Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and sixteen-three thousand eight hundred and seventeen

Chapter 3816

"It's in the middle of the night," Chen Taizhong was annoyed when he heard the noise. At this time, it is definitely not a good way to call the door in this way-there is really any emergency in the district, and the call must be the first to come.

But in front of Shi Shuhua, he didn't behave too violently, so he smiled and stood up, "You stay, I will open the door."

"Isn't it looking for something?" Mr. Shi's face sank, he took out his phone and stood up, "I will accompany you?"

"Dare to come to the door to make trouble, they will regret it," Chen Taizhong said casually. In fact, he had seen it through the eyes of the sky. There were a dozen people standing at the door, including men and women, and two cars—all strangers. People, but he didn't bother to figure out the origin of the other party.

The serious thing is that he can't let Shi Shuhua follow. District Chief Chen is not afraid of group fights-he beats up a lot of people in a crowd, but distracted to greet him, it is a bit troublesome, so he waved his hand, "Don't follow ."

Before I reached the door, I heard the sound getting louder and louder. The manpower who knocked on the door was really not small, and I felt that the entire iron door was trembling, which can be considered as a complete smashing of the door.

Chen Taizhong walked to the door and opened half of the door as soon as he raised his hand, and a middle-aged man in his early thirties clenched his hand into a fist. He was about to continue smashing the door. He suddenly saw the door open. The fist was hanging in the air. Smash it again.

The young man who opened the door asked with a smile, "Are you knocking on the door?"

"I knocked on the door," the middle-aged man nodded proudly, "You can't hear how to knock on the door..."

There was a crisp "pop", Chen Taizhong couldn't tolerate him to say a little more, raising his hand was a loud slap, and its strength was so powerful that it pulled the middle-aged man's body around a half and a half.

"I didn't know you, and came to smash my door in the middle of the night," District Chief Chen said with a smile. "Whether you are dead or dead, even if your parents died together. You shouldn't smash my door. ...You reported the wrong place for the funeral."

"Do you dare to hit someone," he slapped the middle-aged man, and a young man next to him immediately stopped doing it and came up with his chest straight. However, when he heard such a vicious curse, he couldn't help but slightly. Astonished, "You. You are also a national cadre anyway..."

"Fuck away!" Chen Taizhong didn't bother to listen to him. He raised his hand as a punch in the chest. He was not eager to castrate, but his strength was amazing. He directly pushed the person back seven or eight steps, and his face was still Wu himself had a slight smile. "Hehe, I don't know whose crotch is broken, revealing you, a guy with no hair."

Although he was only one person, he opened the door with great momentum. Faced with more than a dozen people, he took the initiative without any ambiguity. Not only did he beat two people, his words were also extremely vicious.

This madness immediately angered the visitors. At the moment when the sword was raging, a middle-aged man coughed lightly and spoke slowly, "Wait a minute, everyone first identify yourself... Are you Chen Taizhong?"

"You're also called Liangming's identity?" District Chief Chen raised his foot and waited to walk towards the other party. The reason why he acted so swiftly and neatly was that I would just punch you before you didn't reveal your identity. Once identified. Maybe it's really hard to start.

Unexpectedly, he moved, the middle-aged man had already guarded this hand. Immediately shouted, "I am Song Jinzhu, deputy director of the Political Department of Provincial High Law, come here to find out."

"Huh, what a big official," Chen Taizhong snorted disdainfully, but he didn't want to go forward and start directly. "

He didn't even ask the other party's intention, so he refused. This is Chen's confidence and arrogance.

He doesn't need to know what the other party is coming from-he only needs to know one thing. These people come to smash the door in the middle of the night, without a phone call or an appointment. This is bad intentions, so he doesn't need to be polite.

Putting it to him a year or two ago, maybe he really wants to understand the other party's intentions, but now the Beichong forces have become established, and no one in the city dared to use his brains, so he didn't think about things before and after worrying a lot.

This is that along with the growth of the forces, his mentality has also changed-for those unresolved contradictions, they will come sooner or later, and they will not be able to hide. If you know in advance, you can still make troubles, just face them and deal with them. ; And for those insignificant threats, why should he care to make himself so tired?

Chen did not realize that this was the growth of his mentality. He learned to deal with all kinds of situations indifferently. He was just very sure. He didn't investigate why Gao Zhicheng dared to use the conversion of farmland to forest as a threat. Later he also went. I don't understand the background of the Red Sea Company, and what is the origin of the Gao family.

But right now, he still has this attitude. I don’t even ask why you are here. If you want to find me to understand the matter, then go to the work unit, buddy is off work now, that is to say-you come to harass me after work, we didn’t What kind of friendship, if you hit you, it's nothing

"I want to find you about Gao Zhicheng's situation," Song Jinzhu said in a deep voice, yes, Ah really came for that guy. "This kind of thing will bring you unnecessary trouble to the unit and say to the unit."

"The thing I'm most afraid of is all kinds of troubles," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, then raised his finger to the other person, "I don't know you at all, so you come to my house to find me... At your age, your level is not as high as mine. , Have the face to befriend me?"

Puff, Director Song was so angry that he spouted a mouthful of blood. This was really insulting, not only direct but also harsh.

It is indeed extremely rare in officialdom that such nakedness is not given to the face. Usually only the directly superior can dare to speak so unscrupulously to the subordinate. If the system is crossed and the level is not very different, who would dare to speak like this to the provincial high law person?

"We don't want to have friendship with you, we just want to understand the situation," a middle-aged woman said coldly. "As a national official, there is no day to rest... You shouldn't shut us out."

"I just shut you out. I have my own personal space and time." After Chen Taizhong knew the origin of the other party, he would naturally no longer be polite. He snorted, "If you are not convinced, go through the organization process. "

While talking, he took two steps back, stepped back out of the door, and said with a smile, "I let out the door, you have the ability to come in without my permission...Whoever is not convinced, you can try."

Do you still have to try? Break in now. That's just breaking into a private house.

Regarding this situation, the legend says that residents can use any means to protect their legal rights. Of course, the residents' response may be legitimate defense or excessive defense. This is related to facts. It has a greater relationship with residents.

Song Jinzhu understood this very well. Seeing that the other party dared to let out the door, he couldn't help but prompt, "Don't go in, we are just outside the door, and we will be passive if we go in."

"Yeah. You are just so courageous, that is, you smash the door and don't dare to enter," District Mayor Chen stood behind the door, smiling and shook his head. "Some ten people, look at this urine... …With a handle in the crotch?"

This is extremely vicious, but there are many young people among the masters who come today. But there are not many brainless people. Everyone has long seen this person's strength, and Director Song's reminder, he will not forcefully push, there is a young man who can't restrain the young man, and is winked by people around him. Hold it-once this conflict gets bigger, it's everyone's business.

"I am Gao Zhicheng's mother," another middle-aged woman stood up, and she walked directly into the door. Speaking calmly. "Want to know why you Bei Chong arrested him and why you detained him for so long..."

"Get out of my yard. I have no friendship with you," Chen Taizhong smiled and pointed at the other person. If someone came in, he would beat the person and lie down. That is to say, this person is Gao Zhicheng's mother. Can tolerate this behavior slightly.

But this does not mean that he will tolerate many ugliness in the name of maternal love, so he made it very clear, "I count three, you'd better quit, don’t think I don’t beat women, I only have The ones who are owed and those who are not owed...Jing Yiyuan's evaluation to me is that he punched Nanshan Kindergarten and kicked Beihai Nursing Home."

While talking, he took out a cigarette, took a cigarette and lit it on his mouth, took a deep breath, and spoke slowly, "I'm counting down now, three..."

"Aunt Xi, is it you?" Shi Shuhua's surprised voice came from behind him.

"Two, if you two want to talk, it's better to go out and say," Chen Taizhong counted down coldly, "One..."

"Zero," Just when he reported zero, President Shi had already grabbed the middle-aged woman and walked outside the door.

"Aunt Xi, why are you here?" Shi Shuhua asked the middle-aged woman next to her.

"My son was caught inexplicably, can I not come?" Aunt Xi asked faintly, then looked at Chen Taizhong, "Did you tell him clearly?"

"Make it clear," Shi Shuhua replied, letting go of her grasping opponent's hand, and said with a wry smile, "But sincerity has done too much, and they won't agree."

"When you were a kid, you never talked to me like this," Ms. Xi muttered softly, but she didn't care about arguing with her anymore. Instead, she looked up at Chen Taizhong and gritted her teeth and asked, "What the **** did my son make?"

"Who is your son?" District Mayor Chen asked with a smile, "Do I have to know him?"

"My son is Gao Zhicheng, I just said it," Aunt Xi replied coldly. "He was detained at your Beichong police station for some unwarranted charges."

"Oh, that's it," District Chief Chen smiled and nodded first, then frowned, "Then you go to the police station, you come to smash my door in the middle of the night to see me being bullied?"

Chapter 3817 Emergency Medical Treatment (Part 2)

Xi Lizhen almost jumped up when she heard this.

She only heard about her son yesterday. Afterwards, in some people’s minds, this is the consciousness of being a child of high sincerity. They don’t want to worry their parents and want to solve their own problems, so they didn’t tell the family. .

However, the truth of the matter is not like this-Gao Zhicheng didn't plan to count on the help of his family at all, because the Gao family's sense of existence in Hengbei had become very poor.

Gao Zhicheng's parents are both from Hengbei, his mother is from Chaotian, and his father is from Haizhou. What needs to be pointed out is that his uncle is a capable man, and the highest law in the capital is a small official.

Therefore, Mr. Gao's father was not in a low position in the court system of Hengbei. Later, because there was no future for the local development, he entered Beijing decisively. However, within a few years of entering Beijing, his uncle died and his career was smashed.

All in all, the Gao family's presence in Hengbei is not very strong. More of their contacts are in the capital. You can know only by looking at the transactions Gao Zhicheng received-designated by the National Meteorological Administration, which has no boundary with the local area.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Zhicheng was arrested by Bei Chong, and others were not very good at lobbying, saying hello from the capital. Many relationships are too far apart, but this relationship in Gaojia Province is really not enough.

The Shi family and the Gao family pity each other with the same illness. They are both depressed locally, so they have a connection with each other, but the connection is not very close. It is nothing more than the friendship of the older generation.

Xi Lizhen didn't want to say too many meaningless things. So she spoke, "Today I want to see my son, no matter why he was arrested, he is my son after all, but the Beichong branch refused my visit request. I think this phenomenon is incredible... This is not in compliance."

"Then you should continue to communicate with the sub-bureau. It's useless to find me," Chen Taizhong smoked slowly, holding a cigarette in his hand, "and he smashed the door when he found it, isn't it going to beat him?"

"But Director Zhu of the sub-bureau said that he must find you so that he can do it," Aunt Xi looked at him eagerly.

"Lao Zhu is arguing, do you believe this?" Chen Taizhong laughed when he heard it. He smiled very openly and unscrupulously, "Hey, his job is really rough, and the technical content is really low."

"Your work at the grassroots level is to push work around?" Xi Lizhen's face turned blue.

"It's better than your son, who forcibly pushed the good family women around and accidentally pushed them to the state officials," District Mayor Chen sank, "I have explained to you for a long time. You are really a bit uninterested... do you think Listen to me something more ugly?"

"District Chen. I have a question," embarrassingly. Song Jinzhu of Gaofa spoke, "From a professional perspective, let me ask, what is the reason for Beichong to imprison Gao Zhicheng? Forty-eight hours have passed."

My buddies hate you the most. Several people argued with me alone. Chen Taizhong smiled slightly, "Are you going to have more mouths than me? I want to tell you all... this is in Beichong, believe it or not, I will find hundreds Eighty people talking to you?"

"It didn't mean that, they didn't count what they said, now I'm here to ask," Director Song gave a dry smile.

"I'm not interested in answering your question," Chen Taizhong dangled a cigarette in his mouth and swung his hands forward, purely as if he was driving a chicken. "If you have any questions, go to the branch."

"My son has always been very good and obedient," Ms. Xi immediately became angry when he saw that he couldn't get enough oil and salt. "I have to consider the factors that others have planted and framed... I can help make up for the mistakes he made, and others want to pass. He blackmailed something, then I don't admit it."

"You feel so good about yourself, you are not underestimated. What do you have to blackmail me?" When Chen Taizhong heard this, he also became annoyed. He smiled coldly, "I don't want you for a penny... you The son is sentenced to 20 years, and you can go."

"What did he do wrong, he will be sentenced to 20 years?" Ms. Xi finally couldn't calm down.

"If I beat you, I can't be judged for one day. Believe it or not?" Chen Taizhong smiled and asked, "He thinks it's okay to hit the girl doll, and you think it's okay, but I think it's okay if I hit you... Just ask, do you believe it?"

"You," the mother was almost speechless by the words, then Director Song saw this and waited to continue speaking. Chen Taizhong sank his face and slammed the door directly.

"Is there anything wrong, my bag is still in it!" Shi Shuhua yelled angrily, but there was no response inside. For a while, she was also a little helpless, knowing that Chen Taizhong had misunderstood herself and came with this group of people. .

But she was really wronged. She came to Guan and said today that she had obeyed her father. Although she knew that Aunt Xi knew that she had come to Beichong, how could she have thought that she would appear at this critical moment?

"Xiao Song, what should we do?" Xi Lizhen was so anxious that she had no master, and subconsciously asked Song Jinzhu in a low voice. Director Song is actually the backbone of her trip. She also knows the bigger leader, but it is not convenient to call him. After receiving a lot of help from the Gao family, he could come to Beichong to save his son with her.

Song Jinzhu calmed his face, and after a long silence, he sighed and shook his head slowly, "It's hard to do, this guy is not reasonable at all, and his face is have seen his behavior just now."

"Can't the Sino-French side intervene?" Mrs. Xi whispered, this is the advantage of Director Song's coming to Beichong, and the high-level cadres still have a great deterrent against China and France. The dogs in the provincial government are better than people.

"He has no reason to detain my son for an extended period of time," she emphasized again.

"He's going to be unreasonable anymore. Isn't it easy to fabricate a crime with someone in his hands?" Song Jinzhu said this, before taking a look at Shi Shuhua. He is relatively unfamiliar with her, "It is said that on the way back to Beichong, he also pushed Zhicheng out of the car, but instead framed him for jumping off the car and escaping... It was really unscrupulous."

"My poor son," Xi Lizhen sobbed when she heard this—in fact, she already knew the news, and Beichong people could stop her from visiting her son. But the spread of this news cannot be stopped.

She even knew that her son had a broken arm and was still subjected to cruel and inhumane abuse. Thinking of this, she felt like a knife. "Xiao Song, you have to help think of a way, and you can't let people trample on the law like this."

You didn't ask the right person at all, Song Jinzhu sighed inwardly, and simply asked Shi Shuhua, "This...Is the sincere arm fell badly?"

"What does jumping off the car do? He might even jump off the building with a gun," Mr. Shi replied flatly, she had no respect for Director Song. "This is not impossible."

"Grab a gun and jump off the building?" Xi Lizhen's body shook when she heard these four words, and she forgot to cry. She looked at Shi Shuhua in amazement, "That's what the surname Chen said?"

"Tsk," Mr. Shi slapped her mouth. In this case, she would never confirm it personally-the other party had moved the crowd to find people, and the tape recorder and camera might be hidden somewhere. And she herself. I don’t have that friendship with the Gao family, "Since Director Song said that. Then this possibility exists objectively."

"That's right," Song Jinzhu frowned and nodded. He was determined to resolve the matter as soon as possible. The surname Chen is really difficult to provoke, and it is boring to be remembered. It is better to press Xi Lizhen and ask her to do it as soon as possible. Concession, "There are many ways to plant stolen goods, but...should not rob the police by shooting."

Xi Lizhen's mind was numb for a long time. Hearing this hypothesis, she couldn't help her face turning white again, "What will be the consequences of robbing the police?"

"The most extreme situation... is shot dead on the spot, but I don't think the person surnamed Chen has the courage," Director Song frowned and replied with a sigh.

"Oh," Xi Lizhen took a breath, shook her body, and fell to the ground limply, but the middle-aged man who smashed the door was stricken by the hand and helped her, "Sister, Sister... calm down first, it's okay for now."

This person is a high sincere uncle, rushing to the forefront-this kind of thing, the most reliable one has to be his family, and it is not expected that Chen Taizhong slapped it, and now half of his face is still swollen.

Xi Lizhen swayed for a minute before she stabilized. She yelled anxiously, "How can I calm down?"

While talking, she swept to Shi Shuhua, hurried up, and grabbed her, "Shuhua, since childhood, auntie has never treated you badly...what did you two say?"

"He made a condition, but it's too outrageous, I can't agree to it," Mr. Shi curled his mouth regretfully.

"What are the conditions? You talk first," Xi Lizhen can still care about wherever she is now? Talking like a gun.

"He asked Ma Feiming to call him, or a leader made a guarantee, and now Wang Yuanyuan is deducted into a regular department. After two years, he guarantees the deputy office," Shi Shuhua slowly finished the conditions and added, " Wang Yuanyuan is the girl Gao Zhicheng beat... less than two months after being mentioned in the deputy department."

"I know her," the mother had long understood the things her son did, and she replied very irritably, "Who can please Ma Feiming? It's this orthodox..."

"It's not easy. It's a local cadre or an extraordinary promotion." Song Jinzhu heard a long sigh. If it is the court system, he and the Gao family may work together, there may be some hope, but the local area is really not so influential. You can only look at the Gao family.

"By the way, I can go to Wang Yuanyuan," Xi Lizhen's eyes lit up, "What does she I will just make up for her. If she can talk to Chen Taizhong, this will be easy. "

"Well, that's how it is said," Director Song nodded.

Since ancient times, how miserable a loving mother is, Shi Shuhua can see and sigh in her heart, if you weren't a mother who protects her son, how could Gao Zhicheng grow up like this? "Then you go, I won't go."

"Go together," Xi Lizhen said with dissatisfaction when she heard her.

"People have given me face, you'd better discuss it with Wang Yuanyuan," Shi Shuhua doesn't want to get entangled with them anymore. She and Chen Taizhong still have cooperation to discuss. As she said, she walked forward and pressed the courtyard. Doorbell.

Unexpectedly, her hand was worthy of pressing the doorbell, and she heard a creak, and the whole big iron door slowly fell inward, and then fell to the ground with a loud bang, and for a while Flying around...

(Six thousand two hundred words, call for monthly pass loudly.)


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