Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4361: Ramie Index

Chapter 4361 Ramie Index

The current price of hemp is indeed very abnormal. When hemp began to be collected in August, the price of hemp per kilogram was just over nine yuan. In September, it was still quite strong.

Just when the hemp farmers believed that he could make a lot of money this year, in late September and early October, the price of hemp began to fall, and this drop fell to the bottom. Up to now, the price of hemp has fallen below every Seven kilograms.

Ordinarily, this price is higher than last year's hemp price, but the people don't know it in their hearts. They are always worried about falling like this and don't know when it will be exhausted.

But this stubble of hemp has just been cut, and the second stubble of hemp is still a few days away. At this moment, the hemp is harvested, and it is really a heavy loss.

In fact, a lot of people suffered a lot from the first crop of hemp. When everyone saw that the price of hemp was strong, they kept holding on, thinking that the second crop of hemp would come down, and I would have more hemp in my hands, so I would have more say.

Unexpectedly, before the second crop of hemp has come down, the price of hemp will fall violently-no matter how much hemp he has in his hands, can he still fight the market? It should be understood that since ancient times, the poor do not fight against the rich, and no matter how much truth you have in your hand, if you can’t keep up with your money, then it’s no use.

Many people suffered a loss in this link, but the people in Beichong had a good fate. Seeing that the district only received 6.51 kilograms of hemp, they couldn’t help but take out. Some even said that Secretary Chen did not like the long-term high price of hemp. Everyone flocked to take out, and until the price of hemp fell, Beichong's hemp was almost sold.

Chen Taizhong’s repeated failures resulted in Bei Chong’s position in the ramie industry in a very delicate position. In the next few years, as long as Bei Chong harvested hemp, others followed suit. Bei Chong ignored the high price of ramie. , The price of hemp can't go up.

Take Liyang as an example. As long as Beichong harvests, Liyang will receive it, and Beichong has low prices. The price in Liyang was lower, and a phone call came over, saying that the price of Beichong hemp had risen, and Liyang had definitely risen even harder.

This is not the only case in Liyang, everyone is the same. The land and sea people who scramble for hemp also look at the wind direction of Beichong-although the hemp output of Beichong is not very high, the weather vane is the weather vane.

And after research, the price of ramie is actually related to the general economic situation of the country. When the economy is good, the price of hemp will naturally rise. In any case, ramie products are high-end consumption, and the national economy is optimistic. The price of hemp cannot fall.

A few years later, there was an index in economics—the Beichong Ramie Index. This index seemed to be insignificant to most people, but it could truly reflect part of the market economy.

But this index is quite terrible for people who speculate about ramie, so it was years after Chen Taizhong left Beichong. This index plays a key guiding role in the ramie market-the power of inertia is really scary.

These go far, in fact. In Beichong, Chen Taizhong has been asked by Ma Nong many times recently-District Mayor Chen, the price of hemp has fallen too sharply. Is it possible to increase? No more rise. Our two crops of hemp did not grow well, we had to cut it.

Hemp in the district is six dollars and five dollars. You think it's a bargain, you can take it out, Secretary Chen replied irresponsibly.

The hemp farmers in Beichong are not too problematic, anyway, most people have already sold the hemp for a good price, but the hemp farmers in Liyang are simply blind.

For the first crop of hemp, the hemp dealers from outside paid a high price, but Beichong did not force the purchase, and everyone sold very well, but for the second crop of hemp, the price trend, everyone could not understand-Nima, you guys The price has fallen too fast, right?

When they don’t understand, everyone thinks of Beichong again, but when asked, Beichong’s hemp price is still the same, at six and five yuan per kilogram. It’s better to sell it directly to hemp dealers. For a while, everyone is angry. Yes, people from Beichong, you earned so much from us last year, don't you know how to take care of it this year?

At this time, no one thought that Bei Chongken's six yuan a piece of hemp was collected from Liyang City's hard work. Everyone only saw that Bei Chong made a lot of money, and he did not expect the deputy in charge at that time. Mayor Wang Suhua couldn't sell hemp, so he wanted to jump off the building.

People are always forgetful.

Chen Taizhong was actually not interested in making the report, but Jin Jianguo spoke up. It would be inappropriate for him not to go. Tiannan exchanged cadres to Hengbei. He only had contact with Minister Jin. The others seemed to disappear suddenly. Gone.

In fact, it was true. Many cadres scattered to the county and district, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. The people who stayed in the provincial party committee and the provincial government agencies only had a little trick and coveted ease, and they couldn't do anything.

To put it bluntly, only Chen Taizhong was the only cadre who came to Hengbei in Tiannan, and Jin Jianguo developed like a decent one—except for them, there was no one else.

The reason that Chen Taizhong can develop so well is that there are different opinions, but there is no doubt that Minister Jin is drenched in the camp.

No matter how the above camps are drawn, their alliance is inevitable. The so-called hilltop is reflected here. At least Chen Taizhong thinks that, Jin Jianguo's face, I want to buy it.

So he went to Liyang again, and roughly estimated the next direction of ramie, but no one likes this direction, even Wang Suhua can only curl his lips-Secretary Chen believes that the price of ramie will fall.

Chen Taizhong also felt that he seemed to be the enemy of the world in Liyang, but he didn't care very much. After finishing the forecast report, he turned around and left, ignoring Liyang's retention.

When I saw my small courtyard, it was almost seven o'clock. Although Secretary Chen didn't do anything meaningful on this day, he felt exhausted physically and mentally, "Hey, I finally got home."

Bei Chong is actually not his home. Chen Taizhong knew this very well. The sound of horseshoes he got was just passing by, not returning. But in this place, he put too much effort and dreams to see that red With green tiles on the wall, I feel like I am going home - nothing more than a place to rest.

But when he opened the door and entered, seeing the noise in the yard, he felt a little strange.

A lot of people came to his small courtyard, and these people, unaware of his fatigue, were clamoring there wantonly.

"This is true," Secretary Chen muttered in a low voice, then frowned, "Let's go away, what's the matter, go to the district to talk tomorrow."

"Secretary Chen," a middle-aged woman came over and explained in a flustered manner, "Mr. Anderson asked me to come and talk about renting a nursing home room."

"I'm breaking up, don't you understand?" Chen Taizhong snorted impatiently. "If you have something to do, go to the work unit and say, Anderfu doesn't have any private time?"

"But you were not here yesterday or today," the woman replied aggrievedly, "Angel wouldn't let me call you. Anita will be here tomorrow...I can only come here and wait."

"Oh?" Chen Taizhong glanced at her, feeling a little forgiving. "You can just give the money. She will come and stay when she comes... Go and discuss with District Chief Liu."

"District Mayor Tan and Mayor Liu, I have discussed it," the woman became more aggrieved. This nursing home is really weird. The two district heads said they were in charge of themselves. She did not know that the ownership of this nursing home has not yet been determined. Come down.

In Chen Taizhong’s plan, this sanatorium would be designated as a tourist mouth. The mouth was in charge of Liu Haifang. When Tan Shengli stretched out his hand, he was a little unhappy. However, Lao Tan was in charge of science, education, culture and health, and it could not be said that he just stretched out his hand. wrong.

In fact, this power and responsibility are unknown. He is responsible. He didn’t say clearly, he just said about it. In the future, the sanatorium will cooperate with Wushui Scenic Area, and the two district heads are holding back there, but at present The construction of the sanatorium had just begun, and neither of them had the guts to ran up to Secretary Chen and asked if this piece was under my control.

"What are you looking for after discussing it?" Chen Taizhong frowned slightly, a little curious.

"They both said that they can be the master, I think neither of them can be the master," the woman is here to spend money, but she is not afraid to say directly, she sighed in distress, "but the current sanatorium is the head of Chang. She told me that there was no house, and there was indeed no house at the scene."

"Have you been to the scene?" Chen Taizhong glanced at her, and said that this person is relatively quick to do things, but then he thought about it-I have been waiting for two there is enough time to go to Wushui .

"Well, the place is really good, but it's a pity that there is no house. Ang said that Bei Chong can quickly build a house," the woman showed helplessness in her eyes, "I understand, I need to find District Chief Luo... Secretary Chen, your district There are so many district chiefs, I'm already dizzy."

This is what makes her the most unbearable, renting a few houses to live in, unexpectedly looking for four district heads, and District Chief Na Luo said-she is not affiliated with District Chief Chang, you'd better ask Secretary Chen to coordinate.

The women are a little bit about to collapse, saying that there are many officials in the mainland, and they are very good at prevarication, and they are true.

Chen Taizhong understood that Chang Yuling would definitely not be able to build a house in one day. For this matter, Luo Yaping was responsible for the mobile greenhouse. The four district heads looked back and forth, no wonder the other party was angry.

However, this wrangling is normal. He heard the other party's grievances, smiled disapprovingly, and patiently explained, "This is each performing its own duties. In fact, your encounter is mainly due to our nursing home is under construction and the relevant operating regulations. It hasn't been formulated yet, so I feel a little confused. It will be fine until the beginning of next year...

"I can understand this," the woman nodded, she wanted to say that she didn't understand, dare you? And this explanation sounds very reasonable, "But Anita will be here tomorrow, I can only interrupt Secretary Chen hastily."

"Well, I'll say hello," Chen Taizhong waved his hand helplessly...

Luo Yaping received a call from Secretary Chen and immediately arranged for someone to set up a mobile greenhouse near the nursing home. However, receiving an urgent notice from Secretary Chen at this time, she was really curious: Who will be here?

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