Official Immortal

: End of this testimonial (part 2)

   End of this testimonial (Part 2)


   I really don’t know, the free chapters can’t be liked, so forget it, when the time for obsessive-compulsive disorder is up, you should click enough 100 likes, and continue the code word nag.


   Speaking of unbroken watch, there are rumors that Guanxian had broken watch because of the earthquake.


   Yes, Feng Xiao did experience the earthquake, but on that day, my first reaction was to press the child under my body...cough cough, of course it was the child of the proprietress’s house next door. I was not eighteen.


Then they all went out, Feng Xiao calmly coded on the fourth floor, and when they looked up, there were people heads everywhere in the garden. However, it was almost nine o'clock and the task was not completed, so I couldn't leave-about that day, I updated a bit late. The hands were shaking badly.


Who can prove that Feng Xiaojuan has been updated? I will change the ending and write another five hundred chapters for free. Two thousand chapters are too many. It sounds too illusory. Five hundred chapters are no problem with quality and quantity-five words floating in the sky, then It's nothing.


I was reluctant to write about the official immortal, and I still have a lot of bridges in my hand. It is true that Chen Taizhong’s position has reached a level. The uppermost can not write, the lower...The Five Poisons Shuji has been out of a certain level. Beichong's management and its own influence are also there, and if you write it, you will pretend to be out of logic.


   Friends, do you understand? It's not that I'm unfinished, when the book is over, my hard work has come.


   originally thought it was a violent ending, but now it seems that many of the explanations in the official xian article really cannot be regarded as water injection.


Others said that it was due to job-hopping factors. Feng Xiao could only smile: what I ended up at this time last year-it was really bad, but I really wanted to do that. The money I earn now is a smaller one-bedroom near Tongzhou, Beijing. , I can barely buy the full amount.


Feng Xiao is actually a poor writer and an ordinary person. He writes books worthy of his book friends, earns money worthy of his book friends, and only asks for subscriptions. If you like it, it’s okay to watch piracy. He has never thanked him for giving a reward. "Two words, I dare to say that I dare to be responsible.


The word "reward" is a bit frivolous for the literati. Although many people don't care anymore, I always hope that I can stick to myself. In this regard, I especially admire the Zhiqiu giant, really worthy of being a female. Han paper.


   In fact, the book friend who was deceived also knew-I don't want him to be popular, just subscribe.


   He was deceived because he really drank too much, was really drunk for the official immortality, and was deceived by "Chen Fengxiao", so I felt extremely guilty.


  Mao Ji Ju Ju once rewarded the official immortal with one hundred thousand coins, and everyone knows it. I also feel the love of the old cat, because for a street writer like me, she is such a giant.


But even so, I just said hello in the reward post in the book review area. I think she knows my personality and does not account for my negligence. The acquaintance of literati, it should be like this-if the next book is not suitable She thought, she should abandon me too.


   To say something about the heart, the official immortal stopped abruptly, Feng Xiao is responsible, I originally had the ability to continue writing.


But if you continue to write it down, it will be an illogical cool text. I will write a cool text. Everyone is happy to read it. But when Guanxian wrote in the third year, Feng Xiao's mind came up with an idea: please Not handed down.


   Although I don't have much skill, but after so long in line drawing, I always have some other thoughts. Feng Xiao asked himself that the level of line drawing is not too bad, and my mind is full of distracting thoughts.


   Living in the world, people always have to find ways to prove that they have been there, to gain a sense of existence, and laughter is inevitable.


  Of course, many people will laugh. This Fengxiao knows that because the official immortal is quite crude-this is not because of the crudeness at the beginning, but there are many shortcomings in the back. It is also very ethereal to want to pass on.


   But this kind of thing, if you don't fight for it, there is definitely not. If you work hard, you can have one more possibility-this effort is not about hype or ticket sales, but about sculpting your own work.


   A white drawing book records the bits and pieces of a drastically changing era, the various ecology of all walks of life, and all kinds of unbelievable strange phenomena. If it is carefully carved, the possibility of handing down is greater.


   Therefore, Feng Xiao gave such a self-confessed ending. Although it has been cool and Feng Xiao has always had income, I think the ending at this moment is more meaningful.


   I just want to pass on to the world, the official immortal will definitely have to overhaul in the future, and this way... currently I have no clue.


   Friends who are complaining, please think about it, you have gone through more than five years with a book that may be handed down to the world. Can it not become a unique landscape in the journey of life?


   Of course, this product is just a pursuit to pass down the world-a very illusory thing, but after the explanation of this product, the ending is not that bad, right? This ideal also deserves encouragement, right?


   Those who still curse, Feng Xiao doesn't excuse it anymore, I know, I really wrote it carefully.


   In fact, seeing all kinds of comments, Feng Xiao was very depressed and puzzled: Is this really bad ending?


   A friend of the author said: Every reader has his own ending.


   suddenly realized.


Yes, every reader has his own experience, his own mental journey, but when it comes to this point, Feng Xiao has a imaginary thought: How much joy, sorrow, sorrow and sorrow have been accompanied by you in more than five years. Have the most say.


   Feng Xiao said about himself first, in the five years of Maguanxian, apart from experiencing one earthquake-in fact, it was two times, and once was a slight shaking, which is nothing.


In addition to the earthquake, I experienced two deaths of elders. One was in far-away Inner Mongolia. Feng Xiao went to Baotou for funerals. He also comforted the widowed elders. He asked friends to update on his behalf. Feng Xiao remembers it clearly. He will come back four days later. The seven chapters are half-saved, and there are days when the manuscripts are saved, so I am very happy.


   Another one is that I am very concerned about the death of my elders. Feng Xiao was not with me when I left. I said it before, so I won’t mention the old sayings anymore.


   Okay, don't mention heavy things, just talk a little warm.


   Pianzhi once posted a post saying that in a certain winter, in order to wait for the update of the official fairy, he often refreshed, and his girlfriend got under the quilt to urge him to go to bed, and he still had to wait for the update to come out.


What impressed him the most was that one day, when he was waiting for his girlfriend to get off work at the bus stop on a bicycle, he couldn’t help laughing when he saw Zhao Rushan secretly printing a report letter on a printed paper, but he didn’t realize that his girlfriend was already. Walked to the side.


When Pian made this post, his girlfriend had already left him. He said that every time he revisited the Guanxian, he would always think of a boy riding a bicycle waiting for a girl at the station-unforgettable those green onions. Years.


   Of course, Pian Xing’s post is not so straightforward. He wrote very sensational, and Feng Xiao couldn’t substitute for him. He wrote about the mood of waiting for the **** a bicycle.


   I remembered a friend who said that he was in a chat room with a female netizen, and found that the other party liked to see official immortals, so the two of them...what the hell, they also resonated when they talked about books.


Later, due to all sorts of unavoidable circumstances, the two could not be together, but whenever he revisited Guanxian and saw Guan Yong and Pang Zhongze picking up those things, he always remembered the girl who could not be together—this was his personal statement. I said.


   That kind of sigh, can't bear to say.


   These are just two small examples. There are many book friends who have been with Guanxian all the way through more than two thousand days and nights. When re-watching Guanxian, maybe you have such memories?


   That versyh, I still remember the youthfulness when I first saw the official immortals-this is what you said yourself.


Even though the official immortal cannot be passed down to the world, when you regain the official immortal, you can recollect a certain period of life experience at that time. Feng Xiao thinks that this is a success. In the short life course, we have gone through more than five years together. Each other is the scenery once accompanied in life.


   Some of the elders like "The Story of Liubao" and some like "Sister Liu". When Feng Xiao sees them sing uncontrollably, they always think: Do you really like songs or are you reminiscing about the past?


   I guess the latter will be more.


   The testimonials come to an end. Here is the rhythm of thanks-forget it, let's apologize first.


Two friends, "Life (Guangzhou, Zhou and "Bad Bajie", I don’t know if you are still chasing "Official Immortals." Now, although three or four years have passed, Feng Xiao still remembers.


   Shengsheng (Guangzhou, Zhou) has a slightly different point of view. I forgot to mention it specifically. Feng Xiao said, "I will fly you again", but you withdrew from the group in anger-I admit that my tone was not very good at the time.


Bad Bajie, because you are a dog lover, strongly protesting that Samoyed was blinded by Guo Jianyang, saying that this is a very docile dog, and Feng Xiao always hates people who walk large dogs without leashing them. We both quarreled. It was so intense that Feng Xiao couldn't hold back it. He flew you, and even blocked it.


   These are about two book friends I deeply apologize for. It has been a long time since I think about it now, and my memory is still fresh-you should have stopped chasing officials, but Feng Xiao apologized and put this heart aside.


Later, it became more and more difficult for the official immortal to write, and Feng Xiao rarely went online, especially in the later writing of Bei Chong. It was really written that he had to pull his hair all day and had to use several bottles of XXX hair growth liquid (not advertising it, deliberately replacing it with an impersonation) If you leave a message in the book review area to negotiate the price, the first one to leave a message enjoys a 15% discount).


I'm burying my head in the code and ignoring the interaction with everyone. Please forgive me, but I always think that the best way to repay readers' love is to write well-Feng Xiao is not a person who is willing to play extravagant hype , Not not, but disdain.


   Yes, this is how character determines fate. The book "Official Immortals" is burdened by parents.


Of course, the honest people also have support. Here, I am grateful to Mao Tiju, Xuanyu, Xiao Ding, and Xiao Ding. The latter two giants just silently voted for some monthly tickets, and Feng Xiao expressed his regret. .


  Wei Yue Juju didn't have a push, I can understand, the **** is the eunuch, the most sad reminder is that Ning Zhiyuan Juju secretly voted for a monthly pass, and was chased to the official immortal book review area for urging.


   The beautiful red giant in the sky and the earth is much wilder, and I left a message. I am not afraid of being urged to update it. What... Feng Xiao wants to say I also hope you update.


Others supported by various means include Blood Red Giant, Lin Tingtao Giant, Jiangshan Giant outside the Fog, Go Giant with Light Wind, Seven-foot Giant, etc. There are also a number of names that cannot be said. Thank you.


   I said that there are too many book friends to thank. I can’t list them all here. I’m really sorry. I still remember that Mid-Autumn Festival, Feng Baobao went to the supermarket to promote moon cakes, and immediately rushed to the leader when he came back.


   Feng Xiao still remembers the touch at the time: How many days of moon cakes do you have to sell?


   Now that I think about it, this is one landscape after another, accompanied by the official writing process of more than five years.


   So far, it’s over.


   Friends, see you in the new book, of course, Feng Xiao had to rest for a while, and "Jedi Zhang Yang" will not be updated temporarily.


At last:


When Chen Taizhong returned, the morgue bed was opened, a bamboo stick, a pair of leather shoes and a hat. It was about the meaning of "Bamboo sticks and awning shoes lighter than horses, who is afraid? It's this tune, everyone is insightful.


   But two leather shoes are placed too open, and a hat is added, I am afraid it may not be just "return, there is no wind, rain, nor sunny."


  Look, everyone, in this shape, does the hat look like a home? Coupled with the two leather shoes that are very open, that's what it is.


  Or what he wants to say is: I'm fucking... (If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)


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