Official Immortal

Chapter 53: Convince people with virtue

"Hands?" Hao Laosan groaned, and finally shook his head, "Forget it, if he doesn't leave, just stand out and stop beating."

   Yes, he also thinks this matter is a bit weird, anyway, he doesn't plan to pay, so he will hit people... or wait and see, if there is someone behind this guy, wouldn't it be ignored?

   When Yang Xingang talked hard to the tall and strong lobby, his calves were shaking. However, Secretary Chen had arranged this and asked if he wanted to be motivated. Would he dare not say that?

   It is inevitable to pay a price in order to make progress. People can't help themselves in the arena, so why not in officialdom? He is almost thirty, and he is still in the foreseeable future.

   The lobby didn’t bother him much. He wandered out of the office area and raised his hand at the four young queens at the door. "The third brother said, take this guy out and fight if you dare to come!"

   Ordinarily, the words in the lobby are pretty good. They didn't hit anyone and added a little intimidating tone. It can be regarded as a counterattack at Yang Xingang's hard words just now. It seems that the Arc de Triomphe is very unambiguous.

It's a pity that the four boys didn't do anything serious. It is better to say that they were "thrown out" as Yang Xingang's. The poor judicial assistant rolled down the concrete step heavily, and his front teeth were immediately knocked halfway. One.

   See blood! Yang Xingang was also annoyed, "Damn, you guys, wait for me, and Hao San, this is never over!"

   When the four boys heard this, they turned their faces and shook them slowly. Yang Xingang saw that he didn't look good, and ran away.

   "Secretary Chen, you saw it," Yang Xingang ran across the road and waited for a taxi on the side of the road, covering his mouth with his hand, blood dripping from his fingers, "They beat me..."

   "Well," Chen Taizhong has been sitting here and watching. He nodded coldly, "Xin Gang, I'll pay you this grudge, just these four boys, right?"

   "And Hao Lao San," Yang Xingang felt wronged in his heart, but it's gone.

   "Damn, don't worry, at least they will have half body discomfort," Chen Taizhong turned his head and stared at the driver. "Just look at it, why don't you drive?"

   Damn, these days, the underworld also has the position of secretary? The driver was indignant, but his face was calm, and he started off with a fire skillfully.

  Originally, Chen Taizhong planned to come by himself, but I thought, this didn’t fit my identity. I was a dignified secretary of the Political and Legal Committee asking for money from a gangster. Isn’t it a bit of a decline?

   It just so happened that he started to form his own small forces, should he always learn about this "ruling the way"? What if in the future, buddies become Premier of the State Council? You can’t do everything yourself, right?

   So, Yang Xingang came forward. Secretary Chen said very hard, "Xingang, you can not go if you are afraid of danger. Originally, I was very optimistic about you."

   came back with injuries? It's easy to say that Chen Taizhong released a few strands of spiritual knowledge early, and it was three boys who threw them away. One of them only pushed Xingang hard. They should be treated differently.

Yes, they are treated differently. That night, the three who did their hands were near the Arc de Triomphe. They had their limbs broken and lay on the ground wailing. The one who didn’t do it was knocked unconscious in the toilet of the disco with his head Dip in the toilet.

   No one sees who moved the hand!

  The disco staff found an abnormality. When they came to report to the boss, the boss of the Hao family just received a call from the second child, and the third child... was killed.

   Hao Laosan thought about the way in the disco in the afternoon, and then he said to go out to relax. As a result, when his girl went home from school, he found that his father was lying at home and was unconscious.

   Hao Lao San’s bones were shattered inch by inch, and he fell into a deep coma. Strangely, no injuries were found on the body, and I don’t know how the murderer did it!

After doing these things, Chen Taizhong was actually in a good mood. Perhaps, he has been holding back for too long in this life, and he did a little activity. It was a little bit not addictive. "Well, seventeen, you can go to seventeen tomorrow, and then Get something out."

   In fact, the news of Seventeen was much more informed than Chen Taizhong had imagined. There was an accident on the first day of the Arc de Triomphe, and early the next morning, he came to the streets again, looking mysterious and mysterious.

   "Secretary Chen, have you heard that? Yesterday at the Arc de Triomphe, something big happened!"

   "Does this need you to notify me?" Chen Taizhong curled his lips at him, "I did it myself, I don't know?"

"You did it yourself?" It's rare that a shrewd person like Seventeen can sometimes be dumbfounded, but he immediately reacted. It is absolutely impossible for Secretary Chen to personally take care of this matter. However, he planned this personally. The matter can already be called "personal", as everyone knows, he completely screwed it up.

   It turns out that in addition to the official backstage, Secretary Chen also has brothers in the underworld? Seventeen admires him more and more. It seems that mixing with Secretary Chen is really a good choice? "Why did you only kill Hao San? The Hao family boss and second child let out the wind, and 200,000 bought the murderer's head!"

" When is it your turn to teach me?" Chen Taizhong was a little dissatisfied. You must be a little brother, ah, ah, to deal with this problem, you still have to hurry up and not relax. .

   Seventeen was speechless, what can he say? What dare he say?

Seeing his panic, Master Secretary was slightly satisfied, "Well, yesterday, I asked Xiao Yang to ask for money, they threw Xiao Yang out, and his teeth were knocked out. So, I can't be cruel. They deserve it, right?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Chen, you originally... originally intended to convince people with morals," Seventeen nodded hurriedly, but he was slanderous in his heart. Damn, how come these people have all become biaozi and have to set up an archway. of?

"Ha, yes, I want to convince people with morals," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. The more he looked at Seventeen, the more pleasing he became. It is indeed comforting to have such a little brother, "So, since At that time, only Hao Lao San was there, so I could only trouble Hao Lao San. As for the Hao family boss and second child..."

Having said that, he paused and looked at Seventeen with a squint. "Seventeen, it's your turn to go on stage today and ask for money. Well, I'm reasonable. I must convince people with morals and be famous as a teacher. !"

   "...What's your face? Don't worry, I will definitely find you a place."

   I can hear you seventeen, and I started to tremble immediately. What is my business if you want to learn from a famous name? Besides, it's impossible to let others know about this, so who would you pretend to be? "That... or Brother Chen, or send Xiao Yang?"

"Xiao Yang has already been there. You didn't go yesterday. It's your turn today. Think about who I am doing for this? Huh?" Chen Taizhong's face changed, "Why, it seems, you are not willing?"


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