Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: contract

Old Xu came to Chen's house for a drink. It was originally for negotiating the contract. he knows. Old Chen had no intention of contracting. Xin said that you have a son who is so capable and don't know how to use it. Then I can't let this resource go to waste.

Think about what you are doing. Old Xu wanted to contract the car team. However, this team is one of the few departments in the factory that earns a lot of money. Every fool knows. Now the team is half alive because the factory system is stuck. Everyone can't take outside work. I'd rather stay idle than drive out a private car. otherwise. How can you lose money?

Send the motor once out. Not to mention picking up the return shipment from other freight companies. Even if you can't get live. Just buy some souvenirs and bring them back. He even directly collected fruits and vegetables from the roadside farmers’ fields. They are all profitable without losing money.

Old Xu is an old man in the team. The captain of the team is now his apprentice. But to talk about contracting. He is really not that qualified. It doesn't matter if it matters. There is no deposit required. That's why he hit the Chen family with his idea. I want Old Chen to help myself.

Father Chen hummed haha ​​and refused to die. Old Xu accused him of not being meaningful enough. Mother Chen heard the two people talking for a long time. Finally annoyed. "Contract the team? It's a big deal. If Taizhong makes a mistake because of this. How can you pay me, Old Xu?"

"This thing is also called a mistake?" Old Xu Jiuyi was a little overwhelmed. Can't help but grunt. "Everyone said it. Now Taizhong is Zhang Yaodong's red man. There is a chapter secretary. Your old Chen has contracted the entire electrical plant. It's not a problem."

Just talking. Chen Taizhong and Wang Haobo came in. Old Xu Zheng wondered why Wang Haobo was so polite. Listen to Chen Taizhongyi's introduction. This is the secretary of the Water Resources Department. Can't help but cut in. "Secretary Wang. Are you the secretary of the Provincial Department?"

who are you? Are you qualified to ask me that? Wang Haobo was a little angry. but. This one can appear at Chen Taizhong's house. He certainly can't care about it. Must smile and shook his head. "I'm the deputy."

"The deputy is also the deputy hall." The old Xugan motorcade has been so long. Go south and north. There is still a little knowledge. He slapped his thigh hard. "We are on par with the vice mayor of Phoenix."

"Old lady. Hurry up and make tea." Although Father Chen also had a drink. But when I heard that I became an uncle for the deputy mayor. I can't help it in a cold sweat. "Secretary Wang is drinking. The tea is steeped."

"Uncle. I'll do it myself. Don't dare to trouble Auntie." Wang Haobo drank a lot. But it's still not unconscious. Hearing this, he immediately stood up from the sand. With a big smile. "Don't tell me outside. Everyone is yours."

Old Chen has the intention to refuse. But after knowing that the other party is a deputy mayor. How can I not have that courage. Don't forget to glance at the old wife: you follow along.

Old Xu looked silly long ago. Even the chopsticks fell off the table without showing up.

Tea is actually made very quickly. Two minutes later. Wang Haobo came out with two cups of tea. But she was still following Mother Chen by her side—without her guidance. Secretary Wang couldn't even know where the tea was kept.

"Come on. This is yours." Wang Haobo handed Chen Taizhong a cup. I didn't feel anything wrong with making tea for the deputy office. Even if he is a guest.

Old Xu Zheng looked straight. Xin said that Secretary Wang really drank a lot. Who wants people to look up and down the layout of the house? But his vision is very clear.

"Too loyal. You let my uncle live here?" Wang Haobo was dissatisfied. Frowning at Chen Taizhong. "It's too much. Your son doesn't know what to do. I will ask He Hongju to ask for a set of Director's Building for you."

"No. Xiao Wang." Chen Taizhong's mother answered with a smile. Although this Xiao Wang is about her age. But her words still came out. "Taizhong is located in the long building in the upper district. It is about to be decorated."

"That is Taizhong's house. His land is his land. My land is mine." Wang Haobo gave Chen's mother a dissatisfied look. "Auntie. This is my heart. It's for you two. I have known too loyal for a long time. I haven't come to see it at home. This is my fault. It's an apologize."

Chen's father and Chen's mother didn't know how to answer this. It was Chen Taizhong who patted Wang Haobo on the shoulder. "Okay, Lao Wang. I take it. You are from the provincial government. Why should he let He Hongju have a chance to sell favor?"

This is natural. Things within the system. People in the system understand it best. but. Wang Haobo is serious. Chen Taizhong has nothing to do with him at all. Finally, there is a chance to join in. How can you give up?

"Buy his fund-raising house. Let's not give money." Wang Haobo snorted. "It's nothing more than taking his place. You don't want to pay. I will help you pay for it. Your choice or not."

The fund-raising housing of the unit must be cheap. Phoenix is ​​a better location now. The house price is also close to three thousand. But if the unit raises funds. One hundred and one square meter is normal. It's darker. It's only one thousand three or four. The price difference is close to two thousand per square meter. Why can't a director's building be a hundred or ten square meters? This is one hundred to two hundred thousand favors.

Chen Taizhong didn't bother to say anything to him. Don't you think you'll be out of the way? Can't say to look sideways at his father. "I heard that the factory is going to contract? Are you interested in contracting a workshop?"

Isn't this afraid of making you messy? Father Chen glanced at him. Xin said that I discussed with your mother. but. He is used to being cautious. In front of Lao Xu and Wang Haobo two outsiders. He refused to elaborate. "In this factory, there will be one policy today and another policy tomorrow. Who knows how long the contract can last?"

"I won't tell you how long others can contract. As long as you keep contracting. Who dares to take it back?" Wang Haobo snorted. Everyone saw him as the deputy mayor. He certainly can't disappoint everyone's hopes. "Even if you are too loyal to speak. Isn't there still me?"

"This matter. It is the metalworking workshop that yells the most." Old Chen smiled and shook his head. "Except for the metalworking workshop. Others are not very interested. Especially our tool workshop. What can we do after contracting?"

Dare to love. This incident was caused by processing outsourcing for Zhang Liqin. The metalworking workshop has to pay 20% of the factory's management fee-including equipment wear and tear and the like. They feel they have paid too much. Knowing that this will happen often. Of course there are ideas.

Anyway, the factory has already mentioned the issue of independent accounting. At the moment, the metalworking workshop is just rehashing the old story. This independent accounting. Roughly speaking. The factory is still a factory. How should you do the work in the factory? At that time, it will be calculated internally by the factory. but. Each workshop with independent accounting. To digest the in-service employees.

in other words. That is, the life and death of those people is ignored in the factory. The most relationship is still hanging in the factory. However, various expenses such as pension insurance and medical insurance are not helpful. At that time, if those workshops close down. Then the workers in the workshop are pushed to the society.

As a compensation. The workshop or department of the factory for independent accounting. Provide free processing sites and equipment for work. Do it. Although there is a suspicion of dividing up state-owned assets. But the redundancy is diverted. It's impossible without paying a price.

of course. The ownership of these sites and equipment still belongs to the factory. But the cost of water and electricity for work and equipment maintenance. Each workshop has to solve it by itself. It doesn't matter if you have no money. When the time comes, the factory will calculate with you. The deduction is over.

Well. Can each workshop take in the work of outsourcing processing? This is crucial. Can't attract outsourcing. In fact, I still eat this piece in the factory. But the relationship was transferred out of thin air. Not very cost-effective.

but. Look at it from another angle. But it's not a bad thing. After all, each workshop can purchase a lot of things independently. As for how to sell it is a matter for the sales department of the factory. The cost of this piece can be reduced. And you can also buy some decent things.

For example, the tool workshop where Lao Chen is. It was originally an auxiliary workshop. Compared with the main delivery workshop, she is a little daughter-in-law. Angry. The main production workshop is dead. The wages have dropped. Even if the auxiliary workshop did a lot of outsourcing from the factory. The benefits are okay. But there is a red line stopping there: the salary of the auxiliary workshop. Can not pass the main production workshop.

That's not counting. The supply department in the factory bullied the tool shop. It also makes people vomit blood. Do the pins for molds. Newly bought may have pits, not smooth, or sloping degrees-this "潲" means inclined plane. That is to say, the upper and lower error range is originally two wires. It must be useless if it is five or six threads short. more than this. You can buy it if you don't have it in the fire. What can you do if you are soft or not?

The workshop responded. Changed over there. But the ready-made pins are used to dip the fire. The consequences can be imagined. It's all pitted on it-the pins are used for positioning. Is it not smooth enough to work?

See the big in the small. You can know what kind of **** the Supply Section is doing. Some people say that these people buy defective products. They are not convinced over there: they are all selling this kind of stuff now. No one qualified.

This is pure nonsense. but. Master who can enter the supply department. There are no two people behind him? The chief of the supply department at the moment is a twenty-five-year-old young student Yang Bo's nephew. There is also a plaster factory in the house. I bought the car after entering the factory half a year.

So this is independent accounting. It's really a double-edged sword. Anyone who says hurts hurts. However, the metalworking workshop is the main force in attracting foreign cooperation. Most want to calculate independently. The tool workshop is not as unbearable as Old Chen said. Although limited by processing capacity. The scale of outsourcing that can be received is limited. But there will certainly be.

But it is the largest main production workshop in the factory. The electrical workshop is very reluctant to do this. Their job is to take the motor offline. Even if you take in the outsiders. It also requires other workshops to cooperate in production. Basically not an outsourcing. There is no chance to eat alone.

And the salary of the electrician workshop. It's the tallest in the factory--not counting factory leaders and departments. Not only the high-tech work is also tiring. A skilled worker can earn one hundred a month. They are not willing to let the relationship go.

Old Chen did not want to contract a tool workshop. Not only is he afraid of making trouble for his son. more importantly. The director of the tool shop talked to him. "Old Chen. If I contract the workshop. You are the deputy director. You don't have to worry about it. The job that Taizhong can take. I will double your commission."

This is justified. Old Chen didn't need to take any risks. Of course he doesn't want to be troublesome.

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