Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and forty two-three thousand six hundred and forty three steadily devel

Chapter 3642 Steady Development

"A bunch of bastards!" After entering his room, Chen Zhengkui finally put down the smile on his face and muttered viciously. This time Ma Feiming's trip to the disaster area, he was the biggest loser.

He and Secretary Ma are not in the same camp, but the dignified Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee came down to inspect. He, the mayor, cannot ignore it, otherwise it would be plainly handed. m

And the place that was hit this time was Beichong, the site of the guy who committed the crime, but he still had to go. Xiaojia Village belonged to Beichong and Yangzhou too. How could the dignified Mayor of Yangzhou just ask What about the victims?

Of course, Mayor Chen didn’t have much money for Beichong. This is normal. Yangzhou is poor anyway, and Ma Feiming added the money to 2 million. It doesn’t matter to him-the dignified Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee spoke. Not worth a million?

However, Secretary Ma’s instructions on the oil shale project were really too slapped. Chen Zhengkui felt hot on his face at the time. The most annoying thing was the surname Ma’s pretense, and he thought it was assigned to Bei Chong—I If you don't believe me, you have never heard of my grievance with Chen Taizhong.

But at that moment, Chen Zhengkui realized the fact that he did not have the qualifications to be unscrupulous and strong, especially when he faced Shang Bei Chong-below was the little bastard's unscrupulous confrontation, and above was the suppression of the old bastard. There is no personal grievance in this suppression, purely because of the needs of the struggle between the camps.

I just want to do something, Ma Feiming, can you make sense? Mayor Chen is not ashamed of this method of suppressing in order to suppress. But obviously. When he was complaining, he didn't think about how he got Chen Taizhong into trouble.

There are **** above and below him, and his partner is not a good thing. If it weren't for Li Qiang's intentional or unintentional instigation, he would not have faced such embarrassment. I must say that among these three people, he hates Li Qiang even more—— Na Ya is simply the villain hiding behind the yin.

Anyway, these three people joined forces. He is a small mayor who is not enough to look at. No matter how deep the background is, it is useless. In fact, he has realized it. Even if he was willing to endure it until Ma Feiming left, as long as Li Qiang and Chen Taizhong joined forces, it was still impossible for him as the mayor to show off in Yangzhou.

He really did not expect that this consciousness... was actually implied by Secretary Ma intentionally or unintentionally. Ma Feiming would not be boring enough to directly target him, but how much effort would it take to make a case?

This situation must be changed! Chen Zhengkui adjusted his mentality. Let his mind be more ethereal, the next moment, he suddenly realized that something might be a breakthrough-Ma Feiming is number one, but Chen Taizhong is a member of the Huang family. You two get together, this What's the matter?

Chen Taizhong, don't think that only you know the Huang family! Mayor Chen didn't have the guts to hook up the number one person, but it's really not difficult to connect with the old masters like the Huang family...

He was gnashing his teeth. Shen Jianshe knocked on the door and came in. "Mayor, the disaster relief tent of the Civil Affairs Department has arrived. There are 500 tents in total, shall we sign for it?"

"What does the Civil Affairs Bureau eat?" Chen Zhengkui snorted. "Do you want the city to organize a receipt?"

"Didn't you mean... the city has to keep two hundred emergency tents?" Shen Jianshe looked at Mayor Chen in amazement at the five hundred tents. It was allocated to Xiaojia Village by the Civil Affairs Department. Although Xiaojia Village has only 700 people, the rainy season is long and reconstruction is far away. There are still many relief materials to be stored. Yangzhou City has applied for 500 tents. Not much.

But Yangzhou’s application is not very simple. According to the city’s estimation, Xiaojia Village can only use 300 tents for the sky. Then we will report 500 tents. If the province does not agree, Yangzhou will also Leave room for bargaining.

In view of the serious disaster in Xiaojia Village, the Provincial Civil Affairs Department may not dare to deduct it at will. Yangzhou City Government also has a response plan. No matter how many tents are sent, as long as more than 300 tents are sent, the city will temporarily intercept them.

The interception of relief supplies is a taboo, but everyone must first see that there are three hundred tents in Xiaojia Village, which is definitely enough. In this lawsuit, Chen Zhengkui is not afraid to fight Chen Taizhong into the province. There are more than 700 people in this village. Two hundred households, three hundred tents are not enough?

It should be noted that the original building in Xiaojia Village is only more than 400 rooms. It is an extraordinary period. There are 300 tents, plus the support from the city and the army in the early stage. There are also more than 350. Enough.

The tents temporarily detained were originally taken by the city in Xiaojia Village’s car and deliberately overreported. If the province is willing to give it, Yangzhou will intercept it and reserve it to deal with possible disasters-this kind of flexibility. The method is not afraid of being exposed.

The Civil Affairs Department delivered 500 tents, and Shen Jianjian also knew Mayor Chen’s calculations, so he came to report. If you don’t show up, it is estimated that Bei Chong will have to leave the more 200 tents. Up.

So now he heard that the tent had arrived as many times as possible, and he was about to report it. Unexpectedly, Mayor Chen had changed his attitude. For a while, he was really wondering how much he was wondering.

"How many tents should be given to Beichong, let the Civil Affairs Bureau do it, what should we worry about?" Chen Zhengkui asked indifferently, without any expression on his face.

Are you scared by Chen Taizhong? Shen Jianshe couldn't help but think so, and a faint sorrow was also born in his heart. If I knew that you were just such a little bearer, why did I bother to be boring?

He thought so, but he didn't dare to care too much, so he nodded, "Then let it go to Director Yang?"

Chen Zhengkui glanced at him and didn't even bother to say anything. After the other party withdrew, he snorted-sign for? I won't sign for it. You don't even know what batch of goods the Civil Affairs Department sent.

Mayor Chen has not been in vain during his years in the province. He has met many people up and down. Although most of them are nodding acquaintances, they are also contacts. When he becomes the mayor, someone will come to the door. To deepen friendship.

So he knew that the tents sent by the Civil Affairs Department this time were stocks from the flood fighting and rescue operations in 1996-yes. It’s 1996, not 1998. The flood in Hengbei that year was huge.

Six years have passed in a flash. Everyone wants what this inventory will look like. Not to mention that the wind and rain fade and mold. Rats have built a nation in it. I can’t blame the library for failing to control it. It’s a long time ago. ——It is necessary that it is not bad for a year or two, but if it is not bad for ten or eight years... then it will stand in the way of money.

Because Secretary Ma attaches great importance to it, the Civil Affairs Department picked it up. I chose something that was reluctant and a little more sensible, and sent it to Yangzhou, but according to Chen Zhengkui's understanding, this batch of materials was really problematic--that is, Bei Chong was in a hurry. Everyone can only allocate from the inventory, and the shortcomings are inevitable.

These reasons are barely tenable, but poor storage is a problem in the civil administration system. They should explain to Beichong. At this time, the municipal government has to come forward and sign for the receipt. It is really troublesome-rather than the two hundred. If you set up your tent, you can't take this kind of inexplicable grudge.

Chen Zhengkui had already weighed these things into account, but he wouldn't explain to Shen Jianshe why he had turned against him. He could only secretly sigh in his heart: This grassroots job is really difficult to do. There are too many accidents.

However, with this emotion, he felt a little speculation in his heart. He didn't know how Chen Taizhong felt when he saw this batch of tents? He was thinking about it, and Shen Jianshe's phone number came in again, "Mayor, Vice Mayor Zhou Yangzhi came back from inspection and stayed in Chaotian for a short time. Please give instructions to work."

Where can I instruct? Mayor Chen snorted coldly. "Take the call... Mayor Zhou, France and his party, how did you get away?"

"The harvest is not small, I feel the cutting edge of this fabric" Mayor Zhou replied with a smile. "The ramie in Yangzhou is truly unique. It has great potential to be tapped."

Otherwise, after the delegation went to Paris, according to Prince's arrangement, they had to live in the Phoenix office in Europe. The cost of accommodation here is not low, but it is more spacious and comfortable.

However, neither Gu Zhen nor Zhou Yangzhi could accept such an arrangement, because the European Office could not issue invoices—in fact, this is only an overseas base in Phoenix City. All settlements are internal, which is basically tax evasion for the French. Tax evasion.

So we can only stay separately. We don’t stay together at night and meet during the day. We all go around together. There are many places worth visiting in Paris in the early spring.

In Paris, there are many people from Tiannan and Hengbei. When they were walking around, they were spotted by more than a dozen blacks. They opened their heads in the distance. Hengbei also knew that Paris was not peaceful and wanted Call the police, Tiannan said no.

Director Yuan of the European Office made a phone call, and within a short while, a few cars carried a dozen idlers. As soon as the idlers got out of the car, a dozen black people fled in the form of birds and animals.

"Your Phoenix Office in Europe is really amazing." Gu Zhen, the female mayor, had to say with emotion, "I heard that Paris is in chaos, and I didn't think you could live them."

"We can't help them either. This is the Italian Mafia" Yuan Jue replied with a smile, "These, don't dare to provoke them."

"The Mafia" Qi Qi expressed surprise among the many local sticks in Yangzhou. For them, this is a legendary existence. "You... still have contacts with them?"

"Not much contact." Yuan Jue smiled. "But they were all afraid of Director Chen. When Director Chen was there, all Chinese in Paris, who were wronged, could sue him. You are welcome... Zhou is a blessing to you people in Yangzhou."

"Chen Taizhong can suppress the Italian Mafia?" Gu Zhen, the executive deputy, expressed doubts.

"They are not great either." Yuan Jue replied faintly. "We will think they are great, but for Director Chen... When our European office was listed, Don? Anthony and Dano were here, this Dano , There are guerrillas in hand."

The Italian guerrillas... a bureaucrat in Yangzhou really felt like they were listening to the heavens when they heard such words.

Chapter 3643 Steady Development

Zhou Yangzhi also heard such rumors with his own ears. The rumors can be fake, but the admiration on the faces of those people can't be pretended, so after a temporary inspection by the police at the Capital Airport and a trip to Paris, He really extinguished his eagerness to compete.

He was like this. Xu Ruilin and the people in Beichong felt even more profound. So after they came back, they went back to Beichong without waiting for the people in the city. It was 6 pm when they returned to the district.

This time it is an inspection. In fact, I went on a tour. Everyone brought back a lot of things. Even Wang Yuanyuan bought more than a dozen clothes and three pairs of shoes.

"It's nice to be young." District Mayor Chen couldn't help but sighed as she watched her move into the house in large and small packages. He thought of the first time he went to Paris with the group. Although the time has not passed, it seems to have passed. It's been so far away for decades.

The next moment, he remembered that Wang Yuting had no money at that time. I borrowed some from him, so he asked casually, "How much did you pay for these things?"

"Eight thousand. It's all... I saved it." Wang Yuanyuan was shocked when he heard him ask, she looked at the leader cautiously. "Later District Mayor Xu lent me ten thousand, there are more than four thousand in there. The clothes for Hu Yunjuan were given to Hu Yunjuan. We are about the same size as our feet."

Similar figure? District Chief Chen glanced at her and found...Tsk, it's just starting to warm up. He nodded lightly, "You are still young, you must pay attention to financial matters."

"Last time... the last time Secretary Zheng asked me to give me money, I didn't ask for it." Wang Yuanyuan's face flushed slightly. The last time she tried to seduce District Chief Chen, she was stuffed with a kitchen knife in her hand. .

You have only worked for a few years now, and you have to support your younger brother to go to school. It’s not easy to save eight thousand, right? Chen Taizhong murmured inwardly. However, he was reluctant to pursue this little money. He said that he couldn't take out two bundles of money from his clothes pocket and put it on the coffee table. "First, pay back Lao Xu's money. He has two more little babies in his family. Use money. There are so many places."

Wang Yuanyuan hesitated, she went over and put away the 20,000 yuan. "When I make money, I will pay you back slowly."

"This money is given to you." Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually, and pointed to her again, "You are the person next to me, you must control your hand, otherwise it is easy to be used by others... People will fall, really quickly."

"I will take care of it, please rest assured" Wang Yuanyuan nodded earnestly. She already has a higher goal to pursue, and naturally she will not make any mistakes because of temporary economic distress.

"After you have cleaned it up, just order the food." Chen Taizhong didn't tell her any more. He went upstairs to change his clothes. It was a light rain this afternoon. At that time, he was inspecting the growth of ramie, muddy his trousers, and his shirt was wet .

When he came downstairs, he found that Liao Dabao and Hu Yunjuan had also come, Xiao Hu dragged Wang Yuanyuan into the room to try on clothes, while Director Liao placed tableware in the hall.

It seems that because of Wang Yuanyuan’s return, the small courtyard has become a lot more lively. Just when the food and beverages were all set, Bai Fengming came. The recent rain has slowed down the project he was responsible for. This time he came to The district mayor reported, "With this kind of rain, the civil engineering has a hidden danger of landslides, and the speed cannot rise."

"Then slow down a little bit." District Mayor Chen was helpless. "Safety must be the first priority."

With the development of various projects in Beichong, the issue of construction safety gradually came to the table. At the beginning, Chen Taizhong did not pay attention to this aspect, but in the past two months, several consecutive safety accidents occurred, resulting in two injuries. Yi disabled.

What needs to be pointed out is that no matter what kind of construction, there are certain risks, but the problem that Beichong is currently facing is that there are too many places to start construction, and some good and bad things are uneven.

Some engineering teams are experienced and able to pay attention to production safety as much as possible. Some engineering teams are just a bit close, especially some of the Tutai team in Beichong, who have no sense of prevention at all. They only know how to work and think they are good guys.

For example, there is one person who does not wear a seat belt when working at heights. He unambiguously thinks that it is unnecessary. As a result, he stepped on the air and broke a leg—the safety awareness was too bad.

"In the last one or two days, organize a safety production conference, as long as it is started in Beichong, you have to come." District Mayor Chen was a little helpless, he had to take care of everything. This conference can be hosted by Bai Fengming. However, the presence of the district governor can show the district government's importance on this matter. "I will also say a few words at that time."

After that, the meal was served, and the chopsticks were picked up. Xu Ruilin knocked on the door and came in. He was only going home. It is said that he wanted to play with his daughter first, but there was such a thing in Xiaojia Village. What happened to him? Must take over immediately.

"Let's sit down and eat together" District Chief Chen greeted him to sit down, laughing and joking, "Old Xu, you had a good time, but I was almost scared of a heart attack and I was exhausted."

"I came here to get a general understanding of the situation." District Mayor Xu sat down unceremoniously. "How is the mood of the masses, do I need to go over and take a look after eating?"

"It's not necessary. You have a good rest today. Take the jet lag. Tomorrow morning, go to the Yangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau to pick up the tent. If you can get there that day, you can quickly set up the tent with the help of the soldiers." District Chief Chen He ordered a word and asked him with a smile. "How do you feel about going to France?"

"The gap... In addition to the gap or the gap, I finally know how far we are from the international metropolis" Xu Ruilin shook his head deeply. Then he brightened his eyes, "However, hemp fiber fabrics are promising in terms of clothing. Clothing similar to fabrics is generally more expensive than ordinary fabrics."

"Really, how much higher can it be?" This time, it was Bai Fengming's turn to be interested.

After chatting for a while, District Mayor Xu glanced at Chen Taizhong. "District Mayor, this time in Paris. I met a man named Xun Dejian. He said that he has a good relationship with you. I heard that we are going to raise baby fish. He is very interested in investing in this. "

"That's a foodie, and it's still talkative" District Mayor Chen laughed when he heard the name, and then nodded thoughtfully. "He is from the Xun family and wants to invest in Wawayu... I think it's true. can."

"I think so too. But I haven't talked to him about this return." Xu Ruilin smiled and replied. He was very clear about the conditions set by Wang Ruiji, although President Wang has now withdrawn. He didn't want to rashly agree to a province.

"Wait until he comes," District Chief Chen replied disapprovingly. In fact, from Catherine’s investment, little by little, to Shao Guoli and Tang Liping, and then he stopped Gong Nanhua’s wife and driver in the capital, and now Xun Dejian came to find him, Bei Chong began to melt into him little by little. The life of the past.

You must know that when he first came to Beichong, he felt that this place was backward and closed. He didn't know what to do with the previous circle. He didn't know how to do it. Now he is more and more able to use other help. not bad.

The meal didn't last long. Everyone left at eight o'clock, but at eight ten ten, someone rang the doorbell, but Lin Jilong, the mayor of Sanlun Town, came.

District Mayor Chen thought he was here to report on the situation in Xiaojia Village. Unexpectedly, after Mayor Lin entered the door, he said excitedly, "District Chief, thank you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Taizhong frowned first, then suddenly nodded, "Chu Baoyu resigned?"

"It seems to be coming soon." Lin Jilong smiled and nodded. "In the afternoon, Secretary Sui and Minister Huo talked to me and asked me to be prepared to bear heavy burdens."

Mayor Lin really didn’t expect that he just squatted in the rain for a night, and he was about to make progress. He, the mayor, was just elected, and he didn’t even serve as deputy secretary in Sanlun Town. Now He is about to become party secretary.

"It is necessary for meritorious merit to be awarded." Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually and motioned to the other party to sit down. "This is the organization's affirmation of your performance and its trust in you."

"It's mainly your support from the district mayor. I know this in my heart." Mayor Lin replied with a smile. He came so late and came to the effect. Sui Biao would not be so kind and put him up directly. What are the arrangements in Lunzhen? Even if you tell me, I will definitely have your trust."

"First of all, we must be worthy of the expectations of the people of Sanlun Town." District Mayor Chen felt very helpful. A town party secretary Natou then paid his This is also a help for him, but he still has to sing. High-profile "Xiaojia Village’s disaster relief fund will soon be allocated, and you will give me the money to the place...or I won’t agree."

"Don't worry," Lin Jilong replied with a smile, "The district is making this tender announcement. Next, I want to make an announcement in Sanlun Town. Even the policy is announced. Do you think this... is it appropriate?"

"Well, I think it can be done." Chen Taizhong nodded. This is a pleasant surprise. The district government made a public announcement and was originally crossing the river by feeling the stones. Now Sanlun Town can volunteer to be a pilot, and it is not worthwhile that I speak for you. "Except Anyone who requires confidentiality can be shown publicly...Well, you and Comrade Sui Biao will also report this idea."

Mayor Lin had nothing to say for ten minutes. He stood up and left. District Mayor Chen was very satisfied. He saved a village in exchange for a town’s refuge. This business was very worthwhile. It shows that this bad It must be all bad.

However, most of the bad things are really not much better. The next morning, Chen Taizhong received a call from Xu Ruilin when he was watching the bidding results of the district hospital. District Mayor Xu said angrily, "Mayor, this tent is full It's tattered, and some have been bitten by rats..."

(To be continued [(m) No pop-up reading]

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