Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4511: disturb

Early the next morning, light rain, but this did not affect Huang Hanxiang's interest in hunting.

It was not only Huang Hanxiang, but also his friends. Everyone put on hiking shoes and mountain clothes and rushed to the hunting spot by bus.

Minister Hong of the Beichong Armed Forces Department was well prepared. The local mobilized fifty militiamen, all familiar with the terrain, and Commander Zhang brought seven or eight soldiers—not ordinary soldiers, but hard-working. Kind.

The little soldiers carried guns, bullets, parasols, first aid kits and pot stoves, as well as several staff officers, all with large bags.

The hunting place was originally selected in the deep mountains, but the prey here is really too few, often two hills, and no prey is seen.

There were too many people who came with Huang Hanxiang. Everyone wanted to shoot two shots to enjoy. One morning, only four pheasants, two hares, and a pig badger were shot. This was because the sharpshooter promptly Make up the gun.

At noon, everyone ate at the foot of the mountain. Because the Golden Dragon bus in Beichong was there, it was very convenient to make lunch. Chen Taizhong paid special attention to Huang Hanxiang and found that there was no reaction. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Here, similar equipment is just commonplace.

Because there are occasional rain stars floating in the sky, and the temperature in the mountains is not very high, everyone drink a little bit of wine. Minister Hong said through the wine, if we want to beat the deer, we must be in the mountains, but we must fight wild boars. Hare, let's go outside the mountain.

Zong Baoguo and the others nodded repeatedly, expressing agreement. These years, even wild animals really know the benefits of entering the city.

This is not a lie. The distribution of hares, pheasants, and wild boars near the villages is much denser than in the mountains. These omnivorous animals go for food. Where there is more food, there are more living things—it is the so-called dead birds for money. Died for food.

Animals like Zhangzi, who are very courageous and prefer herbivorous animals, will stay in the mountains.

With this suggestion, everyone decided to go hunting around the village.

In the afternoon, the number of preys really increased. Not only did they hit five hares, but under the guidance of the village hunters, they hit two large and five small wild boars and six pheasants.

The prey is amazing, but the manpower used is even more amazing. From the militia to the army, there are more than 100 people, plus more than 20 people who hunted, plus related logistics support. This hunting is not special. economic.

But everyone came to have fun, and it didn't matter. After returning to the sanatorium, everyone took out a few pheasants and threw them over, as well as some wild mushrooms collected on the road. They asked the courtyard to make mushroom stew for everyone.

There are locals who will certainly not collect poisonous mushrooms, and wild chicken stewed with wild mushrooms is a very luxurious way for people in the city.

A few wild rabbits were also stewed, but wild boars and pig badgers can't be prepared in a short while, everyone agreed, you pack them, and we will eat tomorrow.

That night, in a villa in Beichong Sanatorium, Huang Hanxiang made a decision, “Tomorrow another day of hunting, and go fishing in the reservoir the day after tomorrow.”

When hunting the next day, Chen Taizhong did not accompany him all the way, and then something minor happened.

A farmer also went hunting in the mountains. Wearing camouflage uniforms, he hurriedly pulled a puddle of wild feces on the side of the road for a while. Because the grass pit he was squatting on was shaking, some militiamen believed that there was a big game here.

Fortunately, since they were not sure what prey it was, and everyone could not shoot at will, it would be bad if they hurt people, so they outflanked both sides.

The farmer immersed himself in shit, raised his pants and stood up. He saw four or five black hole muzzles around him. Looking further away, a group of people surrounded him. He opened his mouth in amazement. After a long time, he squatted on the ground. Cried, "I just pulled a shit, are you like this?"

"Nima, we thought it was a pig badger. We didn't shoot. We are worthy of you. I don't know how to dress brightly." Huang Hanxiang turned around and left. "The hunting environment is very bad. Let's go back and fish tomorrow. All right."

Back to the nursing home, it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. Everyone has been in Beichong for three days. Basically, they have been wandering outside. They only come back when they sleep. Today, I can enjoy the beauty here.

The pavilions and everything were occupied, but Ma Yuanyuan greeted her, and the waiters and security guards neatly set up a canopy and set up tables, chairs and tea for the leaders to relax.

In this environment, Huang Hanxiang played poker with his friends all afternoon, only to feel refreshed. When he was eating, he stood up and stretched out, "Don't say, this place is really comfortable to live in."

Other people also feel this way. As far as the air is concerned, the capital is no better than here. There are always other places with good air. But in the rainy season, Beichong is fresh and humid, which is really refreshing, especially those with rheumatism. I'm sick, I shouldn't like this kind of weather, but I can't feel the kind of pain in the nursing home.

Early the next morning, Chen Taizhong rushed over and accompanied Huang Hanxiang and his party to go fishing in the Qingyang River Reservoir. The fish here are wild and there is no pollution.

The Reservoir Management Committee belongs to the Cape Province-this was negotiated when it was built. After all, the lower reaches of the Qingyang River is the Cape.

The management committee is very strict about the reservoir, and people around it are not allowed to fish and raise fish in cages. Hengbei people cannot do it, nor can people in Haijiao.

As soon as a group of people here set up fishing rods or something, a motorboat drove over, and the people on the boat yelled, "Take them away. Fishing is not allowed in the reservoir."

"This is the leader from the capital. Come and play," Chen Taizhong replied loudly. It was to the people that no fishing was allowed. "It's not once or twice that your management committee entertains leaders to fish."

"What do you say about this comrade?" The management committee members quit, "This is the reservoir in Cape."

"The two built together, when did it become your cape?" Zong Baoguo quit and yelled loudly. In the past two days, he was very fond of cooperating with Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang also said, no. Is it two cents? Looking back, I will let Xiao Chen say something for you.

So at this moment, he has to act extraordinarily, "Do you believe that I transferred the assault boat to fish?"

The management committee also noticed that this group of people is really unambiguous, and some of them are wearing military uniforms, so they replied with a smile, "In this way, then you can say hello to our leader... Is this always okay? Don't make us embarrassed."

"Zhu Tao is still right for the people?" Chen Taizhong took out the phone and asked in a deep voice.

"I wish... I wish the secretary, the power is always grounded," the reservoir manager's tongue was a little knotted.

Chen Taizhong dialed his cell phone. In less than five minutes, a painting boat parked on the opposite side of the reservoir slowly started to move. The reservoir management staff here smiled, "So it was Secretary Chen. You said it earlier... the ship moved. Let's get on the boat to fish."

"I was trying to be at ease, I didn't want to disturb you," Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth.

Painted boats do not often arrive at the shore, but the people in Haijiao do things a little bit innocently. On the Hengbei side, there is no place for the boats to stop. Everyone still gets on the motorboat before they can board the boats.

"Here in Hengbei, we have to build such a place," Chen Taizhong instructed the reservoir management, "If you don't repair it yourself, I will repair it in Beichong, but we will have to get some boats when that happens."

The people of the management committee can only smile and nod, saying that this is our negligence, and we will fix it later-as the reservoir management party, of course they can't sit back and watch that Beichong also has a boat. This is really difficult to manage. In other words, repairing a concrete table is really nothing.

Anyway, they came to play. After this little unhappiness, everyone boarded the boat. Not long after, the boat moved to the middle of the reservoir and stopped. Various fishing rods were spent on the boat. The management committee also enthusiastically suggested what to use. Bait.

Chen Taizhong originally wanted to settle Huang Erbo, and then left to do other things, but now sitting on the painting boat, there is really nowhere to go. He can only remotely direct his work through the phone.

Fishing is really a three-point level and seven-point luck. In the morning, everyone caught a dozen fish. Only two fish were more than one catty. However, near noon, someone caught a fish weighing seven or eight catties. Alice Fish.

This is very rare. Everyone helped, and it took a long time to pull the fish up. Huang Hanxiang looked at it and sighed regretfully, "This fish has too many spines, and it takes a lot of trouble to eat."

"That's because you can't catch it. Envy, jealous, and hate." An old lady caught the fish. She glanced at him triumphantly. "I like fish with many spines and can eat slowly."

Huang Hanxiang rolled his eyes helplessly, and confronted these old friends, he had to endure the ridicule.

The lunch is hosted by the management committee. They have boats in the reservoirs to regularly fetch floating objects and cast nets for fishing, so there are many fish from the reservoirs in their meals.

At about three in the afternoon, the motorboat approached Huafang. This time it was Zhu Tao. He laughed as soon as he came up, "I don't know if the leader came to I came late, I'm very sorry."

Everyone who was fishing glanced at him, but there was no response. They sat steadily, and an old man raised his index finger at him, "Hush!"

Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded at him, but Secretary Zhu glanced at him and saw Huang Hanxiang, so he hurried forward and greeted him softly, "Mr Huang is here?"

Huang Hanxiang was leaning against a wicker chair and napping. He opened his eyes when he heard this and glanced at him lazily, "Oh, it's you,"

"It's me, Xiao Zhu," Zhu Tao replied with a smile on his face, "I don't know if you are old, or you will come here soon."

"It's okay, I didn't let Xiao Chen say it," Huang Hanxiang replied casually, "You can talk to him, I'll take a nap."

Although Huang Hanxiang is getting older, his memory has always been excellent. He even knows that this person is Zhu Tao, but this person met him with Zheng Wenbin, and Zheng Juzuo has a very good relationship with his third child. I'm too lazy to talk to this person.

Xiao Chen is also true, how can I leak out my news casually? (To be continued.)

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