Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4434: Can not go back

The anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities were of course the Thunder attack. For three consecutive days, the police in the whole district made a big move, and the co-defensemen cooperated, and achieved considerable results.

Some people relied on that they were from Beichong, and they still have such and other relationships. They want to discuss favors with jǐng. The jǐng inspectors regretfully said: This is Secretary Chen who wants to build a **** civilization. You have recently tossed the district. It's just too ugly.

Not only a few hotels were investigated, but even the logistics center was criticized by Secretary Chen by name, saying how could you just sit back and watch the dirt in your house?

This criticism is actually a formality. No one in the district knows that this is already the case here? Secretary Chen just pretended not to know-I was deceived before.

The logistics center's attitude is very correct. It terminated the house lease contract in advance and reviewed the district. It was almost interesting, but I didn't worry about the killings in the district.

Chen Taizhong really doesn't care too much, he himself is not sure, is it a good thing to persist in this way, and how can he blame him too much? That's not shameful enough.

In fact, many people understand this to be rectified before the third festival, but the industry is concerned about how long this action will last: Secretary Chen will take action, shouldn't it be too short?

Even though they were psychologically prepared, when they heard that this action would last for three months, they wailed in their hearts: It's over, don't expect it in the second half of the year, three months later is the end of November, and the ladies are planning to go home for the New Year. , Who would be interested in exploring the market?

What’s interesting is that many young ladies left Beichong, but didn’t go far. They went straight to downtown Yangzhou. The fan lights occupied the vicinity of the bus station. Those in the hotel, there were other hotel leaders who came to recruit people.

This is a little bit like Bei Chong is working against him, but Chen Taizhong really doesn't care-everyone has different understanding of development.

What he cares more about is, without the women who stumbled, will Bei Chong really be messed up? To take precautions, he sent ten additional defensemen to the logistics center.

Facts have proved that his worry is a bit redundant. The logistics center is still the same as before. Fights and fights continue, but they do not happen too frequently.

Of course, this may have something to do with the addition of ten more defenders, but Chen Taizhong still believes that the influence of women who missed out on social order is really not as great as imagined.

Seriously, many thank-you letters floated like snowflakes, thanking the district for cleaning up places. Most of the letters were written by the people of Beichong. Everyone's morals are more traditional, and some people are worried about their children's growth.

Even more unexpectedly, there were also letters of thanks from the families of migrant workers from other places-saying that a few people in the village worked in Beichong, and the money they earned had been thrown on the belly of women. The family members could not get the money. Others have got sickness, thanks to Bei Chong for cleaning up those social cancers.

Practice is indeed the only criterion for testing truth. Secretary Chen let go of his heart and said that my buddy had done it right this time. It is indeed always correct.

But he still underestimated the human nature. At the beginning, there was nothing unusual, but after half a month, various disturbances appeared frequently.

It was at the beginning of September, and September in Beichong was also very hot, and the girls and the little wives wore very little dress.

In Beichong a few years ago, people were quite conservative in their dresses, but in the past two years, people’s living standards have improved and the material is extremely rich. In addition, there is a ramie cultural festival every year, and you can often see fashionable clothes. Many girls Dressed up in Yangzhou is considered avant-garde.

Recently, there have been a lot of people who have been rubbing the women. When passing by many construction sites, they can also meet the greedy eyes of the workers-and some people give pointers.

It was impossible to imagine that it was placed a month ago. The people of Beichong paid much attention to famous festivals, and their world here, once they provoke the locals, the lightest thing would be bloodshed.

In the past, the workers on the construction site wanted to see the white thighs and breasts, they could go to the powder lamp and shampoo room. Not only did they not care about it, but they were in a good mood, they even moved their thighs away and let them take a look at the scenery in the skirt—— Maybe a sale can be made.

Now that there is no such event, everyone can only catch who is watching.

Some ordinary people can vaguely perceive this small change, and they are not particularly sure about it. Secretary Chen's superior leadership is even more unaware.

Finally, on the second night of Teacher’s Day, after a female teacher visited the student’s home, on the way back, she was knocked out and dragged into the grass.

The female teacher reported jǐng after she woke up. In less than half an hour, Zhu Fenqi rushed over in person, "Check, I'll sit here, you can't catch anyone, and I won't sleep!"

Cases of strong women are generally easier to solve, especially in the case of gang crimes, where female teachers come home from home visits, only after ten o'clock. In this kind of weather, there are still idlers on the roadside.

Early in the morning..., all three people who committed the crime were arrested. Given the conclusive evidence, this is impossible to deny. After learning the news, Chen Taizhong gave instructions, "Come against the wind, say hello to Yangzhou China and France, the death penalty, sentence and execute as soon as possible. "

The death penalty sentence must be Chinese and French, and the level of the Beichong court should be lower.

When Secretary Chen did this, he wanted to kill a hundred people. In fact, these three scumbags were damned.

The suspect's family members came and moved lifelessly, wanting to reconcile, but this was useless, the female teacher promised to reconcile it was useless, the public prosecution agency wanted to take the knife, and no one could stop it.

There was a suspect at home, but he found a leader and greeted the president of the Yangzhou Intermediate People’s Court. The president answered with a wry smile, "This is not a question of money. For our relationship, it is easy to sentence him to a reprieve... But Chen Taizhong What should I do if you come to me?"

"Can't do a meritorious service or something?" This friend felt a little shameless.

"The person Chen Taizhong wants to get, I haven't heard anyone can keep it. It's useless for you to find Li Qiang," the dean replied in a muffled voice, "and he hit the muzzle, accept it."

"Really not?" This one still wants to work hard, life is at stake, "Can't you tell the criminal court to let them come forward?"

"Even though I am a leader, there is no fool below when something terrible happens," the dean replied lightly.

This matter is related to the reputation of the female teacher. Bei Chong chased down the password. Two days later, another attempted case occurred. The victim was a cook in a canteen on a construction site.

This cook is a foreigner, and she followed her husband to cook for others. She looks very ordinary. Her husband went home to do errands and she was left alone. As a result, someone touched the room at night and asked for her.

However, the woman looked thin, but she was not weak. At first, she pretended to be unable to resist. She kicked the man away with a cold foot, ran out of the room lifelessly, and shouted hoarsely, "Help, someone killed someone." ."

With this voice, a lot of brave heroes appeared, and the criminal was arrested on the spot.

In these two cases, it is impossible to say how bad the public security in Beichong has become, but Zhu Fenqi found a communicator in the interrogation record, and went to Secretary Chen to report.

The suspects in the two cases confessed that they all had the experience of looking for a young lady. Now there is no young lady. There is fire in his body, so I have to vent. A young man said more bluntly-I have never looked for a young lady before, don’t understand After looking for it, I can’t go back to the beginning.

Are they trying to mitigate their crimes? Chen Taizhong guessed that because he was caught in the crime, he must desperately get rid of himself... This is normal.

However, although the two cases were relatively tightly sealed, they were still more or less spread out. For a while, when the young woman went to the streets at night, she was more frightened and could not find the peaceful atmosphere.

Zhu Fenqi and Wang Yuanyuan can only increase the intensity of inspections by the Jǐng inspectors and co-defenders, hoping to deter Xiao Xiao.

This behavior is very useful. Criminals are also human beings. While enjoying the fruits of the crime, they also hate all kinds of troubles-the high crime rate in many places has a great relationship with official inaction.

However, increasing the intensity of inspections has certainly increased the cost of crimes for criminals, but the official costs have also increased.

Chen Taizhong still didn't think it was too serious. It was nothing more than spending more money. Brothers worked harder. Even if there is no lady in Bei Chong, we have to build a personal paradise.

He is Beichong Bailihou, covering the sky with one hand, and he can do whatever he wants, and no one else can object.

However, on the contrary, there was a person who was not afraid to speak, and made a strange noise-Bei Chong's richest man, Lu Tianxiang.

Lu is always a businessman. To speak of it, he has no guts to mix with official policies, but he feels that he should speak his mind, so he approached Secretary Chen, "Boss Chen, we recently checked this young lady, is it a bit? Strict?"

"I don't feel strict at all," Chen Taizhong thought that this guy wanted to talk to what important thing should he say? When it comes to this, don't you feel so idle? "At present, there is no pornography, gambling and drugs in Beichong, and the order is pretty good."

"Maybe you think I've said it a bit too much, but my partner came to Beichong, and they all thought it was not fun here," Lu Tianxiang told the truth, "If nothing else, the nightlife is much less, and the night is... Desolate, without a woman, there will be no excitement this evening."

You are the deputies of the National People's Congress. Want to find a place to help? Chen Taizhong's first feeling was like this, but when I thought about it, this is actually not unreasonable. Most of the women who support Beichong's nightlife are from other places. Local women, except for those young people who love to play, should pay attention to the folks. Look and feel.

So he just asked coldly, "Without nightlife, Bei Chong can't develop?"

"It can also be developed, but my friend feels that the atmosphere here is more depressing and rigid," Lu Tianxiang replied solemnly, "I went to Paris, London and Amsterdam, and finally knew what a city that never sleeps."

"If Beichong chooses pure manufacturing, it doesn't matter. There will be no one after work. This is the case in many high-tech zones. But if you want to build a county that combines business and tourism, nightlife must be rich."

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