Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4381: Forced money

"Investment?" Chen Taizhong and Yuan Tao exchanged glances after listening to Li Ze's advice.

"Yes," President Li smiled and nodded, "The real estate company of the Science and Technology Commission...Well, it is an experimental construction company. It really doesn't matter what it wants. If Bei Chongneng becomes a shareholder, the funding gap of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission can be given to us Branch."

"Is there any mistake?" Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly. He didn't need to look at Yuan Tao's face to know what the reaction would be. What made him feel wronged was that he was really not interested in investing in the company of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. , "If I become a shareholder, it would be better for me to join the real estate in Beijing, President Li, you are joking..."

"It's not that I can't consider Bei Chong's shareholding," Mr. Yuan pondered and spoke slowly. When he first heard this suggestion, he was a little surprised and a bit hated that the dog surnamed Li looks inferior. Anyway, this is a province. The first step in the diversification of the Science and Technology Commission has carried too much hope from the Science and Technology Commission. How can it be tolerated by others to buy shares casually?

But when I think about it carefully, this can't be discussed at the beginning, and nothing else, only that Chen Taizhong has become a shareholder, the trouble of the Municipal Construction Committee can be ignored.

Beichong can consider buying shares, one is because it can bring convenience, and the second is because Beichong has money and it is impossible to have a situation like "hero shares", so it is not for others to follow suit.

However, there is one important point that he must emphasize, and that is the question of who is in charge. "But Secretary Taizhong has always liked to grasp the overall situation. We are a subsidiary company of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, and I am afraid that we can't let Beichong Holdings. "

Not to mention letting Beichong Holdings own 30% of the shares of Beichong. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission estimated that they would not be able to tolerate it-it was a profitable project that was clearly obtained because of a lot of favor. Even if someone promised him, others would not bear it.

"This little profit is not rare for me." Chen Taizhong replied very clearly, "I am a consultant, just to help... After all, I came from the Science and Technology Commission system. If you are free to guess, President Li, this is very boring."

"You two, listen to me and finish it?" President Li gave a wry smile. "President Yuan, it doesn't matter if Bei Chong Controls does not hold a controlling stake. For me, it is only necessary for Bei Chong to participate in the shares; Secretary Chen, you are not uncommon. Li. But it’s not a lot of money for Bei Chong if it’s ten to twenty percent. Right? You come from the Science and Technology Commission after all."

"Bei Chong is not bad for this money, but why should I pay it?" Chen Taizhong frowned.

"Because of this project, it makes money. Quadruple in two or three years is no problem," Li answered with a smile. "As long as you Bei Chong can contribute ten to twenty percent, you will leave the remaining funding gap to me, Mr. Yuan...what do you think?"

"If you don't have control...I can think about it," Yuan Tao glanced at Chen Taizhong cautiously, in fact. What he can consider is not not holding any holdings, but only 10 to 20% of Bei Chong's shares.

The Bank of China can make up the remaining funds, which is really great news. "But Secretary Taizhong doesn't like this little money...this matter can be discussed slowly."

"President Li, what do you mean by asking me Bei Chong to buy shares?" Chen Taizhong frowned. Ask directly, Chen is doing business in partnership with others. He just likes holding, and if he doesn’t hold, he doesn’t have the right to say. This business is boring.

"We have estimated the development of this land, 200 million to 220 million... the money spent on the advance sale of the property is not included," Li Ze smiled and replied, "If Bei Chong wants to buy 10% of the shares, At least 20 million will be paid."

This estimate is normal. The reason why Chen Taizhong was able to calculate the development cost to 105 million was because he did not include the money spent on the sale of the building, but also included the advancement of the construction team and the material supplier-no The way, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission is poor.

The number Li said is more reliable. Off-plan sales are not so easy to sell. In other words, the procedures for selling off-plans are not so easy to handle. Moreover, I want the construction team and material suppliers to advance the funds. It also depends on your own strength.

If everyone thinks that you can’t do it, there are not a few capable people to pay for the funds-there are many construction teams and suppliers who pick up the project everywhere, but this kind of wild way, even if you can pay for it, how much can it afford?

"Well," Chen Taizhong nodded, without any indication, what do you want to say?

"Based on what I know about Secretary Chen, once Bei Chong invested more than 20 million yuan, you would not tolerate the money being thrown away," Li Ze continued with a smile, "Moreover, the 20 million may become 80 million. , So you will definitely focus on this project."

"Isn't this what Meng Qinqin told you?" Chen Taizhong sneered. If Bei Chong invests 20 million, of course the money can't be thrown away. Even if he doesn't hold a controlling stake, he should pay attention to it.

"Where does Chief Meng tell me so much?" Li Ze chuckled lightly, "I just think that as long as you are willing to invest, this is an endorsement... Mr. Yuan, this is a bit offensive."

"It doesn't matter," Yuan Tao shook his head. Things are developing on the bright side. Where does he account for so much?

"Cut, if I don't hold a controlling stake, I'm not qualified to interfere in the overall situation, nor will I interfere with the overall situation," Chen Taizhong replied disapprovingly. This is not his intention, but he prides himself on being careful of people and still likes to speak well. "President Li, you are a bit wishful thinking. "

"But you refuse to suffer," Li Ze replied with a smile, then looked at him again and added cautiously, "It may not matter if you personally suffer, but you can't tolerate your own people suffering. I'm pretty sure of that."

Chen Taizhong was speechless right now, and he really said this to his heart. After a long time, he whispered, "Anyone who can do a good job in a bank is amazing."

"Anyone who can count from one to seven can do a bank...Anyone can do it," Li Zeha chuckled lightly. "It's fine with snacks. The key is that I think Secretary Chen's endorsement is worth several hundred million or No problem."

"Old Li, you're a good talker," Chen Taizhong gave a thumbs up. His vanity was already strong, but Li said to this level, he really couldn't do it-he couldn't hold back his face.

So he looked sideways at Yuan Tao, "Lao Yuan, let the leaders of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission raise some money and invest in shares in my name."

"Where does it come from? You have to invest in your own shares, and the profit must be given to Bei Chong," Yuan Tao heard this, of course he knew what to do-Secretary Chen, this is just a polite remark, seriously, it is a fool.

He shook his head decisively, and at the same time, he insisted on the bottom line, "I firmly support this matter, but I have to ask the boss for instructions. It's a big deal. I can't do it."

Beichong's 10% shareholding, in exchange for development funds, plus the guarantee of construction safety, no matter what the calculation, no matter what, he had promised in his heart, but...he really can't be the master.

"Actually, I really didn't want to be a shareholder," Chen Taizhong sighed helplessly. He really thought so, nothing more than being a consultant to the Provincial Science and Technology Commission-what is a consultant? If you can, just ask.

He just couldn't see that the Science and Technology Commission's system was so degraded, or that others bullied the Science and Technology Commission casually, and with Li Ze's flattery, it was just right.

Unexpectedly, the two came and went, so that Bei Chong was going to pay for it, and it was going to be a stake in the real estate company of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. To be honest, he thought this development was a bit weird-buddy is here to fight today Ah, why did you pay?

With his sigh, Yuan Tao felt a bit forced, but if he thinks about it again, let alone how to make up these tens of millions, even if others make up, Li will not admit it.

People who are incapable of sighing like this, they are called pretending, those who are really capable, sighing, that are awesome, and Mr. Yuan also sighed, "Secretary Taizhong...for such a big business, I can always sit at night. Sit down?"

"Lao Yuan, you see what you said," Secretary Chen smiled, "Even without this business, we can't sit down? You must be so snob and accompany other profitable customers?"

"Yes, Boss Chen, I can't tell you," Yuan Tao arched his hands with a wry smile, "I have to report to Boss Mu first."

After receiving this call, Mu Hua was silent for a long time before sighing heavily, "Hey, the signature of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission is not as easy to use as Beichong’s 10% shareholding, this society...what is it for? ?"

"This is not what Secretary Chen meant. He doesn't seem to want to get involved in this matter either," Yuan Tao explained hurriedly, "but Li said that, after all, the Bank of China is a bank, and it depends on the benefits."

He felt that this kind of cāo work was a happy scene for everyone, but at the same time, he also knew that Boss Mu was a bit stubborn, so he could only mediate as much as possible.

Even when he said these words, Mr. Yuan felt a little bit of sorrow in his heart-I turned around for the good of everyone. Chen Taizhong and Li Ze were arrogant and compelling. Boss, you also look at me like this. This crack, what Is the time the end?

"I know Mu Hua grunted and was silent for a while, and he said aloud, "Greeting to them, come to the Science and Technology Commission for dinner at night, if Li Zedong doesn't want to come, then don't come. "

Boss Mu waited and did not express his position, because he was the boss of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. Once he expressed his position, it would be irretrievable. Li, as the branch manager of the Bank of China, could allow Yuan Tao to deliberately welcome him, but he left it with Mu Hua. It's too much to see.

President Li himself knows this very well. In fact, in his position, it is impossible for him to lend more than one hundred million and two hundred million. He must have branches.

So he decisively called Zhou Xiaoyan, the president of the branch, and said that I wanted to discuss a loan with the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, and Mu Hua, the boss of the Science and Technology Commission, wanted to see me. I wonder if the president would you have time?

Loan to the Provincial Science and Technology Commission? Governor Zhou was a little surprised, and she also heard that the amount of the loan from the Provincial Science and Technology Commission this time should be quite large, otherwise it would be impossible for Li Ze to call when they first started talking.

After asking the reason, she became even more surprised, "The Science and Technology Commission is engaged in real estate, why are you taking the initiative to lend more?"

PS: Update to, summon monthly pass.

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