiaoai just finished speaking, and the sea scooter started immediately.

The next moment, Xiaosong shouted "How scary!"

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