Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and six-three thousand eight hundred and seven

"Good smashed?" Chen Taizhong heard the words, took out a pen from his pocket, and said with a smile, "Can you repeat what you said? This is a recording pen. I didn't even think about pressing the button. Really !"

"You don't come with me," Huo Guoxiang laughed disdainfully, "I can be sure that your recorder has no battery."

Of course, the voice recorder will not run out of batteries. In fact, whether this pen is a voice recorder or not is two different opinions. Director Huo just said that my position is the same as that of Bei Chong.

"That is, we are friends of gentlemen," Chen Taizhong nodded, and put away the pen with a smile. "It's just a joke... So, can this pre-jǐng mechanism be negotiated?"

"This is going to be done sooner or later, it is a general trend," Director Huo put down his chopsticks, took out a cigarette to light it, and replied thoughtfully, "The Provincial Meteorological Bureau is also discussing it, but this requires a process."

"I want to simplify this process now," Chen Taizhong put his hands in his chest, and Shi Shiran said, "Your negotiation may not reach a unified understanding within three to five years."

"Perhaps it will be solved overnight," Huo Guoxiang replied with a smile. It was obvious that he still didn't want to take too much risk-at least it was more difficult. "Who knows the matter of the public family?"

"That is to say, maybe if Jingde smashed the Give Gift Station, the effect would be better?" District Chief Chen asked with a smile, "Anyway...Dong Chazi Station is already smashed."

"Well, you are right," Hearing this, Huo Guoxiang finally raised the white flag. Of course, the white flag was not raised for nothing. "You help me keep the Give Gift Station. The rest is... the cost issue Up."

"What kind of expenses?" Chen Taizhong asked quietly. He is really good at dealing with similar situations now. "For the public or for the specific staff?"

"The Municipal Bureau will pre-pay you separately. There will be a fee. Anyway, you said that money is not a problem... The specific details can be discussed." Director Huo did not want to elaborate on this matter in front of Deng Bosong. On the other hand, others care about Bei Chong, and then inform Bei Chong that you can just feel it."

"No problem," Chen Taizhong nodded, enjoying the convenience of his own family, and couldn't let others lose heart. "But with this pre-jǐng mechanism, our two families have to sign a written thing... Well, it's better to add respect. ."

"You still have to add respect?" Huo Guoxiang glanced at him with a smile, "I said District Chief Chen, don't hide it, hurry up and help get the Shangli group away."

"That's all right, I'll go make another phone call," District Chief Chen stood up and walked out of the door. He returned after a while. He reluctantly said, "Jingde wants to share the pre-jǐng, but he can't get out. Money is just to ensure the integrity of the Give Gift Station."

"This is a bit bullying," Director Huo smiled and shook his head. Give Gift, which was clearly the property of the bureau, was now being asked for it. "Then, he can sign this written material. jǐng copy to Jingde."

"Is Xi Yu and Lian Xiao too stingy?" Deng Bosong couldn't help but complained. The leader of the next county district, he was not afraid to say directly, "It's basically just following us to pick up the cheap... It's all out."

"They have tight hands," Chen Taizhong smiled slightly. Isn't it right for Jingde to cooperate so well to let people take advantage of it? In these days, you have to be responsible for being the boss, and the younger brothers can’t get the benefits. Who is going with you?

"We are too generous to them," Director Deng muttered softly, but did not dare to say loudly.

It is this kind of mindful person that can lead Beichong out of the predicament. Huo Guoxiang sees it with admiration in his heart. Two counties with the same status, one regards a penny as a big battle, and the other does not care about others. .

This is the real confidence and leadership temperament. Of course, this is also because Bei Chong is indeed rich. Otherwise, it is not called confidence and stupid. Thinking of this, Director Huo asked aloud, " District Chief Chen, do you have time after dinner?"

"There is time, but if you want me to go to Dongchazi Station, it will be avoided," Chen Taizhong answered directly.

"I always have to take a look at the destruction at the scene," Huo Guoxiang whispered, as if talking to himself or explaining something, "This is a state-owned asset.

"You said it, it was good," District Chief Chen replied disapprovingly.

"I said it was done well. I want the provincial bureau to hear the following voices and feel the anger of the people, so as to promote the development of the pre-jǐng mechanism," Huo Guoxiang argued hard. "This is what you and I want to see. But I didn’t say that I would let the person who smashed the weather station... many people are waiting to see my jokes, you know."

"Isn't it a thing of hundreds of thousands?" Chen Taizhong waved his hand disdainfully. He was not interested in arguing over this small amount of money. "The people in Beichong can afford to pay, as long as they can sign the agreement, the point is destroyed. Things, you don’t have to worry about it."

This is too awesome. Director Huo has seen a lot of cadres who are so domineering. This is the first time he has met. There is no bargaining at all. The other party simply admits full responsibility-you are so big. , Too responsible?

What he didn't know was that as early as District Mayor Chen was still Director Chen, he was used to using money to hit people. This was not about smashing people with swollen faces to fill up fat, but really hitting people, especially against those gangsters. Son, Director Chen will throw away one hundred and eighty thousand to treat the injury-my buddy will beat you, and the next time he beats you, he will give you money back!

It is precisely because of this that District Mayor Chen has always pretended to be careful about people. The buddy not only persuades people with virtue, but also manages medical expenses.

But when Director Huo first heard this, he even couldn't believe his ears, "You mean, can the district zhèngfǔ be paid?"

"You are joking," District Chief Chen smiled slightly and teased the other party before explaining, "It is impossible to pay in the name of zhèngfǔ. It was done by some people who don't know the truth. What is Guan Beichong? Help you find two sponsors."

"It's OK," Huo Guoxiang nodded when he heard the words. Bei Chong's workaround is just not willing to make people real. It's really not a big deal. He cares about something else, "Is it the full amount?"

"You said the full amount, then the full amount is fine. How big is the matter?" Chen Taizhong waved his hand disapprovingly. "But I put the shame on the front. If everyone wants to cooperate, they must implement it. If the implementation is not good, the people will still Get angry...I'll build it for you again, but it didn't hurt people this time. It won't be easy to say next time."

It's not that the people didn't want to hit people this time. Director Wang was beaten. There were soldiers guarding him and escorting the people to the regiment headquarters. No matter how brave the people were, the people in Yangzhou knew the consequences of attacking the troops.

"You are not a cadre, you can become can develop as a soldier." What Huo Guoxiang wants to say is that you have the potential to be a gangster. You can say that.

"That's right, the army cadres just talk about blood," Deng Bosong nodded with deep approval. He felt that the district chief's words were straightforward, and they really matched his appetite.

This is more than blood, it's a big stick and sweet jujube. Huo Guoxiang nodded, "That's it, that's it. In the afternoon, I will report to the provincial bureau and apply for the two pilots of Beichong and Jingde."

Is it the report? District Mayor Chen glanced at him dissatisfied, "How likely is the approval?"

"If you don't approve, you have to go, or let them invest in the reconstruction of Dongchazi Station... Even if there is money in the bureau, there may be a second time to be smashed? This is what you just said," Huo Guoxiang Chongchen District Chief Smiled slightly, "Don't worry, report a dozen, we can sign the agreement without waiting for approval."

"Oh, it turned out to be a cutscene," Director Deng nodded suddenly, "what I said, our Beichong side is very sincere, and the provincial bureau has to get stuck. It can't be justified."

"The key is that I have been working for you for so long, and finally let you down, and agreed to find two sponsors," Director Huo slowly shook his head and sighed again, "Am I easy?"

Hearing this, Deng Bosong opened his mouth slightly and looked at him in amazement. It took him a long time before he gave a wry smile, "Well, this time I really understand that there is indeed a gap between section-level cadres and division-level cadres..."

"Okay, just report like this," District Chief Chen nodded carelessly. As long as the work can be started, and others want to take a ride to achieve some personal intentions, he doesn't mind at all-cooperation with the surname Huo is better than with Dealing with Ann.

After this meal, Chen Taizhong went back to take a nap, and came back to zhèngfǔ just around two o'clock. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liao Dabao sitting there talking on the phone. It seemed that he hadn’t rested at noon, so he nodded, "All notice arrived. ?"

"All notifications arrived," Director Liao replied, "but there are too many villages in some towns, especially those remote places, where the villagers are also nervous... like the Shimen Village I have been to with you, waiting for Linyun Township to notify them, It is estimated that the rain is over."

"Then let the nearest village with a phone call to inform... the danger is not just a matter of the township," Chen Taizhong glanced at him. "The traditional virtue of keeping watch and helping each other should also be strongly advocated. When staring at one's own pots and pans , You can hand in hand with your neighbors."

"That's what I suggested," Liao Dabao scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly. "I also slapped your banner and didn't ask you for advice... mainly because it was a rush at the time, and that's the point."

"My banner, you don't play it casually," Chen Taizhong glanced at him and said lightly, "but you don't need to ask for such things out of public mind... By the way, are there any statistics on the loss of the greenhouse?"

Chapter 3087 Good Luck People (Part 2)

At 3 o’clock that afternoon, lightning and thunder came to visit Bei Chong again. Except that the wind at the beginning was a bit smaller, the other conditions were just a copy of yesterday. However, because the district made a pre-jǐng more than three hours in advance, everyone was not as hasty as yesterday. Up.

Chen Taizhong could even watch the loss situation of the greenhouse leisurely while listening to the rumbling thunder.

A total of more than 300 mu of the shed was affected, half of which were due to the poorly hitting the anchor screws and the inadequate grip.

Regarding this situation, the responsible party is not easy to divide. Lu Tianxiang readily admits that he bears part of the responsibility for this matter-at least he did not emphasize that it is necessary to use extended anchor screws. He just thinks that the base of the greenhouse itself is very It's too heavy. I didn't take into account the extreme weather. After all, this weather is too rare in Beichong.

Chen Taizhong thinks that Lao Lu's attitude is quite correct. Everyone has never engaged in a mobile greenhouse. It is really inevitable to have some omissions. To say that this OEM did not expect this, and there are so many cadres in the district.

This error is forgivable, it is just to pay the tuition, and it is not difficult to solve this problem. One is to drill the anchor screws a little bit deeper and more. The second is that if the farmers have no special needs, they can consider using the greenhouse. Properly lower the height, so that the force area will be greatly reduced.

As for choosing the location of the greenhouse at the air outlet, this error sounds more serious, but in fact, when selecting the location, everyone still considered this factor-at least the farmers themselves would consider placing the greenhouse on the valley or river. , Will face relatively strong wind, not very safe.

But yesterday’s wind was chaotic, and there was no rule to follow. Many greenhouses at the foot of the mountain were directly swept up by the wind, so there was such a heavy loss.

Of course, this is enough to remind Beichong District zhèngfǔ that when choosing a site in the future, we must consider many aspects-it is also a tuition fee.

In fact, what Chen Taizhong wants to investigate most is the third situation. Part of the greenhouse collapsed due to some external force. This is the responsibility of the construction party.

The construction of the mobile greenhouse in Beichong is a procedure. The district is responsible for the purchase of raw materials-profiles, plastic sheets, etc., and the district buys them uniformly, and the material processing is given to Lu Tianxiang. The production of some small accessories is also given to Lu. The general mold factory.

As for the installation of the greenhouse, it is not something that Lu Tianxiang can eat alone. I have analyzed this earlier and will not repeat it. So now there are seven construction teams in the district for this installation, and two of them are Respectful.

The problems were mainly caused by the installation of two construction teams, one from Beichong and the other from Jingde. Leaving the Beichong construction team aside, the Jingde construction team was introduced by Jingde’s party committee secretary Xi Yu.

These two companies are definitely going to stop work for rectification, and the construction money will also be deducted as usual, but Jingde called injustice, saying that there were some hoops, and Beichong’s design was unreasonable-the iron hoops should be used, you go. With the plastic hoop, we must not dare to twist it hard.

Anyway, this kind of nonsense, one sentence or two is not clear, Jingde’s engineering team is definitely wrong, but as District Chief Chen, he shouldn’t be wasting his tongue with Jingde—but this is again The engineering team introduced by Secretary Xi didn't explain it clearly, and it didn't seem to be good.

In short, for this kind of bullshit, District Mayor Chen looked a little big. It’s okay for others to manage a country. You guys have so many problems managing a district—it’s really time to find someone to catch Meng Zhixin’s mouth. Up.

The thundershower that afternoon did not cause much loss in Beichong. In fact, today’s rain was not as heavy as yesterday. It lasted an hour and a half before and after, but when it rained intensively, it would add up to 20 minutes.

It was a leisurely afternoon, with thunderstorms outside the window, people in Bei Chong paid attention to the thunderstorm, and District Chief Chen was actually very rare to clean up for a while because of the proper handling.

But happiness was very sad. At about five o'clock, Chen Taizhong received a very disappointing call. The caller claimed to be from the Provincial Party Committee Office, "Fu Zhili from my office, and Gao Zhicheng from the Red Sea Company is there with you? "

"We don't have the senior manager of the Red Sea Company here," District Mayor Chen was annoyed when he heard this. "You made the wrong call."

After speaking, he raised his hand and pressed the phone without waiting for the other party to answer—Fu Zhili? I don't know you bird egg.

In the end, that person did well and called back. District Mayor Chen saw that it was this number, but he refused without thinking... Gao Zhicheng is here with me. If you bring something, come and rescue him.

Not long after refusing the call, Sui Biao rushed over in a hurry, "Too loyal to you... busy?"

Are you nonsense? Chen Taizhong rolled his eyes with anger. I must be busier than your party committee. "Yuejiapu is flooded with water. I have to rush to deal with it. Squad leader, you can make a long story short... maybe there will be rain tomorrow."

"You suppressed Fu Zhili's call?" Sui Biao said bluntly, "He called me here."

"I know him as a bird egg," Chen Taizhong replied dismissively. "One mouth is'I am Fu Zhili, the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee.' Nima...Who is Fu Zhili? He thinks he is Wei Pingan?"

Wei Pingan is the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. District Mayor Chen once rescued Secretary-General Wei’s son on the highway. He said this name without any respect.

"Fu Zhili is Wei Ping'an's secretary," Sui Biao said blankly-of course, he might already have a stomachache.

"So what?" After Chen Taizhong was slightly surprised, he sneered. Wei Ping'an was so affectionate with me that he didn't call directly in case of trouble, but asked the secretary to call. If you dare to show up in front of me, then I must be the boss. A slap slapped him, "He has an idea, come to Beichong and tell me directly, through the phone, I know him as a bird egg!"

"What he meant was, this...Red Sea Company is very strong," Sui Biao smiled bitterly, knowing that you have this temper. Could Wei Ping An call you?

"Squad leader, is Wang Yuanyuan a cadre in Beichong?" Chen Taizhong frowned and asked with a smile.

"I'm just preaching," Sui Biao answered with a smile, but he secretly sighed in his heart, you can handle this kind of thing, I really can't handle it-Fu Zhili dares to make this call, how could Wei Ping An Not knowing?

"It's really a bunch of **** who don't know how to be grateful," Chen Taizhong sneered, and Suo directly cursed, "I knew it was such a result. It would be over if his son died on the highway."

"Too loyal...speak carefully, speak carefully," Sui Biao turned around after a few words of persuasion.

Someone interceded Gao Zhicheng. This is not good news, but at the same time, there is also good news. Around the time of May and 40th, Huo Guoxiang came to the district zhèngfǔ, and he smiled, "District Chief Chen , Report that I was hit."

You haven't returned to Yangzhou yet? Chen Taizhong grinned, "That's hard work for you."

"Some leaders think that this pilot is worthy of encouragement." Director Huo's eyebrows were filled with smiles and he was very happy. "This afternoon, Minister Yue of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee came to inspect the Provincial Bureau and happened to hear about it."

"Yue Huanghe, is he going to the Meteorological Bureau when he is idle?" Chen Taizhong was a little stunned.

"I'm a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee." Huo Guoxiang glanced at him angrily, saying that you kid, you dare to say anything, but he is in a good mood, so he doesn't pay attention to such trivial matters. "You don't want to know. What did Minister Yue say?"

I'm just wondering why Yue Huanghe went to the Meteorological Bureau. Fortunately, he knew your report without death. District Chief Chen smiled and nodded, "It seems to be good news."

"Minister Yue went to the bureau and talked about development and innovation to make the meteorological cause better serve the people. Cadres must pretend to be the masses in their hearts." Huo Guoxiang said, happier and happily afterwards. He laughed happily afterwards. I sent a fax, saying that Yangzhou suffered a lot from the extreme weather this time, and I strongly applied for the pilot project."

"Luck is really good," Chen Taizhong nodded with deep feeling, and Lao Huo called out of luck.

Logically speaking, Huo Guoxiang was worried about falling on the second line. He must have no strong supporter in the game. Then, even if the report he put up is finally passed, it will not be delivered to Yue Huanghe, let alone. This report is more likely to be shelved.

Therefore, what happened at the Provincial Meteorological Bureau in the afternoon, without Lao Huo, Chen Taizhong can also guess one or two. It must be some planning in the bureau, which made Minister Yue not very satisfied. The fax at hand--the Meteorological Bureau will start a pilot project below. We not only plan on paper, but also do it.

But he was still a little puzzled, "Dongchazi Station was smashed, you didn't write it down?"

"Do you think I am stupid?" Huo Guoxiang gave him a white glance, but his face was still grinning, "How can this kind of thing be written on paper? I reported it by phone... Actually, the bureau already knew it. ."

District Chief Chen guessed it was right. Director Huo was happy to be here. He even knew that the bureau was very disapproving of his It was indeed Yue Huanghe who criticized him and said Your Meteorological Bureau didn't have any real actions.

At this time, someone remembered that they could use this fax to tell the story-we are also very concerned about the suffering of the masses.

Fortunately, Director Huo did not write down the situation of the Dongchazi station being smashed. Although the bureau leaders here have almost heard about it, who would be so stupid to say it at this time?

Therefore, Minister Yue, who was deceived, saw the application from the meteorologists who care about the masses. It was very positive and touching, so he decided on the spot. This Yangzhou Meteorological Bureau's suggestion is very good. I think it can be a pilot.

This deception is needed by everyone, and the bureau leaders have said that the Minister, your instructions are timely and correct.

After Huo Guoxiang received the news, he was determined that even if he still had no support in the bureau, he didn't need to worry too much about this position. Someday Minister Yue would think of him and ask, the bureau leader can still say that we adjusted him. ?

The only thing he feels a little bit worried now is Chen Taizhong's reaction-this product is too lawless. In case of poor communication and great things happen again, Minister Yue knows that the cause of this incident is the Beichong weather station.

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