Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4217: Startled a beach gull heron

Zhou Rì's news at night shocked too many people.

It is not surprising that the boss of the health system dismissed. After all, he can be regarded as the responsible person. He not only covers the cover, but also fabricates data to fool foreign reporters, causing the epidemic to break out in many places around the world, which greatly damages the country's image and cannot be dealt with.

But the capital zhèngfǔ chief was also dealt with, which was too unexpected.

This is definitely the strongest sound zhōngyāng has made since the incident broke out, and it also shows the country's determination to fight back.

Wang Jingtang was frightened. Bei Chong was always on the front line of the fight. He actually went to trouble other people without any problems. He also wanted to hook the thermometer of zhèngfǔ in Bei Chong District to Chen Tieren’s violation of discipline. This is really crooked.

The news told him that thermometers and thermometers are basically two different things. One is personal speculation and must be cracked down, and the other is zhèngfǔ control and prevention measures, which deserves praise.

When Chen Zhengkui saw this news, he also buzzed his head. The one who fell from the capital was originally the one who bothered to make friends with him, and he was also somewhat impressed by others.

In Mayor Chen’s mind, with the momentum of this person, sooner or later he would enter the game. Unexpectedly, he would fall off for such a small matter. He first mourned for himself for a moment, and then had to seriously consider another. One question: if two big ones are dropped, will a small one be brought out?

He knew very well that he hadn't played a good role in Beichong's fight, and Chen Taizhong's grievances against him were also well-known-he had blatantly criticized Sanghuai at the conference.

Forget it, let me write something. Mayor Chen made up his mind. Although Comrade Taizhong misunderstood me the day before yesterday, in essence, I was still willing to help young cadres...

Li Qiang rushed back from Chaotian in the evening to accompany Ma Yingshi to dinner, which was regarded as a treat for the son of the bureau.

In fact, the two of them also have the same goal-the Bayi Auditorium. Both parties are beneficiaries. I heard that Mr. Ma encountered a small incident in Beichong, and he was not very happy. Secretary Li came here, and he was a little boy. Comfort.

No way, Chen Taizhong was a good hand at getting into trouble, even if Li Qiang was reluctant, he had to wipe his butt.

However, Secretary Li has rules in his work. When he first started eating and drinking, he never talked about Bayi Hall or Beichong. He just welcomed President Ma to Yangzhou for development. What we need to do, just talk.

After drinking half-heartedly, talking relaxed, Ma Gongzi said with deep feeling: I didn't expect Secretary Li to be so approachable as the leader of Yangzhou.

This is the point. The secretary of the municipal party committee is so polite, but some of the small cadres show their teeth and claws.

However, Secretary Li didn't understand. He smiled and said: Secretary Ma is very approachable. He leads by example. The cadres below us, of course, learn from the chief.

As they were talking, the TV in the private room began to broadcast the news. The two did not pay much attention at first, but when they heard the brief report, Ju Zhonghua's face immediately turned green, "Secretary, you watch the news."

Li Qiang settled down and listened, his face changed drastically. After a while, he glanced at Ma Yingshi, "It seems that this time... the above is going to be true."

Mr. Ma has heard the old man say that a big guy will fall, but he did not expect that this fall will be the two main parts, one of which is still a promising political star-if the development goes well, let alone enter the game, enter the regular It is not impossible.

This man was really unexpected, so he was also stunned for a while before he slapped his mouth, "This is... really scary."

"Fortunately, there is a Beichong in Yangzhou, so I can promote it vigorously," Li Qiang muttered softly, as if talking to himself or suggesting something.

Even though Ma Yingshi was reluctant, he couldn't help nodding his head in the face of such news, "Chen Taizhong's vision... is amazing!"

Xie Wude didn’t see the TV. He was on Subo’s way to Phoenix, but it didn’t take long for someone to call to notify him. After learning the news, he froze for a while before calling Du Yi. "Secretary Du, did you watch the news for the evening?"

"Well," Secretary Du snorted over the phone, and then said after a pause, "You lower your posture, Chen Taizhong is not that scary."

Of course it’s easy for you to say something. Xie Wude hung up the phone worriedly. With today’s news, Chen Taizhong hit him for nothing. Once it spreads out, the hitting person may be fine, but he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, is very likely. Can't go on.

Lower your posture, how can you lower your posture? Secretary Xie sighed in distress...

At the same moment, Chen Taizhong was staying at the weather station in Dongchazi Town, and looked at the staff at the weather station with a calm face, "I don’t want to be approximate, you can tell me the percentage. If the city weather bureau can’t, just call the provincial weather bureau. The Yanghe Reservoir project must not be delayed."

It rained for two consecutive days in Beichong. The rain was not heavy but not too small. What’s worse is that in the next half month, it may be this kind of weather. The small rivers in the district have skyrocketed and the flow of Qingyang River has also increased. , It is likely to reach its peak in three days.

The Beichong section of the Qingyang River has a steep terrain, and there is basically no danger of **** breaching. However, it is really difficult to construct when the amount of water is large. The flood control situation in Beichong is also relatively severe.

The staff of the Meteorological Bureau knew that the mayor of Beichong was a demon king-the weather station was smashed last year, so everyone said that they must understand the situation as much as possible, actively maintain communication with Beichong, and implement the pre-jǐng mechanism resolutely and thoroughly. Go down.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the regiment head of the nearby antiaircraft artillery regiment came over and cordially invited District Chief Chen to a dinner.

This is a sequelae of Sun Shuying's visit to Beichong. The anti-aircraft artillery brigade is the old man of General Sun. Although the leader of the antiaircraft artillery regiment is not easy to take the initiative to take the initiative, but District Chief Chen sent it to the door, and everyone could not let it go.

"I've got the feelings of our troops." Chen Taizhong refused to accept such an invitation, not to mention that he had accepted Huang Erbo's advice, try not to contact the troops, only said that these people came to invite him, they went to the Sun family. He could not go to the appointment calmly.

So he smiled and said, "The task of flood prevention is very heavy now, and there is really no time to spare. You can also raise your strengths well. We may need the support of the soldiers at any time... After this period of time, I will come again. Everyone has a good drink."

"Drinking is not a pleasure, and you still count on us to support it with your heart?" A rough voice sounded, but a two cents came over, "District Chief Chen, I have finished drinking this wine today, and my soldiers are up to you, otherwise ... the soldiers will think you look down upon others."

"Head of the family, hello," Chen Taizhong said hello to the other party with a smile, then smiled bitterly and spread his hands, "I really don't have time. The flood situation is like the enemy. It's really not good to delay. If you think I look down on you, then borrow Give me two military jeeps."

"I still want you to buy a car for me," Head Chen laughed hard, "Where is the reason for zhèngfǔ to fight the autumn wind of the army?"

"When there is surplus money in the district, it is okay to support the troops with a few vehicles," Chen Taizhong smiled. "The key is that the situation is tense now. I have to go to Zhuoshui and Xiwangzhuang to take a look."

"That's fine, I will lend you two Cherokees," the head of Chen was really happy, "remember to owe me a drink."

At this moment, Liao Dabao walked over next to him, "Boss, the news was broadcast just now, and the two were being beaten up. It was with XX...because."

"I did it, did these two fall?" Chen Taizhong was startled when he heard it, "Is it a bit exaggerated?"

"It's the call from Secretary Li's secretary. It should not be wrong," Liao Dabao replied with a smile. "Chief Chief also said that Secretary Li intends to promote the advanced experience of our district."

"Is there any advanced experience that can be promoted? There will be rain in the next few days, so I don't care about it," Chen Taizhong shook his head, then glanced at Head Chen, "Well, my family, I have to go first."

"Drive away my desert king," Chief Chen said enthusiastically-even though he was in the army, he was frightened when he heard the names of the two men.

"Not necessary for the time being," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, "If necessary, I hope my family will support it."

"Originally, if you didn't drink alcohol today, I wouldn't agree to anything," Head Chen shook his head sadly, contrived, "But...I'm still waiting for you to buy a car for the group, without saying anything. Up."

"Happy," Chen Taizhong raised his hand and hit the palm of the opponent's hand hard, "I like happy people."

After speaking, he turned into the car and left. Head Chen watched the Audi car galloping away, and shook his head with a smile, "This guy...actually should be a soldier."

When the car arrived in the district zhèngfǔ, Chen Taizhong put down Liao Dabao. Hu Yunjuan’s due date is only about one month away. Xiao Liao still engages in prenatal education every day, and he doesn't bother to drag him around, "You stay, I'll walk around again. "

"There is not a big problem on the muddy water side," Liao Dabao did not refuse, holding up an umbrella and getting off the car, "Boss, you can go back and rest. During this time, you are under too much ~Where do I dare to go back?" Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile, "It is strange that the door is not broken."

He has not dared to turn on his mobile phone up to now, especially when the news is broadcast tonight, and he dared not to turn it on anymore, but District Chief Chen has a problem-his vanity is particularly strong.

He thought that many people would surround the door of his small courtyard, so he couldn't help but want to take a look-if there were people surging, his psychology would be greatly satisfied. Of course, Chen is Won't show up.

So he turned off the headlights and drove the Audi car around the alley. Fortunately, he bumped into a bicycle on the road. The cyclist in the raincoat was about to stare and curse. He saw Chen Qu who had put down the window. Long, he smiled and nodded, and rode on the bike.

There are not many people. Chen Taizhong saw a few umbrellas at the door, stood or squatted, and surrounded the courtyard. A cursory glance revealed only seven or eight umbrellas.

However, these seven or eight umbrellas are at least five or six people, so he still won’t go back. He gave directions and sat in a small gap on the side of the road. He was about to take another round and drove away. He didn’t think about the back seat. The doors of his car were pulled open at the same time, and two people got in. (To be continued.)

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