Official Immortal

Chapter 298: Sorry

Li Jifeng is not there? "Chen Taizhong repeated it in surprise, but he reacted. There is no doubt that the servant was deliberately hiding from himself. Hearing that he was coming back soon, he found a reason not to come.

\"Not okay," he sneered, facing Oda,\"If he has the ability, he will never be there. Damn, I went to Supo Airport to block him and ruined his passport. I will see how he can leave. Come on."

     This guy is so crazy! Oda sighed inwardly, but what he can do is to persuade others as far as possible.

     Chen Taizhong's hatred, there is no way to mention it. Originally, he thought he could treat these trivial matters in the world indifferently, but when he really faced it, he still felt that he could not get up and down.

\"Damn, I don't believe that none of these eighteen people has a small calamity," he muttered sadly, and looked at Oda's wimpy look, too lazy to torture this person any more, and turned bitterly. go with.

     Hearing this, Oda and the other member of the General Department looked at each other: Did you hear that Chen Taizhong actually cursed the leader...This world is crazy, don't you want to be confused?

     Chen Taizhong’s resentment reached its peak when he saw Ruiyuan again. That night, ancient times heard that Chen Taizhong had returned and hosted a banquet in the Dream City.

     The new deputy director of the Hengshan branch was determined, and he was a section chief of the Confucian Temple branch, surnamed Tan, who was of a similar age to ancient times.

After the appointment of     , the floor was full of broken glasses. The original popular candidate, Gao Tianyou, went down to fill the seat of the talk section chief. It was not too surprising. As for the ancient times, it was not mentioned at all.

     for a time. The people in the Hengshan branch had to walk around when they saw Gu. Everyone really couldn't bear to witness the miserable and miserable appearance of Director Gu. They were also afraid that if they could grab themselves and talk like Xianglin's sister-in-law, ah, they hurt people's feet. . The wise do not do it.

     Even Deputy Director Li and Xiao Ma looked cautious when they met Gu. Did not dare to mention the recent personnel changes in the sub-bureau.

Until one day, when I saw two more scratches on Gu's face, Deputy Director Li asked where it came from, but he didn't know that Director Gu answered with a smile, \"My stinky lady, think I am Gong so much. I didn't get a vice bureau to come back, so I was so babbled. I beat her on the net, ha ha~"

             咦, this matter is strange, the deputy director Li did not see the loss of imagination from the ancient face, on the contrary, he looked confident. Finally broke the taboo, \"Gusuo, did not choose the deputy director. Are you not angry at all?"

    \"What am I up to do?" Gu smiled and shook his head. Originally, he intended to be tight-lipped, and he has always done it.

However, in the past two days, all the people in the land did not look at him directly, and occasionally someone glanced at him with the corner of his eye, revealing the extremely sympathetic look like \"You are not far from death", which made the ancients I'm a little crazy: Do I really look like a disadvantaged group?

     But he still couldn't publicize it. This really made him a little depressed. Right now Deputy Director Li's questioning just scratched his itchy place, and he really couldn't help it.

     pretended to nodded deeply, and the ancient director smiled, "Hehe, well, revolutionary work, there is no distinction between high and low, but Lao Li..."

     He patted Deputy Director Li on the shoulder,\"...Don't worry, within a few months, I will help you fight for the position of this director!"

    The ancient place is still going to rise! With such an obvious hint, Deputy Director Li can't hear it anymore, and he could be killed by a headshot, but, \"Gusuo, where are you going? It's all old brothers, you don't say a word?"

    \"When you encounter the same thing, you will understand my mood," Gu wryly smiled and shook his head. He has put himself at the height of the branch director to consider the problem.

     So, in comparison with Lao Li at this moment, he actually noticed a change in his mentality: It seems that the habits cultivated in the lower-level officialdom should be changed, otherwise, how can he move forward in the next step?

     In short, anyway, seeing the situation developing in the direction of imagination, the ancients are both happy and worried: by then, there should be no more changes, right?

     is a bit of a misfortune. He can't tell anyone this yet. Therefore, as soon as he heard that Section Chief Chen had returned from his studies in Supa City, he would immediately start a banquet.

     He felt that he was about to have something wrong, and he had to find someone to talk to him. Moreover, Ruiyuan was neither an official nor an outsider. He had a strong relationship with Section Chief Chen, and Gu was not afraid that he would hear it.

     Chen Taizhong was originally a very unhappy expression, but after listening to the old saying, he still laughed blankly.

    , I’m not talking about you, this frizzy temper must be changed. If you don’t become me, you will consider moving Wang Hongwei. "

     Gu was taken aback by these words again, Wang Hongwei is the deputy hall, is that something you can move by just saying it? When I congratulated Yang Xingang on his promotion last time, looking at Wang Ju’s expression, it seemed that he didn’t really buy you face.

\"Good old school," Ruiyuan interrupted his thoughts with a smile,\"You don’t need to doubt, Taizhong can really have this ability, this time I went to Subo with him, but I gained my knowledge. Haha~"

    \"What's the matter? Always tell me?" When I heard this, Gu Deng came to the spirit. This is how people are. He can keep the secrets of Deputy Director Li, but hopes to find out more about the secrets of the upper level.

\"Quickly pull it down," Chen Taizhong sighed, Rui Yuan's words aroused his endless anger, think about it in Subo, even the head of the traffic hall can deal with it so badly, and he returned to Phoenix. But I was tossed by a villain so that the false fire rose, \"Instead of being bullied at the door of the house, fuck!"

\"Who is it?" Gu Pai was on the scene, and the cups and dishes on the table were trembling wildly.\"Too loyal, tell me who it is? I used to fool him, **** it, and bullied our brother. Come on, really looking for death!"

\"Tsk, you can't help," Chen Taizhong sighed again, then shook his head sadly, \"Fuck, it's not the **** Li Jifeng, the list of the inspection group has been fixed, and now I am getting my passport, without me Damn, it's a joke this time."

    \"Huh, what?" Ruiyuan said in surprise,\"Isn't it, you said...Is that the delegation to Europe? You are the business section chief of China Merchants Office, how could you not go?"

     Chen Taizhong became more and more feeling that his face could not be maintained, his eyes stared, \"I said, always, do you think there is not enough wine? Let's get ten more bottles, let's blow it together?"

    \"Ha, it's rare to see too loyal to eat, I am happy in my heart!" Ruiyuan laughed forward and back together, and kept patting his thigh, \"Haha, it's wonderful."

\"You bastard!" Chen Taizhong's eyes widened again, trying to frighten him, who would think that people would not eat that set at all, but still laugh, and in the end, Chen Taizhong was also amused by him, \"Damn, see me Are you so happy to eat?"

It took a long time for Ruiyuan to stop laughing, and his face changed.\"Our hometown is too funny? I said hello to my friends in Europe. If you want them to entertain you, you won’t go. , What's the matter? No, tomorrow I will ask Zhang Yaodong to help you ask?"

"Be honest! Have you heard of Meng Qingdong at Holiday Inn?" Chen Taizhong stared at him. He didn't want Rui Yuan to wander into the chaotic waters of officialdom. He was worthy of himself, so he could not drag his friends into the water. ,\"Be your businessman honestly, your big business, officialdom is not something you can afford."

\"That represents my family’s invitation to you. I have all food, lodging and play. They go to Europe, and you go to the United States.” Ruiyuan has never heard of Meng Qingdong, but he can hear that being too loyal is for his own good. At this moment, he was also a little touched, \"Hmph, I will see who has more intentions to catch it!"

          咦...This is a good idea. Chen Taizhong was immediately moved. It should be relatively easy to have a family to help and get a few intentions to come back in the United States. At that time, let's see where the faces of the people on the inspection team are left!

     If the intention of signing the delegation of 18 people is not as much as their own, wouldn't it be very popular?

     Regrettably, he changed his mind, this matter...can't do it yet!

If things really develop to that point, and the result is as I think, then the buddy is pulling the wind, but the entire inspection team will have no face to meet people. In this way, the entire Phoenix City officialdom will also be offended by myself. It's almost Be a low-key person and be an official... and even more low-key. Once things are done that way, let alone Phoenix City can't get along, even if he is willing to beg Mengyi to make himself a vegetarian Bo, as long as this matter reaches Subo’s officialdom, then I guess he’ll be "getting tired of seeing people"-who would like to work with such people?

\"Inappropriate," Chen Taizhong shook his head. For a while, he felt that his face was extremely hot. The truth is unbelievable, so he can only hold on to something else to make a fuss,\" Ruiyuan, I thank you , But wherever I fall, I will get up from wherever I fall!"

    \"I'm thinking about it. I'll go back and engage in this Li Jifeng, damn, I must change this delegation from 18 to 17!" Chen Taizhong gritted his teeth and swore.

(.. Lang Lang Book)

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