Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred fifty three-three thousand seven hundred fifty four

Chapter 3753 Don't Have Inside Information (Part I)

Li Shilu's mood is very irritable now. At his strong request, Beichong Hotel turned over the place related to the employees. Even the business room responsible for sending and receiving faxes checked, but no missing items were found. www.)

Fortunately, when the police searched the room where he was staying, they did not find the lost property, otherwise he would lose his face.

So next, we have to talk about compensation. If the guest loses something while staying in the hotel, it is enough for the hotel to have a prompt and no compensation is required. But the problem now is that the owner suspects that the hotel thief did it. , So he has to make a claim.

Of course, Ma Yuanyuan could not agree to this excessive request. After her understanding, she confirmed that the son of Li Yongsheng, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, indeed went to the Asada Daily News Agency. Is it called Li Shilu? She hasn't inquired yet, but look at it. Talking, it should be the person, and once you get to know the family that married the girl in Bei Chong, you will be more certain.

Since he is the son of the deputy secretary-general of the Tangtang Provincial Party Committee, there should be no problem of blackmail, but President Ma still firmly stated that the case has not been solved, and want us to compensate? There is no way-even if the case is solved, the person who stole you will lose money. If it is really an employee of my hotel, we will only compensate you symbolically at best.

I really don’t care about your money. Li Shilu finally showed his "not bad money" side. I now offer a reward. Who can solve this case? Whoever belongs to the mobile phone? I just want to catch the thief immediately. !

Now that the suspect is not locked, how can I catch it? Ma Yuanyuan was bored, but thinking of this background, she still had to welcome her politely-when did you ask me to solve the case? Please, how do I know this?

So you are just watching your guests suffer losses? Li Shilu was outraged: I am at the scene, and you all have this attitude. Once I leave. Is this a standard headless case?

You don't have to leave, President Ma really can't stand the temper of the second generation of officials, the same situation. If it happened to someone else, she would have pushed it to the logistics chief to grind it up-everything that should be said has been said.

So she said. If you want to stay to see the results, I can waive your three-day accommodation fee, which is also our sincerity.

Where can I wait for you so much idle time? Li Shilu laughed out of anger. How much is my work? Well, if you don’t compensate for this, don’t blame me for exposing it in the newspaper.

If the second generation of officials is a cow, his father's identity is scary, and he himself is not simple. Asada Daily is not big, but it is definitely not small, given his background. Expose the little Bei Chong. How big is that?

But Ma Yuanyuan is not very scared. Still the same sentence, too far away, the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee wanted to find something here, and there is still a city party committee behind-for the theft of thousands of dollars that is not clear? That's really nonsense.

So President Ma’s attitude is also very clear. We didn’t say nothing at all. After all, you have lost something. In this way, your ticket to Chaotian is out of the hotel. This is not a guilty conscience, but just out of humanitarian considerations. .

Li Shilu said that he could not talk about the essentials, and he felt that the people of Beichong were too negligent. If a similar incident happened in Chaotian, the police would not have to cast a net and search for clues desperately? It's really poor and bad.

Angrily, he ran out and made a call to his dad, but his dad was busy, and the secretary answered the phone, but the secretary called back soon afterwards—your dad said, thousands of dollars. , Can't you give him a call?

Don't mention the anger in Reporter Li's heart. It was about twelve o'clock. He wouldn't be able to return to Chaotian if he didn't leave. Only then did he suddenly discover that Beichong's connection and bidding had been lowered.

So he became more and more angry, "Why is the coaxing Police Officer Chen gone? You are making up your mind and turning the big things into small things? If this is the case, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Officer Chen is busy at work," the logistics chief replied naturally. His chief was appointed by Ma Yuanyuan at all. Let alone the establishment, he is just a contract worker—of course, he is a contract worker who is not easy to terminate. .

Mr. Ma is not afraid of this reporter, he naturally wants to rush ahead, so he didn't point out the identity of District Chief Chen at all. "He has a lot of things in a day, the phone is busier than everyone's combined, so I can't worry about it for the time being."

"It's just a small policeman," Li Shilu snorted disdainfully. The biggest of you in Beichong is just the head of the branch. Of course, he didn't say this-Secretary-General Li is somewhat tutored.

"But, I love my job." With a soft cough, District Chief Chen walked into Mr. Ma's office with his hands on his back.

Chen Taizhong has already found part of the answer, but he is really not so busy. Just now he called to deal with a few things. He was about to have lunch before he came over and planned to end the farce.

Hearing the other party's utter insults, he smirked, "I already have the eyebrows. Reporter Li, if you guessed wrong, can you apologize for your smear of Beichong Hotel?"

Li Shilu was stunned for a while, nodded for a while, and still arrogantly replied, "If the evidence is sufficient, I don't mind apologizing, I am not afraid of admitting mistakes."

"Okay, come here, let me tell you a few words," Chen Taizhong raised his hand to call him, put his mouth to his ear, and whispered a few words, Li Shilu nodded slightly as he listened, then turned his head suspiciously. Take a look at a few of your companions.

Next, Officer Chen turned and walked outside, muttering softly, "You all follow."

A group of people followed him out of the building, took a few turns on the path paved with bluestone, came to a lush holly, stopped, and pointed in one direction without speaking.

Chen Taizhong also struggled to find this lost property. Although he has the eye to use, the area of ​​Beichong Hotel is really not small. Fortunately, he put the suspicion on Li Shilu from the beginning, so he must stand by the other side. From a perspective, consider where the lost property should be hidden.

Since it is an outsider, it is not appropriate to hide in the building, because it is likely to be found by people in the hotel, and the most likely place to hide things has been turned over. The possibility of hiding outside the building is great.

There are also many places to hide things outside the building. Chen Taizhong opened his eyes and searched little by little, finding it very hard. Finally, among a bunch of bushes, a plastic bag was found with three mobile phones in it. Some cash.

This guy who hides things is very good, he didn’t just dig a hole in the ground to bury things. At first, Chen Taizhong thought that the thief would bury things in the ground and get out after a while, so he could find it. Very hard.

Unexpectedly, people hid the objects directly in the dense trees. The holly here is too luxuriant. Even if there is a gardener to trim the branches and leaves, you can't see the hidden bag.

And this branch is no better than dirt. After they were separated, they could be closed again, and there was no strangeness from the outside, and Beichong Hotel was an old hotel. The housing is not very good. However, the flowers, plants, and trees are extremely luxuriant, even if all the police from the Beichong branch are scattered. Search carefully in the bushes, and you can't find it without more than a day's work.

The lost property was found, but who is the thief is still uncertain, but Chen Taizhong can be sure that there is more than 90% possibility that it is the work of Li Shilu’s friends-locals may also be here, but it is clear that outside The suspicion is greater, and the two waiters have never had a criminal record.

So he didn't rush to take out the plastic bag—the contents of the plastic bag must have fingerprints, which could identify the thief. This was only a short process. He called Li Shilu over, just to slap him in public.

Reporter Li didn't look at the direction he was pointing carefully, but followed Police Officer Chen's instructions and scanned his four friends from the corner of his eye. As expected, when Officer Chen raised his hand, someone looked extremely ugly.

"Oh," Li Shilu sighed, raising his hand to separate the holly, Chen Taizhong stopped him, "Don't move, there may be clues in it."

As he said, he bent down, picked up a branch, and gently separated the leaves of holly, exposing the plastic bag inside, "Look, this is what I found... Isn't this phone yours?"

At this moment, the expression on Li Shilu’s face was really very rich, angry, surprised, confused and sad. After a long time, he sighed, "Thank you, Officer Chen, for helping me find the lost item. Now that the item is found, then The thief... there is no need to pursue it."

"Hey, look at you beautiful," Police Officer Chen laughed, "When we were buried in Beichong, you see how many words you have, now you can solve the case one step away, you won't be held accountable? Can I? It have colluded with your companions and want to blackmail our Beichong Hotel?"

"Yes, Reporter Li, you still plan to expose it in the newspaper," the logistics chief added indifferently.

"Hey," Li Shilu chuckled his teeth painfully, and then glanced at Ma Yuanyuan next to him, "I'm scaring people, so it's impossible to expose it. If I expose it, I will expose it directly. What else will I tell you? President Ma... Come with me and listen to my explanation."

"You can explain to Police Officer Chen," Ma Yuanyuan saw this, knowing that the hotel had won the game, so she took advantage of this little white face.

"Then you two, please come with me," Li Shilu took the two aside, smiling wryly, spreading his hands, "To be honest, I also know very well in my heart that it may be our insiders...but I dare not admit it. I dare not face this. Those three are my classmates. I can trust them very much. The only suspect is my cousin."

"You dare not face it, just plant on our hotel?" Ma Yuanyuan heard that the boss was uncomfortable. How did she say that she was also the leader of the hotel. How could she tolerate such bullying by others?

Chapter 3754 Don't Have Inside Information (Part 2)

"I said this, I just want to prove it first. I can't expose this incident because my companions are also suspicious." Li Shilu's face became paler. Obviously, this incident really hit him hard. , "As a reporter, I must report things fairly and impartially. My companions are all suspected. May I report without my conscience?"

In fact, Chen Taizhong looked very uncomfortable with this product, arrogant and arrogant, but when he heard the other two last words, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: young...

"Then you report the loss and just leave, why push us to this point?" Ma Yuanyuan asked lightly, "For a hotel, reputation is very important, guarding and stealing... You know these four words, right? What does it mean to be a government hotel?"

"I was reckless, and I apologize to you. Mr. Ma." Li Shilu gave a wry smile, raised his hands, and shook Ma Yuanyuan's hand. "But when I persecute the hotel so much, I hope you can find the thief and prove that my companion is innocent... After all, he is the cousin of my target. If I don't know this, I will always have a knot in my heart. For a lifetime."

"Perhaps he is really innocent," Police Officer Chen interjected with a smile beside him, took out a box of cigarettes, placed one on his own, and then remembered it and handed it to Li Shilu. "Hehe, don't be so distressed, wait a moment. The fingerprints are checked out. There will be results."

"It's no longer necessary. I see his face." Li Shipao shook his head bleakly, took the cigarette and lit it, then sighed and smiled miserably, "I really want to find out if it's him, but he After clearing it up, it really hurts, I would rather not figure it out... Hey, this cigarette you smoked?"

"Well, I went to an old cadre's house in the capital to solve the case, and they gave it to him." Police Officer Chen showed off his powerful ability to solve the case. The other party offended first. The more serious he was at this moment, the more he wanted to talk nonsense. Doing it makes him feel good.

"Now I'm expressing my opinion. It is related to the honor of Beichong Hotel. It is impossible not to strictly pursue it... So many guests have seen it. If we don't give you an explanation, what will we do in the future?"

"This... Officer Chen, can you deal with it in a low-key manner?" Li Shilu sighed hard, "My family actually disapproves of me. Her cousin is like this. My family has something to say. Up."

Actually, the hands and feet of your object may not be clean. This bloodline is influential. Officer Chen wants to say that, but he is the leader of a district after all. This is too frivolous to say, so he shook his head, "The crime method is so sophisticated. You must go to your place of origin to check if he has a criminal record. As for you and your target... Then understand Long live."

"You mean... maybe you asked me about my object?" Li Shilu narrowed his eyes and his face became paler, but in this paleness, there was some hideousness and a slight threat.

The love is really only born in a rich family. Chen Taizhong secretly sighed, but he really didn’t like the other party’s tone of office. He couldn’t say that his face fell. I'm grinning... believe it or not I dare to investigate this way?"

"Tsk," Li Shilu flicked helplessly. For him, it was enough to recognize the true face of this big brother. He really didn't want to further affect his relationship, especially if the other party planned to go to his hometown to collect evidence.

But this matter was caused by him. When his subject heard this, he would definitely have a pimple in his heart. This result was not what he wanted, so he was in a hurry, and then he would once again show the aura of the office.

But the other party actually didn't want to eat this set, and asked back coldly. As expected, he was the one who took the giant panda out to disperse. He really has such confidence, so he smiled bitterly and sighed, "President Chen, I have little experience in young society. Sometimes it is more aggressive, please be considerate, I... if you can handle it low-key, I owe you personal love."

"Beichong Hotel is going to be rebuilt, and there is still a funding gap of 10 million yuan," Officer Chen smiled and took a cigarette. "You are a sentimental young man who has a temperament that is normal. You are most affectionate and sexual... Say your dad?"

"It's impossible. He belongs to the provincial party committee, not the provincial government." Li Shilu shook his head dubiously. "My father is very strict with me, or else... at least I can have a car to drive, and I will be able to drive long distances. car?"

In fact, he has a car and was borrowed by the subject's cousin, but he must emphasize that he has no car at the moment.

"This kind of evil, it's no good, you let me open the net... It's very embarrassing," Police Officer Chen slapped his mouth and squinted to look at Ma Yuanyuan. "You see, Mr. Ma is also nearby. She is District Chief Chen. People who don’t speak now, maybe they hate me in their hearts."

In fact, what he asked just now was that the lion opened his mouth, mainly to see the young man’s character. If the other party accepts it, he will have to verify the authenticity-this is very unlikely, mostly perfunctory, but the other party He simply rejected it clearly, indicating that although this person has problems, at least his nature is more genuine.

Ma Yuanyuan rolled her eyes helplessly when she heard the district head molesting others like this.

"Chen Taizhong's person? That's easy to say," Li Shilu nodded with a smile, then took out a notebook from his pocket, flipped it twice, and reached out to Ma Yuanyuan. "Mr. Ma. Let me borrow your phone and I will talk to District Chief Chen."

Mr. Ma took a look and found that this item was the number of District Chief Chen Lingling. After hesitating for a while, he said timidly, "District Chief Chen is very use it?"

"It's okay. I have a friend who has a good relationship with him," Li Shilu took the phone from her hand and dialed directly.

The next moment, the phone rang, and Officer Chen took out the phone from his pocket and answered the phone with a calm face, "Well...Which of your friends has a good relationship with me?"

"Fuck me," Li Shilu was dumbfounded for ten seconds before pressing the phone. "I said Brother Taizhong, you can't play with people like this."

"You come to our district government reception hotel to run wild and say I play with you?" Officer Chen... District Chief Chen picked up the phone. He gave him a glance. "Say, which friend do you know of me. If you are close, I forgive you this time."

"Jiang Junrong is my sister," Li Shilu replied with a smile, knowing that Officer Chen is Chen Taizhong, and there is no pressure in his heart.

"Fuck me," this time it was District Mayor Chen’s turn to swear. He guessed left and right. He didn’t expect this result. He had guessed the Governor of Europe, Commander Zhao and Minister Yue, and some people outside the province had also guessed. , But I didn't expect the other party to report such a name, "You actually know her?"

"Our two families are close friends, and her grandfather and my grandfather are comrades-in-arms," ​​Li Shilu said with a little complacency, and then sighed again, "but later my grandfather passed away early, and Uncle Jiang developed better."

More than just better? Chen Taizhong hummed inwardly, Jiang Shifang is at least two levels higher than your father. Your Lao Tzu is the main office, and they are the provincial and ministerial heads with real power-these two hurdles are impossible to pass in a lifetime. There are many people.

"You knew her a long time ago, why didn't you find me early?" He took a puff of cigarette and asked faintly.

"The relationship was okay before, this is not the later..." Li Shilu smiled bitterly, and he couldn't say this. Ten years ago, the two families still moved around occasionally, but later the worse the level, the more interesting the exchanges. The key two are not in the same province.

Moreover, Jiang Shifang is getting closer and closer to the Huang family, and Li Yongsheng is becoming more and more out of the same camp. This is the mutual relationship, that is, the old love in the past, it is just a private relationship, and has nothing to do with justice.

In fact, when we have reached the top level, that is, there are so many people who are similar to the people in the small county. Everyone knows everyone, and everyone can have direct or indirect relationships and grievances with each other, but... the division of the camp has benefits. There will be closeness, and may even become the enemy of life and death.

Li Shilu has always had an impression of this beautiful and arrogant young lady, and he has been in contact with her recently, "Jiang Junrong came to my house a while ago to run the sales of Sufeng mobile phones and windmills, and ask my father for support."

"She helped Xu Chunliang to run the wind?" District Mayor Chen was heavily landed again. The mobile phone is easy to run. There are only a few companies connected to the Internet by the Ministry of Information Industry, but there are more licenses for electric vehicles. Local protection is very strong. At present, Haifeng has only promoted 17 or 8 provinces. In some provinces, even if they entered the market, they encountered strong resistance. How did Jiang Junrong think of helping the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission?

Chunliang, Chunliang, you just got married, and your wife is also very beautiful, so you can’t mess around...

Ma Yuanyuan listened to them in a daze, and found that...she really didn't understand, many characters she heard speciously, the origin of which was even more ignorant, but she was sure that the two had a lot of origin.

"I don't know this," Li Shilu shook his head She talked to my dad, and said what job I want to take in Beichong...just report her name. "

"Who does she think she is?" Chen Taizhong snorted angrily. Although Li Shilu is a straightforward person, he can also hear from these words. Some things have not been explained thoroughly-at least Li Yongsheng did not contact him, which means Li Shilu The Secretary-General's attitude towards Bei Chong is not particularly close.

This is normal. Li Yongsheng has scruples about him, who is a member of the yellow line, but this stupid boy Li Shilu has the courage to get close to him-but he did not dare to alarm his father. It is precisely because of this that he encountered this in the Bei Chong Hotel. Reporter Li didn't dare to contact him in his spare time, and was forced to do this in a hurry.

"She said... you would say so, but you will definitely still sell his face," Li Shilu had forgotten his sorrow at this moment. He looked at the young man in front of him with interest and sighed, "Actually. You are also young, and I often quarrel with my partner. Everyone knows in their hearts that the quarrel is just because of caring. If you don’t quarrel, it’s a problem."

"Can you shut up?" District Chief Chen waved his hand, "I have an object, you journalists are really good at divergent thinking..."

(Sent in six thousand two hundred words, it fell to the seventeenth, strongly summoned monthly pass.)

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